Music Student 101

We are musicians, composers, engineers, teachers and students alike. The path of a musician can be challenging and uncertain but it can also be enriching and great fun! This is the path we chose and we are here as your resource. Explore theory, history, ear training, technique, special topics and overall musicianship.

135-Harmonic Progression Pt.12-Non Chord Tones

Passing tones, appoggiaturas, pedal tones and suspensions are just a few of the non chord tones we discussed in Ep. 28. Now we will take a little more time training our ears to recognize them. After all that, we will play examples and test our ability to identify them in a chord progression. Let's listen!


134-Middle Ages Music Pt.2

Continuing from episode 75, Middle Ages Music Pt.1, we will now get in the later part of this era. Polyphony is now becoming commonplace. We will discuss composition tools such as oraganum, chant, the motet and the hocket. We will also discuss how other cultures beyond the world of Western music use chant in their own music. Let's go back a bit, shall we?


133-Animals and Music Pt.2

We, at Music Student 101, believe that music is truly a common language! We wonder how it effects our animal friends. We wonder if some form of music exists among our animal friends. Join us as we discuss elephants, rodents, bats, crocodiles and mosquitoes!


132-Schenkerian Analysis Pt.1

Schenkerian analysis is a deeper dive into the sea of theory discussions we've had so far. In this episode, we will merely dip our toes into this counterpoint based system. Get ready for another perspective of how classical music works!


131-Melodic Dictation Pt.7-Phrygian Mode

Melodic dictation, the act of transcribing and notating a melody by ear, is a crucial skill for a musician to cultivate. In this episode, we will focus on the ever exotic Phrygian mode. Let's listen!


130-Listener Compositions Pt.7

It is time for our 7th Listener Compositions episode. So let's enjoy the talents of our listeners! This episode will feature the original music of Fred Lancia, Mark Christie, Evan Bjork, Tom Richardson, Nikita Menkov and Devin Montes.


129-Perfect Pitch

One out of every 10,000 people have absolute pitch (a.k.a perfect pitch). Many more, epecially musicians, wish they could have it. It's time to discuss this phenomenon and how it differs from relative pitch!


128-Form and Analysis Pt.5-Baroque Forms

Continuing our discussion from Ep.114, we will now focus on some of the more widely known forms of the Baroque period (1600-1750 CE). We will discuss the church and chamber sonatas, the French overture, the dance suites and the fugue, just to name a few.


127-Harmonic Progression Pt.11-Neapolitan Chord

The Neapolitan chord is a great tool for modulation and for adding intrigue to any chord progression. In this episode, we will talk about it. We will listen to it.  We will test our ears and their ability to identify it!


126-Native American Music Pt.1

Today there are hundreds of Native American communities on the continents of North and South America. With each, their own cultures, cuisines, languages and rituals. But at the heart of all of these communities are dance and music. Let's learn about the sounds and origins of their music! This episode will focus on North America  (Canada, The United States and Mexico).


125-Altered Chords Pt.4

Continuing from episode 112 (Altered Chords Pt.3), we will top off our discussion of altered chords. Ready your theory brain for coloristic chord successions, chromatic sequences and non sequential linear processes!


124-Instrument Care Pt.4-Woodwinds

To keep your woodwinds sounding their best, it's important to keep them safe, clean and properly maintained. In this episode, we will review the instruments of the wood wind family: the oboe, clarinet, saxophone, flute and bassoon. We will also discuss the many parts involved and how to properly care for them.


123-Melodic Dictation Pt.6-Lydian Mode

Melodic dictation, the act of transcribing and notating a melody by ear, is a crucial skill for a musician to cultivate. In this episode, we will focus on the Lydian mode. Let's listen!


122-Sound Engineering (feat. Raymond Calhoun)

The sound engineer is the driving force behind a good listening experience at any live concert. If you enjoy the tech end of the music world, you will enjoy what our special guest, Raymond Calhoun, has to say. This career path can lead to some awesome places and some amazing people. So let's get mixing!


121-Harmonic Rhythm

Harmonic rhythm addresses the rate in which chord changes occur within a piece of music. On the surface, it seems like a simple concept. On a deeper level there's so much more to discuss. So let's discuss!


120-Listener Compositions Pt.6

It is time to add yet more listeners to our composing community! They work hard, that we may listen hard! So let us listen! This episode will feature the original music of:  Visa Oscar, Alex Turnbull, Aubriel, Lemongrass, Neal Malley and Steve From an Undisclosed Subterranean Location.


119-Animals and Music Pt.1

Do animals appreciate music? Do they create their own music? Could they benefit from exposure to the right kind of music? The field of zoomusicology attempts to address some of these questions. In this episode, we will revisit some scientific studies involving primates, pets and some of our underwater friends. It's gonna be a wild time!


118-Harmonic Progression Pt. 10 (Augmented 6th Chords)

On this episode, we will dig deeper into augmented sixth (+6) chords. We will discuss the difference between these chords and the standard augmented triad. We will discuss the three types: Italian, French and German. Then we will test our ears to see if we can identify them in a chord progression.


117-Melodic Organization and Thematic Development

Once you've written a theme, or a main melody, there are a number of ways you can develop it and organize it into your overall piece. Repetition, transposition, expansion, contraction, augmentation, diminution, fragmentation, variation and melodic sequences are just a few of the many ways this can be achieved. Let's, listen!


116-What Makes Scary Music Scary?

What makes scary music scary? We can only SPOOKULATE! Join us as we examine some well known scary scores in the classic music and cinematic genres. We will discuss some reoccurring themes, such as the dreaded "Dies Irae". We will discuss reoccurring intervals, such as the minor 2nd and the tritone. Grab your pop corn and maybe don't listen all by yourself. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!



I think this is the podcast I have been looking for! I am a sophomore in high school and I am so passionate about music and I have lately been very interested in learning more about classical music and music theory. (I have largely been inspired by TwoSet Violin... any Ling Ling wannabees out there?!) Super excited to start listening 🎵❤️

12-05 Reply


what's that outro song?

07-18 Reply

Roshni Sridhar

Fanny Catches Green Ducks After Eating Breakfast!

01-15 Reply

Tyler DeGuire

Wow guys. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. What you guys do has been a great service in helping me understand these topics. I'm 25 and started my pursuit of music about ten years ago. I took music theory classes in high school, but otherwise I have been a self-taught multi-instrumentalist. Over the last month i have binge listened to your podcast and learned so much from you guys. You make these topics much more approachable and easier to digest. Keep up the good work and, again, thank you so much!

08-31 Reply

Nathan Smith

LOL love this

05-17 Reply

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