DiscoverMomBod: It Takes A Village
MomBod: It Takes A Village

MomBod: It Takes A Village

Author: MomBod Village

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MomBod? It's my little taste of Motherhood; my attempt to be sane and healthy. The ‘Hood is meant to be a no judgement zone; a ‘here’s this because it helped me’; a ‘have you tried this yet’; an ‘I got this so you can do that‘; a playdate because who doesn't need a coffee and/or wine; but it is mostly an ‘I UNDERSTAND’.
Join the insight into my life of how I manage to be a full-time working military wife and mom, as well as all the other hats we tend to juggle in a day's time.
MOTHERHOOD is an interesting place to be, but without a VILLAGE, where would Moms be? Support this podcast:
13 Episodes
Welcome to my MomBod Village! I am excited to host this platform to support working women who are already moms or thinking about becoming one. This podcast discusses and provides tips for all things motherhood by using my experiences, resiliency, and research-based knowledge to inspire mothers to live wholesome, healthier, and happier lifestyles while adjusting to the daily living adventures of keeping little humans alive while balancing our womanhood and work. If you have no idea where to start with getting your life under control, don’t worry, none of us know what we are doing! Tune in to find your support system to conquer motherhood together. Holidays can be ROUGH! Who wants to be stressed and in a chaotic house during a time of joy? I prefer NOT. So grab your headphones and tune in to get my four tips to implement this holiday season to save that sanity and enjoy the holiday season like never before! Have a question or are interested in hearing about another topic? Let's connect by email at, or send a DM on Instagram at Remember, it takes a village. --- Support this podcast:
I am a full time working mom of two, while also being a military spouse. I create content that is relevant to motherhood and inspires moms everywhere to be their best selves while working, or not, so they can look good and genuinely feel good while on their journey through motherhood. Ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? In this episode, I dive deeper into a famous psychologist’s theory of human motivation and how to achieve the ultimate level: Self Actualization. You must desire to reach that level in order to get started on this type of self-discovering journey. Listen in to learn more about what has been happening on my end, my recent discoveries, and how to get started on your pursuit of happiness.  Don't hesitate to drop a DM on Instagram at to let me know what you think as well as other topics you would like to hear on my podcast. If you are new here, welcome to the MomBod Village! My favorite Personal Development blog: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Codependency: Codependency fable I read with counselor: Book I plan to read: Codependent No More by Melody Beattie --- Support this podcast:
Is that you 2022!?

Is that you 2022!?


Is it the new year already? Honestly, I don’t think I even realized 2021 came to an end. Time has been moving and I have been GROWING, you hear me? This is your teaser into Season 2 of MomBod: It Takes a Village! Get ready for some soul shaking conversation regarding self awareness and BOUNDARIES. Sound familiar? Perhaps not, but that’s what this season is for. To put you on your own personal growth journey starting with YOU. Welcome back to the Village:) --- Support this podcast:
Life as a military spouse is not always sunshine and rainbows, but there are times it is, and it makes it so worth it. We are strong, resilient, flexible, but so damn stressed! There are definitely pros and cons to living this life but my marriage and this life we are trying to build is what keeps us moving forward. So, if you are a military spouse, or know one, or are curious about such a thing, tune in to this episode to see not only what stresses me out the most, but also the most things I am thankful for as a military spouse. This life is tough, but so are we. Feel free to send me a DM letting me know your thoughts and experiences on not just this topic, but from previous episodes as well. Any and all feedback is much appreciated and looking forward to sharing more of my mom life with you! Welcome back to my Village. --- Support this podcast:
"A great marriage is not when the "perfect couple" comes together. It is when an IMPERFECT couple learns to enjoy their differences." -Dave Meurer. Marriage is hard. Now it all makes sense why our parents were the way that they were. They were trying to figure it out just like we are now. Tune in to hear some of the reasons that I received from others about what makes marriage hard, as well as some insight to how my husband and I made it to celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary coming up this year! Welcome to my Village. --- Support this podcast:
Self Identity Crisis

Self Identity Crisis


Our sense of identity comes from the choices we make about things like relationships, career, hobbies, friendships and lifestyle. These choices often reflect who we are and what we value in life. Motherhood causes a major shift in identity. New moms can sometimes feel like they have lost not only their social life, sexiness, or value as a working professional, but more importantly, THEMSELVES. Whether it was planned to have a kid or not, reality sets in! This doesn’t mean that you don’t love your kid(s) or that you aren’t doing a good job as a parent or wife. It just means that you may need some time to rediscover yourself. In this episode I reveal what helps me feel more like myself again since having kids, and I give you 5 additional tips to consider in order to regain your self identity and overall self worth. “You were someone before you were their mom and she matters too”. --- Support this podcast:
How Do I Self-Care?

How Do I Self-Care?


Between all the hustle and bustle in my life, there has be time for me to take care of me, right? I mean, it is only necessary in order for me to continue to thrive as well as showing up for my husband, kids, and work life. But what exactly is self-care and what is or should be included in an effective self-care routine? Tune in for details and conversation relating to how self-care is typically interpreted amongst people as well as what it looks like for me as a working mom and wife. References: Cassata, C. (2019, September 3). What is self-care? Healthline. Retrieved September 19, 2021, from --- Support this podcast:
A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life


What does a typical day look like for me? Aside from being a mother, I have multiple jobs, married to the military, and now I have added school as the icing on the cake. From the outside looking in, one would be lost and confused but as for me, there is a method to my madness! I manage to make it all work for the sake of me being happy, and I mean genuinely happy. Not for my kids, not for my husband or other family, but for me. Tune in to learn the recipe for being a mom boss and getting it all done one day at a time because it is doable, but only if you are in it whole heartedly. BE PASSIONATE OR NOTHING AT ALL. FOR 10% OFF YOUR PASSION PLANNER visit or use my promo code QUINTUNYA10 at to get start on getting your life together and making dreams a reality. --- Support this podcast:
Happily Hamilton

Happily Hamilton


How did I end up here? Feels like I was just in high school and on my way to college. But those are the times that made me the home run hitter that I am today as a person, wife, and mother. Definitely comes with good and bad, however, I push myself because I know what I am capable of and I just want to see the same in all mamas! Tune in to learn some of my history and methodology behind becoming Happily Hamilton.  --- Support this podcast:
Blended Life

Blended Life


Talk about vulnerability! Questions that need answers. Yes I am in fact a BONUS mom and giving insight to what a blended family is. Blended families are more normal now than they used to be, so why not talk about it? From before my marriage, til now and even further into the future, this is one of many things I'll be managing, and learning more about myself as each day passes. Welcome to the MomBod Village, blended and all! --- Support this podcast:
Welcome to Motherhood

Welcome to Motherhood


Entered Motherhood with a BANG! Thank goodness I was semi ready, but can you ever be fully ready for anything? Tune in for insight into my first pregnancy, what is what like, and how it was the most unfortunate time for it to happen. Good news is, we survived and could not be more thankful for the journey. Welcome to the MomBod Village! --- Support this podcast:
Intro: Who is Q?

Intro: Who is Q?


Who is this girl? My name is Quintunya and within this episode, I am scratching the surface on who I am and what it is that I do. Join me as I open the door to my life and what my motherhood, marriage, and everything in between, looks and feels like from my perspective. Not to mention, how in the hell I manage it all. Tune in to get started, stay tuned as I continue to build my MomBod Podcast for moms, by a mom. Welcome to the village! --- Support this podcast:
Welcome to my MomBod Village! I am excited to host this platform in support of working women who are already moms or who are thinking about becoming one. This podcast discusses and provides tips for all things motherhood by using my experiences, resiliency, and research-based knowledge to inspire mothers to live wholesome, healthier, and happier lifestyles while adjusting to the daily living adventures of keeping little humans alive while balancing our womanhood and work. If you have no idea where to start with getting your life under control, don’t worry, none of us know what we are doing! Tune in to find your support system to conquer motherhood together. We all know how difficult it is to be a woman. From all the clothes, shoes, accessories, menstrual cycles, and of course, childbirth. This is a BONUS episode as it is a nutrition education project for my Master's program course, NUTR 6250E Diet & Disease. It was incredibly related to my platform so why not use it as an opportunity to enlighten my fellow mamas?   Have a question or are interested in hearing about another topic? Let's connect by email at, or send a DM on Instagram at Remember, it takes a village. References: 1. Iron deficiency anemia. Iron-deficiency anemia | Office on Women's Health. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2022, from 2. NHS. (2021, May 20). High blood pressure (hypertension) and pregnancy. NHS. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, June 12). Diabetes during pregnancy. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from 4. Picard, C. (2022, July 29). How much weight should you gain during pregnancy? What to Expect. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from 5. Pregnancy complications. Pregnancy complications | Office on Women's Health. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2022, from 6. Nutrition during pregnancy. ACOG. (2022). Retrieved October 13, 2022, from 7. 8. Mayo Clinic Staff. (2022, April 15). Preeclampsia. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved November 20, 2022, from 9. Robin Elise Weiss, P. D. (2022, January 13). 10 questions to ask your doctor or midwife during pregnancy. Verywell Family. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from --- Support this podcast: