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Mindset, Mood & Movement: Performance, Purpose & Peace
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Mindset, Mood & Movement: Performance, Purpose & Peace

Author: Sal Jefferies

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Welcome to the Mindset, Mood & Movement Podcast. Your essential resource for founders, freelancers, and business owners looking to optimise their mindset, health, and business success.

Dive deep into the realm of human performance with us as we explore the systemic connections between psychology, emotions, and physical wellbeing, and their profound impact on achieving success and fulfilment in both personal and professional life.

Discover 3 key outcome areas: enhancing performance, redefining fulfilment, and cultivating peace of mind. Join me as I feature guest specialists in various fields, offering invaluable insights and expertise plus mini-episodes where I address specific challenge and provide actionable guidance on overcoming these obstacles.

Each episode is crafted to provide education, tools and strategies for you, whether you're navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship or seeking personal growth in your professional journey. My podcast serves as your ultimate guide to self-improvement and achieving excellence in your endeavours.

Expect to gain practical insights, delve into expert interviews, and receive actionable strategies tailored to the unique needs of small business owners and ambitious individuals striving to make a positive impact on the world.
57 Episodes
Are you a founder or entrepreneur struggling to find your purpose? In this episode, I discuss messaging and purpose expert Brad Bucceri to uncover the secrets behind living and working with purpose. Brad shares powerful insights on how to align your life and business with a deeper sense of meaning. Discover how to identify your "golden thread," overcome emotional roadblocks, and create a purpose-driven business that resonates with your audience.Key topics include:How your purpose is hidden in your biggest problemDefining purpose in a business contextThe balance between logic and emotion in decision-makingHow purpose drives success in business and personal growthHow to use your story and unique journey to connect with customersWhy small impacts can lead to big transformationsIf you're a founder, business owner, or entrepreneur seeking to deepen your understanding of purpose and make a meaningful impact, this episode is for you!Chapters:[00:01] Brad Raw’s Journey to Finding Purpose[00:03] How Your Purpose is Hidden in Your Problem[00:04] What Does Purpose Really Mean?[00:06] Purpose vs. Impact in Business[00:09] The Golden Thread: Discovering Your Recurring Themes[00:13] Shifting from Perception to Perspective[00:20] Using Purpose to Drive Business Success[00:27] How to Find Purpose: A 6-Step Process[00:35] Emotional Alignment: Connecting with Your Audience[00:43] The Risks of Ignoring Purpose: Burnout and Depression[00:48] The Power of Asking the Right Questions[00:52] Final Thoughts on Finding Purpose and Business SuccessGet in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me.Get in touch with BradIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact Brad.Link to the episode I mentioned about Anthropology with Jenny Powers -, "On The Origin Of Being'
In this episode, I am joined by Sam Thomas to explore the evolving concept of success. Sam, an entrepreneur and podcast host, shares personal stories about how his view of success shifted from a purely financial goal to one centred around relationships, fulfilment, and well-being. We discuss how societal pressures, especially on men, shape our success definitions and how these pressures can lead to feelings of failure and self-worth issues. We share our experience on the importance of aligning success with values like love, relationships, and personal integrity, rather than just financial milestones. Sam also reflects on a pivotal moment when he faced deep emotional struggles, which eventually transformed his perspective on success, teaching him to appreciate the love and relationships surrounding him.Key Learnings:Redefining Success: Success is not just about financial achievements but also about relationships, fulfillment, and personal growth.Societal Pressures: There is a strong societal focus on financial success, especially for men, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and failure.The Journey Matters: The process and experiences along the way are more important than reaching specific financial or status milestones.Emotional Health: Success should not come at the cost of personal relationships or emotional well-being.Living in the Present: Finding joy and fulfilment in everyday moments and aligning actions with personal values lead to a deeper sense of success.Timestamps:[00:00] Introduction – How do we define success? Meet Sam Thomas and his journey.[00:02] Early Views of Success – Sam’s early ambitions for wealth, cars, and status.[00:04] The Pressures of Success – How society pushes financial success and the toll it takes.[00:06] External Validation Trap – The dangers of seeking approval from others and how to find inner fulfillment.[00:09] Sam’s Turning Point – A personal story of emotional struggle and a shift in perspective.[00:18] Success and Relationships – How love and relationships redefined Sam’s idea of success.[00:23] Breaking Free from Comparison – How comparing yourself to others leads to feelings of failure.[00:33] The Power of Present-Moment Awareness – Learn how to find happiness now, not in the future.[00:42] Stories of True Success – Real examples of people finding fulfilment beyond financial success.[00:52] Final Thoughts – Aligning your life with your values for long-lasting fulfilment.Get in touch with SamIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more about Sam at County Business Clubs, please contact him here. Get in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me.
To have good business arrangements, we need to know as much as possible. Often, there can be gaps in our knowledge. So, I recommend this model to help uncover what we know and what we need to find out. The 3 areas / questions we use to clear up ambiguity and get the full picture are as follows:'The Known knowns' - What do I know that I know? 'The known unknowns' - What do I know that I don't know? 'The unknown unknowns' - what don't I know that I don't know?!Each of these questions will uncover facts, opportunities, threats and areas for more attention. Finding out what you don't yet know is a smart strategy for all new business arrangements. I strongly recommend doing work in this space before committing to agreements. On a positive note, this really does open up the conversation with business partners and hopes build trust and openness.The last one, the 'unknown unknowns' is interesting. It opens up space for creative thinking and possibility. It also creates a margin for if/when unknown, and often unexpected things happen, you can be resilient and adaptable.Get in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me. I offer a free 20 min call where we can discuss a challenge your facing and how I may be able to help you.
In this episode, I speak with Jenny Powers, co-author of On the Origin of Being, about how understanding our evolutionary biology can guide us back to health and fulfilment. We explore the concept of evolutionary mismatch - how modern lifestyles conflict with our ancestral biology - affecting sleep, work, and overall well-being. Jenny shares insights on reconnecting with nature, aligning with our natural rhythms, and prioritising community to counteract the negative effects of modern life. By making small, practical changes, we can improve health, reduce stress, and find lasting fulfilment.Key Learnings:Evolutionary Mismatch: Our bodies haven't evolved to handle the modern environment, causing chronic stress, sleep issues, and diseases.Importance of Sleep: Blue light exposure and irregular sleep patterns disrupt our circadian rhythms, affecting our mental and physical health.Role of Nature: Regular exposure to natural light and outdoor environments can reset our natural rhythms, improving overall well-being.Work Culture: Modern work culture's focus on long hours and productivity is unhealthy. A balanced approach, emphasizing rest and community, is more sustainable.Human Connection: We thrive in communities, and prioritizing relationships and social support is crucial for mental and physical health.Flourishing Over Success: True fulfillment comes from balance, connection, and living in harmony with our environment, rather than the pursuit of material success.Show notes with timestamps.[00:00:00] Introduction to evolutionary health and wellness – Overview of the episode with Jenny Powers, co-author of On the Origin of Being.[00:01:20] Jenny Powers: From immunologist to author – Jenny shares her journey from science to writing about human evolution and health.[00:03:40] What is evolutionary mismatch? – How modern lifestyles disrupt our biology, causing health and wellness issues.[00:06:50] The science of sleep and circadian rhythms – Understanding how sleep patterns evolved and why blue light impacts us.[00:13:50] Sal Jefferies’ tips for better sleep – Personal insights on aligning sleep with natural light for improved performance.[00:16:10] Reconnecting with nature for mental health – How outdoor exposure can reset your circadian rhythm and improve well-being.[00:22:50] The impact of modern work culture on health – Why long work hours and productivity culture are harmful to our health.[00:26:30] Achieving work-life balance through community – The importance of community and connection for mental and physical health.[00:34:40] Consumerism vs. health and happiness – How materialism distracts us from achieving true health and fulfillment.[00:45:00] Rebuilding health through nature and connection – Why reconnecting with nature and people can improve overall health.[00:50:30] Eudaimonia: Flourishing vs. happiness – How pursuing long-term fulfillment leads to a more satisfying life.[00:56:10] Simple steps for a healthier, fulfilled life – Jenny’s actionable advice for improving health and well-being through small changes.To learn more about Jenny go to her Instagram and her book's site, On the Origin of Being, for more.
I dive into the topic of "How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs Around Money." Over the years, I've seen how deeply ingrained beliefs about money can hold people back from achieving financial success, and I’ve personally experienced it too. In this episode, I share how you can start to unravel these limiting beliefs and view money for what it truly is – a neutral, transactional energy. I'll help you separate the negative stories from your past and replace them with a mindset that encourages abundance and flow. Whether you're an entrepreneur or just seeking more financial empowerment, this episode will give you practical insights to transform your relationship with money.Chapters & Timestamps:[00:00:20] Why You Have Limiting Beliefs About MoneyDiscover why many of us develop negative associations with money and how these beliefs affect our lives.[00:00:50] Money is Like Flowing Water – Understanding Financial FlowI explain how money is like water, naturally flowing and neutral, until it is "colored" by personal beliefs.[00:01:40] How to Separate Money From Emotional BeliefsUnpack how personal stories and negative narratives cloud our view of money and stop us from achieving success.[00:02:30] How Your Upbringing Shapes Your Money MindsetExplore the role of family and societal messages in shaping limiting beliefs about money and how to overcome them.[00:03:00] Exercise: Identifying Your Money StoryUse this exercise to reveal your subconscious beliefs about money and start rewriting your money story.[00:03:50] The True Transactional Nature of MoneyUnderstand that money is simply a transactional energy, often earned by the value and impact you bring to the world.[00:05:20] Overcoming Emotional Blocks and Fear Around MoneyLearn how to disentangle emotional charges like fear, guilt, or shame from your financial beliefs to achieve clarity and abundance.[00:06:00] Final Thoughts and EncouragementStart applying these mindset shifts today to overcome limiting beliefs and unlock your financial potential.Get in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me. I offer a free 20 min call where we can discuss a challenge your facing and how I may be able to help you.
In this episode I'm in conversation with Alessandro Calzolari, a specialist in marketing psychology, about the importance of empathy in communication. We discuss its role in effective communication, and strategies for implementing empathetic approaches in both personal and professional contexts. We also unpack the D.I.S.C communication model with the impact of emotional states on communication styles, and the importance of authenticity in building trust and connection.🔑 Key topics:Defining empathy in communicationDISC communication model explainedEmotional intelligence in marketingAuthentic communication strategiesBuilding trust through empathyShow notes with Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction to empathy in communication 01:10 Expert definition of empathy 02:40 Marketing psychology and empathy connection 05:00 The role of emotions in effective communication 06:20 Practical example of empathetic communication 10:30 The power of asking questions and active listening 14:20 Understanding the DISC communication model 19:20 Sharing experiences vs. giving unsolicited advice 25:40 How to identify and use DISC styles in conversations 31:00 Impact of emotional states on communication 34:40 Daily practices for empathetic communication38:20 The importance of open-mindedness in communication 41:40 Conclusion Alessandro Calzolari, based in Brighton and Hove, is an experienced Consumer Psychology & Marketing Consultant. He runs his own company, Alessandro Calzolari. Alessandro uses emotional intelligence (EQ) to improve marketing communication and build customer loyalty. He helps businesses in competitive markets that often struggle with price comparisons.Alessandro Calzolari's BIOBy combining psychology with cost-effective marketing strategies, Alessandro helps businesses and professionals grow and communicate better with their clients. This approach reduces frustration and anxiety, ensuring businesses are valued for their true worth. Alessandro focuses on understanding the needs and challenges of the target audience to ensure they are seen, heard, and understood.Get in touch with Alessandro Calzolari here (The Consumer Psychology and Marketing Consultant) Get in touch with Sal here
Mindset is the inner architecture of your experience. Your thoughts, values, beliefs, worldview, backstory, identity and emotional experience. There are multiple types of mindset we can use and it's important to understand how to do this.To identify and overcome mental blocks, we need to do the 'inner' work. Great news is that our mind is adaptive and we can learn and grow at any point. This, in turn, changes how you see the world, the actions you take and the impact in life and business. The inner work can change everything.Get in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me. I offer a free 20 min call where we can discuss a challenge your facing and how I may be able to help you.
In this episode of the podcast, Sal Jefferies and Gav Willis delve into the synergy between business and social impact. Gav, the founder of Search Seven, shares his journey of balancing profit with purpose, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss the "triple bottom line" approach, which integrates profit, people, and purpose to achieve sustainable success. Key topics include leadership strategies, maintaining a positive company culture, and the importance of community engagement. This episode is a must for entrepreneurs and business leaders aiming to make a positive impact while driving financial success.Key LearningsTriple Bottom Line: Successful businesses should balance profit, people, and purpose.Purpose-Driven Resilience: A clear purpose can help businesses navigate difficult times.Employee Engagement: Engaging employees through shared values and purpose enhances motivation and performance.Proactive Mindset: Adopting a "play to win" mentality fosters growth and innovation.Leadership and Growth: Effective leadership involves nurturing a growth mindset and promoting a positive company culture.Community Involvement: Actively participating in community and charitable activities strengthens business impact and team morale.Chapters00:00 - IntroductionIntroduction to integrating business with social impact.05:50 - Triple Bottom Line ConceptExploring the balance of profit, people, and purpose.06:50 - Purpose-Driven BusinessHow having a purpose helped during the pandemic.08:00 - Play to Win vs. Play Not to LoseImportance of a proactive, growth-oriented mindset.14:00 - Community EngagementThe role of community involvement and charitable work.26:50 - Employee Involvement and LeadershipEngaging employees and fostering a collaborative culture.28:00 - Human-Centric LeadershipUnderstanding and supporting the human aspects of team members.46:50 - Personal Well-being and ProductivityManaging stress, fitness, and maintaining work-life balance.54:10 - Impact Reporting and InspirationThe value of impact reports and inspiring social impact integration.55:10 - Final Thoughts and AdvicePractical tips and encouragement for incorporating social impact into business.You can reach Sal for a conversation here.You can reach Gav at Search Seven to learn more. They are purpose-driven, award-winning agency specializing in Data-Driven SEO & Paid Media. What sets us apart is our commitment to giving back, as we pledge 7% of our profits to charity.
In this episode, I explain how to create effective outcomes including a strategy to achieve your desired result. The steps include having a clear vision, developing a proper strategy, and aligning one's values and current state with the desired outcome. I explain in more depth concepts such as vision thinking, the Reticular Activating System (RAS), and the importance of breaking down big goals into micro-steps. There's a common mistake of thinking your happiness can be found in the future but if you focus on the present moment and create a pathway, you are already connected to success.Timestamps:00:00:10 - Introduction to effective outcomes00:00:40 - Vision thinking and the RAS00:01:50 - Visualizing your desired outcome00:03:00 - Breaking down goals into micro-steps00:04:20 - Avoiding the happiness trap00:04:50 - Values-led approach to goal setting00:06:20 - Aligning current state with future visionPS. Whenever you're ready – here are 3 ways you can make a ‘next-level’ shift in your mindset.🔗 Follow my insights & Mindset content on LinkedIn & Instagram.🔗 Want to know how successful you are (and could be)? Take the test.🔗 Ready to connect? Join me for an insightful conversation.
From Boxing Ring to Personal Growth: In this straight-talking episode, former boxer Ryan French shares his incredible story of overcoming adversity and embracing personal responsibility. Learn valuable lessons on self-awareness, mental toughness, and breaking negative cycles. Key Subjects and Learnings:1. Personal responsibility is crucial for personal growth and overcoming adversity.2. Toxic masculinity and the need to prove oneself can lead to unhealthy behaviors and decision-making.3. Self-awareness and facing one's fears are essential for personal development.4. Consistency in health, fitness, and personal relationships is key to maintaining balance in life.5. Breaking negative cycles from one's upbringing is possible with commitment and self-reflection.6. Finding joy and hobbies outside of work is important for overall well-being.7. Being a reliable and present parent can have a significant positive impact on children.Timestamps:00:00:00 Introduction: The power of taking responsibility00:01:40 Ryan's challenging upbringing and early boxing career00:05:10 The turning point: Learning personal accountability00:08:00 Boxing as a coping mechanism and identity struggle00:13:30 Military service and the road to professional boxing00:24:20 The dark side of boxing: Self-esteem and unhealthy behaviors00:29:50 Going pro: Expectations vs. reality in the boxing world00:35:00 The final fight: Triumph and consequences00:43:20 Post-boxing struggles and health issues00:50:00 Toxic masculinity and the pressure to prove oneself00:53:40 Reinvention: Ryan's new life as a health and fitness coach00:54:30 Finding balance: The importance of hobbies and consistency00:56:30 Personal growth in relationships and fatherhood00:58:40 Final thoughts: Embracing joy and overcoming challenges
I explore the concept of genuine choice-making. I challenge listeners to question whether their decisions are truly their own or influenced by external factors. I share insights from my coaching experiences and introduce the idea of "lean mind" thinking, emphasising intentionality and clarity in decision-making. This episode is essential for anyone looking to improve their decision-making process, increase self-awareness, and achieve greater fulfilment in both personal and professional life.Please 'FOLLOW' on Apple or Spotify or Subscribe on YouTube - it would mean a lot to me if you did. Thanks!Key Learnings:Question whether your choices are truly your own or influenced by past experiences and external factors.Practice intentional decision-making with clarity to make cleaner, more authentic choices.Recognize where you're holding onto ideas, beliefs, or identities that may be limiting your growth.Regularly reflect on your choices and their origins to increase self-awareness.Aligning your purpose and performance through authentic choice-making can lead to greater fulfillment.Show Notes with Timestamps:[00:00:00] - Introduction to the episode's theme: Whose choice is it?[00:00:40] - Sal shares an anecdote about a coaching session on vision thinking[00:01:30] - The apple analogy: How external stimuli influence our choices[00:02:10] - Example of a client shifting their identity and overcoming limitations[00:03:20] - Introduction to the concept of "lean mind" thinking[00:04:00] - Discussion on intentionality and clarity in decision-making[00:04:30] - The principle of not holding on and knowing where you're holding on[00:05:00] - Challenging listeners to reflect on their recent choices[00:05:40] - Invitation to practice conscious, intentional choice-making[00:06:30] - The connection between authentic choices, purpose, and fulfillment[00:07:00] - Conclusion and call to action for listenersPlease check out episode 46 with Ben Johnson. Peripheral thinking. for more about 'lean mind'Contact me here 🔗  to learn more
In this thought-provoking episode, I'm in conversation with entrepreneur and coach Ben Johnson to explore game-changing concepts for business leaders and innovators. Discover the power of peripheral thinking and how it can revolutionize your approach to problem-solving and innovation. Learn about the 'lean mind' technique and why "unlearning" might be the key to your next breakthrough.Ben shares insights on navigating rapid change while staying true to your core values, and reveals strategies for letting go of limiting beliefs and identities. Whether you're a startup founder, seasoned executive, or aspiring leader, this episode offers practical wisdom to help you thrive in today's fast-paced business landscape.Key Learnings:1. Peripheral thinking involves exploring ideas on the margins that may shape mainstream thinking tomorrow.2. The concept of "lean mind" focuses on simplifying mental processes and letting go of unnecessary baggage.3. Unlearning is crucial for personal and professional growth, especially when facing rapid changes.4. Identifying too strongly with professional titles or roles can hinder personal development.5. Focusing on things that change slowly can provide stability and strategic advantage in fast-changing environments.6. Clarity of intention and orientation is fundamental for navigating life and business effectively.7. Awareness of where we're "holding on" can help us let go of unhelpful patterns and beliefs.8. Reconnecting with our core capabilities and values can lead to more resilient personal and professional lives.Show Notes with Timestamps:00:00:00 - Introduction of guest Ben Johnson00:01:00 - Discussion on the difference between thought and thinking00:02:00 - Origin of the term "peripheral thinking"00:05:00 - How peripheral ideas can shape mainstream culture00:08:30 - The challenge of keeping up with rapid cultural and technological changes00:13:30 - Introduction to the concept of "lean mind"00:18:40 - The importance of unlearning for personal growth00:26:30 - Explanation of the "lean mind" concept00:31:30 - The role of intention and orientation in personal and professional life00:36:10 - Discussion on over-identification with professional titles and success00:42:40 - Example of working with a client on finding freedom and space00:47:00 - Ben's personal experience of leaving his company and identity challenges00:51:00 - The importance of reconnecting with core self and capabilities00:54:00 - Closing thoughts and wrap-upGet in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me.Get in touch with BenIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please see Peripheral Thinking and Ben's podcast If this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me.
Mental clarity and focus can be the difference between success and peace of mind and problems and chaos. In this episode, I share 3 specific tools you can use to help gain clarity. 1. Breathwork - understanding the correlation between breathing patterns and brain waves. A breathing pattern of nasal > diaphragm with a count of 4:4 can work well.2. Managing your state – your mental and emotional state is affected by breath work and through conscious choice. Be intentional vs reactive.3. Creating space – physical space between activities. Allowing space between meetings, sessions and tasks creates space for the brain to refresh.I explain the difference between working memory and long-term memory and why it matters. Working memory is a much smaller processing capacity and if we are overloaded with information, mental clarity fades away. Research has shown that most people can only hold 4 chunks of data in the working memory at any one time. So, managing your cognitive load is vital.
In this episode, I'm joined by Jamie Webb, a sports therapist, to discuss how to deal with physical pain and the connection between our physical and psychological states. Jamie emphasises the importance of understanding that pain is a signal, not necessarily an indicator of tissue damage, and that our thoughts, emotions, and life experiences can manifest physically in our bodies. We explore the polyvagal theory, which explains the different states of our nervous system (fight, flight, freeze, and flow) and how our bodies and emotions are interconnected. Jamie shares his approach of working with clients holistically, considering their physical, emotional, and psychological aspects, and the need to sometimes address the underlying psychological factors to alleviate physical pain. I trust our conversation add further understanding of the mind-body connection and the significance of being adaptable and able to transition between different nervous system states for overall well-being.Key Learnings:1. Pain is a signal, not necessarily an indicator of tissue damage.2. Our thoughts, emotions, and life experiences can manifest physically in our bodies.3. The polyvagal theory explains the different states of our nervous system (fight, flight, freeze, and flow) and how our bodies and emotions are interconnected.4. Addressing underlying psychological factors can help alleviate physical pain.5. Being adaptable and able to transition between different nervous system states is crucial for overall well-being.Show Notes:00:00 - Introduction02:15 - Jamie's background and approach06:00 - Understanding pain and its connection to emotions and life experiences14:00 - The mind-body connection and the role of beliefs19:00 - Polyvagal theory and nervous system states27:00 - The importance of adaptability and transitioning between states35:00 - Identity, emotions, and their physical manifestations44:00 - Body language and its impact on emotional states51:00 - Integrating psychological and physical approaches for holistic healing56:00 - The role of breathwork and final thoughtsYou can contact Jamie here
If you're a founder or business owner, you probably know it can get lonely at times. You're running things but who is there to support, challenge and share with?In this episode, I explain the challenges of loneliness that leaders, founders, and entrepreneurs often face. I share insights from my coaching experience, highlighting the signs and potential consequences of loneliness at the top. Loneliness is a signal to seek connection. I share a case study of a client, "John," who experienced a positive transformation by working with a coach to overcome his creative stagnation and regain a sense of fulfillment.Key Learnings:1. Loneliness at the top can lead to negative mindsets, lack of creativity, poor decision-making, and stagnation.2. Signs of loneliness include negativity, overworking, stress, and a tendency to avoid risks or opportunities.3. Seeking connection through mentors, coaches, or peers can provide the necessary support, challenge, and fresh perspectives to overcome loneliness and reignite creativity and problem-solving abilities.4. Humans are social beings, and flourishing often requires the exchange of ideas and validation from others.Show Notes:00:00:10 - Introduction to the topic of loneliness in leadership roles.00:01:00 - Signs of loneliness, such as negativity, stress, and overworking.00:01:30 - Mindset issues associated with loneliness, including avoiding loss and stagnation.00:02:00 - Potential consequences of loneliness, such as poor decision-making and lack of creativity.00:02:50 - The importance of seeking connection and processing thoughts with others.00:03:10 - The benefits of working with collaborators, mentors, or coaches.00:03:50 - A case study of "John," a client who overcame creative stagnation through coaching.00:05:30 - The positive transformation in "John's" mindset and creativity after working with a coach.00:06:30 - Suggestions for seeking connection through business buddies, cohorts, mentors, or coaches.00:07:10 - The importance of recognizing loneliness and taking action to seek connection.PS. Whenever you're ready – here are 3 ways you can make a ‘next-level’ shift in your mindset.🔗 Follow my insights & Mindset content on LinkedIn & Instagram.🔗 Want to know how successful you are (and could be)? Take the test.🔗 Ready to connect? Join me for an
In this episode, I am in conversation with Earl Talbot, who is a coach and mindset code breaker. We dive deep into what it means to "get out of your own way" and how we often sabotage our own progress and success. Earl shares valuable insights from his work in neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and personal development on how to identify and overcome the mental blocks, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs that hold us back. He also emphasizes the importance of alignment between thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and identity for achieving desired outcomes.Key Learnings:- Getting in our own way stems from misalignment between our values, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors which creates inner conflict and incongruence (2:00)- Judgment and comparing ourselves to others' standards is a major obstacle to progress (16:00)- Fear of failure or success can prevent us from taking risks and embracing new challenges (31:00)  - Disconnection from our bodies, intuition, and sense of purpose contributes to getting stuck (46:00)- Identifying the emotions we want to feel and the stories/beliefs holding us back can open the door to positive change (51:00)Show Notes:0:00 - Introduction to the topic of getting out of your own way2:00 - Earl's definition of getting in your own way as misalignment  7:00 - Exploring the origins of our mental encoding and belief systems16:00 - Common ways people get in their own way: judgment, fear of failure26:00 - The importance of an identity shift for entrepreneurs 31:00 - Overcoming the fear of success36:00 - Living on purpose and getting rewarded for meaningful work41:00 - Taking a holistic approach: mind, body, spirit46:00 - Causes of disconnection and how to reconnect51:00 - Practical exercise: Current state, desired state, and outcomeYou can contact Earl at Creative MuscleYou can contact Sal here
The importance of effective and deep listening is SO important. It's the fundamental exchange between two people. Whether it's an important business conversation or a loved one - being able to listen properly, fully and deeply will change your relationship and so many positive ways.I have encountered poor listening in many domains of my life. In this short, insightful episode I'm sharing my '6 levels of listening'. Improving our ability to listen is a great skill that has so many benefits. The '6 levels of listening'. 1⃣ Broadcast Mode (talking without listening at all)2⃣ It's Still About Me (asking questions but not being present)3⃣ I Know Best (listening to respond or give advice)4⃣ Five Minutes of Airtime (listening attentively for a short while)5⃣ Hear and Be Heard (truly understanding the speaker)6⃣ Deep Listening (sensing the resonance beyond just words)Mastering deep listening at Level 6 is a beautiful thing.. You'll connect with others on a profound level and make them feel truly heard and understood.Key Learnings:Effective listening is crucial for better communication, relationships, and negotiations.Many people get stuck at lower levels of listening, such as broadcast mode or listening to respond.Deep listening involves quieting the inner narrative, being present, and sensing the resonance beyond just the words.Practicing deep listening can profoundly transform interactions and relationships.Show Notes: 00:00 - 00:50: Introduction to the importance of effective listening. 00:50 - 01:40: Level 1 - Broadcast mode (talking without listening). 01:40 - 02:10: Level 2 - It's still about me (asking questions but not being present). 02:10 - 03:00: Level 3 - I know best (listening to respond or give advice). 03:00 - 03:40: Level 4 - Five minutes of airtime (listening attentively for a short while). 03:40 - 04:50: Level 5 - Hear and be heard (truly understanding the speaker). 04:50 - 06:20: Level 6 - Deep listening (sensing the resonance beyond just words). 06:20 - 07:20: Encouragement to practice deep listening and notice its transformative effects. Get in touch with SalIf this episode has caught your attention and you wish to learn more, then please contact me. I offer a free 20 min call where we can discuss a challenge your facing and how I may be able to help you.
In this engaging episode, Nick Heath, known as "The Breathing Diabetic," shares his inspiring journey of how incorporating breathwork techniques transformed his experience with Type 1 diabetes and overall well-being. With a background in atmospheric science and a passion for understanding the breath, Nick delves into the scientific evidence behind the profound effects of breathwork on managing diabetes, reducing stress, inflammation, and oxidative stress, as well as improving cardiovascular health and emotional regulation.Nick's personal story highlights the power of simple breathwork practices, such as nasal breathing, quiet breathing, and slow breathing at 4-6 breaths per minute, in synchronizing the body's systems and promoting a healing state known as the "relaxation response." He emphasizes the importance of using the breath as a barometer for one's emotional and physiological condition, allowing for greater self-awareness and regulation throughout the day.In addition to managing diabetes, Nick explores how breathwork can be integrated with movement and physical activity, enhancing recovery and downregulation after exertion. The episode culminates with a guided practice of alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana), a powerful technique that promotes balance, cognitive focus, and a sense of calmness.Overall, this insightful conversation with Nick Heath offers a wealth of practical strategies and scientific insights, encouraging listeners to embrace the transformative potential of breathwork for managing chronic conditions, reducing stress, and cultivating a deeper connection with themselves and their overall well-being.Key Learnings:Breathwork is a simple and cost-effective tool to manage diabetes and improve overall health by influencing the nervous system, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation.Slow breathing, around 4-6 breaths per minute, can synchronize the body's systems and promote a healing state known as the 'relaxation response.'Nasal breathing and quiet breathing throughout the day can help maintain a calm and regulated state, serving as a barometer for one's emotional and physiological condition.Integrating breathwork with movement, such as walking or exercise, can enhance recovery and downregulation after physical exertion.Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) is a powerful practice that promotes balance, cognitive focus, and a sense of calmness.Show Notes with Timestamps:00:00 - Introduction and background on Nick Heath, 'The Breathing Diabetic.' 03:00 - Nick's journey with Type 1 diabetes and discovering breathwork. 07:00 - The science behind breathwork's effects on the nervous system and overall health. 12:00 - Nick's experience working with NASA (not related to breathwork). 15:00 - The importance of understanding the breath as a tool for self-awareness and regulation. 21:00 - The connection between breathwork and blood sugar management in diabetes. 29:00 - The impact of chronic conditions on baseline stress levels and the role of breathwork in promoting resilience. 34:45 - Dealing with distractions and resetting during the conversation. 38:00 - Strategies for incorporating breathwork throughout the day, such as nasal breathing and mindful breathing. 46:00 - Integrating breathwork with walking and physical activity. 50:00 - Guided alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) practice. 56:00 - Nick's final thoughts on breathwork and its benefits for self-discovery and overall well-being.
In this mini-episode, I explain the concept of self-doubt and how it can act as a smokescreen, preventing individuals from taking action and moving forward. Self-doubt is a natural human state of mind, but if it becomes excessive, it can become maladaptive. I share insights into why self-doubt arises and offers strategies to overcome it.Key Learnings:1. Self-doubt stems from a need for certainty and a desire for safety, which can prevent us from taking risks.2. Overidentifying with the outcomes of our actions and linking them to our self-worth can fuel self-doubt.3. Failing to engage in discernment and intelligent decision-making can leave us stuck in a state of doubt.4. To overcome self-doubt, we need to develop a healthy relationship with risk, avoid overidentifying with outcomes, and practice discernment in decision-making.Show Notes:00:00 - 01:00: Introduction to self-doubt as a smokescreen in the mind.01:00 - 02:00: Self-doubt is natural, but it becomes maladaptive when it prevents us from moving forward.02:00 - 03:00: The need for certainty and its connection to safety is a driving force behind self-doubt.03:00 - 04:00: The relationship to risk and the ability to tolerate uncertainty are crucial for overcoming self-doubt.04:00 - 05:00: Overidentifying with outcomes and linking them to our sense of self can fuel self-doubt.05:00 - 06:00: The importance of not overly identifying with outcomes and separating actions from self-worth.06:00 - 07:00: Discernment is the missing step in the loop that can help clear the smokescreen of self-doubt.07:00 - 08:00: Strategies for practicing discernment and making intelligent decisions to overcome self-doubt.08:00 - 09:00: Encouragement to apply the three strategies (relationship to risk, avoiding overidentification, and discernment) and seek help if needed.
In this episode, we tackle the important topic of the connection between menopause and the mind. Sally Garozzo, a specialist in this area, provides insightful perspectives on how menopause affects not just physical changes but also impacts a woman's mindset, emotions, behavior, and overall sense of self.Key learnings:1. Menopause is a complete life transition that goes beyond just physical symptoms. It affects a woman's mental health, decision-making, habits, and how she views herself and the world around her.2. Common psychological symptoms during perimenopause and menopause include anxiety, insomnia, overwhelm, burnout, identity loss, and low mood or depression.3. Understanding the changes happening during this phase is empowering and can help alleviate fear and confusion.4. Practicing self-care, embracing biorhythms (sleep patterns, seasonal changes), and engaging in strength training can significantly improve both physical and mental well-being during this transition.5. For business owners and entrepreneurs, it's crucial to reassess the alignment between personal values, goals, and the business vision, making adjustments as needed to accommodate the changes brought about by menopause.Show Notes with Timestamps:0:00 - 2:00 - Introduction to the topic of menopause and its impact on the mind.2:00 - 6:00 - Sally's definition of the "mind part" of menopause and how it affects mindset, decisions, and self-perception.6:00 - 10:00 - Psychological symptoms during perimenopause, such as anxiety, insomnia, and identity shifts.10:00 - 14:00 - The importance of understanding and addressing psychological symptoms, rather than solely treating them with medication.14:00 - 18:00 - Discussing the concept of "psychological homeostasis" and how menopause can disrupt familiar thought patterns and behaviors.18:00 - 22:00 - Unpacking the role of guilt and the need to rebel against societal norms and expectations.22:00 - 26:00 - The significance of aligning with natural biorhythms, slowing down, and listening to the body's needs.26:00 - 30:00 - Embracing an existential perspective and facing the finitude of life to prioritize self-care.30:00 - 34:00 - The benefits of strength training and physical activity for mental and physical well-being during menopause.34:00 - 38:00 - Advice for business owners and entrepreneurs on aligning personal values, goals, and business vision during menopause.38:00 - 40:00 - Closing thoughts and encouragement for listeners to reflect on the key learnings.