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Muprov Musings: Exceptionally Average Improv
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Muprov Musings: Exceptionally Average Improv

Author: muprovmusings

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Muprov Musings: Exceptionally Average Improv is a podcast that teaches Long-form, Narrative, Theatrical Improvisation, otherwise known as Muprov. It is a great resource for improvisors who are trying to level up their practice and learn new styles of play! The hosts, Hal Munger and Julian Bernado are experienced and innovative Muprovisors, who are excited to spread the word about their favorite way of doing their favorite activity. On the show they provided practice plans that you can use for your ensemble, teach fun formats, and chat with guests who bring a wide variety of perspectives!


Intro Music By Sebastian Blue Hochman
55 Episodes
Sam Kamenetz founded the group Improvised DnD in NYC! He comes on the podcast to explain the ins and outs of the format. If you want to audition for the group or see one of their shows live in NYC, check out their instagram! Zoom link for Muprov Musings democracy show at 1:15 am Monday 9/23 (The zoom is 24 hours and has tons of great speakers) 
Special thanks to Ahmad Koya, Anna Mistele, and John Mistele for coming on the podcast to perform a SuperScene! If you like mysteries, aliens, rodents, butterflies, and God, then you will love this SupersScene :)  
As usual we got a little carried away with the practice run! It's a slow-rolling snowball that is pretty delightful in the end! 
Thank you Trey for teaching us the Hush little Baby warm up!  Thank youHal for finding the perfect fossil to represent the spine of the story of Superscene. 
Directing is one of the most important improv skills because if you learn how to be a good director, you will also learn how to be a good Side-coach and Artistic Director! If you want to develop your own signature style and innovate in the world of improv, directing a SuperScene is a great place to start! 
Dogpoodle Defense!

Dogpoodle Defense!


Watch it here!
It wouldn't be Superscene without Terry Davis... Ahmad Koya, waterbender, world saver, wave maker, comes on the podcast to talk SUPERSCENE— the most fun format of all time. 25/30   Meet Ahmad:    Terry Davis:     
The amazing Cleo DeOrio joins the podcast LIVE for the next stop of the adventure-–Dell'Arte International! In just two weeks studying here, Clio and the other instructors have taught me a whole new framework for understanding improvisation through the practice and metaphor of physical movement and momentum. Now you can get the concepts straight from Clio herself! 
Hal is flying solo as the host in this one, but with an amazing international guest, Charlotte Gittens! A live, late-night, interview after an incredible show!  Dogpoodle Time Travel event 8/10: 
This is a really special episode because Henry Kandel was the first person to teach Hal improv! Kandel was improvising in Chicago in the 90s and is an artist with and unique perspective on improv that has shaped a lot of the perspectives of your hosts! We are so happy to have them on the show, and I (Hal) am eternally grateful for the four years of wisdom and experimentation that launched me on this incredible journey!  Nothing you hear on the episode is medical advice. The three of us each have different perspectives and methods of warming up for practices and shows and encourage you do what feels safe and best for you/your ensemble. 
Cindy Ong, architect and founder of RTW kids joins the program to talk about the impact that improv can have on young people! She has grown an large independent improv school that students stay enrolled in for over a decade! There is really nothing like it right now in the world of narrative improv! So cool!!! RTW Kids:  My Architect Trailer: 
Robert Greene joins the podcast to kick off our educators series! For any parents out there with young children, we hope this episode will open you up to the power of play in raising kids! Robert is a multi-hyphenate artist so the conversation touches everything under the sun and synthesizes it all together into some beautiful wise words! 
Our first live show!!! Full video at Tune in to see Hal and Julian at their peak fun, joyously playing all the characters in an unscripted Shakespeare play!!! Check out those crazy costumes! Such a great show!!! The Midnight Dance will whisk you away on a whirlwind ride and show you the power of a pickled onion!
We forgot to post last week, but boy do we have a good reason!!! We just finished organizing the Unscripted Shakespeare Festival! My lord it was so much fun. Sadly, the event that you are about to here about has already concluded, but the good news is that it was amazing and will hopefully happen again next year! Get ready next week to hear the first ever LIVE Muprov Musings shows. (Spoiler alert: It's a real banger)
Happy MUthers Day! One of my all-time favorite episodes for sure! Tune in to hear a full length improv show demonstration!  If anyone listening has an in with Coca-Cola or the Mormon Church, we are trying to get sponsored for this one :)
Calm vibes only on this episode as we chill our way through an invaluable improv tool. If you have never enjoyed a surgical run before, get ready for one of the best ways to get an inside scoop into our minds. It is half way between a practice run and a GIGASPINE and makes for great listening! 
We are going back to the basics! Shout out to Ken Adams and the storyspine. Lets platform some scenes! 
Most failed scenes are one side-coach away from being great. On this episode we talk through three simple coach lines that can save the day. If you practice it enough with a coach, the voice in your head will begin to remind you all by yourself! 
Improv is all about flexibility and change, so how does the way we teach it change over time as each generation gets to improve on the past? Enter Ness Arikan— who learned improv in this fundamentals curriculum, and now is the current instructor to this same workshop. She has reworked the whole curriculum and can give a rare inside look at the cutting edge of teaching fundamentals! The next generation of improvisors are crazy :). 
Gosh this is like five episodes packed into one... Back in the day we taught a whole second version of this class where we deep dived each of them, but lets start with a fundamental understanding.... If you have strong opinions about acronyms then then you will love this episode. Let us know what team you are on in the comment ;) #TeamCROW #TeameCROWE #COWREmpromise #hardCORE #CREWcrew