DiscoverMoney For the Rest of Us
Money For the Rest of Us
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Money For the Rest of Us

Author: J. David Stein

Subscribed: 35,031Played: 404,775


A personal finance and investing podcast on money, how it works, how to invest it and how to live without worrying about it. J. David Stein is a former Chief Investment Strategist and money manager. For close to two decades, he has been teaching individuals and institutions how to invest and handle their finances in ways that are simple to understand. More info at

532 Episodes
Comments (25)


Interesting topic of comparison. As a point in light of your pointers, I would remind you that the largest US employment growth of the last recent years has been in the gubmit sector producing nothing but stifling economic activity. Odd you mention the saving grace of the US economic system is the reserve currency status, when it seems every uniparty politician is doing everything in their ability to destroy that status. Almost like they want the nation to fail and fold under to a world system?

Nov 4th


Canadian pension plan with mandatory participation and an extraction of over 5% from your salary and an employer match out of your compensation of another over 5% is your solution? We already have a defined benefit plan like that except extracting much more of total compensation. It's called social security and it's been horribly managed by our gubmit overlords. Look to Chile as a model. Agree aggregated plan participants do benefit by deaths of other plan participants. Spect the pols know?

Oct 17th


dude clear your throat. you can stop the tape you know.

Oct 16th
Reply (1)


For each dollar a politician spends that we don't have a dollar must be borrowed? For each dollar borrowed, a dollar must be created? For each dollar created it makes all existing dollars worthless. As a portion of public debt, the Fed is reducing its allocation, laying it off on the general population? Why do they not want to be the last bag holder???

Oct 3rd

Phillip Davey


Sep 13th


million not billion.

Aug 1st


The climate's been changing since before Neanderthal took cover in caves. What did they do for insurance?

Jun 6th
Reply (1)

Wes M

Good job. You're an actual bitcoiner! Great information. Tx.

Feb 17th

Matt Drake

just discovered this podcast after realizing I was not as financially literate as I thought. I've never heard such complex ideas broken down so easily, I'm hooked and listen while I work every day, thank you!

Sep 19th

Jason Lamberth

telling it how it is

Feb 17th

Prateek Shaw


Nov 22nd


Hey JD - awesome explaination on collateral and repo. I wonder - why there is not any prohibition on banks for not engaging in practice of using only the limited % of institution’s money.

Jun 6th


with Trump in office i could see him or some other extremist leader causing hyperinflation through a policy mistake or two.

Feb 20th


One of my favorite episodes. David is an academic when it comes to explaining an issue.

Jan 11th

Richard Davis

Great skyscraper bond Example where speculation drove Production above reasonable levels

Oct 24th

Xiaosong Rong


Apr 1st

samrat hazari

waoooww really appreciate your podcast

Nov 13th

David Johnson

I love this podcast. I learned of it from the Afford Anything podcast and am so happy I found it!

Oct 26th

iTunes User

Man, this podcast is fantastic. I am so glad I came across it. My favorite episode is #24 because it deconstructs and evaluates the Permanent Portfolio by Harry Dent. I like the podcast as it is, but would love to hear more episodes that cover the various investment portfolios out there. I'm particularly interested in Lazy Portfolios and have followed David Swensen's with good results, but would love to get Mr. Stein's take on it.

Aug 30th

iTunes User

I discovered your podcast on iTunes a few days ago. I am listening to them from the beginning. I usually listen to podcast about why hyperinflation is on the way and everyone needs gold or silver to survive. I have been stressed out for years waiting on dooms day. The more of your podcast I listen to, the less stress I feel. Thank you for explaining how money works in a way I can understand.

Aug 30th
Reply (1)
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