Mindset Coach Podcast

<p>Mike Sprouse is a world class athlete and coach himself tackles common challenges like overcoming negative self-talk and charting a course for success. He offers guidance for anyone hungry motivated and ambitious to transition from stagnation to a successful rewarding significant life.<br><br><b>Mike Focuses on these Foundational Four Topics:<br></b><br>- <b><em>Confidence<br>- Objectivity<br>- Determination<br>- Goal-Setting<br></em></b><br>All of these are essential for a mindset programmed towards success. Inspired by Maslow’s hierarchy, he encourages listeners to go beyond self-imposed limits towards self-transcendence.<br><br>This podcast offers more than just advice—it’s a roadmap for your own personal breakthroughs, filled with expert insights, strategies, tactics and success stories...<br>‎</p>

Episode 17: Goals (Part II)

This Mindset Coach episode focuses on goal setting. Host Mike outlines elements for achievable goals: start small, be specific, commit fully, track progress, and set timeframes. He illustrates with "Joe," who wants to earn $500k for charity in a year. Joe works backwards to set monthly targets, taking action to meet his first goal - showing how breaking big dreams into smaller steps leads to success.


Episode 16: Goals (Part I)

Learn the difference between dreams and goals, and discover strategies for turning your dreams into actionable objectives. Sprouse shares insights on identifying your strengths, passions, and values, and overcoming common obstacles. Understand the importance of having a clear 'why' and 'how' in your journey to success. Listen now to define and achieve your own success and significance.


Episode 15: Recharge Episode: Your Personal Power

Building personal power by adopting a growth-oriented mindset, accepting obstacles as a necessary part of progress, and realizing one's worth and potential. Rather than concentrating on their shortcomings, people should highlight their advantages and strengths and view challenges as opportunities for growth.


Episode 14: Gratitude

Being grateful for what we have, even the little things we might take for granted, is the essence of gratitude. It is essential to reaching success and happiness in life. Being grateful for what we have keeps us upbeat and improves our ability to handle difficult situations.


Episode 13: Resentments

The method for releasing the burdens of resentment and grudges. Understand how these obstacles stymie success and significance, and learn how to break free from their grip.


Episode 12: Storytime: The Sub-Zero Trek

Inspiring story about conquering self-imposed limitations during an arduous hike up Mount Washington. Learn about big goals, training, and the value of mental preparation and resilience.


Episode 11: What You Control

Learn how to harness your inner strength, focus on what truly matters, and unleash your full potential. Tune in now and take control of your journey towards success and well-being!


Episode 10: Extraordinary

🎙It’s About Time to Unlock Your Extraordinary Potential Unleash that extraordinary mindset and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for achieving greatness. Explore the journey of recognizing and reshaping limiting beliefs and behaviors, empowering yourself to break free from constraints, and paving the way for extraordinary achievements.


Episode 9: Competence

Acquire a new skill, overcome barriers, or improve your performance! This episode will provide you with vital insights and practical solutions to help you achieve your goals. #ConfidenceToCompetence


Episode 8: Positive Thinking & Confidence

Practical ways to cultivate a positive mindset and boost self-confidence in all aspects of life. Adopting gratitude practices and developing personal affirmations can help you get closer to your goals.🌟 #PositiveThinking #Confidence #PersonalGrowth


Episode 7: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Overcoming limiting beliefs through affirmations, practice, and positive thinking. Towards breaking free from self-imposed limitations and embracing a life of limitless potential. 🚀 #LimitingBeliefs #PersonalGrowth #Success


Ep 6: Now

The significance of a perspective shift and the crucial nature of the present moment. Push past your boundaries, accept your own potential, and concentrate on taking decisive action now to achieve significance and success. 🔥 #Mindset #Success #Transformation


Ep 5: Seeing Your What

The importance of believing in one's potential, even in the absence of concrete proof. Discover how visualization can drive personal growth and overcome limiting beliefs, harnessing the power of imagination to shape a brighter future.🚀 #Mindset #Visualization #Success


Ep 4: Places and Spaces

Gain valuable insights into the significance of personal and professional environments in encouraging a joyful mindset, highlighting the need to create spaces for growth and self-discovery.🌍 #Mindset #Success #PersonalGrowth


Ep 3: You & Anyone Else

Learn the value of creating personal objectives and staying focused in the face of external distractions. Prioritize self-improvement over outside opinions, paving the road for long-term success and fulfillment in all facets of life.🌟 #Mindset #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth


Ep 2: I Am

Harmonizing behaviors and beliefs may form a successful mentality that goes beyond job designations and embodies one's true identity. 🌟 #Mindset #PersonalGrowth #SuccessSecrets


Ep 1: Welcome to the Mindset Coach Podcast

Meet Mike Sprouse as he hosts the debut episode of the Mindset Coach Podcast! In this first session, we discuss the importance of mindset coaching and how it may help you achieve success and meaning in your life. Get ready to embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we reveal the keys to realizing your full potential. Come learn the key tactics for leading the best possible life!🌟 #MindsetCoach #PersonalGrowth #SuccessSecrets


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