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Money Chill Out

Author: Mariekafinot

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Hi, I am Marieka, and welcome to Money Chill Out!
On this podcast, I want to dive into the world of the often unspoken topic of money. Effective personal finance management can be a great liberator but also a huge stress factor in our lives. After a 10y career on trading floors in London, I want to help demystify the intimidating world of finance and have an open, honest, and frank conversation. By opening the discussion I wish you identify yourself, learn, be inspired, and get empowered.

Every other week, I will be joined by guests for a conversation on money, mindset, investment habits, and any best practices they abide by!
So join me on this journey as we unpick the complexities of finance and get more comfortable talking about our money.
84 Episodes
"The standard recommendation is to put 15% of your paycheck into your retirement pot to get 50% of your salary when you retire". Delayed gratification is hard...That's why today I have the pleasure of welcoming Jamie Kyte, aka the retirement guy to speak about anything pension-related:In this Money Chill Out Podcast episode # 83, we covered :🎯The biggest advantages to investing in your pension🤔What happens if you die with a big pension pot✅ Top tips to max out your pension💰His retirement portfolio#retirement #retirementplanning #taxefficiency #investments #pension
#82 : Mind your money

#82 : Mind your money


"If you want to have an impact it is a bit more time-consuming than the normal way of investing"Today I welcome Andreas Lehner, author of Mind Your Money, a practical guide to sustainable investments to help you navigate and get inspired by the sustainable investment world.In this Money Chill Out Podcast episode # 82, we discuss :🌳 His journey as a sustainable investor💰 His investment portfolio✅ Practical steps to implement♻️ His book Mind Your Money
Do you think you are a rational investor? Sorry, but most probably not!We all have cognitive biases, emotions, and social factors that impact us.Today for the Money Chill Out Podcast I welcome Dr. Zineb Miriam Nouns, researcher and financial health coach, to speak about behavioral finance.In this episode # 81, we discuss :💡What is behavioral finance?🎯 How does it materialize in the stock market?💫 What tips should we use💥What she learned about herself💰 Her investment portfolio#behavioralfinance #investing #financialliteracy #financialempowerment #moneyemotions
Do you want to invest in a tangible product, help fight global warming, and have a social impact? Today for the Money Chill Out Podcast, I am welcoming Daniel Dos Santos, founder of Treesition, an investment solution to invest in trees. In this episode #80, we are talking about 🌳 What it means to invest in a tree💥 Paulownia tree characteristics💡 Investment specificities💫 The social and environmental impacts🌈 Diversification benefit#investing #trees #financialliteracy #impactinvesting #diversification
“With all the natural disasters and consequences of climate change, the estimated social cost is close to 180 euros the ton of carbon emitted”.It clearly contrasts the 2 to 12 euros the ton you pay for carbon avoidance. Today for the Money Chill Out Podcast, I have the pleasure of welcoming Arnaud Defrance, head of carbon removal funding solutions In this episode, we spoke about : 💡The hierarchy of carbon credits, from avoidance to removal💰The stark difference in prices💫 Carbon credits for individual investors?🚀 What’s coming in that space? #carboncredit #investment #financialliteracy #carbonremoval #carbonavoidance
#78 : Family offices

#78 : Family offices


Family offices have taken the spotlight in the last decade, their numbers doubled and they now manage $6 trillion of assets.But what are they exactly? What is their purpose and how do they invest?That’s what we are discussing with Matthieu Broquere, partner CEDRUS PARTNERSIn this Money Chill Out Podcast episode # 78, we have covered : 🤔 What is a family office?🌈 Common traits even though they are all tailor-made💫 Investment universe💥 Performance🔥Trends in the ultra-high-net-worth segment
Expat life has its highs and lows. You can multiply your income, but also increase your financial risk: you tend to spend differently than from home and have no more public pension. Which means you need to spend and invest much more!Today for Money Chill Out Podcast I welcome Anthony Walsh, QFA, EFA, a wealth coach specializing in expats.‼️What is their most common trap?💡How to deal with Foreign Exchange?💫How to budget?🤔What about pension?Can't wait to know more? 🔥Listen to episode # 77 on Spotify and Apple podcasts
“What you want from crypto is to go for huge bets that will change dramatically your life by taking more risk”Today I have the pleasure of welcoming Cyrus Fazel, the founder of SwissBorg, who wants to democratize wealth management for everyone.In this episode, we are speaking about :💡Swissborg's mission💥The crypto universe🎯The US-listed bitcoin ETF🚀The 4 Ps to start in crypto🔥 Market predictionsCan't wait to know more? Listen to Cyrus' episode on Spotify and Apple podcastsLINK :And if you like this podcast, please share the love, follow the show, and give a review!#crypto #wealthmanagement #financialliteracy #cryptocurrency #blockchain
Chloe Guilfoyle's mission is to inspire more women to invest in early-stage start-ups. And there is a lot to do once you know that 96% of women aren't advised about it by financial advisors (source Female Invest). Today for the Money Chill Out Podcast I have the pleasure of welcoming the COO of Femmes Business Angels to speak about : 💡 The particularities of start-up investments🔢 Data around female business angels💥 The obstacles to more women's involvement💫 What's inspiring about start-up investment?🚀 Innovation & Impact
Financial clarity is fundamental in your investment journey. Yet, we tend to underestimate its importance. Today for Money Chill Out Podcast, I am very happy to welcome Michael (Mick) Heyman, CFA, investment counselor at Heyman Investment LLC in San Diego, USA.With his 40 years of experience in the market, I loved the wise advice and knowledge he shared on : 💡What is financial clarity?❌ Financial clarity isn’t linked to wealth🚀 The importance of a long-term vision and patience‼️ Don't pay more than 1% of fees💫 His investment portfolioCan't wait to know more? Listen to Mick’s episode on Spotify and Apple podcastsAnd if you like this podcast, please share the love, follow the show, and give a review!#financialclarity #financialwellbeing #financialliteracy #investment #money
Imagine a group of smart, well-connected women gathering to invest in early-stage start-ups. That's the concept of Leia Capital, a group of female business angels trying to change the staggering number that only 2% of the funding goes to women-led start-ups.Today for the Money Chill Out podcast, I have the pleasure of welcoming Sarah Huet to discuss :Leia Capital's missionData on the start-up investmentsTheir investment processKey metrics they look atHow to valorize a start-upSarah's drive is contagious, and I urge you to listen to episode #73 on Spotify and Apple podcast#startups #businessangels #womeninfinance #investments #financialliteracy
Today for Money Chill Out Podcast I welcome Zechariah Zheng, an eToro Elite Pro investor, with over 130k followers who can see his trades, his portfolio, and 10k copiers that replicate what he does!In this episode # 72, we spoke about :🚀 How he became an E toro Elite pro-investor💡 The different investment styles💥 How Chat GPT changed his life💰 His portfolio💫 Advice, best and worst memory in the marketCan't wait to know more? Listen to Zech's episode on Spotify and Apple podcastsAnd if you like this podcast, please share the love, follow the show, and give a review!#investment #etoro #investor #financialliteracy #financialempowerment
Do you remember that Choupette inherited Karl Lagerfield's wealth?Today for the Money Chill Out Podcast, we are talking about financial legacy with Julidé Ninek 💸 who spent 20 years in private banking.We roughly all know what a will is, but only a few of us have one. We wait and delay our decision-making until it's the worst moment. So to be better prepared, to help the next generation, and to be sure it will be accomplished the way we want, let's open the discussion today!In this episode, # 71, we are talking about : 💡What is a financial legacy🤔 What can it include?💫The most common beneficiaries🌈 When do people take action?🚀Key elements and adviceCan't wait to know more? 🔥Listen to episode # 71 on Spotify and Apple podcastsAnd if you like this podcast, please share the love, follow the show, and give a review!#financiallegacy #inheritanceplanning #money #investments #financialliteracy
Today I have the pleasure to welcome Raphael Dazet, head of electronic trading at AXA UK, to speak about the different market orders.It's a question that often pops up with my clients once they are ready to execute so I really wanted to cover this topic and empower you with that knowledgeIn this Money Chill Out Podcast episode, we are talking about:💡 At the market, limit orders and stop loss💫 The concept of a bid-ask spread🎯 Should we trade in our domestic currency or in the underlying currency of the product?💥 What is a fat finger?🚀 How to choose the right platformWe also spoke about Raphael's new book, "A Million for All", where he details how everyone can become financially free.#marketorders #investment #financialempowerment #financialliteracy #financialindependence
Today for Money Chill Out Podcast we are diving into real estate fractional ownership.And I couldn't find a better fit than Adrien Hardy, CEO of Algae, author of "Financing Your Dreams" and financially independent thanks to his real estate investmentsWe discussed :💡The strategy behind his real estate portfolio💫 His biggest learning, being in the market for the past 10 years💥 What is fractional ownership🌈The advantages and what to be mindful of🚦The platforms to invest#realestate #fractionalownership #investment #investmentstrategies #financiallyfree
Today I have the pleasure of welcoming the “queen of tax codes” aka Abigail Foster, ACA, the founder of Elent, whose mission is to eradicate the gender pay gap!One of her videos went viral with over 1.8 million views! And she now has more than 100k followers on Instagram. Accountant by profession, she wants to be your finance's best friend.In this episode, we are talking about :🎯 her target audience💥 why she is so passionate about financial education?🥁 Her most successful video on reading your payslip🌈 her favorite subject i.e. pensions!💫 her advice for people in their 20sCan't wait to know more? 🔥Listen to episode # 68 on Spotify and Apple podcastsAnd if you like this podcast, please share the love, follow the show, and give a review!#money #investments #financialeducation #financialliteracy #socialmedia
Negotiating your salary should give you the same mental stress as asking for a meeting.Does it? 🤔Probably not...That's why I have the pleasure of welcoming Lina BELMADANI, CEO of LaMoisson, to give you the right mindset, skills, and structure to get paid for your worth! 💫In this episode, we are talking about :💥The importance of soft skills with self-confidence, personal branding, and empathy🚀 The 4 dimensions of the negotiation process🚦How to overcome blockages?🎯When to negotiate?Can't wait to know more? 🔥Listen to episode #67 on Spotify and Apple podcastsAnd if you like this podcast, please share the love, follow the show, and give a review!#money #salarynegotiations #pay #softskills #selfconfidence
“The discussion around money is the easiest of the difficult discussion in the couple”. So why is it so hard to open up? Because it’s a question of identity 💡 Today for the Money Chill Out Podcast, I have the pleasure to welcome Margaux Terrou, a sexologist, yes you read well, that is speaking a lot about money!💰 Did you know that 20 to 40% of divorces are due to financial matters?⚡️ Have you ever thought that consent could be driven by money?🤔 Did you expect people to be more at ease with their sex lives than sharing their salaries?💫 How can you include your other half in your investment projects?🌈 Do you know the concept of a money date?That's what we discussed in this amazing episode I urge you to listen to 🔥Listen to episode # 66 on Spotify and Apple podcastsAnd if you like this podcast, please share the love, follow the show, and put a review!
# 65 : NFTs

# 65 : NFTs


Today for Money Chill Out Podcast I am very pleased to dive into Non-Fungible Tokens aka NFTs with my friend Bertrand Delain.Coming from "traditional finance" being an ex-colleague of mine, he switched to decentralized finance about 5 years ago, holding numerous positions for start-ups.Even though we may all have heard about NFTs, I was stunned to hear about their scope. So let's open our minds and dive into space 🔥In this episode, we are talking about :🎯 What are NFTs?❗️Their applications and scope🚀 A bit of jargon💰 Platforms and how can we use NFT as investments⚡️What prevents mass adoption
Today I am very pleased to welcome Mar Michelle Häusler to Money Chill Out Podcast to discuss "Me, myself, and money".This ex-trader from London, who now owns a financial empowerment business in Lisbon is all about our inner relationship with 💰In this episode, we are talking about :🌈 Our ancestor story❗️The biggest money blockage for women💫 Shifting our mindset🚀 How can women stop avoiding the money subject?🎯 AlignmentWant to know more? Let's go!#money #mindset #investments #alignment #moneyblockage