Momentum: The Leader's Best Friend

John Maxwell's 16th law of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Influence is the Law of the Big Mo. Momentum is the leader's best friend. "Many times momentum is the only thing that makes the difference between losing and winning." - John Maxwell

BAPOI - Modeling

In this episode, I dive deeper into the aspects of Becoming a Person of Influence.  I am sharing the four methods of influencing others and will be spending some time on the Modeling method of influence.


The Leadership Compass

This is an introduction to Becoming a Person of Influence.  I will discuss with you some of our issues with our present leaders and begin showing you that you can be the change we all want to see in world.  I will also demonstrate that regardless of where you are in your life and career, you are already a leader!  I want to walk with you on a journey of change and influence to make our world a better place.


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