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Money Code Secrets Podcast

Author: H.W. Charles

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The bible is encoded with thousands of secret and hidden messages of knowledge and wisdom. Each verse in the bible is a secret code that needs to be decoded to be properly understood. In the Money Code Secrets podcast we will decode these secret and hidden messages to find practical solutions for life and on how to acquire wealth.
23 Episodes
In this episode, we reveal the Talmud’s secret of blessing. The entire biblical code is based on blessing. The Talmud (Ta’anit 8b) teaches: “A blessing is found only in an object that is hidden from the eye.” The power of blessings are found in that which is not seen, behind what is readily observable. We invoke blessing by words and certain actions.The Talmud reveals to us the secrets of changing one’s destiny and bringing about blessing and wealth and even avoiding an early death. ...
Biblical Response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) CrisisYou can’t control how long a crisis will last, you can’t control the time of your death. However, you can always make the best of any situation and you can use your time wisely insteading of being fearful. Support the show
The Talmud (Shabbat 118a) states that, “With regard to anyone who delights in the Sabbath, God gives him a very large reward. You will ride on the heights of the world.” Psalms 37:4 says, “You shall delight in God and He will grant you your heart’s desires.” The Talmud (Shabbat 118b) decodes this code: “With regard to ANYONE who delights in the Sabbath, God grants him his heart’s desires.” Support the show
Investing in assets is an important key to accumulating great wealth. Investing is one of the main reasons many wealthy people are financially better off than the majority of people. The majority of people work hard for their money. With wise investing, it’s possible to have every dollar you earn work hard for you. The Bible and the Talmud provide numerous suggestions for investing wisely and also provide warnings.Support the show
“Merit acquired through tithing” is another important part of the “wealth puzzle.”People are not limited to their destiny, or influences outside their control; rather, proper actions and merit determine “success outcomes” and length of life. Support the show
In this episode we reveal the secret “Talmudic Wealth Formula” for achieving long-lasting wealth as well as a long life. The Talmud is a sacred ancient Jewish text that is the primary source of Jewish religious law and theology. In the past, in nearly all Jewish communities, the Talmud was the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life and was foundational to “all Jewish thought and aspirations”, serving also as the essential guide for the daily life of Jews.The Talmud, is a vital tool used for deco...
In this episode, we discuss a powerful secret from sacred ancient texts that will change your life regardless of what family you were born into. We explain why success comes easy for some and is a challenge for others.Recommended Subliminal Programs:Subliminal VisualSubliminal AudioSubliminal MP3sSupport the show
In this episode we discuss the difference between people who look rich, and people who are truly wealthy. We also dispel the common myths that “money doesn’t buy happiness” and that “the love of money is the root of all evil”.Support the show
In this episode we guide you through the 72 Names of God Meditation. Listen to this meditation daily for a consistent amount of time. A period of 6-12 months of disciplined daily listening of this meditation will achieve powerful results and create positive change in your finances, relationships, and life circumstances. Remember, this is not a get-rich-quick trick. Meditation is a discipline that helps you move in the right direction.Start the meditation by setting an intention of your desire...
So why do wealth meditations work so powerfully? As you practice wealth meditations, you are training your brain to create new neural pathways related to wealth creation. The pathways get stronger with repetition until the desired outcome of being wealthy is the new normal.Support the show
In this episode we will discuss the secret wealth meditation strategies encoded in sacred ancient texts.The Bible provides a secret message of how to hear God’s voice and get ideas, revelations and answers to your questions. Support the show (
In this episode we will discuss the different types of meditation and the effective use of meditation to achieve one’s life goals.Why is meditation beneficial?Just like science has gathered a convincing amount of evidence to show that moderate exercise is beneficial, recent scientific research is showing that there are numerous benefits to meditation. Support the show (
One of the greatest secrets found within sacred ancient texts is the knowledge on how to talk to God.Why would anyone want to talk with God? For most, it comes down to getting answers to problems or getting input that would help with solving problems. Support the show (
#9 - Talking to God

#9 - Talking to God


What do you do when encountering problems, obstacles and setbacks in your work life while working toward success?Problems are bound to occur, but there are methods and strategies for dealing with them. These strategies and methods involving talking to God and can be applied for two areas of your life: your work and your personal life.Support the show (
What you desire is your will. The Hebrew saying “ein davar omeid bifnei ha’ratzon” means “nothing can stand in the way of will” and it’s based on the following Zohar, “Everything in the world depends on the will.”The ancient wisdom from Judasiam teaches that your desires can be achieved if you have the will and determination to pursue them. Support the show (
How do you make your chosen work, career, or investment a success? Proverbs 24:6 of the NLT says, “So don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers.” Proverbs 20:18 of the NLT says, “Plans succeed through good counsel; don’t go to war without wise advice.” We can view work and investing as waging war. Victory in war, just like victory in work and investing, requires proper planning and strategizing.Support the show (
The bible and other sacred ancient texts provide valuable wisdom. Technological advancements, and advancements in knowledge are growing rapidly in our time as Daniel 12:4 states, “Knowledge will increase”. Combining advanced technology with the wisdom from the bible will help advance society to a very high level. Support the show
So how does one become wealthy?The answer is found in the sacred ancient Jewish text, the Talmud: “Let him engage much in business and deal honestly” (Niddah 70b).The Talmud is a book of Jewish law that is one of the most important sacred ancient texts in the world. It contains a “Jewish Code of Wealth” and studying the Talmud can reveal many secrets on how to become wealthy.Support the show
The code in Isaiah 33:6 of the Douay-Rheims Bible says, “There shall be faith in thy times: riches of salvation, wisdom and knowledge.”The Talmud teaches us not to read things in the Bible literally. The Talmud teaches us to constantly ask, “What is meant by the verse?” What is meant by the verse Isaiah 33:6? The Babylonian Talmud (Tractate Shabbath Folio 13a) decodes Isaiah 33:6. Faith is applied to seeds, because it requires faith to sow with the assurance of successful crops that bring profit. How can you be sure you will get a successful crop? Support the show
In this episode we will talk about how to deal with and solve difficult problems in your life such as debt, losing a job, relationship problems, money and business difficulties.We will decode a secret code in Deuteronomy 10:12 that will reveal one of the most effective methods of turning your life around and solving difficult problems in your life.Deuteronomy 10:12 of the New English Translation says, “What does the Lord your God require of you except to revere him.”Support the show
Comments (2)

Ben Patel

Thank So much for making this available. Look forward and enjoy each episode. God bless. - Ben

Apr 25th

Ben Patel

Excellent. So good. Thank you. Would kindly post any of HW. Charles other books. (Investment Codes) An answer to prayer. Kind regards Ben Missionary

Jan 17th