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Mr and Mrs Therapy | Trauma, PTSD, Communication, Anxiety, Depression, EMDR, Marriage, Mental Health
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Mr and Mrs Therapy | Trauma, PTSD, Communication, Anxiety, Depression, EMDR, Marriage, Mental Health

Author: Timothy Olson / Ruth Olson - Inspired by Brene Brown and Mel Robbins

Subscribed: 50Played: 698


***TOP 1.5% PODCAST***

Are you tired of constantly having anxiety or depression?

Are you struggling to stop negative self talk?

Do you have past hurts that still haunts you?

Are you fighting about the same things over and over again in your relationship?

Do you have past hurts that still haunts you?

In this podcast, you will find tools and resources to help you better understand yourself and your relationships. You’ll learn how to manage or even eliminate the constant anxiety, negative self talk, and feelings of overwhelm that you’ve been experiencing. Our mission is to equip you to be healthy mentally and relationally and to bring healing to past trauma that might be still affecting you today. If you’re ready to say yes to being the best version of yourself, have fulfilling and healthy relationships, and have a better life, - then you are in the right place!

Hey, we’re Tim and Ruth! We’re licensed marriage and family therapists and trauma experts with over 30 years of combined experience. We’ve seen time and time again how people have tried to will themselves to be happy, muscle through it, and have ended up even worse off than when they began. We’ve noticed that people have experienced deep pain, whether it’s others who have hurt them or situations and the world just beating them down, and often they have turned that into an internal dialogue where they are really cruel in how they talk to themselves. They have anxiety, feel depressed and overwhelmed, all the while their self talk is telling them ”I’m not good enough, I’m a failure, I’m worthless, I’m not loveable, I cannot trust anyone, I am powerless, I’m not in control.” How emotionally exhausting! We’ve realized that people want to get out of that place, they just don’t know how. They feel lost, alone, and without hope. Mental health & recurring toxic relationships can feel like an uphill battle, but you are not alone in this, that’s where we come in! We offer specific steps, practical tools, strategies, and insights that will help you to overcome these ongoing battles and help you win the war! There is hope, and there certainly is healing! We can’t wait to share it with you!

If you are ready to finally find ways to overcome your anxiety, stop your negative self talk, stop feeling like a burden, break free from co-dependency and toxic relationships, and stop letting your past run the show... and if you’re looking for changes that can transform your life, like improved mood, increased confidence, healthier relationships, and healing from the past that has kept you stuck for too long - this podcast is for you!

Bring your drama and your trauma and lets get healing!

We’d love to connect with you over in our Facebook Group:
176 Episodes
Welcome back to another episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," where we continue our important conversation about the views on mental health within some religious communities, specifically addressing statements made by John MacArthur regarding the non-existence of mental disorders and the use of psychiatric medications. In this follow-up episode, titled "Beyond Belief: Addressing Stigmas in Mental Health Care - Part 2," we take a closer look at the contentious claim that prescribing psychiatric medications is criminal. We aim to dismantle these misconceptions with compassion and evidence, providing a balanced discussion that respects diverse beliefs while advocating for factual understanding. Join us as we navigate these complex and sensitive topics with the goal of fostering understanding and supporting mental health in every community. Tune in to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for a thoughtful exploration of how faith and health care can work hand in hand to heal and support those in need. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]  
In this thoughtful episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," we engage in a respectful examination of views presented by John MacArthur regarding psychological disorders. Specifically, we focus on a sermon where he discusses his beliefs about the non-existence of these disorders, using schizophrenia as a representative example for all conditions, and his views on the psychological community's approach to treatment. Our goal is to explore these topics with care and provide a balanced perspective. Join us as we explore psychology and theology to offer well-rounded views on mental health disorders. We will clarify how disorders are defined, diagnosed, and treated, and discuss the critical importance of recognizing mental health issues. - **Correcting Misconceptions**: Throughout the episode, we gently address and correct specific statements from the sermon. By presenting factual information, we aim to dispel myths and  misconceptions about mental health treatment and the capabilities of the psychological community. - **Balancing Faith and Science**: We explore how religious beliefs and scientific understanding of mental health can coexist. Faith leaders who advocate for mental health awareness share their approaches to integrating support for psychological well-being with spiritual care.  We offer guidance on how to discuss mental health within religious communities constructively. Learn how to approach sensitive topics with empathy and respect, ensuring productive dialogue and mutual understanding. Tune in to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for a respectful discussion that seeks to bridge the gap between differing views on mental health. This episode is dedicated to fostering understanding and providing support to all individuals affected by mental health issues, within and outside of religious contexts. Join us in "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" as we navigate these complex emotional landscapes with compassion and insight. This episode is not just about the act of estrangement but about understanding the protective boundaries it can create, helping individuals heal and grow on their own terms. Whether you're someone who has experienced this firsthand or are simply interested in the psychological dynamics of family relationships, this episode offers deep insights and thoughtful advice.   15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
In this compelling episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," we explore the difficult yet sometimes necessary decision of parental estrangement. While estrangement is often viewed negatively, there are circumstances where it becomes essential for personal safety, mental health, and emotional growth. This episode sheds light on the healthy reasons behind choosing distance from one's parents and how it can serve as a protective and empowering measure. Self-Protection from Abuse: We delve into the painful realities of escaping abusive, neglectful, or harmful environments. Hear from experts on trauma and survivors who have made the hard choice to protect their mental and physical well-being through estrangement. Dealing with Toxic Behavior: Our discussion extends to the impact of growing up with toxic behaviors such as manipulation, constant criticism, and controlling tendencies. Learn about the psychological effects of these environments and why distancing oneself can be crucial for emotional recovery and personal development. Fostering Independence and Identity: We also explore how estrangement can aid in the development of autonomy. This segment includes stories from individuals who have distanced themselves to better understand their values, beliefs, and life aspirations, free from overbearing parental influence. Breaking Generational Cycles: Lastly, we discuss the brave choice to break cycles of dysfunctional behaviors and family dynamics. Whether it's addiction, violence, or other destructive patterns, listeners will learn how stepping away can sometimes be the most effective way to foster change and heal generational wounds. Join us in "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" as we navigate these complex emotional landscapes with compassion and insight. This episode is not just about the act of estrangement but about understanding the protective boundaries it can create, helping individuals heal and grow on their own terms. Whether you're someone who has experienced this firsthand or are simply interested in the psychological dynamics of family relationships, this episode offers deep insights and thoughtful advice.   15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
Welcome to a thought-provoking episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," where we delve deep into the complex world of family estrangement. Today, we explore some of the less discussed but critically influential factors that can lead to breaks within families. From miscommunication to external influences, unrealistic expectations, and impulsive decisions, we uncover the nuances that can drive wedges between loved ones. Miscommunication: We start by examining how misunderstandings and a lack of effective communication can sow seeds of discord, leading to estrangement that might have been avoidable. Our experts will provide insights into common communication pitfalls and offer strategies to improve dialogue and understanding within family dynamics. Influence from Others: Next, we explore the role of third-party influences in family estrangement. Whether it's one parent against another in the aftermath of a divorce, or other family members who inject their biases and grievances, we'll look at how external pressures can lead to decisions that may not truly reflect an individual's feelings or best interests. Unrealistic Expectations: Our discussion will also touch on the impact of societal norms and peer comparisons, which can lead to unrealistic expectations of family roles and relationships. Discover how these pressures can distort perceptions and expectations, leading to disappointment and eventual estrangement. Impulsive Decision-Making: Finally, we tackle the topic of impulsivity, particularly in younger adults and teenagers. Learn about how decisions made in the heat of the moment, often underpinned by intense emotions or temporary circumstances, can result in long-term separation and what can be done to mitigate these rash choices. Join us as we bring in psychologists and family therapists who provide expert analysis and coping strategies, helping listeners understand and, where possible, bridge the gaps in their own family relationships. Whether you're navigating these challenges personally, or just interested in the dynamics of family relationships, this episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" offers valuable perspectives to help foster understanding and reconciliation. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]  
Episode Description: In this transformative episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," we delve into the science and strategy of building lasting habits that can significantly enhance your personal and professional life. We break down the process into four actionable steps, providing a blueprint for anyone looking to develop new, positive routines. Whether you're striving to be more active, wanting to manage your time better, or looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle, this episode is your guide to making those aspirations a reality. What We Cover: Setting Clear and Specific Goals: Learn how to define your habits with precision, moving from vague intentions like "get healthier" to specific actions such as "walk 30 minutes every day." We discuss the importance of breaking down these goals into small, achievable steps that fit seamlessly into your daily life. Creating a Conducive Environment: Explore practical tips for removing barriers to success and setting up environmental cues that support your new habits. From laying out your jogging clothes the night before to using technology for reminders, we show you how to make your environment work in favor of your goals. Using the Power of Repetition: Understand why consistency is the cornerstone of habit formation. We discuss strategies for maintaining regularity in your actions and how tracking your progress can motivate and guide you along the way. Reinforcing Habits with Rewards: Discover how immediate rewards can boost your motivation and how social support plays a critical role in sustaining your efforts. We share ideas for rewarding yourself in meaningful ways that reinforce your commitment and celebrate your progress. Join us on "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" as we unpack these foundational elements with expert advice, psychological insights, and real-life examples. This episode not only teaches you how to build new habits but also helps you understand the underlying mechanisms that make these habits stick. Tune in to start your journey towards a more disciplined and fulfilling life, one habit at a time.   Join us on "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for a practical and empowering discussion on how to overcome these common barriers. By understanding and addressing these hurdles, you can turn intentions into actions and make lasting positive changes in your life. Tune in for expert advice, real-life examples, and actionable tips to help you navigate the path to personal growth and well-being. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]  
Episode Description: Welcome to another insightful episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy." Today, we tackle the common barriers that prevent us from starting and maintaining beneficial behaviors. While we often know what’s good for us, implementing these positive changes can be surprisingly challenging. We’ll explore the psychological and practical hurdles of delayed rewards, the initial effort and energy required, the fear of failure, and the ambiguity of results. In This Episode, You Will Learn: Delayed Rewards: Understand why beneficial behaviors, which often lack immediate tangible outcomes, can be less appealing. Learn how to set short-term goals that lead to small, quick rewards, and discover the power of celebrating these small victories to maintain motivation and build momentum. Effort and Energy: Recognize the high initial investment in starting new, beneficial routines, which can often seem daunting. We provide practical solutions to start small with manageable changes, ensuring consistency without overwhelming yourself. Discover how to gradually increase the intensity or duration of the activity to make the process more sustainable. Fear of Failure: Explore how anxiety over potential negative outcomes can paralyze action and discourage you from starting. Learn to focus on process-based goals instead of outcome-based goals, emphasizing personal growth and learning that are within your control rather than external results. This shift in perspective can significantly reduce the fear of failure. Ambiguity in Results: Address the challenge of uncertain outcomes, especially with activities like meditation or dietary changes that may have slow or hard-to-measure results. We offer strategies to educate yourself on typical timelines and benefits, and the importance of tracking progress in a journal or app to visualize even small improvements. Join us on "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for a practical and empowering discussion on how to overcome these common barriers. By understanding and addressing these hurdles, you can turn intentions into actions and make lasting positive changes in your life. Tune in for expert advice, real-life examples, and actionable tips to help you navigate the path to personal growth and well-being. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
Welcome to a compelling episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," where we delve into the psychological complexities behind why certain behaviors are so hard to break, and how we can effectively overcome them. In today’s discussion, we uncover the four key factors that often anchor us to unwanted habits: habituation, instant gratification, fear of withdrawal, and the lack of alternative coping strategies. Habituation: We explore how repeated behaviors become automatic responses, deeply ingrained in our neural pathways. Discover how these habits are triggered by specific cues or environments and why this makes them particularly challenging to change. Instant Gratification: Delve into the allure of immediate rewards that unwanted behaviors provide, such as pleasure, relief, or a temporary escape from stress. We discuss why these short-term gains are so compelling, even when they lead to negative long-term consequences. Fear of Withdrawal/Discomfort: Understand the daunting aspect of physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms that can follow the cessation of a behavior, especially addictive ones like smoking or excessive caffeine consumption. We'll discuss the nature of these symptoms and strategies to manage them. Lack of Alternative Coping Strategies: Learn why replacing a harmful habit with a healthier one is not merely about stopping an old behavior but about addressing the underlying needs it served. We'll provide insights into developing new, more adaptive coping mechanisms to handle stress, anxiety, or other triggers. This episode is not just an exploration of challenges but a guide filled with practical advice, expert insights, and supportive strategies to help you break free from the cycle of harmful habits. Whether you’re struggling to quit smoking, curb excessive screen time, or any other ingrained behavior, "Breaking Free" offers the tools you need to start a new chapter. Tune in to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" as we equip you with the knowledge to understand these complex dynamics and the empowerment to overcome them. This is your step towards liberation from habits that no longer serve you, paving the way for healthier, more fulfilling behaviors. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.] Related Episodes: Ep. 6 - Do I have Trauma? Introducing the Basics of Trauma Ep. 7 - (Pt. 1) What is EMDR? Can It Really Heal My Trauma and Improve My Relationships? Ep. 8 - (Pt. 2) What is EMDR? Can It Really Heal My Trauma and Improve My Relationships? Ep. 9 - (Pt. 3) - What is EMDR? Can It Really Heal My Trauma and Improve My Relationships?    
Welcome back to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for Part 2 of our deep dive into the varied world of cleaning styles. In this episode, we explore three more unique approaches to cleaning: Routine Cleaners, Spot Cleaners, and Social Cleaners. Each style comes with its own set of benefits and challenges, influencing not only the cleanliness of our spaces but also our personal habits and interactions with others. Explore with us: Routine Cleaners: Discover the structured world of Routine Cleaners who adhere to a strict cleaning schedule. We'll discuss how this method provides a sense of control and predictability, and delve into the potential downsides, such as the monotony that may set in or the neglect of areas not included in the routine. Learn tips on how to keep the routine flexible and engaging. Spot Cleaners: Next, we look at Spot Cleaners, who tackle messes as they notice them. This segment will cover the benefits of their flexible, on-the-spot approach and how it allows for immediate problem-solving. However, we'll also consider the drawbacks, such as the potential for inconsistency in cleanliness and the accumulation of unnoticed clutter. Gain insights on how to integrate more comprehensive cleaning strategies without sacrificing flexibility. Social Cleaners: Finally, we celebrate Social Cleaners, for whom cleaning is a communal, social event. This section highlights how cleaning together can strengthen relationships and transform chores into enjoyable activities. We'll address the challenges of coordinating group cleaning efforts and maintaining consistency, and provide strategies for successful collaborative cleaning events. This episode is not just about keeping your living space tidy; it's about finding a cleaning style that fits your lifestyle and enhances your environment. Whether you're looking to overhaul your cleaning routine or incorporate new techniques, "Sweeping Styles: Diverse Approaches to Cleaning - Part 2" offers valuable insights and practical advice for everyone. Join us on "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" as we conclude our exploration of cleaning styles, providing you with the knowledge to choose or blend methods that best suit your needs, while also considering the dynamics of household harmony and personal well-being. Tune in and transform your approach to cleaning into one that truly cleanses! 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]  
Welcome to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," where today we're diving into the fascinating world of cleaning styles in the first installment of our two-part series. Cleaning is a universal task, yet how we approach it can vary widely, influenced by personality, culture, upbringing, and personal preferences. In this episode, we explore three distinct cleaning styles: Meticulous Cleaners, Speed Cleaners, and Minimalist Cleaners. Join us as we break down each style: Meticulous Cleaners: Discover the world of those who leave no corner untouched and no surface unpolished. We delve into the characteristics of cleaners who maintain high standards and the routines they follow to keep their spaces immaculate. We'll also discuss the psychological impact of this style, including how it can lead to perfectionism and the stress of maintaining such high standards. Speed Cleaners: Learn about the fast and efficient methods employed by those who prioritize speed over depth. We examine their strategies for maximizing efficiency, the types of products they prefer, and the potential pitfalls of this approach, such as missing less obvious dirt and clutter. Minimalist Cleaners: Enter the minimalist mindset, where less is more, and simplicity reigns. We explore how minimalists manage to maintain clean spaces with fewer possessions and a relaxed approach, and the challenges they may face when their environment accumulates clutter. This episode isn't just about how we clean but why we clean the way we do and what it says about us. Whether you're looking to refine your own cleaning habits or understand the diverse approaches others may take, tune in to gain insights into the psychological and practical aspects of cleaning styles. Stay tuned for Part 2, where we'll explore more unique cleaning personalities and how these preferences impact relationships and daily life. Join "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for a discussion that's sure to leave you contemplating your broom and dustpan in a whole new light. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]  
Dive into a fresh episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" where we explore the intriguing connection between cleaning and mental health. Discover how maintaining a clean and organized environment does more than just please the eye—it can fundamentally enhance your psychological well-being. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving mood and focus, cleaning is not just about tidiness; it's a powerful tool for mental clarity and emotional stability. In this episode, we uncover how a clutter-free space can lower cortisol levels and create a serene atmosphere that invites calm and order into your life. Learn about the psychological underpinnings of why cleaning gives us a sense of control and accomplishment, and how these feelings translate into tangible health benefits. Highlights of this episode include: Stress Reduction: How clean spaces can dramatically reduce stress and anxiety, and why clutter might be contributing more to your stress levels than you realize. Cleaning for Control: Exploring how the act of cleaning can empower those who feel overwhelmed, providing a sense of control and achievement. Mood and Well-being: Insights into how routine cleaning activities can boost endorphins, enhancing your mood and overall sense of happiness. Coping Mechanism: Discussion on how cleaning acts as a therapeutic distraction from stress or negative emotions, with a look at when this behavior might cross into obsessive or ritualistic territory. Focus and Productivity: Delving into how a tidy environment can clear the mind, enhance focus, and boost creativity and productivity. We'll also discuss the fine line between healthy cleaning habits and when they may become excessive, touching on aspects related to OCD and perfectionism. Whether you're looking to declutter your space or your mind, this episode provides valuable insights and practical tips for harnessing the power of cleaning to improve your mental health. Join us on "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" to learn how you can transform your cleaning routines into a powerful practice for mental wellness. Tune in, tidy up, and transform your life! 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
Welcome to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy." In today's episode, we explore a highly effective method for managing anxiety: the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding technique, with a unique twist. This method is renowned for its ability to bring calm and focus in moments of anxiety by anchoring you in the present through sensory awareness. As a bonus, we've added a sixth step that incorporates touch in a simple yet powerful way, offering an extra layer of grounding. The 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 technique is a grounding practice that uses your senses to reduce anxiety and stress. It guides you through a step-by-step process that refocuses your mind and helps you regain control over racing thoughts. The bonus sixth step—using three different fingers to touch three different body parts—enhances the grounding effect, making this technique even more effective in calming anxiety. In This Episode, You'll Learn: The Basics of the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Method: Five Things You Can See: Start by identifying five visible objects in your environment, focusing on their details to draw your attention away from anxious thoughts. Four Things You Can Touch: Shift your focus to the tactile sensations of four distinct objects or surfaces, paying attention to texture and temperature. Three Things You Can Hear: Listen for three separate sounds, whether they're nearby or in the distance, to bring you back to the present moment. Two Things You Can Smell: Notice two different scents around you, whether it's the aroma of coffee or the freshness of the outdoors. One Thing You Can Taste: End by focusing on one taste, which could be a sip of water or a piece of gum. Introducing the Sixth Step: Touch Three Body Parts: Use three different fingers to touch three different body parts. This bonus step adds an additional layer of grounding by bringing awareness to your physical presence. How to Use the Technique: Learn how to apply the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 + 6 technique in various situations, from calming nerves before a presentation to managing sudden anxiety attacks. Practical Tips and Applications: Get insights on incorporating this technique into your daily routine, along with scenarios where it can be particularly useful. Guided Practice Session: Join us for a live guided session where we lead you through the entire 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 + 6 process, helping you experience its calming effects firsthand. This episode is ideal for anyone seeking practical tools to manage anxiety. Tune into "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" to learn how to use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 + 6 grounding technique, an invaluable addition to your mental health toolkit. Whether you're new to grounding methods or a seasoned practitioner, this episode offers something for everyone. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
Welcome to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy." In this episode, we dive into the art of conflict resolution within relationships, offering practical strategies to help you navigate disagreements with your spouse or partner in a way that strengthens your bond. Conflicts are an inevitable part of any relationship, but how you approach them can make all the difference. Our aim is to equip you with the tools you need to resolve conflicts constructively, promoting understanding and harmony. We explore key elements for successfully navigating conflict, focusing on crucial aspects such as timing, preparation, and effective communication. Discover how responding rather than reacting, active listening, and validation can transform the dynamics of a disagreement, fostering a healthier outcome. Here's what you'll learn in this episode: Timing Matters: The importance of choosing the right moment to discuss sensitive topics, avoiding impulsive confrontations, and ensuring both parties are ready for the conversation. Prepping Your Spouse: Tips on gently preparing your partner for a discussion, allowing them to be mentally and emotionally ready for the conversation. Responding vs. Reacting: How to control your initial reactions, taking a breath and responding thoughtfully to avoid escalation and misunderstandings. Reception Listening and Validation: Techniques for active listening, ensuring your partner feels heard, and validating their feelings to create a supportive environment for open dialogue. Avoiding Defensiveness: Strategies to prevent defensiveness from derailing the conversation, including focusing on "I" statements and expressing vulnerability. Transitioning to Your Perspective: How to smoothly shift the conversation to express your viewpoint, ensuring it's done with respect and empathy. Remembering the Goal: Keeping the broader goal in mind—to resolve conflict and stay on the same team. Learn how to frame discussions as teamwork rather than competition. Benefit of the Doubt: The importance of giving your partner the benefit of the doubt, assuming positive intentions, and working together towards a common resolution. Join us on "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for a comprehensive exploration of conflict resolution strategies designed to strengthen relationships. Whether you're experiencing minor disagreements or more significant conflicts, this episode provides actionable advice and valuable insights to help you navigate these moments with grace and understanding. Tune in to learn how to keep your relationship healthy and resilient, even in the face of conflict. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]  
Welcome to another engaging episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," where today we explore a crucial aspect of any healthy relationship: the importance of valuing your partner's perceptions and opinions as much as your own. In a world where individual viewpoints can often overshadow collaborative understanding, recognizing and respecting each other’s perspectives not only nurtures mutual respect but also deepens emotional connections. In this episode, we'll delve into why acknowledging your partner's feelings and thoughts is foundational to building trust and maintaining a balanced relationship. Our discussion will highlight the dangers of disregarding your partner’s viewpoints and the transformative power that comes from truly listening and valuing each other's input. Tune into "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for insightful discussions and expert advice on maintaining a healthy, balanced, and respectful relationship. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to enhance their partnership through mutual understanding and shared respect. Discover how giving equal weight to each other’s perspectives can lead to a more fulfilling and enduring relationship. 15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]    
Podcast Episode Title: "Memory vs. Perception: Navigating Emotions and Conflicts" Episode Description: In this insightful episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," we delve into the fascinating interplay between emotions, memory, and perception, and how they shape our experiences and interactions, particularly during conflicts. Emotions are powerful influencers; they not only color our memories but also skew our perceptions, often leading to misunderstandings and escalated disputes. Join us as we explore the psychological mechanisms behind why we remember what we do when we're emotional and how these memories can differ drastically from reality. We'll discuss the concept of "emotional memory" and how strong feelings at the moment of an event can warp our recollections, making them more vivid, biased, or even inaccurate. Understanding that our memories can be deceptive, especially in heated moments, we emphasize the importance of focusing on perceptions rather than relying solely on contentious memories during conflicts. Learn strategies for effective communication that prioritize current perceptions and feelings over disputable memories, aiming to resolve conflicts with empathy and understanding. Tune in to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for an episode that will change how you think about memory, emotion, and conflict resolution. Whether you're navigating personal relationships or professional interactions, understanding these dynamics can lead to more constructive discussions and meaningful resolutions. Don't miss this deep dive into the psychology of memory and emotions—essential listening for anyone looking to enhance their communication skills and emotional intelligence.   15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
Podcast Episode Title: "Beyond Acceptance: Ruth's Path to Empowerment and Advocacy" Episode Description: In this inspiring follow-up episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," we continue the remarkable journey with Ruth, who last time captivated us with her heartfelt story of battling a genetic condition, overcoming self-doubt, and reaching a place of self-acceptance. "Beyond Acceptance: Ruth's Path to Empowerment and Advocacy" takes us further down her path, showcasing her evolution from accepting herself to becoming a beacon of hope and a voice for others facing similar challenges. Since we last spoke, Ruth has not only embraced her identity but also harnessed her experiences to empower others. In this episode, Ruth shares the transformative steps she took to advocate for awareness, the resources and communities she found (and created) along the way, and how her journey impacted those around her. Join us on "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for a powerful continuation of Ruth's story, from a personal narrative of acceptance to a broader tale of empowerment, advocacy, and community building. "Beyond Acceptance" is not just an episode about overcoming; it's about thriving, inspiring, and leading the way for others. Tune in for an episode that promises to enlighten, inspire, and mobilize action towards a more inclusive and compassionate world. Connect with Tim & Ruth:  15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]        
In today’s captivating episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," join us on an unexpected journey as Ruth takes the helm and steers us into uncharted waters. What began as a routine recording session unfolded into a profound exploration of personal discovery and acceptance. Ruth courageously opens up about her battle with a genetic condition that profoundly impacted her self-esteem and instilled a deep-seated fear of judgment from those around her. This episode is not just a story; it’s a voyage from the shadows of self-doubt to the light of self-acceptance. Listen closely as Ruth shares the intimate details of her struggle, the moments of despair, and the pivotal experiences that led her to embrace her self. Discover the turning points that shifted Ruth's perspective, allowing her to see her condition not as a limitation but as a unique aspect of her identity. She delves into the life lessons learned along the way, highlighting the importance of being content with oneself in the present as a foundation for future growth and happiness. This episode promises to touch hearts and inspire minds, offering valuable insights into the power of self-acceptance, the beauty of embracing one’s flaws, and the liberating realization that the only approval we need is our own. Ruth’s journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of embracing who you are, flaws and all. Tune into "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for an episode that challenges perceptions, encourages self-compassion, and celebrates the journey of becoming content with who you are now as a stepping stone to who you will become later. Ruth's story is a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with self-worth or fear of judgment, proving that the path to acceptance and contentment is within us all.   Connect with Tim & Ruth:  15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]  
  In this impactful episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," we delve into the powerful analogy that likens emotional turmoil to drowning. We explore the instinctual fight for survival that those struggling emotionally undergo, akin to someone desperately trying to stay afloat. This discussion aims to shift perspectives, showing that actions born from deep emotional pain are not intended to pull others down, but are efforts to survive. Through expert insights and stories of resilience, we illuminate the signs of someone silently struggling and how to offer a lifeline without risking our own wellbeing. Join us as we navigate understanding, supporting, and empathizing with those who feel engulfed by their emotions. "When Emotions Drown" calls for a compassionate approach to mental health challenges, emphasizing the power of awareness and timely, thoughtful intervention. Tune into "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for a conversation that promises to deepen empathy and inspire action towards helping those in emotional distress find their way back to shore.   Connect with Tim & Ruth:  15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session Join our Facebook community>>> Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights, join our Facebook community or share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
"Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" returns with the much-anticipated Part 2 of our series with Erica Holmes, LMFT, diving deeper into mastering the balance between demanding careers and motherhood. This episode builds on our foundational strategies, offering advanced insights for navigating the evolving challenges of work-life harmony. Inside This Episode: Evolving Balance: Adapting to changes in work and family life for sustained fulfillment. Setting Boundaries: Protecting your time and emotional well-being in both personal and professional realms. Personal Identity: Nurturing your sense of self beyond work and family roles. Join us for a concise exploration with Erica Holmes, offering a roadmap for mothers striving to excel in their careers while nurturing their families. Tune into "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy" for actionable strategies and inspiring stories of navigating the beautiful complexity of modern motherhood.   Connect with Tim & Ruth:  15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session Join our Facebook community>>> Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights, join our Facebook community or share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
Join us on a transformative journey in this episode of "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," where we have the privilege of hosting Erica Holmes, a distinguished Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) with a passion for supporting working mothers. Erica brings her expertise to the forefront, addressing the dual challenges of managing high-stress careers while embracing the pivotal role of motherhood. In today's fast-paced world, mothers are often caught in the whirlwind of professional ambition and familial responsibilities. Erica, through her therapeutic lens, offers unique insights into creating a harmonious balance that nurtures both career aspirations and the well-being of the family. What You'll Discover in This Episode: The Psychological Impact of Career Stress on Mothers: Erica elucidates the complex emotions and stressors faced by mothers in demanding careers, exploring the psychological implications and offering coping mechanisms. Therapeutic Strategies for Balance: Learn about tailored therapeutic approaches that assist mothers in navigating the challenges of work-life balance, drawing from Erica's rich experience as an LMFT. Creating a Supportive Environment at Home and Work: Discussion on how to cultivate understanding and support within professional environments and at home to foster a balanced life. Real-life Success Stories: Be inspired by Erica who is successfully navigating the path to balance. Self-Care and Mental Wellness: A deep dive into the importance of self-care for mental health, with Erica providing guidance on how mothers can prioritize their well-being amidst the chaos. Empowerment for Working Mothers: Erica shares empowering messages and affirmations to uplift mothers feeling the weight of their dual roles, reinforcing the idea that they are capable of achieving both personal and professional fulfillment. Connect with Tim & Ruth:  15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
Welcome back to "Mr. and Mrs. Therapy," where our exploration into the realm of negative core beliefs and personal transformation takes a deeper dive in this riveting Part 2 with the insightful Lissa Figgins. After illuminating the landscape of negative core beliefs in our previous session, this episode shifts focus towards the path of healing and the transformative power of positive affirmations and actions. Join us as we continue our conversation with Lissa, uncovering the next steps in not just identifying but actively reshaping and overcoming the internal narratives that hold us back. This episode is a journey of empowerment, offering tools, strategies, and real-life examples to guide you through the process of personal growth and self-acceptance. Connect with Lissa: The Redeem Her Time Podcast Connect with Tim & Ruth:  15 Minute Free Consultation Start healing now! Set up a Coaching Session [Remember, our podcast is here to spark conversations and offer insights. Join our community on our Mr. and Mrs. Therapy Podcast Group, share your experiences at, and if you're seeking more personalized advice, consider booking your free coaching consultation. Please note, this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide diagnosis or treatment.]
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