Mormon Awakenings

Jack Naneek offers contexual discussions on seeing Mormonism in a new way. He brings in interesting analogies, Eastern thought including Buddhist ideas, and his own experience as a resource to help us rise above the either/or perspective soften our spirits to navigate issues within Mormonism

Mormon Awakenings: Episode 66: Phase Transition

Jack discusses water skiing, casinos, and phase transitions. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 66: Phase Transition appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 65: Climb the Ladder

Jack discusses the golden calf, the ladder, and looking past delays. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 65: Climb the Ladder appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 64: Sui Generis

Jack discusses Moses, the burning bush, and computer generated influencers. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 64: Sui Generis appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 63: Choose What’s In Your Head

Jack discusses disappointment, Dark Night of the Soul, and choosing what’s happening in your head. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 63: Choose What’s In Your Head appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 62: Who’s Neville?

Jack discusses Neville Goddard and Paul’s letter to the Hebrews. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 62: Who’s Neville? appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 61: Get Yourself a Shawshank Redemption

Jack discusses a great movie, and a way out of prison. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 61: Get Yourself a Shawshank Redemption appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 60: Leela, Teen Wolf, and Drama

Binge watching takes over Jack’s house, and Leela is realized! The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 60: Leela, Teen Wolf, and Drama appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 59: Good Magic

Jack discusses spell casting, words, Chomsky and Horowitz. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 59: Good Magic appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 58: David, Goliath, and Luke Skywalker

Jack discusses the power of thought and belief, and how life might be different if either of those things were to change. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 58: David, Goliath, and Luke Skywalker appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 57: It’s All Quantum

Jack discusses a decision to move across the country, and, the observer effect. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 57: It’s All Quantum appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 56: Groupthink Happens Quickly

Jack discusses the power of the group, and the freedom of getting away from it. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 56: Groupthink Happens Quickly appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 55: To Gamble Well

Jack recounts temple trips of his youth, and choosing from the choices available. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 55: To Gamble Well appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 54: Work Out Your Kharma

Jack receives an interesting email. He discusses his own kharma. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 54: Work Out Your Kharma appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 53: Portal of Fear

Wile E. Coyote makes an appearance and the Portal of Fear takes us to new places. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 53: Portal of Fear appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 52: Go With The Flow

Life is a river and there are but two choices: paddle against the current or go with the flow. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 52: Go With The Flow appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 51: Deus Ex Machina

Jack discusses the movie Cast Away, the story of Elijah, and our own experiences with God From The Machine. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 51: Deus Ex Machina appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Final Episode

Jack Naneek wraps up nearly two years of publishing Mormon Awakenings by posting this final episode. The post Mormon Awakenings: Final Episode appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 50: You Perceive What You Project

Jack Naneek discusses A Course in Miracles, and the idea that perception isn’t fact, but mere projection of your state of mind. The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 50: You Perceive What You Project appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakeings: Episode 49: Give a Little Grace

Jack Naneek discusses a wrongly accused monk and draws parallels with the Sermon on the Mount. The post Mormon Awakeings: Episode 49: Give a Little Grace appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


Mormon Awakenings: Episode 48: Leave Delusions Behind

Jack Naneek discusses leaving delusions and entering the light. There is a purpose for misery! The post Mormon Awakenings: Episode 48: Leave Delusions Behind appeared first on Mormon Awakenings.


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