Murder in a Beehive

Murder in a Beehive

Loved by all men and envied by all women, Blanche Magnolia Beauregard is convinced she’s one of the beautiful people. She wears her political incorrectness like a crown—but it never puts a dent in her famous beehive. Some people have a nose for solving crime and this Southern Belle just might be the best of them. She won’t let the perpetrators get away with murder—-just as she wouldn’t be caught dead on a date with a man wearing crocs. That would be a true crime! Social suicide isn’t Blanche's cup of tea. But there's definitely murder in that beehive!

Murder in a Memoir-Episode Three

Blanche Magnolia Beauregard is so grateful for her dear friend Schotzi, the county coroner, though he brings her some sad news about Natalie Goodson's death. Her assistant, Lacey Anne Summerhill, finds some disturbing news about the deaths of authors who have published with Dodger House. It's enough to make her hesitant to sign on to have her memoirs published. All this bad news has affected her jujuvois. But she promises to get it back soon! Support Murder in a ...


Murder in a Memoir-Episode Two

Blanche Magnolia Beauregard is non-plussed to find her dear friend may have been murdered and that her daughter Anne is in the frame for it. Did she step into an episode of Perry Mason? Meanwhile, why does Madame Roxanne think she sees Fabio in Blanche's famous beehive? And one last question: What's the status on her sought after memoir? Well, sugah, that's as high up-in-the-air as her dating standards.Support Murder in a Beehive on Patreon!Membership has so...


Murder in a Memoir-Episode One

Blanche Magnolia Beauregard has lost her good friend, Natalie Goodson and it has inspired her to put her memoirs to paper and get them published. She meets with Natalie's publisher, Rex Dodger but finds him a bit off putting. Imagine Blanche's shock when she finds out her dear friend may have been murdered! It doesn't help that her assistant keeps hounding her about a podcast and the other columnist at the paper keeps hounding her with visions of obituaries! Thank goo...


Prequel to a Podcast

Blanche Magnolia Beauregard has been asked to give the eulogy for an old friend. She does so with the style and eloquence of a true Southern Belle. Sharing memories of her dear friend, Natalie Goodson, Blanche has no idea she may have been murdered! That's why it's called a 'prequel', sugah!Murder in a Beehive--A podcast for the Beautiful PeopleThis podcast is a Lizzie Street production.Copyright 2022 Lizzie Street This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, business...


Blanche has a PodPiece

Blanche Magnolia Beauregard's assistant, the capricious Lacey Summerhill, has created a podcast for her. Not a fan of technology, Blanche is none too happy about it. Tune in on Monday, October 3rd for the first episode of Murder in a Beehive. And support Lacey (Blanche has all the support she needs in her bra) at htts:// Murder in a Beehive--A podcast for the Beautiful PeopleThis podcast is a Lizzie Street production.Copyright 2022 Lizz...


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