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Moving Beyond Lecture
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Moving Beyond Lecture

Author: Dave Arch and Associates, Inc.

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Here are some highlights from the book and workshop entitled Moving Beyond Lecture.
13 Episodes
Effective Openings

Effective Openings


Although we know the opening moments of a training session are the most memorable, many trainers squander those few precious moments with "housekeeping" or sharing their own credentials. How can they be best invested for maximum return?
Sharing Control

Sharing Control


Oftentimes a trainer's fear of losing control of his/her participants prevent the participants from learning all they could. How can a trainer grow in confidence to where the sharing of control is possible?
What are the critical elements in keeping a training room emotionally safe enough for participants to share and learn? Here are some of them.
Activity Facilitation

Activity Facilitation


When a trainer becomes determined to begin using activities to facilitate learning, there are new skills required. Here's a look at some of the more essential.
How We Learn

How We Learn


How does learning research help shape best practices in our trainings? Here's a quick glimpse.



It's a wierd word for an important topic. Content can only be absorbed in bite-size pieces and then only if the trainer give the participants time to eat.
Content Prioritizing

Content Prioritizing


Ever been in a "brutal training" where the amount of content was way too much for the time alloted? The trainer most probably had forgotten to prioritize their content.
Effective Closings

Effective Closings


Second only to a training's opening, this is a most memorable component of a training. How can this important time be best invested?
Is there a difference? Does it matter?



Are you doing too much for your participants? You just might be.
Difficult Participants

Difficult Participants


From the co-author of the best-selling book Dealing with Difficult Participants, here are some management strategies for the trainer to use in both preventing and correcting those difficult participants.
Managing Breaks

Managing Breaks


How do you keep your breaks from disrupting the flow of your training? Here are some susggestions.
Powerful PowerPoints

Powerful PowerPoints


Here's a Top Ten list for getting the most out of your next PowerPoint presentation.