Mom Wife and Boss Life

Join Yolanda as she has unfiltered conversations, on how to manage motherhood, marriage and business life! As a mother of three, starting and growing four businesses from the ground up, she knows what it takes to try and juggle it all. Entrepreneurship and motherhood go hand in hand in this podcast!

EP 053: Cider talks with Brooke Glover and being a female in the alcohol industry

In this episode I have an unfiltered conversation with Brooke on being a woman in the alcohol industry, working with family and the story behind Lucy Pickles which inspired them to work with local charities. We also discuss being a new mom and starting a new business! Brooke Glover is the President and Co-Founder of Swilled Dog Cider & Spirits and mother of two. A majority female-owned business in West Virginia, Swilled Dog is known for making cider. More than delicious beverages, Swilled Dog also gives back to local charities, on behalf of Lucy Pickles. Follow Brooke on social media: @SwilledDog


EP 057: Where have you been?

There's an update for Mom wife and boss life podcast! Hear all about it here!


EP 054: Trademark branding with Francesca Witzburg

In this episode I talk with Francesca Witzburg, a trademark celebrity branding specialist that has worked all aspects of trademark and copyright and has worked with celebrities and Fortune 500 companies. We talk on the importance of hiring a lawyer early on in your business journey and taking preventive measures regarding branding and protecting yourself and your business. As a mom and wife, we talk about how to recognize burnout and give great tips on getting past burnout and regrouping yourself.  You can follow Francesca on instagram:@Thetrademarkattorney


EP 051: Pregnancy, miscarriage and mental health

In this episode, Yolanda talks about her pregnancy, her miscarriage and the toll it took on her mental health. She discusses how her personal life along with current events made her go into a mental breakdown, how she overcame it and how she wants you to know that you are not alone. She openly talks about the fears of pregnancy and how she was able to overcome those fears after a miscarriage.


EP 50: "Momoir" talks with author Alyssa DeRose on the not so perfect journey to motherhood

In this episode, I talk with Alyssa DeRose, author of the newly released book "Momoir" we talk about her her not so perfect journey into motherhood and talk about how she handled writing a book and being a working stay at home mom.  Balancing Bible verses with swear words, Alyssa uses light humor to describe her very real journey through pregnancy, loss and learning. In a social media world centered around perfection – during a pandemic where most parents are struggling to get by day-to-day – readers will walk away with permission to shed preconceived expectations and claim their truth. MOMOIR is available for order now!: Follow Alyssa on social media: @alyssabderose #momoirbook


EP 049: How to handle company demands while being a toddler mom with Kristin DeBias

In this episode we talk with Kristin DeBias, who co-founded Energetek, while raising a toddler.  We talk about the adversity that women typically face in the workplace, how to handle company demands outside of business hours, and the importance of mental health.  You can find out more of Energetek by visiting their website at:


EP 048: Prioritizing wellness with Kris Rice

In this episode we talk with Kris Rice, founder of Deconstructing Wellness. She empowers high-achieving mamas to prioritize their wellness without feeling like they have to spend 3-hours a day meditating! We talk on how we are dealing with parenting and self-care during this Covid-19 pandemic. Ways to Connect: Listener Gift: A unique page on my site for our listeners to grab a free 5 Steps to Reversing Burnout support guide.! Instagram: Pinterest: Facebook:


Ep 047: Being a business owner during a pandemic

Being a business owner has its own ups and downs, but add a virus, guidelines and a pandemic and it's a whole new roller coaster. Most of the world is opening up, and if you are wondering where to start, what to do to prepare your business for your customers, I give you some tips that can help you! Good bye to the old "normal" and hello to the new "normal".


EP 046: This thing called parenting

Parent is already difficult, but to parent while sheltering at home…well that’s another story. It hasn’t been easy in my household, and I’m here to tell you it’s okay. In this episode I discuss what I have been going through; anxiety attacks, mom guilt, sleepless nights, fear of the unknown and how I’m taking it one day at a time. We are in this together, don’t ever feel you are alone in your thoughts!


EP 044: Marketing and branding tools

Are you overwhelmed with social media, apps, web hosting, and how to market your product, your business online? Are you having trouble branding yourself? In this episode, Yolanda gives you the tips and tricks she tells her clients when helping them set up their online presence. Having a digital presence in todays world is essential to any business.


EP 043: Time blocking, planners and scheduling

In this episode Yolanda goes more into detail regarding her schedule, how she time blocks her day and what works for her as a mother of two, business owner and blogger! She goes into detail about the planners she has used, such as the 10x planner by Grant Cardone and the Fit home and health planner by Emily Frisella. She gives you tips to schedule your day efficiently and account every hour of your day and maximize your day. Don't just be busy, be productive!


EP 042: 2020 Intentions and goal setting

Setting intentions for 2020, well first of all what is the meaning of intentions? Do you have a vision board, goals and resolutions? Those are all good things to have, but in this episode we go more into detail on how to make sure this year, is the year you make things happen!


EP 041: Comfort to growth with Joanna Hardis

Joanna Hardis, LISW, is a cognitive behavioral therapist and Gestalt-certified coach. A mother of three, she combines her personal parenting with her 20+ years of professional experience.  Her specialties are treating adults and children who have anxiety disorders or obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders, are going through life transitions (like life after divorce), or who would like help with their parenting skills.  In this episode we discuss anxiety, how to spot it and steps on dealing with it. We also talk about leveraging fear toward your goals Learn more about Joanna at  Instagram: @cbt.cle  Facebook:  For more info people can go to


EP: 040 Parenting as an exhausted parent with Rachel Bailey

Rachel is  a parenting specialist, but also a speaker and founder of an online Parenting Academy. In her work with parents, she teaches how to raise responsible, resilient children when we are busy and overwhelmed ourselves. In this episode we discuss how to parent while on a schedule and how to engage with your pre-teens.  Find Rachel online: WEBSITE: YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK: PODCAST:


EP 039: Have you looked in the mirror lately?

Is there some sort of chaos in your life? Maybe repeated arguments in your relationship, maybe your environment at work isn’t ideal? Or perhaps you keep self sabotaging yourself. In this episode Yolanda will talk to you about looking in the mirror and confronting that person. Are you being real with yourself?


EP: 038 Just an update for Mom, Wife and Boss life

Hello! This is just a quick update on what is going on with Mom Wife and Boss life.


EP 035: Commit to your business

You have decided to start your side hustle/your business! But what are the steps you need to take to be mentally and emotionally prepared to deal with a business, and run a household? In this episode Yolanda gives you a couple of tips on how you can prepare for your journey into entrepreneurship


EP 034: Diane Randall on wellness and boundaries

Diane is energized, committed, and passionate about leading wellness conversations around life balance, self-care, plant-based nutrition, and whole life wellness. Her joy is seeing individuals adapt health and wellness methods that reduce stress and bring harmonious balance to their lives.  In this episode we talk about boundaries in life and how to strive for balance in “real life”.


EP 033: How do you define motivation?

What is your definition of motivation? Do you consider yourself a motivated person? Let me tell you how I recently redefine motivation for me and how that helped me get into the right mindset to a healthier lifestyle.


EP 032: Should you attend business conferences?Hire a coach or mentor?

Have you attended an entrepreneur conference? Are you starting your business and considering hiring a coach? I have attended several conferences and have some tips for you! Remember, there is difference conferences, motivation and businesses conferences. Don’t forget to network!


Marlo Schmitt Andersen

Thank you for putting this together! I love the variety of relatable topics. Keep them coming!

02-24 Reply

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