Must-Knows Before You Die

<p>Welcome to "Must Knows Before You Die," the podcast where existential dread meets practical wisdom. Here, we embrace the absurdity of life and unravel its mysteries, one season at a time. We'll tackle the essentials, like what you need to know to get through your 20s successfully. Can relationships truly reveal who we are, or are they just elaborate cosmic pranks? How do we navigate a career when the universe itself seems to be freelancing?<br><br></p><p>But we don’t stop there. We’ll dive deeper, exploring how to live ethically, build authentic relationships through inner work, heal our inner children, and more.<br><br></p><p>Press play if you dare, and join Niya as she contemplates the greatest must-knows of life.</p>

Tech and Us: Rethinking our Digital life

In a world where our lives are increasingly shaped by screens, this episode of "Must Knows Before You Die" invites you to pause and reflect on your relationship with technology. We’re delving deeper into the subtle ways our digital lives shape who we are, what we value, and how we connect with others.Are you living on autopilot, scrolling through a curated reality? What if there’s more to discover beyond the screen—about yourself and the world around you? Press play, and let’s navigate t...


Are You Wasting Your 20s on Bad Health Habits?

In this episode, we break down the often-overlooked aspects of health and wellness, focusing on the powerful connection between your physical and mental well-being. We’ll explore how the foods you eat can shape your brainpower and mood, the profound impact of sleep on your overall health, and offer practical tips to help you build a strong foundation for a healthier, happier life.


Role of Relationships in Self-discovery

In this episode, we explore the profound impact that relationships have on our understanding of ourselves. From discovering hidden triggers and tendencies to uncovering strengths and passions, relationships serve as a mirror, reflecting back to us the parts of ourselves we might not see otherwise. We’ll touch on the role of attachment styles in shaping these connections and dive into how relationships can be a powerful tool for self-discovery. Whether you're navigating friendships, romantic r...


Finding Your Hidden Passions & Getting to Know Yourself

Transitioning into adulthood can be daunting, and feeling lost is absolutely normal. I share comforting insights and practical tips on how to navigate this phase of life with confidence. Embrace the uncertainty and be kind to yourself as you grow and evolve. By reflecting on the qualities you admire in others and aligning your daily actions with your values, you can find meaning and purpose in your journey. Tune in for an encouraging conversation and remember, you’re doing better than you think.


Season 1 Trailer : Must-Knows in your 20s

Must knows for getting through your 20s successfullyA brand-new season is here! And I couldn’t be more excited to have you all back with me on this journey! Welcome to Season 1 of our podcast, where each season is like a chapter, diving deep into different areas of life that matter most.This season, we’re tackling a topic close to all of us—how to navigate our 20s successfully. It’s a decade full of challenges, growth, and incredible opportunities, and I’m here to help you figure it all out.F...


Getting through difficult times

(Originally posted in October 2022)In this episode, Niya reflects on a recent difficulty she experienced and what she learned from it.


Attachment : Understanding our relationship blueprint

Hello my dears, Do you find relationships to be easy and peaceful experiences? Do you often end up resentful that your love was not reciprocated? or is your frustration more that people want more of you than you feel comfortable offering them?It turns out most of our impulses, needs and expectations are ingrained in our attachment system that we gained in our early life experiences. That is what attachment theory is all about and is often not understood in all its nuance. It was formula...



Hello my dears,In this episode, we're going to spiral beyond time and space to figure out how we can be truly free, why that matters, if it does, and why we need it and we end at two painfully honest truths. Enjoy!


How to Cope with Lost Love

Life is full of losses and heartbreak. How can we thrive because of what happened to us instead of letting it break us?In this highly vulnerable episode we'll discuss the complexity of loss and the people it turns us into. Then we end with a beautiful story you definitely should not miss.


Art and a Balanced Life

Vincent Van Gogh once wrote "I put my heart and my soul into my work, and lost my mind in the process." He is not the only one who struggled with anxiety and depression in his short life. There is not enough space to name all the impressive artists who suffered unimaginably if not committed suicide. Being a good artist requires an incredible amount "feeling" and focusing on expressing. But is there anyway to not be consumed in the world of dark emotions?


Guilt : A story of a tricky emotion

Today, we’re exploring the emotion we call guilt. And how it is leading us to doing worse not becoming a better person.All examples are fictional.Resources:Is corporal punishment an effective means of disciplineReduced Prefrontal Cortical Gray Matter Volume in Young Adults Exposed to Harsh Corporal PunishmentParental Conditional Regard: Psychological Costs and AntecedentsBooks on parenting with unconditional loveUnconditional Parenting by Alfie KohnOut of Control: Why Disciplining Your Child ...


Are you a good person?

What does it even mean to be a good person in this messy and complicated world we're living in?


Making a Living? or Making a Dying?

We all want to be happy. But for people who value happiness a lot, we do tend to do a lot of things that make us unhappy. Especially when it comes to work. Only about half of the people in the US enjoy their jobs. Is there anything we can do about this? or is selling our soul for some coin our only option? In this episode, we'll talk about how we can find work that we love and are engaged with and other factors that increase our quality of life. Books mentioned: ...


Where Does Morality Come From?

Have you ever been in situations where you can't comprehend how a person can believe things that seem so insane? Why are people that try to be good and moral divided by their beliefs?In this episode, Niya answers a call from her 50 years future self that is struggling to get a grasp of moral beliefs.*Some ideas in this episode are inspired by the book "The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt. A really good book full of thought-provoking ideas. Buy it here: Amazon*Website


How to Hide Your Insanity

It would be insane to think that any of us can always be perfectly rational. In fact most of the time we're influenced not by reason but by our environments and emotions.Other times, it's the world that has gone completely bonkers. And we, even if we know the truth, OUR truth, it can be incredibly hard to go against the wave because the definition of insane is someone who doesn't see reality like it's agreed upon by the majority. In this episode, we'll discuss this phenomena from every ...


Romantic Love is not all there is

What is Love really? And how can we get more love in our lives? In this episode, we'll explore how the ancients Greeks thought about love and what we can learn about this illusive but highly desired emotion.


Don't Be All Good

Why do some of us find it so hard to say no? Or to ask for help? or Say what we really mean?Why do we keep on sabotaging our relationships and other good things in our lives? Psychologist Carl Jung first coined the term The Shadow Self. The parts of our personalities we deny and keep deep in our subconscious. In this Episode we talk about how we can identify our shadow selves, and what it really means to integrate it into our personalities, and what is the point really? How does this hel...


How to Look in a Mirror

We've all at one point or another had to introduce ourselves. We usually say our names, origins, Jobs. But who are we really more than the labels we are given from the external world? What does it really mean to know yourself?



Life is short. The remedy to this is not fearing death or wishing to live forever. Instead using this short time deliciously and purposefully. Through this podcast, we'll explore all the ideas on how to live fully and what's important to each of us so that we can pursue the version of ourselves that's more authentic.


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