DiscoverMore Power Than You Think : Anatomy of a Christ-like Mind
More Power Than You Think : Anatomy of a Christ-like Mind
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More Power Than You Think : Anatomy of a Christ-like Mind

Author: Jennifer Skaw - Bible Teacher and Singer/Songwriter

Subscribed: 7Played: 86


This is not a podcast about self-reliance or pulling ourselves up with our own bootstraps but rather a focus on the fact that God has given us more power than we think!
Despite messy lives, mental illness, broken relationships, loss, and all the things, we can still live a lifestyle of peace, contentment, and joy.
This podcast will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and encouragement needed to control your thoughts and live abundant lives regardless of your circumstances and despite the enemy’s lies.
You’ll learn what renewing the mind looks like in the messiness of real life as we thoroughly explore the anatomy of a Christ-like mind.
What we think literally changes our brain and creates who we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually!
Together, let’s take back control and get victory one thought and one neural pathway at a time!

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48 Episodes
Sometimes we designate a trial in our life as a time to be “off duty” from being a light for Christ. Suddenly, we seem to have blinders on and all we can see is how our trial is affecting US.  But if we can view our trials through God's lens, many blessings surface. We lose many blessings when we isolate our interactions and trials to only be about us. Consider our Savior. Even facing death and abandonment, Jesus made His trial about others. Nothing He went through was for Him alone, but rather was for the glory of His Father and the benefit of mankind. Let’s talk about seeing beyond our trial, with a vision for serving others even during the most difficult hardship.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here  
King David had a dream of building God’s temple and was ready to take action, but God gave him a hard, “No!” Has God done this to a dream in your life? Said NO. How did you handle that? What became of the dream? There is a difference between suppressing our dreams, which leads to discontentment, and surrendering our dreams, which leads to peace. At the core of this surrender is trust. The more we trust God, the less painful surrender will be. The more we trust God, the more assurance we have that His plans are better than ours could ever be. Most of us have things we wish the Lord would allow but for some reason He hasn’t. The more we trust His wisdom, the less painful those things will be that He keeps from us. Today I’m talking about the two very different outcomes these two subtle but very different actions of suppress vs. surrender can bring.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here  
44 | To Be His Friend

44 | To Be His Friend


Scripture tells us that we can be God's friend. What an incredible honor and privilege. Several years ago, God helped me understand a way we can love Him with even more of our heart, soul, and mind so that we become a true friend of God. It is amazing that our Holy God condescends to our level to share friendship with us. Let’s uncover an obstacle to this friendship so that we can avoid it and God can continue to call us His true friend.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here  
Many believe that the idea of existing for the sole purpose of glorifying God is a ridiculous concept. Most have a perspective that following God is more like a hobby, and they see a relationship with Christ as optional. It is a given that for a lost soul to go to heaven, Christ is not optional, but there are also Christians who are living as if Christ is optional. Are we content with salvation and pursuing nothing more? A Christian loses so much by not pursuing Christ beyond salvation. Untold blessings are forfeited by living a redeemed life without a relationship with the Redeemer. Let’s shine some light on this deception from the evil one and get strengthened by the truth that for the lost or the saved, Christ is not optional.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here  
God doesn't always choose to remove affliction. Perhaps you will agree that looking back on certain trials in your life you can see at least one way you benefited from the trial.   People yearn for proof and examples that God really is enough for their trial. When we choose to keep living abundantly regardless of hardships and afflictions, we are giving others hope that scripture really is true, and that God really is enough. If we look from God's perspective, trials are a gift. This episode is about affliction, but not the woeful side of affliction, the beautiful side. There is hope and joy and mending and purpose when we let God be a part of our story, whether in the valley or on the mountain top.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
Trials give God an opportunity to gently minister to us and give us an opportunity to savor resting in His care. We find His peace when we trust Him regardless of the storm around us. This week’s episode title comes from Psalm 116:7-8. “Return unto thy rest, O my soul; For the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.” I want to encourage you in this episode that you don’t have to wait for your circumstance to change or for a prayer to be answered to have God’s peace.  You can have it this very moment.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
40 | Within His Reach

40 | Within His Reach


Prayer doesn't need to be perfect. Our prayer doesn't have to be long. We don't even have to know the person we’re praying for or the outcome. If we really tune in, I believe we will consistently hear God's whisper prompting us to pray all throughout our day for strangers everywhere we go. Everywhere we go and look, we will find someone who has a need. Even one sentence of prayer for a stranger may be all that God desires to do miracles in their life.  I Samuel 14:6, "For there is no restraint of the Lord to save by many or by few." The prayer of one. In this episode, we talk about what a difference praying for a stranger can make.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
39 | Worth the Cost

39 | Worth the Cost


Any labor we do for the Lord is worth it all if just one life is enriched spiritually as a result. This week's episode is about your worth, my worth and the worth of every life we intersect. It is about sacrifice and how reaching, investing in, and enriching another life for Christ is worth ANY cost. We are so valuable that Jesus considered us worth the cost of His suffering and shame. Now we get to follow His example. Every day we get opportunities to make a difference.   Together, let’s consider it worth the cost to invest in each other.  Let’s consider it worth the cost and a success when we make a difference in even one life.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here  
38 | At His Table

38 | At His Table


This week’s episode is called At His Table. It is God who is meeting you there. You quiet your thoughts and listen to hear your Father’s soft voice reminding you of His truth. As bitterness and discontentment knocked at your door this week, you had to really listen for that comforting voice. Your Father’s whisper tells you that you can trust Him. It tells you to be content with His plan. He reminds you that you have no need to fret or feel like you are missing out compared to someone else’s adventure or path. He reminds you that your work is important, and He sees you.  In this week’s episode we focus on trusting the path God has allowed, and that any work He calls us to do is important work.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
What should you do when the devil is attacking you? There are many tactics that bring success, but I want to share a tactic that brought me victory last week when the destroyer was trying to get me out of God’s will.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
Early on in dementia, the patient has an awareness of things changing.  They know that some of their thoughts are not quite right. They have an awareness that there are parts of their thinking process that they are losing control of. Our mental battles can be very similar.  You have one foot hanging off the edge of sanity, while the foot on solid ground has an awareness that something is wrong, but doesn’t have the control to fix the problem. What do we do when we are on that edge of confusion? What is God’s plan to help us with our mind when it seems we are losing it? Let’s find out one of God’s remedies in Scripture.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
God is always teaching! I'm back after 9 days in lovely Samara, Costa Rica.   I tried to remember to invite God to everything and was leaning in to hear His voice. Join me as I share some spiritual and not-so-spiritual memories from my amazing trip.   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
Of all the episodes from this series, this last one pulls at my heart the most. I spend more time on stigma in this episode than any of the others. It is a sad topic, but it is the truth of what’s going on in our churches. I also am forthright about the harm in the approach many take in counseling, an approach that has much truth but is mixed with very little mercy, grace, or heavenly wisdom. I begin this episode by briefly going over the 6 key things that God used to bring me to stability from suicidal depression and bipolar.  I spend quite a bit of time talking about how we all handle stress differently.  For some, stress becomes illness and disease. For others, it leads to mental symptoms. We all respond to stress differently based on a variety of factors. We all have a different reserve of strength and health. This reserve, or lack thereof, affects how vulnerable we are to the consequence of life’s stressors. When it comes to trauma, I address how some biblical curriculums teach that any negative effects from these traumas reveal a spiritual problem. I don’t believe that is a balanced or realistic perspective and explain my thoughts on this teaching. I address the division, harm and discord the devil has been successful in achieving among the body of Christ. I emphasize that no matter the origin of any mental or physical battle we face, God’s Word and renewing the mind is part of the answer. Toward the end, I give my final thoughts, including identifying the real enemy, the father of lies. And I encourage folks that even if they don’t see eye to eye with their leadership on the topic of mental health, we can still have a wonderful relationship, stay teachable, and receive the blessings God will give through our leadership in other areas. I end this episode by highlighting our Savior, as He spent His last hours in the garden, heavy with physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, yet fully trusting and without sin.  He again, is our example in all things.   I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
This is part 2 of my discussion on counseling. Today I reveal my concerns about both secular and Biblical counseling. Neither one can be blindly followed and neither one needs to be automatically excluded.  I point out that none of the counseling types are intentionally trying to steer you away from truth, but I do highlight things you need to be aware of in both secular and Biblical counseling that could be harmful. I especially highlight the harmful Biblical counseling that says you must accept who your heart wants you to be while it emphasizes the sin rather than the provision of our new identity in Christ. I warn that if you are not an avid student of Scripture, you will have a lack of knowledge and may fail to see where your counseling, whether secular or spiritual, is steering you out of alignment with God’s Word. I give advice on what the spiritual outcome of your counseling should be. I advise you on the confidentiality level of the different counseling types. I talk about the availability struggles you may have finding a counselor. I talk more about the harmful blanket statement that mental health battles mean you are not right with God and use my own self as an example of how my failures this week with anxiety and depression does not mean I completely failed or that I was overall simply not right with God or living in the world as the stigma states. This episode definitely provides a lot to chew on and think about! Next week I will bring one more episode on this topic of mental illness before resuming back to my normal content.   I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
The discussion on counseling will cover two weeks. In today's episode, Part 1 on counseling, I start by giving a bird’s eye view of the different kinds of counseling that is available in both the Christian and secular community.  I talk about price, credentials, availability, and what kind of confidentiality you can expect amongst the different counselors.  I talk about mental health professionals that specialize in a specific area and why that may be beneficial to you. I discuss how counseling is a relationship where you have a say in your care. You and the counselor get the freedom to communicate your needs.  You are not “stuck” with a counselor that isn’t working for you.  You have the freedom to discontinue working with them if they end up not being a good fit. I talk about how you can communicate your needs with a secular counselor to facilitate a relationship that helps your needs get met in a way that aligns with your faith.  I end Part 1 addressing some of the all-or-nothing statements regarding counseling. These statements are harmful and may keep someone from getting the care they need to be safe, live a better quality of life, or even stay alive. Part 2 will air next week, June 4th. I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
My plan today was to talk about all things counseling… secular, spiritual, and Biblical counseling. But God has given me more homework.  More studying and reading one more book before He has me address this topic. The topic of counseling is serious and causing a lot of division in our churches. It’s even possible that lives have been lost based on counseling that was in error. God has challenged me to fine-tune my beliefs, and to be very careful about presenting information until I have researched it fully and present it as truth. I believe this is a challenge He has for all of us. Our beliefs should not be founded on emotions, our own agenda, the fear of man or on tradition but founded on truth. It is something we need to continually evaluate ourselves on, but especially as we spread opinions and beliefs on these topics around mental illness. This episode is an honest update on the behind-the-scenes preparation for these episodes as I continue to study for the remainder of Mental Health Awareness Month. There will be at least two more episodes, possibly three, on this topic before we return to our regular content. Do you have something you want me to address? Let me know. I am open to your feedback or questions! Email me at I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
Is taking drugs for mental health reasons a lack of faith? Not in my opinion! The month of May is Mental Health Awareness month.  I don’t normally talk exclusively about mental illness on this podcast, but I am taking the entire month of May to specifically address this topic. Not only are people suffering and dying, but unnecessary division is being caused in our church communities against those that are struggling. There is much harm being caused from stigma, a lack of knowledge, a judgmental, pious spirit, and passed down beliefs that have no scientific backing. There is also a lack of knowledge amongst those suffering. When we don’t know the power and promises of the word of God, we become victims to our minds and thoughts, remaining powerless over them. I don’t claim that the word of God will erase mental illness, but I have proved in my own battle with bipolar and suicidal depression that including scripture in the battle for the mind is of paramount importance, and for me, was lifesaving. This month as we discuss mental illness, I will address stigma, counseling, medication, suicide, and so much more. Do you have something you want me to address? Let me know. I am open to your feedback or questions! Email me at I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness month.  I don’t normally talk exclusively about mental illness on this podcast, but I am taking the entire month of May to specifically address this topic. Not only are people suffering and dying, but unnecessary division is being caused in our church communities against those that are struggling. There is much harm being caused from stigma, a lack of knowledge, a judgmental, pious spirit, and passed down beliefs that have no scientific backing. There is also a lack of knowledge amongst those suffering. When we don’t know the power and promises of the word of God, we become victims to our minds and thoughts, remaining powerless over them. I don’t claim that the word of God will erase mental illness, but I have proved in my own battle with bipolar and suicidal depression that including scripture in the battle for the mind is of paramount importance, and for me, was life-saving. This month as we discuss mental illness, I will discuss stigma, counseling, medication, suicide, and so much more. I am open to your feedback or questions! Email me at I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only.   Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
Have you ever felt your day was uneventful with nothing really happening in the spiritual realm? Maybe you felt nothing was accomplished, you didn’t grow, or God seemed quiet and distant. Thankfully, scripture tells us that even on the most mundane of days, God does behind-the-scenes miracles on a constant basis, and is always making our day spectacular! Even if you spent your whole day sick in bed, God was doing a plethora of beautiful things for you! In this episode, I give you lots of scripture promises. Plus, in a very hodge-podge way, I share how God has been working in the past 10 days. Maybe my blessings can bless you too! I hope so! The blog post where all these promises for a mundane day can be found is below. Blog Post – Not Such a Mundane Day Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here
The devil wants us to believe that we have to wait for circumstances to change before we can experience joy, peace, abundant life, and happiness. Praise the Lord that is not the case! In this episode we look at trails through the lens of Motive Faith Renewing the Mind Prayer Time Bible Time God Becoming Enough Abundant life in Christ is not dependent on circumstances, so no need to wait. It is just one thought and one choice away!   Free Course Start -   Email -   Website -   Jennifer’s YouTube Music Channel   Buy Jennifer’s Music Here