More Intelligent Tomorrow: a DataRobot Podcast

More Intelligent Tomorrow is a wide ranging exploration of the potential impact of AI on the world around us. On the podcast we meet some of the most extraordinary experts in the industry to discuss curious topics from aliens to AI consciousness as well as the practical changes in healthcare, business and society at large.

Shifting the Landscape of Food Insecurity - Mick Ebeling, Sanjay Srivastava

What if the solution to food insecurity is technology? In today’s conversation, host Ari Kaplan sits down with Mick Ebeling, Founder /CEO of Not Impossible Labs and Bento and Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Digital Officer of Genpact, to discuss how technological innovation is helping solve food insecurity amongst at-risk populations.Not Impossible Labs is a global innovation lab that has spent the last decade tackling issues they call “absurdities” and building solutions aptly named “technology for...


Data is Only as Good as its Ability to Drive Value - Dan Merzlyak

“Data is only as good as its ability to drive value,” is the core belief of today’s guest, Dan Merzlyak, Head of Business Intelligence at BlackRock. BlackRock is the world’s largest asset management firm with over $10 trillion in assets and Dan is focusing on building a new data conversion and business intelligence strategy for the company’s core alternatives platform offering. The three different types of analytics that can be used to drive a business are descriptive, predictive, and p...


You Can't Be in Business and Not Take Risks - H.P. Bunaes

This episode of More Intelligent Tomorrow brings together H.P. Buanes, the Executive Director for AI. & Machine Learning at JPMorgan Chase and Diego Oppenheimer, the Executive Vice President of Machine Learning Ops at DataRobot for a conversation about artificial intelligence, machine learning, and their roles in the financial services industry. Data analytics and AI/ML wasn't a thing in 1983 when H.P. Buanes started his career. But since then, it’s become a core element for business...


Applied AI - Innovation That Matters - Debanjan Saha

In this episode of More Intelligent Tomorrow, we hear from Debanjan Saha, the President and Chief Operating Officer for DataRobot. He sat down with host Ben Taylor to discuss how he got to where he is and what he thinks is in store for artificial intelligence and machine learning.Ben starts off by asking Debanjan about the unique journey that brought him to the world of AI/ML.While Debanjan had originally planned to be a professor, a summer job at IBM Research started him on a climb up the te...


The Cost and Complexity of Last Mile Delivery - Dr. Matthias Winkenbach

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the value of having goods delivered right to our front door. From fast food ordered on an app, to next day shipping from an online store, the distance from click to delivery is getting shorter all the time. What most of us don’t realize is that the hardest part of delivering an order is the last mile.More Intelligent Tomorrow host Ben Taylor asked researcher Dr. Matthias Winckenbach to explain what he means by “the last mile” and why it’s so diffic...


Disrupting a Market is Rarely an Overnight Transformation - Peter Coffee

Disrupting a market is rarely an overnight transformation. And the right leaders see disruption as an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Peter Coffee was the first person at Salesforce with the word “platform” in his title. This was in an era where the idea of cloud computing was still in its infancy. He’s spent the last 15 years helping transform Salesforce from a company that sold CRM software into one that offers an entire cloud platform designed to enable companies to offer complete s...


Having Your Own Genetic Personal Trainer - FOXO Technologies

More Intelligent Tomorrow host Dave Anderson got a chance to catch up with FOXO Technologies’ Tyler Danielson and Nichole Rigby to discuss longevity, epigenetics, and rethinking life insurance.Tyler Danielson is the Chief Technology Officer at FOXO Technologies with a history of working in the financial services and commerce industries. Nichole Rigby is the Director of Data Science and Bioinformatics at FOXO Technologies. She’s a data scientist specializing in analyzing genetic and other biol...


Health Data is Medicine - CEO & Co-Founder of Seqster, Ardy Arianpour

In a world where companies like Meta, Google, and Apple collect and benefit from vast amounts of data about you, what would it be like if you were in control of your data instead? Specifically, what would it be like if you were in control of your health data? And what if you had it all in one easy to access place?CEO and Co-Founder Ardy Arianpour came on the podcast to tell Dave Anderson how and why Seqster is giving people that kind of control over their own health data. Adry says patient-ce...


The New Economy Will Require Empathy - Brian Solis

More Intelligent Tomorrow host Dave Anderson sits down with Brain Solis to talk about interesting ways to get creative solutions to our long-standing challenges. Dave Anderson is a keynote speaker, tech evangelist, and podcast host with a refreshing perspective on marketing, analytics, and technology.Brian Solis is a digital analyst, speaker, and author. Brian currently serves as the Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce. His work focuses on thought leadership and research into stud...


Anticipating the Singularity - Daniel Hulme

Singularities have been explored in science fiction; authors such as William Gibson and Phillip K. Dick have speculated what life could be like in a world beyond them, and video games such as Cyberpunk 2077 have invited us to experience them firsthand.Singularities may have once been a philosophical flight of fancy, but today they are an important topic for consideration by scientists, politicians, and other thought leaders.In this episode of More Intelligent Tomorrow, artificial intelligence...


Sharing the Mic in Cybersecurity - Lauren Zabierek

In this episode of More Intelligent tomorrow, Global AI Evangelist, Ari Kaplan, sits down with Lauren Zabierek, Executive Director of the Cyber Project at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center, and Sean Plankey, Director of Cyber Missions for DataRobot, to discuss the cybersecurity landscape, broadening the field of cyber security, and how to build a cybersecurity career. Both Lauren and Sean started their careers in the US government and military before pivoting to cybersecurity, with ...


Bringing History and Foresight to Ethical AI - Meg Mitchell

In this episode of More Intelligent Tomorrow, Meg talks to Michael Gilday about the opportunities in machine learning to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future.Dr. Margaret Mitchell (Meg) is a researcher in ethics-informed AI with a focus on natural language generation, computer vision, and other augmentative and assistive technologies. Foresight is an indispensable tool for shaping and evaluating AI project outcomes. Instead of focusing on creating technology to im...


How AI Evolves with National Intelligence - Robert Cardillo

Robert Cardillo, former director of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency joins Ben Taylor for this episode of the More Intelligent Tomorrow podcast.Robert Cardillo has delivered dozens of intelligence assessments that informed vitally important decisions on US national security. In his 35 years serving the intelligence community, he advised President George H.W. Bush during Panama’s Noriega regime, President Obama during the search for Osama bin Laden, and to understand North Korea’s n...


Making Data Science Bilingual - Najat Khan

Featuring: Dr Najat Khan, Chief Data Science Officer, Janssen Global sits down with Ari Kaplan, AI Evangelist, DataRobot, for this episode of the More Intelligent Tomorrow podcast. Najat Khan thrives in her mission to solve the world's most challenging health problems. With data science, AI, and machine learning, she endeavors to bring critical medicines to the public with efficiency, effectiveness, and inclusivity. When COVID-19 hit, working for Janssen Global and with Johnson...


From Retrospective to Prospective Analytics - Ikechi Okoronkwo

Ari Kaplan sits down with Ikechi Okoronkwo of Mindshare for this episode to discuss using predictive analytics to make key future decisions. Mindshare is a global media agency dedicated to forging competitive marketing advantage for global clients like Unilever, General Mills, and Ford. Ikechi Okoronkwo heads Mindshare’s Business Intelligence & Analytics team, which is lauded in the industry for their fresh approach to analytics.His mission is to simplify and refine decision-making proces...


How the United States Will Shape the Future of AI - Robert Work

In 2018, the US government established the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence. Robert (Bob) Work, former US Deputy Secretary of Defence, is one of 15 commissioners of a 750 page document outlining the four priority areas in need of attention for the “advance … of artificial intelligence, machine learnings and associated technologies to comprehensively address the national security and defence needs of the United States."In this episode of More Intelligent Tomorrow, Chief ...


Reshaping Reality Through Citizenship - Baratunde Thurston

On our Season 2 premiere episode, new host Dave Anderson sits down with Writer, Activist & Comedian Baratunde Thurston to discuss taking a more proactive role in how technology serves us.Technology is changing every aspect of our lives, but we often don’t give it much of a thought as we go about our day-to-day: how it helps us get from point A to point B, communicate with friends and family, procure what we need with relative ease, or monitor our health. As such, we don’t often think...


Season 2 Trailer - More Intelligent Tomorrow Podcast

More Intelligent Tomorrow Podcast Season 2 coming January 25th, 2022. Check out for a deeper dive.


Unlocking Scientific Breakthroughs with AI - Anima Anandkumar

Anima Anandkumar is a world-renowned AI researcher with brilliant answers to some of the most complicated AI questions. In this episode of More Intelligent Tomorrow, we talk about AI’s role in science and how future AGI systems might behave.


Exploring the Third Horizon of Innovation - Admiral James “Sandy” Winnefeld

In this episode of More Intelligent Tomorrow podcast, Admiral James “Sandy” Winnefeld discusses innovation and its role in war. He breaks down three horizons of innovation and how federal primes are world-class with first and second horizon innovations but struggle with third horizon innovation.


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