Mom Who Works: Redefining what it means to be a working mom (in a world without working dads...)

Mom Who Works is a weekly podcast that is redefining what it means to be a working mom in a world without working dads. Hosted by Jenna Worthen, author and entrepreneur, each episode digs deep into unique stories, experiences, and perspectives that remind us there is no one-size-fits-all approach to how best to both work and mother. Mom Who Works is for the mom who already works, the mom who misses work, the mom who wants to work, and the mom who doesn’t know what the hell she wants.

A Summer Practice: Just One Thing!

Summer can be a time that feels like we need to really do so much with our kids to make it memorable, and as moms who work, this can come with guilt we are not as easily available as we may wish we could be! That's why I am using the "just one thing" motto for the summer-- and I want to share with you exactly how I am doing this! Listen in! As always, drop us a note at


Interview: Colleen Johnson, Mom Who Works, SAHM Mom, Single Mom, Step-Mom and every mom in between!

This is such a SPECIAL conversation. Colleen Johnson has been a mom who works, a SAHM mom, a single mom, a step mom, and every other iteration along the way. This episode will speak to you at a peace-giving, inspiring level, and I am so honored by her vulnerability and openness. Sincerely a gift! To reach out to Colleen, you can find her on Instagram @CCamp1974. If you have any questions, please email us at


Ritual Renewal: Memorial Day to Labor Day Challenge

It's that time of the year! The Mom Who Works Community has an annual tradition of completing a ritual renewal challenge during the 14 weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day! Just because it's summer doesn't mean you need to give up on your launch, your growth, your dreams or your sanity! Listen in for practical tips to create a simple ritual just for you this summer. Drop us a note at


Interview: Marek Cornett, Businesswoman and mom of TRIPLETS + 1!

Marek Cornett gives us a brutally honest and awe-inspiring look into life with one kid + TRIPLETS. She shares the most practical tips for navigating parenting with your partner, vulnerably shares her infertility journey and will make you laugh as she shares the social media messages she received while pregnant. It's a fantastic episode, and I am so honored to share with you here! You can find Marek on Instagram and Threads: @MarekCornett As always, drop us a note at


Mom Who Works Celebrates SIX Years!

HOW IN THE WORLD HAS IT BEEN SIX YEARS SINCE MOM WHO WORKS LAUNCHED?! Listen in as we share a little reflection on how this project and community came to be and where it is headed. There was a messy middle to those six years, with minimal communication and lots of burnout. Maybe you can relate (Jenna definitely has a vulnerability hangover with this one...). As always, write to us at and subscribe to the email list at


Interview: Alisa 'Trang' Green, Nonprofit Leader

We are THRILLED to bring you this episode with Alisa 'Trang' Green. She is a nonprofit founder, leader, mother and all around badass mom who works. This episode covers quite literally everything, but I especially love her take on the power of community and teaching your kids generosity from an early age. If you want to reach Trang, you can find her on Instagram @TrangAlisaGreen. As always, drop us a note at Listen in!


Write it down: Stop making problems so big

First of all, how many times do I say dadgumit this episode? Please ignore. Second, this episode is for the mom who works and is making things SO big in her mind. All the tasks, all the projects, all the clients, all the kids, all the food-- all the things that clog our brains can quickly bring about anxiety and a doomed feeling that says I will never get this all done. We want to issue a simple challenge: write it down. We believe when we write things down, they get smaller-- and we remember how capable we truly are. Listen in! As always, drop us a note at


Interview: Mickie Lara, Life Coach

Today's conversation will inspire and delight. We talk about what it means to be a good friend and so many nuances in life. Mickie Lara describes her superpower this way: I'm a fact-finder and I'm fairly intuitive. It means I can listen well, connect the dots an often make connections that others can't. And, if the situation calls for it, I'll have the tough conversation, be honest and say the thing that everyone is thinking but no one is saying. But they still always feel heard, understood and respected. That's my superpower.  You can find Mickie online at, on Instagram @MickieLara or reach her via email at Listen in!


Just go with it: Making friends is like dating...

There is power and promise in female friendships, a special place to find comfort and peace and support and love. And it is SO HARD to make new friends! How can we do it? Why should we do it? Listen in to this episode where host Jenna Worthen shares more about how she has built relationships at different times in her life and how she works to keep them thriving.


Interview: Mom Who Works Curator Team (on the value of community)

Do you have someone to call in the middle of the night when shit hits the fan? We do--but only because we built it. Join Kristin Holland, Christa Barber Moss Brigette Zorn and Jenna Worthen, the Mom Who Works co-curators, for a great conversation on the value of friendship, community and creating what you need in your life.


It's Q2: Sarah J. Maas inspires quarterly reflection...

It's April 1, second quarter and we are inspired by a Sarah J. Maas character exchange in the Throne of Glass series. It's probably not what you think... Quarterly reflections are a staple in the Mom Who Works community. Today, we are asking you to consider: who is it you wish to be? Listen in!


Interview with Lynette Holt, my Mom

Lynette Holt is my mom-- and she simply had to be my first interview. She's a business owner, a political activist, a worship pastor and now a retiree. This was such a fun and special interview. She always weighs in on Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift-- and her favorite part of it all? Jason. IYKYK Listen in!


What's Next on the Mom Who Works Podcast?!

We are done with the Mom Who Works book, so what's next for the podcast?! Tune in and hear more about the vision, purpose and future of the Mom Who Works Podcast. If this episode resonates with you, please share with a friend. And as always, drop us a note at


Mom Who Works Book: Acknowledgments and Bonus Chapter!

Moms, we did it! We made it to the end of the book. Reading this chapter was a wee bit wonky because it is very image heavy. I'll share those images on the @MomWhoWorks Instagram page for you to have-- or, please grab a hard copy of the book! If you don't have book buying money, send me a message and I'll send you the digital chapter - It has been an HONOR and a PRIVILEGE to read this book to you. Thank you for your patience as I got better as the book went on-- your feedback has meant the world to me. Can't wait to start sharing the interviews I've been collecting. The future of the podcast is so bright and so fun and I hope you love it!


Mom Who Works Book: Post Script

This is not a chapter I meant to write, wish I needed to write, but I needed to share the stories of the mom who works during a global pandemic. If you don't want to revisit, rehash or reconsider the quarantine times of your motherhood and careerhood journey, I suggest you skip this one. It was wild to write this-- and even more fascinating to read it to you so many years later. My heart aches for those still aching from the effects of the pandemic, and I'm holding space for those curious about the goodness also found during that time. As always, shoot us your questions or feedback to


Mom Who Works Book: Chapter 13

This chapter is the crux of our work in the Mom Who Works community: What is your "all" and how do you define it? You cannot have your all until you define your all. We would love to hear more about your all! Shoot us an email at


Mom Who Works Book: Chapter 12

It is an honor and privilege to share the stories moms trust me to share-- and this chapter is extra special. Listen in! As always, please reach out to us at


Mom Who Works Book: Chapter 11

I love this chapter so much. In fact, I started tearing up at one point...I don't know if you can hear it, but dang, motherhood, it will get you! A special shoutout to Mel Robbins for her inspiration for one section of this book and so many practices I've implemented into my life. As always, please get in touch and share with us:


Mom Who Works Book: Chapter 10

Have you heard of Queen Bee Syndrome? Have you experienced it for yourself? We want to hear from you! Please send your experiences to


Mom Who Works Book: Chapter 9

Grab a piece of paper and a pen to work through a decision inventory. This is such a powerful tool to assessing where you can delegate and outsource. As always, reach out any time at


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