Money is Freedom

Welcome to Money is Freedom, a podcast for people who believe in simple, jargon-free guidance about money and investing. It's also a podcast for people who believe money can be fun and want to guide their thoughts about it in positive directions. Our host, Dan Danford, serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Family Investment Center, a full-service, commission-free investment advisory firm. Based in St. Joseph, Mo., Family Investment Center serves clients in the Kansas City area and across 13 states. You'll see his name and those of his team across publications like The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News and World Report, Forbes, Kansas City Star, Chicago Tribune, BusinessWeek and more -- often surrounding somewhat unconventional (but absolutely smart, experience-driven and level-headed) information about money. If Dan's wisdom has been called upon by these sources for its uniqueness and savvy, it's because he has had a unique journey. He began his investment career more than 30 years ago as a bank trust officer, where he decided there must be a better way to help people reach their goals. He started a successful independent trust company in 1987 and Family Investment Center in 1998. He has been helping people achieve their version of "the good life" in a refreshing commission-free atmosphere ever since. (In fact, client Assets Under Management exceeds $100 million). Having seen first-hand the many ways bank trust and investment companies work and provide services, he feels strongly that a commission-free firm offers a better way for most people to receive independent, objective advice at reasonable rates, with a high level of personalized service. Now that this type of advice has become popular (and soon mandatory) it's business as usual at Family Investment Center. Dan holds a bachelor's degree in Marketing from Missouri Western State University, an MBA from Northwest Missouri State University, and an MS in Personal Financial Planning from Kansas State University. He is a CFP® and strongly influenced by his late father, Thad Danford, who made him rent the family's mower for Dan's early lawn mowing business.

Debt: So Misunderstood … Find Out Why You Can Let Go of the Emotional Baggage.

What is debt, really? It’s borrowing money from someone – someone who has extra money – and then paying them for the use of their money. It allows people to have homes for their family; and when used wisely, debt creates liquidity where liquidity is needed. As long as the exchange is fair, it can be a helpful tool … yet society sometimes turns it around. Find out what Dan Danford has to say about letting go of the emotional baggage surrounding debt, and how to use it in positive ways on your journey to your picture of freedom.


In Life, and Retirement, The Chaos May Be The Best Years of Your Life

Who is actually happy out there? Can an advisor be part of that process for an investor? These are some great questions. Because advisors have seen a lot of life situations and a lot of different outcomes. As Dan Danford shares in this episode of Money is Freedom, having money doesn’t actually make you happy. But, you may find a greater level of unhappiness at the lack of money. Money allows you to take care of yourself and those you love, but it’s often not the big issue hanging over you (or a top priority) once you achieve it. Actually, as Danford explains, money is more of a byproduct. If you focus instead on the way you treat people and the choices you’re making, the success can come from loving what you’re doing and being engaged in that endeavor. Setting out to live your purpose, first, can bring money and happiness as things that “come along” because of your engagement in the process. Can a financial advisor help you on this path? Yes, if you work with one who knows the “nuts and bolts.” Danford answers key questions about happiness in this episode, and gives you a few new questions to ponder, too.


Don’t Stop Working at 65 – Because The Best is Yet To Come. And You Don’t Want to Miss It.

You may be 65. Or nearing it. Or plan to be one day. If so, know this: Your next few years of working past age 65 could open the doors to a new purpose and new success you never saw coming. As Dan Danford shares on this insightful podcast, when you’re 65, you may be at your peak career earning years. And you don’t have to walk away. In fact, these years could be the very years that allow you to fulfill your purpose and mission in a season down the road in ways you never imagined. You can use what you’ve learned to move you closer to your purpose while you keep working for an additional few years. This time could be what allows you to do what you really love to do. The old idea of stopping work at age 65 just doesn’t apply today. People live much longer, and many love their work and are fulfilled by it well into their 60s, 70s and beyond. Find out Dan’s insights here about a 30-year retirement and finding the purpose and meaning in it, including one story with a surprising and inspiring twist.


The Single Most Important Question in Retirement Isn’t About Money

Dan Danford’s grandfather used to say “Rocking chairs have killed more people than any disease ever could.” His wisdom rings true today. Most people will have a 30-year retirement, which is a longer time span than many people realize or predict. Money is just a tool in retirement to help you accomplish what you want to accomplish. The more important question is what do you plan to do? The answer to this question (how you’ll get up each day, get out and interact with people) is a key piece of a successful retirement formula. Listen today for more insights from Family Investment Center Founder/CEO Dan Danford on this exciting season called retirement.


Sleeping Late and Playing Golf Every Day Gets Old. Fast.

You need a clear plan for your retirement future that has purpose and meaning. As Dan Danford, CEO/Founder of Family Investment Center, tells people often “Retirement success is built around self-discovery. It’s knowing what this time of life should look like for you, and tying that to some purpose. A lot of successful people retire and then get restless and bored pretty quickly with sleeping late and playing golf.” Is your picture of retirement a little too vague? Are you sacrificing things now in your daily spending, believing you can’t “smell the roses” and still accomplish what you want in retirement? Listen in this episode of Money is Freedom as Dan Danford explains how the right kind of advisor can solve these challenges – and yes, you can have your latte and enjoy it, too, as you prepare for retirement. There are ways to enjoy life today and still achieve the retirement you want, with a purpose.


Four Surprising Roadblocks to Your Financial Success (And How to Bypass Them)

Retirement is really your own personal freedom tour. It’s your journey to plan, pack and prepare for – and you’re in the driver’s seat. In this episode of Money is Freedom, Dan Danford, Founder/CEO of Family Investment Center, shares five surprising roadblocks to your financial success. (Such as living in a 24-hour news environment. “All or nothing” thinking. Fear of a career change. Not seeing the big picture of retirement as a 25-year opportunity span). He also shares inspiring ways to move through these roadblocks to get to the purpose and joy that’s waiting for you.


Planning for Some Serious Freedom with Rob Barnes

Are you an entrepreneur? Do you have a family business? You’re likely thorough. Research-oriented. Goal-driven. And contemplative about how you make your decisions and get your information. There’s a difference in working with a business owner over an individual – and this difference, says Dan Danford, may warrant a closer look at professionalism and expertise, especially when it comes to areas like insurance and estate planning. In this episode, Dan Danford addresses entrepreneurial success with Rob Barnes, Founder and President of Integrated Insurance Consulting. Rob specializes in the use of life insurance for business and estate planning needs. He shares a common goal across the Family Investment Center team: helping entrepreneurs succeed. Today, take a moment to listen and see what you can contemplate, mull over and learn … because that’s how entrepreneurs think.


Positive Energy Rituals: Getting Sh*! Done while Fueling New Levels of Optimism

What you’re doing today, you’ll probably do tomorrow. If you want tomorrow to be better, make the rituals of today compatible with how you want tomorrow to look. The concept of positive energy rituals (rather than time management) has changed the way Dan Danford and Richard Salmen live their lives and help their clients succeed. It’s a concept from the book “The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal.” Listen to Dan and Richard’s personal insights about this book and others that drive their lives. Then use their thoughts – and yours – as fuel to keep learning, to laugh a little, and to establish your own universal principles of optimism. This may be the episode to nudge you out of what Dan calls “the pinball machine principle” and into the freedom, creativity, focus and energy you want.


Celebrating 20 Years of Freedom

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Family Investment Center. What a journey it’s been! When I left the trust company I’d help start with a few colleagues in 1998, I envisioned an independent advisory firm that remained focused on its clients and embraced technology. We’ve never looked back … today, we offer a team of six salaried investment advisors and offices in both Missouri and Kansas. We offer more services than ever before, and we’re smarter than ever. We know how blessed we are to have our clients, friends and the community alongside us on this journey. Today, take a moment to reflect and celebrate with us. This journey has been a blast -- and the best is yet to come!


Are You planning for some serious Freedom?

Are you planning for some serious freedom? You could be. And it could be simpler and more rewarding than ever. In 2018, Family Investment Center is planning for some serious freedom – like never before. On Jan. 1, Family Investment Center welcomed Richard C. Salmen to the team. He is a nationally-known industry professional, and spearheads expanded financial planning services as President of Family Investment Center. As a retired FAA air traffic controller, Army Captain and Chair of the 2018 CFP Board’s Board of Directors, Salmen and the team want to help you make money make sense this year. Listen as Dan Danford and Richard C. Salmen talk about why this is a great day for you – and for the team at Family Investment Center.


Consequences and Responses

Like a roller coaster ride … a night at the casino … a fantastic vacation week … Investing can be serious fun. It can be exciting. It can be scorable. Sometimes. But in this case, the results and consequences are much, much more significant than these thrills. One decision can swing your portfolio in a $100,000 direction – either up or down. Listen as Dan explains in this second podcast in the Millionaire’s Month series about how tying investing to specific goals that you have, then measuring performance against those goals, means your decisions can flow more easily. You won’t want to miss these practical insights. Song: "Millionaire(That You Used To Be)" by Derek Clegg


Processes and Methods

What does it take to get rich? A little luck and a little know-how? Probably. But most people follow a simple 8 step process. Most successful people know that the famous “E-Myth” applies to even their investments. More importantly, they know that within proper process lies the real key. Listen to this episode of Money is Freedom from Dan Danford to find out how this tool called process can help you reach freedom, too. Song: "Millionaire(That You Used To Be)" by Derek Clegg


Building Blocks of Investing

Here’s a million dollar question when it comes to your investments: Is the point excitement, or is it success? In this episode, The Building Blocks of Investing, listen as Dan Danford explains some key concepts related to stocks, bonds, mutual funds and more in refreshing, jargon-free language you can really learn from. And build upon. Song: "Millionaire(That You Used To Be)" by Derek Clegg


Is Investing Worth a Lot of Effort

Is investing worth the time and energy? Do you think of investing as a voluntary effort, designed to help your extra money make more money? What happens when investors focus more on the forest, and less on the trees? Hear these unique insights and more from Dan Danford from his book “Million Dollar Management” in this new podcast series for November (a.k.a. Millionaire’s Month). As Dan shares, the strategies used by large investment portfolio owners can be applied to family investors. The end result can be more freedom, less worry and more money to help others. We invite you to listen and enjoy the techniques for success that can definitely make investing worth the effort. Song: "Millionaire(That You Used To Be)" by Derek Clegg


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