Misery Point Radio

Epic Interviews with Epic Artists! Corrupting the airwaves and saving the universe one entertainer at a time!

Reno Ramos - Tigguo Cobauc/Thirteenth Sign/Karnak Seti

Reno Ramos from Nottingham, UK based metal band Tigguo Cobauc stops by the show to talk about the band's latest album, A Fountain of Anguish is Gone. In addition to discussing their latest masterpiece, Reno dishes on his journey from Portugal to the UK, how he got hooked up in the UK metal scene, his entry into both Thirteeth Sign and Tigguo Cobauc, and his philosophies on songwriting, recording, and musical evolution. This is an awesome chat that covers a lot of ground, and right at the end there is a very exciting exclusive announcement that was revealed for the first time right here on Misery Point Radio! Photo Credit: Damian John Photography Tigguo Cobauc Links: https://facebook.com/tigguocobaucband https://instagram.com/tigguocobauc https://tigguocobauc.bandcamp.com Misery Point Radio Links https://facebook.com/MiseryPointRadio https://instagram.com/miserypointradio https://miserypointradio.podbean.com https://www.youtube.com/@MiseryPointRadio1886    


Paul English - Woodrot/Paul Is Dead/Four Headed Baby

Paul English from OG Seattle Area metal band Woodrot stops by the Misery Point Radio studio to discuss the early days of the Kitsap music scene, his various bands, his friendship and work with Mos Generator's Tony Reed, and the vinyl release of classic Woodrot material in the form of Ethics: A Relic. We also explore  his technical involvement in various other bands, what led to his retirement from performing, and plans for one final (and very personal) release. Misery Point Radio Links:  https://facebook.com/MiseryPointRadio https://instagram.com/miserypointradio https://miserypointradio.podbean.com https://live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio-a76715 Woodrot Links: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063595240933 https://woodrot1.bandcamp.com    


Kyle Willis - Fate Defined

Kyle Willis from Spokane, WA metal band Fate Defined stops by Misery Point Radio to discuss the band's recent signing to Curtain Call Records, their upcoming debut EP, and the evolution of their signature sound. An awesome conversation to close out 2023, with special thanks to Brian Mohr from Curtain Call Records. Fate Defined Links: www.fatedefined.com www.facebook.com/fatedefiniedofficial www.instagram.com/fatedefinedofficial Misery Point Radio Links: Https://live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio-a76712 https://miserypointadio.podbean.com www.facebook.com/MiseryPointRadio www.instagram.com./miserypointradio #seattlemetal #pacificnorthwestmusicscene #indieradio #live365 #podbeanpodcast #musicpodcast #miserypointradio #fatedefinedofficial #interview        


J.N. Horsley - Spoiler Country/Spoilerverse Comics/Jonly Nonly

The Illustrious JN Horsely returns to the show to discuss the upcoming launch and Kickstarter campaign of his latest comic, "Jonly Nonly. " We also dig into  what's happening with legendary pop culture podcast Spoiler Country, the evolution of the Spoilerverse, and the status of some of his other projects that are hot on the release trail. JN Horsley Links: Https://jonlynonly.com https://scpod.net www.spoilerverse.com Misery Point Radio Links https://miserypointradio.podbean.com https://facebook.com/MiseryPointRadio Https://Instagram.com/miserypointradio www.youtube.com/@miserypointradio1886    


Kelly Shaefer - Till The Dirt/Atheist

Legendary Atheist frontman Kelly Shaefer returns to Misery Point Radio to discuss his newest band, Till The Dirt,  and the release of their debut album "Outside the Spiral" on Nuclear Blast Records. In this conversation, Kelly and I chat about the formation of the band, the development of the concept, their unique sound, challenging expectations about what it means to blend genres and styles, and working once again with iconic producer Scott Burns, who stepped outside of retirement to work with Kelly on this project. This is a must-hear for those who are fans of 80's and 90's metal plus the darker side of the early Seattle sound and the alternative movements that grew from it. Till the Dirt Links: www.facebook.com/tillthedirt www.youtube.com/tillthedirtband www.instagram.com/tillthedirtband www.nuclearblast.com Misery Point Radio Links: Social Media and Merch: https://linktr.ee/MiseryPointRadio Radio Station: https://live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio/a76712 Spoilerverse Network: www.spoilerverse.com        


Linda Nicole Blair

Seattle area singer/songwriter Linda Nicole Blair returns to the show to discuss her new album "With Any Luck," her recent experience playing her music in Paris, the publishing of her epic book "Fempoetiks of American Poetry and Americana Music: A Woman's Truth," and other random awesomeness. LNB has been on the show a few times before and the conversations are always awesome. This time is no exception! LNB Links: https://lindanicole.bandcamp.com www.reverbnation.com/nicoleblair https://on.soundcloud.com/lnicole-blair/ Misery Point Radio Links: https://miserypointradio.podbean.com https://facebook.com/MiseryPointRadio https://instagram.com/miserypointradio https://youtube.com/miserypointradio1886 https://live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio-a76712   #Podbean #spoilerverse #indieradiostation #seattleradiostation #musicpodcasts #pnwmusic #seattlemusicscene #miserypointradio #podcast #musicinterviews    


Terry Paulson - Draemora

Returning to the show today is Terry Paulson, founding member and frontman of Seattle area progressive metal band Draemora. With a newly released single and a vision to refocus the band's direction, Terry shares his thoughts and  on the band's identity, plans for future releases, the new lineup, and what keeps him motivated. We also take a deep dive into generations of influential artists, the state of the music industry,  the Seattle music scene, and our thoughts on creepy dudes doin' creepy things. Draemora Links: https://facebook.com/draemoramusic https://instagram.com/draemoramusic https://Draemora.bandcamp.com Misery Point Radio Links: https://miserypointradio.podbean.com https://facebook.com/MiseryPointRadio https://instagram.com/miserypointradio https://youtube.com/miserypointradio1886    


Bradly Miranda - Less Than Three

Long time friend of the show (and the host) Bradly Miranda returns to Misery Point Radio for an epic conversation about his band, Seattle area pop-punk powerhouse Less Than Three. In this multi-faceted chat, we revisit the band's history, their Covid-era activity, and the journey he took that ultimately landed the band with a record deal with Curtain Call Records. We also go down the usual rabbit holes and discuss Brad's passion for gaming, the idea behind the retro-game inspired video for their single Demons, his thoughts on the recording and music industry, advice he has for aspiring artists, and just how much work it takes to develop a presence that will  get you noticed by the right people. And in usual MPR fashion, we also play two songs from the band: the aforementioned Demons, and the uber-catchy I'm the One. Less Than Three Links: www.lessthanthreeband.com www.facebook.com/lessthanthreeseattle www.instagram.com/lessthanthreeseattle www.instagram.com/lessthanthreebrad www.curtaincallrecords.com Misery Point Radio Links: (Merch, Radio Station, Website, Social Media) https://linktr.ee/Misery-Point-Radio/ #miserypointradio #podbean #spoilerverse #lessthanthree #lessthanthreeseattle #indieradio #seattleradiostation #seattlemusicscene #musicpodcast #interview     


Whythre - Blackened Melodic Death Metal From Seattle

After several years of back and forth, I finally had the opportunity to have an in-studio chat with WHYTHRE, who are currently setting the Seattle Metal scene on fire with their uniquely brutal take on the Melodic Death Metal genre. Members Shon Petrey (Guitars/Synths), Adam Chambers (Guitars/Synths), Steve Fournier (Drums) and Eric Close (Bass) joined me at the Misery Point Radio lair to talk about their new album, Impregnate My Hate, as well as a ton of band history, the reason behind their extensive period of radio silence, their new lineup, musical inspirations, their thoughts on the Seattle metal scene, and what they have planed on the immediate horizon. We also check out a couple of tunes off the new album, so this is an episode you don't want to miss! Whythre Links: www.whythre.com https://facebook.com/whythre https://instagram.com/whythreoficial https://whythre.bandcamp.com Songs played today: Scorchbreath, Scorpions of Sinai Misery Point Radio Links https://miserypointradio.podbean.com www.facebook.com/miserypointradio www.instagram.com/miserypointradio www.youtube.com/@miserypointradio1886 www.live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio-a76712 https://linktr.ee/misery-point-radio/ Check out the podcast on most streaming platforms for epic interviews with epic artists. Tune in to the full radio station to hear the best in underground and established musical acts from all over the world. #miserypointradio #whythre #seattlemetal #independentradiostation #musicpodcast #podcast #indieradio #metal #interview #podbean #spoilerverse #scpod #seattleradio  


Justin Roth - War Curse

Kicking of 2023 with a bang, Justin Roth from Cincinnati thrash powerhouse WAR CURSE returns to the show to discuss the band's recent tour of Mexico with STRIKE MASTER, their upcoming third album being released on METAL BLADE RECORDS, his opinion on the state of the music industry, and other random awesomeness. We also play two songs to give you a taste of War Curse's musical diversity. Songs Played:  Sands of Fate (From the album Eradication) Only (Anthrax Cover) War Curse Links: https://warcursemetal.bandcamp.com https://instagram.com/war.curse https://facebook.com/warcursemetal Misery Point Radio Links: https://linktr.ee/MiseryPointRadio Radio Station: https://live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio-a76712 Misery Point Radio is part of the Spoilerverse Network www.spoilerverse.com        


Ed Mowery - Tiwanaku

After close to a year of planning, today I am finally joined by Ed Mowery of Tiwanaku. Tune in to hear us talk about an assload of topics including: the origin of the band, the significance of the sacred site of Tiwanaku, the long delay of the finally-about-be-released album "Earth Force One," Ed's staggering battle with an ungodly amount of health issues, the band's epic new lineup, plans for touring the world, and of course aliens, poltergeists, unexplained phenomena, and so much more. Plus we check out their new single "Visitor From Titan," which was inspired by a real-life close encounter and  "Today in Battle," a classic track that's about to be reborn... Tiwanaku Links: www.tiwanakumetal.com www.facebook.com/tiwanakumetal www.instagram.com/tiwanaku_official Misery Point Radio Links: (Merch, Websites, Radio Station, Social Media) https://linktr.ee/Misery-Point-Radio/ Misery Point Radio is a part of the Spoilerverse Network www.spoilerverse.com #miserypointradio #tiwanaku #tiwanakumetal #indieradio #seattlepodcasts #seattleradio #musicpodcasts #metal #interview #podbean #spoilerverse #paranormal #aliens #analprobe  


Eric Dow - Helsott

Today I'm joined by Eric Dow, vocalist for California pagan metal outfit Helsott.  Tune in to hear us chat about Helsott's new album "Will and the Witch," an epic western-themed concept album that tells an alternate story of how Billy the Kid became the fastest gun in the west with the help from some supernatural forces.  You can also hear us chat about the history of the band, the evolution of their sound, how they fight traditional metal conventions, their recent massive lineup change, post-covid touring, and what's next. We also play two songs from the album, so id you're up for something a little different, check this out. Now Drink, Motherfucker, Drink! Songs Played: Babylon: Scarletts's Saloon (40:23) Will and The Witch (1:22:38)  Helsott Links: www.helsott.com https://helsott.bandcamp.com www.facebook.com/helsott www.instagram.com/helsott Misery Point Radio Links (Merch, Websites, Radio station, Social Media) https://linktr.ee/Misery-Point-Radio #miserypointradio #helsott #paganmetal #conceptalbum #western #billythekid #podcast #radio #indieradio #musicpodcast #interview #live365 #spoilerverse #willandthewitch #drinkmotherfuckerdrink #podbean #metal #music #california       


Jeremy Golden - Heaven and Hell Records

I'm joined today by Jeremy Golden, founder and President/ CEO of Heaven and Hell Records. Jeremy and I had an epic chat about the history of the label, some of the acts he's worked with, and how the label has gained a reputation for producing top quality reissues of classic material as well as working with emerging artists. Additionally, Jeremy shares several stories about the various challenges he's faced and  crazy things he's encountered and we discuss  the state of the label and what the future holds. This is a very in-depth conversation, so give yourself some extra time on this one. Songs Played: False Prophet - Holy Deception Of Dying Dreams - Final Resting Place Heaven and Hell Links: www.heavenandhellrecords.com www.facebook.com/heavenandhell.recordlabel/ www.twitter.com/heavenandhellrec www.heavenandhellrecords.bandcamp.com www.youtube.com/user/PitchforkVisuals Misery Point Radio Links: https://linktr.ee/MiseryPointRadio https://live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio-a76712 #miserypointradio #heavenandhellrecords #indieradio #musicpodcasts #indierecordlabels #metal #hardrock #podbean #spoilerverse #falseprophet #ofdyingdreams      


Matt Miller - PNW Metal Solo Artist/Chasm of Discord

I'm joined today by Oregon metal artist Matt Miller, who is setting the world on fire with his numerous epic albums that consist of covers of legendary metal songs as well as his shredtastic genre-spanning instrumental compositions. Matt and I had an awesome chat about his approach to original and cover material, his endorsements with Kahler and EMG, his upcoming album and corresponding tour, and other random awesomeness. We also hear two amazing cover tunes and one original composition off of his upcoming album. Songs played: 1000 Eyes (Death Cover) Diary of a Madman (Ozzy Osbourne Cover) Monument of Velocity (Original Solo Metal Composition) Matt Miller Links: https://mattmillerhhakmusi.wixsite.com/mattm www.facebook.com/matt.miller.96996238 www.instagram.com/mattmiller630 https://mattmiller2.bandcamp.com Misery Point Radio Links: (Merch, Websites, Social Media) https://linktr.ee/MiseryPointRadio Radio Station (In Beta) https://live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio-a76712 Subscribe on your favorite streaming platform including Pandora,  I Heart Radio, TuneIn Radio, Spotify, Amazon/Alexa, iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Spreaker, Stitcher, and more! #miserypointradio #mattmiller #musicpodcasts #northwestmusic #seattlemetal #oregonmetal #podcast #interview #soloartist #chasmofdiscord #8es #decrepitshed #decomposer #reekomposer #monumentofvelocity #podbean #spoilerverse #espguitars #kahler #emg #positivegrid      


Coven 6669

I'm excited to bring you todays guests, legendary Seattle metal gods COVEN 6669. The band was awesome enough to let me interrupt their rehearsal session the other day as they were preparing for some pretty epic upcoming shows and we had a killer chat about all things Coven. And in a shocking twist of fate, they dropped a surprising exclusive announcement about a very special project actively in the works that had me practically shitting my pants. We also took a walk down memory lane and talked a good bit of history and got some answers to many of the burning questions that have been lingering for the last 30 something years. Want to know why the band changed their name? Curious about their relationship with fellow shock rockers The Mentors? Wondering what lies ahead for the band? Then tune in and check out this awesome conversation! Coven 6669 Links www.facebook.com/covenofficial www.instagram.com/coven6669official Misery Point Radio Links (Merch, Websites, Social Media, Radio Station) https://linktr.ee/MiseryPointRadio #Coven6669 #CovenOfficial #SeattleMetal #SeatleMusicScene #MiseryPointRadio #musicpodcasts #indieradio #blessedistheblack #fuckinanun #irondick #6669 #spoilerverse #podbean #live365 #musicinterviews #podcast #rock #metal #satanicashell


Santtu Winter and Jef Smith - Veriteras

Today's guests are Santtu Winter and Jef Smith from Seattle melodic death metal band VERITERAS. Tune in to hear us chat about the band's unique Scandinavian inspired sound, their new album Shadows of Death, the way the band approached songwriting, their recent shows with OMNIUM GATHERUM, KATAKLYSM and DARK TRANQUILITY, and their upcoming tour in Finland.  Songs Played: Forever Enslaved, Endless Unknown Veriteras Links: https://veriteras.bandcamp.com www.facebook.com/VeriterasMetal www.instagram.com/veriteras Misery Point Radio Links: (Merch, Websites, Social Media, Radio Station) https://inktr.ee/MiseryPointRadio #miserypointradio #veriteras #podcast #radioshow #seattlemetal #finnishmetal #scandinavianmetal #interview #musicpodcast #spoilerverse #inthewasteland Misery Point Radio is a part of the Spoilerverse Network : www.spoilerverse.com    


Kieran Scott - Ashen Crown/DeathCollector/Grimorte

I'm excited to finally share this conversation with Kieran Scott, vocalist for UK metal bands Ashen Crown, DeathCollector, and Grimorte. Tune in to hear us talk about these 3 epic bands, his challenging entry into the scene, the painful lessons he's learned, his experience playing Bloodstock (Twice!!!), his thoughts on vocal technique, and what's next for each of his projects.  Photo Credit: Stagedrive Photography www.stagedivephotography.co.uk Songs Played: Blood Beneath Us (Ashen Crown), DeathCollector (DeathCollector) Kieran Scott Links: www.facebook.com/ashencrown.uk www.facebook.com/Grimorte/Doom www.facebook.com/DeathCollectorOfficial https://ashencroown.bandcamp.com https://grimorte.bandcamp.com https://deathcollector1.bandcamp.com Misery Point Radio Links: (Merch, Websites, Social Media, Radio Station, Spoilerverse Network) https://linkte.ee/MiseryPointRadio   #miserypointradio #ashencrown #grimorte #DeathCollectorUk #KieranScott #Metal #musicpodcast #radio #inthewasteland #spoilerverse #ukmetal #podbean #live365 #stagedivephotography #bloodbeneathus #timesup      


Josh Kennedy - Radical Leftovers

Today I'm joined by my old friend Josh Kennedy, guitarist for Kitsap County melodic punk band Radical Leftovers.  Josh and I shot the shit about the formation of the band, the early days of the Kitsap punk and metal scene, his latest venture in music promotion (and the club he runs), his record label and tons of other random awesome that comes with being friends for a few decades. An awesome chat and a really fun time, check it out if you think you're ready for it! Radical Leftovers Links: www.facebook.com/radicalleftovers/ www.instagram.com/radical_leftovers_ https://radicalleftovers.bandcamp.com Misery Point Radio Links: (Social Media, Websites, Merch, Radio Station) https://linktr.ee/MiseryPointRadio Misery Point Radio is part of the Spoilerverse Network www.spoilerverse.com #miserypointradio #podcast #interview #kitsapmusicscene #radicalleftovers #punk #melodicpunk #bremerton #portorchard #seattlemusicscene #redcobrarecords #live365 #podbean #spoilerverse    


Scott Pivarnick - False Prophet/SP Custom Guitars/Incantation (Live)

I recently recently had the opportunity to catch up with Scott Pivarnick (False Prophet/SP Custom Guitars) in Seattle, WA, while he was filling in on bass for Incantation for their The Age of Vile Divinities tour. Always humble and cool as hell, Scott was awesome enough to take some time out of his busy day to talk about the tour, some highlights so far (including being joined on stage by Death legends Rick Rozz and Chris Reifert), his experience as a guitarist-turned-bassist, post-tour plans, and other random awesomeness. Always cool to catch up with friends. Support live music! Incantation links: Official Website: www.incantation.com Official Facebook: https://facebook.com/IncantationOfficial Incantation Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/296206031638788 Instagram: www.instagram.com/incantation_official Bandcamp: https://incantation666.bandcamp.com Misery Point Radio Links: (Merch, Websites, Social Media, Radio Station) https://linktr.ee/MiseryPointRadio Misery Point Radio is part of the Spoilerverse network. www.spoilerverse.com #miserypointradio #podcast #interview #musicpodcast #spoilerverse #incantation #spcustomguitarsusa #falseprophet #metal #sectoftheviledivinities #ageoftheviledivinities #radio #seattle #elcorazon #tourlife            


Chris Heap - Heaps of Metal

Joining me today (finally) on the show is Chris Heap, founder of the UK-based Heaps of Metal media family. Chris and I had an awesome conversation about his passion for music and his dedication to promoting artists from all over the world, as well as his influences, his favorite bands, his thoughts on the current music scenes, and an exciting project that's currently in the development stages. Don't miss this fun conversation about music and random awesomeness! Music Played in this episode: Necropolis - Hail Mary Massacre - Book of the Dead Heaps of Metal Links: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1771901986175996/ www.instagrm.com/heapsofmetal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFDG78H9A-bckpzcBv26xkQ Misery Point Radio Links (Merch, Websites, Social Media) https://linktr.ee/miserypointradio Radio Station (In beta): www.live365.com/station/Misery-Point-Radio-a76712 Misery Point Radio is a part of the Spoilerverse Network #miserypointradio #heapsofmetal #metal #podcast #interview #radio #ukmusic #spoilerverse #necropolis #massacre #hailmary #bookofthedead #thrashinglikeamaniac #anthrax #metalmaelstrom #metalmaelstromcoalition #blindillusion #virusuk #ashencrown #allconsumed #wardxvi #thangram           


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