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Multifamily Streamlined with Leslie Mathis

Author: Leslie Mathis

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Thank you for joining Multifamily Streamlined where we will discuss multifamily trends, operations, renovations, leasing, and basically all things multifamily. I am Leslie Mathis, founder of Streamline Multifamily Group. I have created a podcast as a resource to all my apartment friends and family. 22 years ago, I fell into the industry as a Housekeeper while looking for an apartment in Mooresville, NC. I’ve worked my way up from a very entry level position and now I am a Consultant and an Asset Manager. I share this because I’ve walked a mile in most of your shoes and hope you can learn from my missteps, bloopers, wins, and accomplishments. For 2023, my goal is to release 1 podcast per week sharing all things just mentioned, along with a great interview line-up where you can hear from peers, mentors, leaders, and vendors in the industry. Subscribe now for future podcast notifications. Let's connect!

105 Episodes
Success vs. Greatness

Success vs. Greatness


Hello apartment friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Well we hit on some heavy topics a few weeks ago and I guess this week will be no different. Because I’ve been coasting lately on a wing and a prayer or perhaps better described as sliding in sideways there’s no road map for the podcast and I just find inspiration from my everyday life. Don’t worry that will change because Streamline now has a business support manager. More to come on that but you will see some shifts here on the podcast but until then you’re stuck with my old ways and bad habits. Last month was our spring break and we took a long road trip. My dad and Henry included. On the way back I was listening with my dad to Ed Mylet’s podcast. He had Lewis Howes on as a guest - it was an awesome episode but the thing he said that stuck with me was the difference between success and greatness. To paraphrase he shared success is all about yourself and what you are able to accomplish but greatness is working with others for the better good accomplishing set goals and bringing others along for the ride. This very thing has been driving my dream or motivation for the Women’s Event in October but it truly applies to us all and I just hadn’t heard it said this way. If I am being honest I didn’t even know who Lewis Howe’s was  but since then I have looked it up - he played Arena Football but he is really known as the author of The School of Greatness. My life coach had posted on social that this was a must listen to podcast but again if I am being honest as we traveled down the road I am not even sure if this was the episode she was sharing but dang I am glad I listened to this one.
Choice over Sacrifice

Choice over Sacrifice


Hello apartment friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined Podcast. Last week was a whirlwind. In an effort to be home with my family for more of the week I crammed 3 or 4 days of travel into 2 days and basically utilized the full 48 hours. At no point was I bragging but it honestly just came up in conversation. I flew to Atlanta and my driver which sounds fancy took me to Cherokee North Carolina to speak at a leadership event. We then drove back to Atlanta. Carlo has been driving me around Atlanta for four years so honestly it was a great day. We truly enjoy each others company - he kind of just feels like family at this point. Being on stage filled my cup - something about seeing the faces in person vs. across your screen - it’s just awesome. The next morning I had a meeting in Atlanta and then flew to West Palm Beach for an afternoon meeting. Took those amazing people to dinner for accommodating my crazy schedule and then flew home. Honestly because Carlo was doing the driving on Wednesday and I was flying around on Thursday I kept up with emails and my day to day but still had a few pending projects to get done Friday. Hang in there with me because I promise I have a point that I believe several of you need to hear. My youngest had a presentation at school Friday and for once I knew about it ahead of time and we could all coordinate schedules. It was amazing and I was so proud of the person she wanted to represent in her project. The weekend hit and we had so much to do and when I sat down at my computer on Monday morning because I was too exhausted to work on Sunday a thought hit me - On Friday I chose to be a mom but in the process I let a lot of other people down and missed several deadlines that I had committed too. But the funny thing was - I didn’t feel bad about it. You know why - because for once the person I didn’t let down mattered a WHOLE lot more than all those others. For once as a mom I got something right - see lately it’s been all work and no play for a lot of different reasons. And while this past week might have been one of the craziest - it was honestly one of the most fulfilling.
Hello Apartment friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Well a few weeks we talked about being heard and not hiding behind something but it’s time to pivot slightly and get back to some of our apartment basics. It’s not secret that I still think 2023 is going to be a tough one operationally. I always say we are coming off an 18 month high of rent growth but the experts remind me it’s truly been a heck of a 10 years for our industry. But when we unpack that so many of our onsite teams and RPMs haven’t even been in the industry 10 years so while they might have experienced the challenges with Covid they didn’t experience the downturn in 2008 when the economy tanked or 911 when there were six months free rent floating around. And because of all that we are going to have to get back to the basics and those of us that have been around forever are going to need to guide the newer ones and lead by example not to mention support them. If we are being honest some of our new associates might not even know what the basics are. Perhaps we dive into that on the next episode but while concessions are fresh on my mind I want to share some thoughts around those. Also, if you haven’t taken the concession battle class I strongly encourage you to take. We just hosted but if there is enough interest we can host again late March. For me the most powerful part is we share all the fundamentals around concessions, why we don’t offer, the financial impact, the impact to the demographic of the project, etc. but we close with a power hour on confidence with Kristina Watts. She comes in and basically tears down what I say and then empowers you with a confidence boost and says sell, create the experience, blah blah blah… And then shares with the class why they truly have what it takes to sell without concessions because you can do anything you set your mind to. And that’s what is about - whatever you believe good or bad that is your reality and no one but you can change that. I guess the actual quote by Henry Ford is Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t either way you are right. And that’s it - end of story. While we will dive into concessions and how to sell without leading with price and specials - if you buy into the strategy whatever it is; you will be successful. When we sell by leading with people and experience - yes it is going to be harder but it will be worth it. The other tough part of that is we have to be pretty darn close to perfect - but that is also possible when we have the right product and people. I might even challenge, it’s not about the product but just the people.
Hello apartments friends it’s me Leslie Mathis. So excited to be back here with Melanie Whitlock for her 90 day check in on the road from RPM to Asset Manager. Buck-up this one is a roller coaster ride I take us on with lots of twists and turns.
Human Speed Bumps

Human Speed Bumps


Hello apartment friends it's me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined Podcast. At the last minute I have decided to share the Daily Alignment from 68 Ventures that came out today. Take a listen at what they have to say along with Steve Keating on Human Speed Bumps. It's a great reminder of authentic leadership and the role we play in the bumps in the road for our team. I believe this also sets the stage for next week when we dive into the concession battle. As leaders when we buy into the strategy even the craziest strategies; our teams will follow if we have the right leadership approach.
Hello Apartment Friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined Podcast. Well I missed last week because I was traveling on a Monday and basically wasn’t prepared for life and now today I’m pretty sure I am not firing on all cylinders. Crazy I tested positive for Covid last Thursday - still positive but feel basically fine… but it robbed me of attending my Rise Up Girls event, now it cancelled my Charlotte trip where I had a photoshoot for my website scheduled and a small dinner party with my closest friends. And now y’all it’s trying to steal the joy of my birthday on Thursday. GEEZ okay okay I know it could be worse. My observation from Covid is the harm it does from the isolation. I’ve been at my home since 12:36 pm on Thursday the 19th and have not hugged anyone since Wednesday evening at approximately 9:30 pm the 18th. I don’t think any of us are meant to go that long without a hug. The stray cat hates hugs but I give them anyways and my Goldendoodle Henry is ALWAYS up for a hug thankfully but even after the last several days he might be tired of my hugs. I just keep thinking what I would I do if I didn’t have Henry. That was probably my biggest disappointment of me missing my event - there were 47 girls there I didn’t get to hug! Maybe the most ironic part of getting Covid is probably I hugged 47 people the day before I tested positive for Covid. Thankfully none of them have gotten it or shown symptoms. So anyways I did have a true topic for you today and of course it has been on my mind for a while. You all know I have been showing up more on social and so I started recording videos for social too - it all started one day because I had a great blowout - thought dang I can do this when my hair looks good. Then I got on a roll and did several that day and then a few more the following and so forth. Y’all I would even change my shirt so things would look different. Started calling it my perch since I did them all right in the same spot. My thing is my hair - if it looks good I can conquer the world - most times when my hair is good I don’t even care about make-up but then I realized. That was truly because of my glasses. I started finding myself hiding behind my glasses. Hiding my puffy eyes, darks circles, wrinkles - you know the things you don’t like that rob you of your confidence. THOSE THINGS!  I have TONS of glasses and now can’t read without them. I like having all the cute ones too in fun colors. But on calls - virtual meetings - and now videos I found myself hiding behind them. And I realized so many of us are hiding behind something and it’s just might be the very thing holding you back.I sat on this thought a while and the first thought I had was how so many people say they are bad at math and then in our industry the next thing that leads to is a fear of financials. You don’t have to be able to do calculus to have a good understanding of our financials. And guess what there’s this thing called a calculator - you can punch in $1500-$437 to get the answer. My guess is when we have a fear or a lack of confidence we create the excuse that holds us back. But how do we fix that - for me that is spending more time doing the thing that scares me. 
Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?


Hello Apartment Friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. As the new year kicks off and we focus on our goals, dreams, and words for the year we are also really focused on getting back to the basics. At both Streamline and Woodfield we feel certain that this year will be all about being good operators and honing our skills especially the basics. As you will probably figure out, I am behind getting this episode done and really had a different plan for the podcast but my Monday derailed - you know the pain of coming back from a few days off. To sum it up it was just a Monday that seemed to be exacerbated by not feeling heard. As I reflected on the day and my response to a few things it hit me that during all those pain points throughout the day I truly believe they could have been avoided if I just felt heard. You know… Yes, Leslie I understand your disappointed, I am disappointed too but I will have an action plan to you by X. Throughout the day I was interrupted several times and didn’t even get to finish my thought before someone jumped to conclusions which just resulted in calls taking longer. It truly was like a non-listening perfect storm of a Monday. I notice even at home my biggest frustration with my family of 7 is NO one - I mean NO one listens. I find myself saying the same thing at least 6 times even when the first time we were all together. We say it in marketing - people see us an average of 3 places before they ever call. As I prepare for the first Rise Up Girls event I know I have to get it to people in at least 3 different ways before they ever notice. And as much as I feel like I have plastered it everywhere I know someone will say - Geez I didn’t even know about the event. We are just a society that does not pay attention or listen. I am convinced more than ever as we transition into 2023 listening is going to be an important art form. Or maybe better stated a lost skill that we need to quickly find. 
Cheers to 2023

Cheers to 2023


Hello apartment friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. I hope you all had the merriest Christmas and the Happiest New Year. Cheers to 2023 and all that it may hold for each of us. While I am not naive enough to think we all ended 2022 with a bang and are ready to kick off the new year I am here to encourage you to hit the reset button especially if it’s been a tough one and prepare for the new one. There is something encouraging about a new day, a new month, and even a new year. Sometimes though we put too much hype around the new and then it becomes overwhelming or we put too much pressure on ourselves to conquer the world in the first day or the first week. 
That's a Wrap on 2022

That's a Wrap on 2022


Hello apartment friends, it’s me LESLIE MATHIS with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. As 2022 comes to an end it only seems appropriate to take a moment to reflect on the year and prepare for the new year ahead. It’s funny I half wrote last weeks podcast and never finished it due to poor planning, travel, and prep for the holidays. Okay fine the last part is not exactly true. If you know me I don’t prep a lot of the holiday. I gave that up more than 20 years ago because I hate the commercial hustle and bustle. Trust me I love Christmas and the true meaning of the holiday and I don’t miss an opportunity to gather with friends and family around the table. See that’s what is so special for me not to mention this year Christmas fell on a Sunday which is my all time favorite! I do love the excitement of how my kids prepare for the holiday and how they get my mom and dad to give them money to shop at the dollar store for gifts for everyone. This year my little was the only one that did that but again I love it and I love that no one felt guilty they didn’t get the other a gift. In my heart I believe everyone knew with school only getting out 2 days before the holiday time just snuck up on everyone. I loved that no one complained about going to church two days in a row and I love that honestly I think everyone got along. I love that my oldest wanted Chinese food for Christmas Eve dinner and lasagna for Christmas dinner and everyone was thrilled with the idea. I love that we had the opportunity to have our annual Christmas party on Friday night vs. the Sunday before like we normally do. Honestly the whole experience just filled my heart and cup in a way I don’t recall in the past. I feel it was the true meaning of filling your cup where it overflows to others vs. filling your cup and then pouring into others which as Kristina Watts shared just leaves you with an empty cup. You all that is so draining and that is what leaves us exhausted and burned out. You see we have to flip the script and learn to pour into ourselves daily so we can share that blessing with others. We have to learn that things are not going to look the way we plan - I mean almost never. During my 7 years of being the owner of Streamline Multifamily Group that might be the biggest lesson I have ever had and when I go back through life and connect the dots I can see the same thing. As I sit here and write this podcast I can’t even think of one thing that has turned out just as I planned. I mean big thing!  I am sure that there are little things but again in this moment I can’t think of a big thing. For me this week is a lot of prep for 2023 and finishing out 2022 with a clean to do list. I find the weeks when most are off are my most productive. I have high hopes for those projects that have lingered on the list because they need 30 to 45 minutes of uninterrupted attention. As I prepped for today and the podcast and as the thoughts of things often look different than the plan I thought of even my marriage. Our anniversary is New Years Eve and wow how we thought that was going to be so special to always celebrate on New Years Eve it definitely looks different. We have found ourselves going out on the 30th to avoid crowds not to mention how tough it is to get a reservation on the 31st. Many of those years I spent New Years Eve with just the kids because my husband worked at night when the economy crashed in 2008 and no one was building apartments. Those aren’t complaints but just the reality and proof things just often do not go as planned. We tend to glorify the event, the plan, the whatever but we just can’t predict all of the future and we need to learn to adapt and embrace the experience. Just another reason we talk about pivoting here so much. So if your 2022 sucked don’t let it get you down or to a place you aren’t closing out strong or preparing and starting 2023 off on the right foot. Somewhere along the way in the suck there has to be some good - a b
The Drift

The Drift


Hello Apartments friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined Podcast. I put some pretty big words out in the universe last week at the closing of the podcast that I will follow up with a great one. Even as I said it I was a little worried that I might not be able to deliver but I put that thought out of my mind. See I recently just listened to the High Five Habits by Mel Robins and it really goes into the science of how powerful your brain is. In transparency I still haven’t high fived myself in the mirror but I am going to. LOL But one thing she talks about is self doubt and the confidence steeler our thoughts that we allow to enter into our brain really are. It’s so hard to silence the self critic within our brain especially for us people pleasers and overachievers. But with those thoughts apparently we train our brain to look for the things to confirm the negative talk. One of the tools she talks about is when those thoughts come in our mind we need to say “I’m not thinking about that right now”. Since listening to the book I have really embraced this approach and I think there might be some truth to it. So as I made that promise to you all and then the negative thought popped in my head I just said “not thinking about that right now”. So anyways listen to the book it’s worth it… I love that Mel Robins reads it herself too. So where do we head from here? You all know I like to tie things together and I like to circle back often times since I am a processor - as I get older I feel more comfortable and don’t have as much shame in my game for not being quick witted - there is a space for all of us in this glorious world. Two episodes ago Kristina Watts mentioned the drift - this is something her and I have talked about multiple times and even early on in our coaching. You see as she explained the other day and to me a few months ago the drift is the river you are flowing down and just going with the flow. Taking things as they come - self numbing with social media - online shopping - the thing you are allowing to prevent you from getting busy with whatever that goal or dream is. BIG and small.
Hello apartment friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with Multifamily Streamlined podcast. I am so excited to be back with Melanie Whitlock to do a 30 day check-in after transitioning from RPM to asset manager. We unpack the highs, lows, good, bad, and sneak in a few struggles and highlights. You won’t want to miss her excitement over Christmas parades and tractors with a side of Mary in the Church Christmas pageant. Man I love this girl…
Hello apartments friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Wow do I have a surprise for you all today. I am so excited to share my interview with Kristina Watts. Her gift is confidence and teaching that to others. She’s an amazingly gifted person and my mentor.
Hello apartments friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. I had an amazing interview ready to share with you all but for a few reasons that will be postponed until next week. During the pivot process, I’ve had on my mind this week a few thoughts I want to share. I’m calling this the Thanksgiving Buffet because you are going to get a little of this and a little of that today… And a whole lot about what I am THANKFUL for. Don’t believe me - just checking out my Instagram feed. It has all the things. Before we get started let’s have a little appetizer… it seems worthy to discuss the pivot real quick. If you aren’t embracing it I encourage you to. It’s a big thing in our day to day lives. Things don’t go as planned and we have two choices. Embrace it make, a new plan know as the pivot, or shut down. If we shut down or lean into all the things that are wrong we are just going to spin our tires and waste precious time. We deal with people’s homes, so things just aren’t going to go right - we have to pivot. Pivoting takes practice but the biggest thing is just get started. Don’t get hung up with what is wrong but find the things that are right and keep them moving forward. If nothing is right - then start over. My pivot this week was little with the podcast. It was real easy when things weren’t lining up with editing etc. having the thankful series rolling on Instagram it only seemed right to pivot on the podcast. And why not have fun and take a moment to be cheesy all at the same time. If we conclude the podcast with being thankful and sharing a little of me why not release it on Thursday for Thanksgiving too. It’s fine and all survived.
Unapologetically YOU

Unapologetically YOU


Hello apartment friends! It’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Months ago I wrote a little snip it for a podcast idea. It literally just said - Be you - unapologetically YOU - as I thought about it I also later added - not a free pass to be a butt hole though. Perhaps it said the other word but I’m consciously trying to clean up my language. But I digress… Anyways I sat on the idea but I as I am working on a few other items this theme kept coming up. Like a lot…Friday I was meeting with my life coach and we were discussing a power hour series that I want to do for my teams. Truly it will be based on confidence but as we worked through the details I had her add one more item. Showing up as you - unapologetically you. We talk a lot about comparison and it being the thief of confidence but as we navigate some potential challenges ahead we are really going to have to dig in. Then my youngest and I headed to a concert to see Lainey Wilson right after meeting with Kristina. I love country music and a good dream chasing story. Well Lainey Wilson’s story is amazing and she shares part of it at every show. When she talks about her new album she talks about being true to yourself and being proud of it and then she of course used those words - being “unapologetically” you!This story get’s better - Years ago a leasing consultant that use to work for me in Wilmington left to pursue her dreams as a softball coach - I’ve followed her from afar but lately she’s been showing up in my feed a lot - I’m still old school and scroll FB but I’m sure you have noticed I’ve been trying to build my social presence and have a focus on Instagram - so I was searching for Paige Williams on IG and as I looked at her feed in November I found a post she made about showing up as you - unapologetically. Stop - I know some believe in numbers and their meanings and I don’t believe in coincidences -  maybe the whole world is talking about this and I just live under a rock but I believe that there is some confirmation out there we should be talking about it too. I’m certain there needs to be a focus on confidence, comparison, and competition but today we will just focus on a small portion of confidence and that’s showing up as you! The best version of you! The unapologetic version of YOU! And let’s clarify one thing right now - this isn’t the free pass to be mean, say ugly things, or just do things the way want to do them. As leaders we don’t that opportunity - we will mess up or make mistakes and that’s okay but we don’t get to be ugly. If we are I guess that just means we aren’t leaders. What it does mean is we get to lead and guide our teams in our own way. It means we get to be ourselves and not show up like someone else just because we think they are cool. It means if you love bellbottoms you wear them to your show and bring them back in a big way.It means leaving a coaching job to pursue a passion to coach people. It means being confident to say this is my organization or my event that will be hosted at The Graduate or Lynn Haven Methodist church. I am not sure how we got so disconnected or scared to say that something is ours. When we do that it doesn’t mean we didn’t have a team helping get the work done but most likely you put that dream team together. We have to stop giving up our power.At the end of the day it is sometimes scary to stand out and just be you but my recent take away is that it feels a lot better to be me vs. trying to act like someone I admire. I say it a lot to my coach - y’all she’s super cool with a faux hawk and this amazing hype girl that can dance. If I showed up as her you all would be like what just happened. Listen it’s her gift and how she connects. It’s how she encourages people especially women. She’s put in the work and now she can share with others and help guide them. We might have similar gifts of encouragement but we show up a lot different. But hear this we SHO
Hello friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Oh my gosh I hope I am getting my mojo back… I’m beyond thrilled to share our very first interview with Melanie Whitlock. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her the last 6.5 years and now she has come on board as the South Carolina and Asheville asset manager for Woodfield and will be working with me at Streamline Multifamily Group as well. We are going to tracking her journey from RPM to asset manager over the next several months and I hope will join us as we discuss the highs and lows. There’s no way it can all be rainbows and unicorns.
Customer What?

Customer What?


Hello friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Still on the struggle bus over here and sliding in sideways but I am determined to get this podcast out. I guess if I am being transparent it’s definitely not my best work lately but I know if I keep showing up it will get better so don’t give up on me. I swear I will find a groove again. I’m certain the interviews will help too. I was determined to corner my dad this week but some how time got away from me. That kid has had a pretty cool career especially in the military and is a born mover and shaker. While not in our industry but just seems like he might have some great Easter eggs to share. We shall see but he’s also a wild card with perhaps some surprises. HahaAnyways it’s been a minute since we talked about customer service and since we are seeing some softness in the market not to mention a recent incident shared with me it seemed like a good topic to discuss again. If the market is headed where some say it is - customer service is going to be our game changer. It seems to be the thing that has been lacking lately because times were good but I warned all of you that it wouldn’t last forever and we couldn’t lose our the art of customer service. Over the weekend I had a family friend call with an apartment issue. Y’all it happens all the time but I do always try to help. The short version was their family member was in a new construction deal and had several issues with minimal communication and no resolution. I get it - that happens but not cool. That ’s when people get MAD. See when we over communicate and at least provide a small amount of value we can appease them until we get the situation figured out. When we constantly tell them that corporate will handle or even worse - SORRY THAT'S OUR POLICY. What? Y’all that fuels fires. I mean big scary fires. There is not a phrase that sets people off worse than that’s our policy. Listen I don’t give a darn about your policy I care about my situation. Trust me that’s how they feel… I get it - they might be unreasonable - it might be out of our control - we might be at the mercy of the vendor but that’s not their problem it’s ours. So what can we do? Listen - like truly listen.Ask them what resolution they are looking for.Provide a timeline.Do what you say you are going to do. And when you say you will.Do not blame it on corporate or your owners.Make sure they feel heard and that you care.Provide some level of transparency. Be relatable.
Hello friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Once again sliding in sideways on a Tuesday pretty empty handed. Not sure what is going on but I’m going to get my mojo back soon. In the meantime Nathan Cox owner of 68 Ventures puts out a daily thought and last week one of them really got my attention. If you aren’t signed up for their daily nugget you need to NOW. While I hate just reading to you some times you have to suck it up and work with what you have. Fun fact, over the next few weeks we have some interviews set up which I think will really be great. I have a new asset manager joining me and thought it would be fun to document her experience. Also, our lead design team has agreed to sit down with me and who knows I might let my dad make a guest appearance. I know that sounds formal but isn’t that what real podcasters say? Next month we will also talk about how to close out the year on a strong note from an accounting and AP perspective. More to come but until then I want to share this with you - From Nathan Cox titled Be Interested, Be Dangerous.
Assuming the Row

Assuming the Row


Hello friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Y’all I was doing so good and haven’t missed a Tuesday in so long. Honestly since I recommitted to making the podcast a priority. Now I’m not saying i haven’t coming in sliding sideways late on a Tuesday evening but I made it. Pretty or not - it was posted. Ugh the week just got a little sideways and I have to be honest I was really struggling with what I was going to share this week especially up against the deadline. Often when that happens it’s like writers block. Well we were at the beach and there was plenty of creativity there. So you are getting two thoughts today for one. First one - I was drinking out of a yeti highball and thought I wonder if people think I am drinking booze early in the morning. I’m super boring and it was just Diet Dr. Pepper but it dawned on me that when I see people drinking out of a yeti honestly in most settings I assume there is alcohol in their cup especially around water. Tell me you make the same assumption at the beach or lake! :) For whatever reason I reflected on that assumption for a minute… honestly I don’t care about the alcohol and what people think I am drinking. I’m the girl that cracks a can on a conference call and couldn’t careless if they think I’m drinking a beer at 4:00 or 10:00 for that matter but anyways… you know that old saying about assuming it makes an ass out of you and me… What is the thing you are assuming at work? Are you assuming you are next in line for the big promotion?Are you assuming your maintenance tech is just late for work because he can’t get up in the morning?Are you assuming your assistant is handling all the reporting?
Hello apartment friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Once again I have been sitting on the best interview for months but dang I am beyond thrilled to share it with you all. Check out what Kate Good has to say about leasing, development and leadership. She literally is about to tell you one of the best stories every…
2023 Budgets

2023 Budgets


Hello apartment friends it’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. So if you following me on social you know I’ve been talking a lot of about budgets. Most of you are knee deep and probably stressed about the due dates and expectations of the budget meetings. I am hosting a class October 4th to discuss how to get your budgets across the finish line with minimal stress and questions but thought perhaps we should discuss briefly today. I promise what I am going to share today is not rocket science but if you would slow down and hear me out I promise this will help. Listen I do not know all the answers but I work with some of the best of the best and several institutional clients and we all have the same frustrations. I promise this will help you and make them happier in the process.
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