My Alien Life

We showcase counterculture as art. We communicate who we are with different experiences, culture, art, music, food, the paranormal and the life beyond the conventional status quo. We talk about anything and everything, with a twist of strange and a shake of understanding. We discuss the people, the planet and beyond. It's a show about the person behind the experience. Join us for the exceptional, and the unorthodox becomes the usual, and the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. This is MY ALIEN LIFE! ​ There are amazing guests on the show and we talk about science, culture, art, people, the paranormal and just about everything else. It's a show about US!! Please listen every Wednesday and Friday night at 10:30 PM MST!!! Join me and experience, my alien life at

Michel Desmarquet and Thiaoouba Prophecy - A Book of Warnings From the ETs with an Advanced Civilization....peace

Tonight we talk about Michel Desmarquet and his book, Thiaoouba Prophecy, a book of warnings from the ETs with an advanced civilization. Samuel Chong has devoted a great deal of his life to studying Thiaoouba Prophecy.  He joins us and we talk about: - The purpose of the Universe and our life on Earth - True dangers in life, surpassing the atomic destruction - Conscious reincarnation, life after death - Big Bang, creation and evolution - Astral travel, telepathy, levitation, development of the mind - Aura and its significance - 1.3 million years of past civilisations on Earth - Knowledge and sciences lost on Earth - Great Pyramid as a cosmic tool - Life on Mars and in our Galaxy - Parallel Universe on Earth, Bermuda Triangle - Space travel by transubstantiation - Universal Law - the Law of the Universe - The future … ……..and more… Thank you everybody.  I appreciate you so much. We will meet again…………………… Cam   Find the book HERE Find Samuel Chong HERE   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...


A How to guide to Bending Light & Communicating with Aliens - William Lawrence

William Lawrence>>Currently scientists are searching for extraterrestrial messages in the radio spectrum. However, new technology is being developed that sends and receives data outside of the radio spectrum. This new technology is using photons and visible light to send and receive data. Visible Light Quantum Communication Technology can also capitalize on what Einstein referred to as Spooky Action at a Distance which relies on Quantum Entangled Photons to communicate with each other regardless of their distance apart. Visible light is naturally formed in our universe and is the most efficient way to communicate long distance. Galaxy to galaxy, star to star, Instant Quantum Communication. William Lawrence is a scientist investigating new methods of communication with the Supernatural.  Developing a new device to demodulate the electromagnetic spectrum of Sunlight William discovered Ghosts were able to show themselves in the light. Later he went on to discover that it wasn’t just spirits appearing but what appears to be Extraterrestrial Life. Experimenting with this device for 7 years he has collected overwhelming evidence of unexplained anomalies with photographic evidence of Non-physical spirits, physical humans and what looks like an Advanced Reptile Species. All appearing in detail in the electromagnetic spectrum of Sunlight.    A How to guide to Bending Light. Instructions: Laptop with Logitech 720p webcam. Black metal paint and spackle mixer for 5 gallon size.  Small water bottle with 3/4 to an inch of water. (Depending on the intensity of the Sun. More light more water. Less light less water.) 3a. The bottom of the bottle is important. It must have large round edges along the bottom not small ridges but do use a small bottle. 3b. Hold the bottle at a 45° angle a few inches from the metal. I bend in the afternoon but do try other time. Take images for around 30 mins. Then review the images closely. They seem to blend in with the background so at first they’re very difficult to spot.   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...



This is the last BJ Evans..   Hey, he might show up at my house in the future, but I have run out of patience and philanthropy.  There's more story to tell, but the man has become a liability in my life. I don't know when you and I will get together again.  Is the podcast over?  Most likely.  I have run out of energy and funds dedicated to the entertainment of others.  If you appreciate the show and want more; go to my website and check out my Patreon page.  Thank you to those who have...  You are appreciated so much.   I love you. I no longer have control of my Facebook pages or my profile.  If you could repost my podcasts everywhere that would help.  I am basically locked out of the one tool that works for me the hardest.  My profile is still there and I have a very limited ability to use it.  It is really hard to access and the version I see is an online website version I can get to on my phone.  It's impossible to do anything fast or in bulk.  It's almost useless.   there you will find every episode and my Patreon page...   Dedicated to BJ and Jean Evans…..& for my friends Edgar Lain, Randy Friesenhahn, Jerry Hoffman, Cass, Rick Doty, Mark Chariff, Jackie Kleeb, Chris Barnes, Eva Blan, Dennis Koch, Timothy Earl, John Lear and everyone who's listened or has had the patience for me to ask questions..   Thank you so much...   Episode 4 of 4  ..   THE FINALE'....GREETINGS FROM TUCUMCARI NM - THE BJ AND JEAN EVANS SAGA - THE END…   Please see my website for photos from the podcast as well as the postcards mentioned.  There is also another suprise.  Much of the information he provided would give him away in a moment.  You get to hear excerpts.  He never mentioned keeping his identity secret; but I am sure if you wanted to find it bad enough, it is on a server and my computer.  My website of course is:   -BJ Evans-   You know the man; and now here is the conclusion to the story he initiated three years ago.   I apologize for the audio quality.  I sincerely thought I had everything I needed in Utah that weekend, but when you are harassed by weirdness everywhere you go, organization means nothing.  As we struggled through an interview I was able to improve the sound as it progresses.  Obviously.   Picture a tiny house (in my life in Montana, we just called it a house) north west of Salt Lake City.  The tall grass landscape is lovely if you like grass; otherwise it’s flat and there’s nothing to see.  A small kitchen and a 12X12 living room on the first floor and a small bedroom and tiny bathroom on the second floor.  This entire space is shared by three people.  Two men who don’t get along very well, mostly because BJ  doesn’t have patience with the one legged roommate.  The living room I have to say is nicely decorated, but again it’s small and my three companions for the weekend insisted we run the loud GE air-con non-stop.   It was difficult to record.   JEANjeanJEANjeanGRRGLLL, is the love of BJ’s life but not mine.  It’s impossible to get her to talk.  BJ suggested a 12-pack of PBR.  Jean, as I call her, spit beer into my microphone the first time I let her use it.  At that moment I had enough of her and I am sure they all knew that because the look on my face made them visibly cringe.  I hated that moment.     All the while I was trying to spin a positive and remarkable tale on tape.  Sad it’s not fiction because it would be so much easier.     I do believe I gleaned some worthy tidbits for podcasting, and enhanced my hatred for aliens, AND I spent way too much money on PBR…   Ok, the woman has green hair, ecru teeth, and smells like Lays Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips.  It seems she eats chips and drinks beer.  That’s her diet 95% of the time.  BJ says “it's what these aliens do…”   Oh, I’m sorry I gave away part of the story here.  What can I say?   Could it get any worse?   Tripod the one legged roommate fell asleep over and over on one of two recliners in the room.  That would piss Jean off for some reason and she would jab him with his cane and he would wake up yelling “BEEEJAAAYYY!”  My feelings to this were revulsion.  The man was disgusting.  If we let him sleep, he would snore….OR, stop breathing all together and during those times we would kind of freeze up and stare at him.  I’m not sure if we were hoping he’d live or die.     He lived.   I really wanted to get BJ alone, but that wasn’t possible.  That was my only thought.  The other two assholes made me fucking miserable and I just need to get over that.   Making that trip during the busiest part of my year was draining, but I had no other opportunity.  I sat on the recordings for a very long time and that was not my fault.  I was going through some health issues….there was COVID and I ended up getting COVID.  Between diabetes and COVID, my memory was shot.  I literally had to listen to the content five times to get some sort of timeline on paper to work with.  I did the best I could.   I want to thank you for listening.  I wish I had the time in my life to lay down content that was flawless.  I have that power, but not the amount of time required.  I also know how to get listeners in numbers and that would keep me amped enough to make more episodes.  I don’t have the time.  I am a working man and these efforts have been on the side.  It was enjoyable and I met a lot of people.   I have been a focused fan of the paranormal world my whole life.  I literally live it.  It’s in me.  It’s what I am.  There is so much about me left to tell, but it's hard for me to get it out on tape or paper.  It’s painful.  It’s too much.     Every episode was my way of saying thank you for indulging my interests.  Thank you for being there.   I just can’t thank you enough.  You are the reason I did this.   Thank you for My Alien Life.   Cameron Logan 11/28/2022 04:17 AM MST ......On September 16, 2019, I received via email a 4 page PDF file from a man named BJ Evans who claims to have worked at Area 51 and S4. The file was his book synopsis and 4 photos... The book covers his work at Groom Lake etc., and the photos are supposedly taken inside Area 51. BJ has listened to most of my podcasts, and in the email he referenced two shows that had Area 51 content. People send me pics, scans and other info every day. The unusual aspect of this email is that Mr. Evans wanted me to publish his book. I don’t publish books. I don’t want to publish books. I stated in fact to him, that I don’t do books and he should hurry and get this published on his own or find a publisher. I produced his story. The process was physically and emotionally exhausting. _____________________ BJ Evans was on his way to a military retirement when he started working at Area 51. The next 3 years changed him. The man who’s name was synonymous with upward mobility, hated his job and did everything in his power to get out. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, BJ Evans was assigned another Top Secret assignment that found him fighting for his life.. BJ was an Army Veteran who spent 8 years serving in 4 different countries around the world. In 1987 he earned a Top Secret clearance and thought that would be his ticket to retirement and a dream home in Florida. What came next was a nightmarish two year assignment and a fear the government wouldn’t let him leave his job. Then one day in December of 1990 he was stripped of his credentials, and put on a bus to Las Vegas. It was over. "........In Japan a bunch of us soldiers were playing baseball against a couple of local teams. There was a rumor our first basemen was going back to the states because he had a sweet duty assignment. I finally asked him what his plans were and he said he said he was going to do a security detail in San Diego...We went thru basic together and had identical careers at that point and I told him I loved San Diego.. A week later I got orders and two weeks after that we flew to Fort Bliss and spent a month in security training…. After that we flew to Las Vegas and they threw about 20 of us on a bus. We thought we were going to Nellis.. We never went to Nellis.." -BJ Evans-   “May you find peace in the world and may the universe let you slow down and rest.”   Cameron   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's fir



Dedicated to BJ and Jean Evans…..& for my friends Edgar Lain, Cass, Rick Doty, Mark Chariff, Jackie Kleeb, Chris Barnes, Eva Blan, Dennis Koch, Timothy Earl, John Lear and everyone who's listened or has had the patience for me to ask questions..   Thank you so much...   Episode 3 of 4  THURSDAYS....   THE FINALE'....GREETINGS FROM TUCUMCARI NM - THE BJ AND JEAN EVANS SAGA - THE END…   Please see my website for photos from the podcast as well as the postcards mentioned.  There is also another suprise.  Much of the information he provided would give him away in a moment.  You get to hear excerpts.  He never mentioned keeping his identity secret; but I am sure if you wanted to find it bad enough, it is on a server and my computer.  My website of course is:   -BJ Evans-   You know the man; and now here is the conclusion to the story he initiated three years ago.   I apologize for the audio quality.  I sincerely thought I had everything I needed in Utah that weekend, but when you are harassed by weirdness everywhere you go, organization means nothing.  As we struggled through an interview I was able to improve the sound as it progresses.  Obviously.   Picture a tiny house (in my life in Montana, we just called it a house) north west of Salt Lake City.  The tall grass landscape is lovely if you like grass; otherwise it’s flat and there’s nothing to see.  A small kitchen and a 12X12 living room on the first floor and a small bedroom and tiny bathroom on the second floor.  This entire space is shared by three people.  Two men who don’t get along very well, mostly because BJ  doesn’t have patience with the one legged roommate.  The living room I have to say is nicely decorated, but again it’s small and my three companions for the weekend insisted we run the loud GE air-con non-stop.   It was difficult to record.   JEANjeanJEANjeanGRRGLLL, is the love of BJ’s life but not mine.  It’s impossible to get her to talk.  BJ suggested a 12-pack of PBR.  Jean, as I call her, spit beer into my microphone the first time I let her use it.  At that moment I had enough of her and I am sure they all knew that because the look on my face made them visibly cringe.  I hated that moment.     All the while I was trying to spin a positive and remarkable tale on tape.  Sad it’s not fiction because it would be so much easier.     I do believe I gleaned some worthy tidbits for podcasting, and enhanced my hatred for aliens, AND I spent way too much money on PBR…   Ok, the woman has green hair, ecru teeth, and smells like Lays Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips.  It seems she eats chips and drinks beer.  That’s her diet 95% of the time.  BJ says “it's what these aliens do…”   Oh, I’m sorry I gave away part of the story here.  What can I say?   Could it get any worse?   Tripod the one legged roommate fell asleep over and over on one of two recliners in the room.  That would piss Jean off for some reason and she would jab him with his cane and he would wake up yelling “BEEEJAAAYYY!”  My feelings to this were revulsion.  The man was disgusting.  If we let him sleep, he would snore….OR, stop breathing all together and during those times we would kind of freeze up and stare at him.  I’m not sure if we were hoping he’d live or die.     He lived.   I really wanted to get BJ alone, but that wasn’t possible.  That was my only thought.  The other two assholes made me fucking miserable and I just need to get over that.   Making that trip during the busiest part of my year was draining, but I had no other opportunity.  I sat on the recordings for a very long time and that was not my fault.  I was going through some health issues….there was COVID and I ended up getting COVID.  Between diabetes and COVID, my memory was shot.  I literally had to listen to the content five times to get some sort of timeline on paper to work with.  I did the best I could.   I want to thank you for listening.  I wish I had the time in my life to lay down content that was flawless.  I have that power, but not the amount of time required.  I also know how to get listeners in numbers and that would keep me amped enough to make more episodes.  I don’t have the time.  I am a working man and these efforts have been on the side.  It was enjoyable and I met a lot of people.   I have been a focused fan of the paranormal world my whole life.  I literally live it.  It’s in me.  It’s what I am.  There is so much about me left to tell, but it's hard for me to get it out on tape or paper.  It’s painful.  It’s too much.     Every episode was my way of saying thank you for indulging my interests.  Thank you for being there.   I just can’t thank you enough.  You are the reason I did this.   Thank you for My Alien Life.   Cameron Logan 11/28/2022 04:17 AM MST ......On September 16, 2019, I received via email a 4 page PDF file from a man named BJ Evans who claims to have worked at Area 51 and S4. The file was his book synopsis and 4 photos... The book covers his work at Groom Lake etc., and the photos are supposedly taken inside Area 51. BJ has listened to most of my podcasts, and in the email he referenced two shows that had Area 51 content. People send me pics, scans and other info every day. The unusual aspect of this email is that Mr. Evans wanted me to publish his book. I don’t publish books. I don’t want to publish books. I stated in fact to him, that I don’t do books and he should hurry and get this published on his own or find a publisher. I produced his story. The process was physically and emotionally exhausting. _____________________ BJ Evans was on his way to a military retirement when he started working at Area 51. The next 3 years changed him. The man who’s name was synonymous with upward mobility, hated his job and did everything in his power to get out. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, BJ Evans was assigned another Top Secret assignment that found him fighting for his life.. BJ was an Army Veteran who spent 8 years serving in 4 different countries around the world. In 1987 he earned a Top Secret clearance and thought that would be his ticket to retirement and a dream home in Florida. What came next was a nightmarish two year assignment and a fear the government wouldn’t let him leave his job. Then one day in December of 1990 he was stripped of his credentials, and put on a bus to Las Vegas. It was over. "........In Japan a bunch of us soldiers were playing baseball against a couple of local teams. There was a rumor our first basemen was going back to the states because he had a sweet duty assignment. I finally asked him what his plans were and he said he said he was going to do a security detail in San Diego...We went thru basic together and had identical careers at that point and I told him I loved San Diego.. A week later I got orders and two weeks after that we flew to Fort Bliss and spent a month in security training…. After that we flew to Las Vegas and they threw about 20 of us on a bus. We thought we were going to Nellis.. We never went to Nellis.." -BJ Evans-   “May you find peace in the world and may the universe let you slow down and rest.”   Cameron   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...      



Dedicated to BJ and Jean Evans…..& for my friends Edgar Lain, Cass, Rick Doty, Mark Chariff, Jackie Kleeb, Chris Barnes, Eva Blan, Dennis Koch, Timothy Earl, John Lear and everyone who's listened or has had the patience for me to ask questions..   Thank you so much...   Episode 2 of 4  THURSDAYS....   THE FINALE'....GREETINGS FROM TUCUMCARI NM - THE BJ AND JEAN EVANS SAGA - THE END…   Please see my website for photos from the podcast as well as the postcards mentioned.  There is also another suprise.  Much of the information he provided would give him away in a moment.  You get to hear excerpts.  He never mentioned keeping his identity secret; but I am sure if you wanted to find it bad enough, it is on a server and my computer.  My website of course is:   -BJ Evans-   You know the man; and now here is the conclusion to the story he initiated three years ago.   I apologize for the audio quality.  I sincerely thought I had everything I needed in Utah that weekend, but when you are harassed by weirdness everywhere you go, organization means nothing.  As we struggled through an interview I was able to improve the sound as it progresses.  Obviously.   Picture a tiny house (in my life in Montana, we just called it a house) north west of Salt Lake City.  The tall grass landscape is lovely if you like grass; otherwise it’s flat and there’s nothing to see.  A small kitchen and a 12X12 living room on the first floor and a small bedroom and tiny bathroom on the second floor.  This entire space is shared by three people.  Two men who don’t get along very well, mostly because BJ  doesn’t have patience with the one legged roommate.  The living room I have to say is nicely decorated, but again it’s small and my three companions for the weekend insisted we run the loud GE air-con non-stop.   It was difficult to record.   JEANjeanJEANjeanGRRGLLL, is the love of BJ’s life but not mine.  It’s impossible to get her to talk.  BJ suggested a 12-pack of PBR.  Jean, as I call her, spit beer into my microphone the first time I let her use it.  At that moment I had enough of her and I am sure they all knew that because the look on my face made them visibly cringe.  I hated that moment.     All the while I was trying to spin a positive and remarkable tale on tape.  Sad it’s not fiction because it would be so much easier.     I do believe I gleaned some worthy tidbits for podcasting, and enhanced my hatred for aliens, AND I spent way too much money on PBR…   Ok, the woman has green hair, ecru teeth, and smells like Lays Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips.  It seems she eats chips and drinks beer.  That’s her diet 95% of the time.  BJ says “it's what these aliens do…”   Oh, I’m sorry I gave away part of the story here.  What can I say?   Could it get any worse?   Tripod the one legged roommate fell asleep over and over on one of two recliners in the room.  That would piss Jean off for some reason and she would jab him with his cane and he would wake up yelling “BEEEJAAAYYY!”  My feelings to this were revulsion.  The man was disgusting.  If we let him sleep, he would snore….OR, stop breathing all together and during those times we would kind of freeze up and stare at him.  I’m not sure if we were hoping he’d live or die.     He lived.   I really wanted to get BJ alone, but that wasn’t possible.  That was my only thought.  The other two assholes made me fucking miserable and I just need to get over that.   Making that trip during the busiest part of my year was draining, but I had no other opportunity.  I sat on the recordings for a very long time and that was not my fault.  I was going through some health issues….there was COVID and I ended up getting COVID.  Between diabetes and COVID, my memory was shot.  I literally had to listen to the content five times to get some sort of timeline on paper to work with.  I did the best I could.   I want to thank you for listening.  I wish I had the time in my life to lay down content that was flawless.  I have that power, but not the amount of time required.  I also know how to get listeners in numbers and that would keep me amped enough to make more episodes.  I don’t have the time.  I am a working man and these efforts have been on the side.  It was enjoyable and I met a lot of people.   I have been a focused fan of the paranormal world my whole life.  I literally live it.  It’s in me.  It’s what I am.  There is so much about me left to tell, but it's hard for me to get it out on tape or paper.  It’s painful.  It’s too much.     Every episode was my way of saying thank you for indulging my interests.  Thank you for being there.   I just can’t thank you enough.  You are the reason I did this.   Thank you for My Alien Life.   Cameron Logan 11/28/2022 04:17 AM MST ......On September 16, 2019, I received via email a 4 page PDF file from a man named BJ Evans who claims to have worked at Area 51 and S4. The file was his book synopsis and 4 photos... The book covers his work at Groom Lake etc., and the photos are supposedly taken inside Area 51. BJ has listened to most of my podcasts, and in the email he referenced two shows that had Area 51 content. People send me pics, scans and other info every day. The unusual aspect of this email is that Mr. Evans wanted me to publish his book. I don’t publish books. I don’t want to publish books. I stated in fact to him, that I don’t do books and he should hurry and get this published on his own or find a publisher. I produced his story. The process was physically and emotionally exhausting. _____________________ BJ Evans was on his way to a military retirement when he started working at Area 51. The next 3 years changed him. The man who’s name was synonymous with upward mobility, hated his job and did everything in his power to get out. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, BJ Evans was assigned another Top Secret assignment that found him fighting for his life.. BJ was an Army Veteran who spent 8 years serving in 4 different countries around the world. In 1987 he earned a Top Secret clearance and thought that would be his ticket to retirement and a dream home in Florida. What came next was a nightmarish two year assignment and a fear the government wouldn’t let him leave his job. Then one day in December of 1990 he was stripped of his credentials, and put on a bus to Las Vegas. It was over. "........In Japan a bunch of us soldiers were playing baseball against a couple of local teams. There was a rumor our first basemen was going back to the states because he had a sweet duty assignment. I finally asked him what his plans were and he said he said he was going to do a security detail in San Diego...We went thru basic together and had identical careers at that point and I told him I loved San Diego.. A week later I got orders and two weeks after that we flew to Fort Bliss and spent a month in security training…. After that we flew to Las Vegas and they threw about 20 of us on a bus. We thought we were going to Nellis.. We never went to Nellis.." -BJ Evans-   “May you find peace in the world and may the universe let you slow down and rest.”   Cameron   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...      



Dedicated to BJ and Jean Evans…..& for my friends Edgar Lain, Cass, Rick Doty, Mark Chariff, Jackie Kleeb, Chris Barnes, Eva Blan, Dennis Koch, Timothy Earl, John Lear and everyone who's listened or has had the patience for me to ask questions..   Thank you so much...   Episode 2 of 4  THURSDAYS....   THE FINALE'....GREETINGS FROM TUCUMCARI NM - THE BJ AND JEAN EVANS SAGA - THE END…   Please see my website for photos from the podcast as well as the postcards mentioned.  There is also another suprise.  Much of the information he provided would give him away in a moment.  You get to hear excerpts.  He never mentioned keeping his identity secret; but I am sure if you wanted to find it bad enough, it is on a server and my computer.  My website of course is:   -BJ Evans-   You know the man; and now here is the conclusion to the story he initiated three years ago.   I apologize for the audio quality.  I sincerely thought I had everything I needed in Utah that weekend, but when you are harassed by weirdness everywhere you go, organization means nothing.  As we struggled through an interview I was able to improve the sound as it progresses.  Obviously.   Picture a tiny house (in my life in Montana, we just called it a house) north west of Salt Lake City.  The tall grass landscape is lovely if you like grass; otherwise it’s flat and there’s nothing to see.  A small kitchen and a 12X12 living room on the first floor and a small bedroom and tiny bathroom on the second floor.  This entire space is shared by three people.  Two men who don’t get along very well, mostly because BJ  doesn’t have patience with the one legged roommate.  The living room I have to say is nicely decorated, but again it’s small and my three companions for the weekend insisted we run the loud GE air-con non-stop.   It was difficult to record.   JEANjeanJEANjeanGRRGLLL, is the love of BJ’s life but not mine.  It’s impossible to get her to talk.  BJ suggested a 12-pack of PBR.  Jean, as I call her, spit beer into my microphone the first time I let her use it.  At that moment I had enough of her and I am sure they all knew that because the look on my face made them visibly cringe.  I hated that moment.     All the while I was trying to spin a positive and remarkable tale on tape.  Sad it’s not fiction because it would be so much easier.     I do believe I gleaned some worthy tidbits for podcasting, and enhanced my hatred for aliens, AND I spent way too much money on PBR…   Ok, the woman has green hair, ecru teeth, and smells like Lays Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips.  It seems she eats chips and drinks beer.  That’s her diet 95% of the time.  BJ says “it's what these aliens do…”   Oh, I’m sorry I gave away part of the story here.  What can I say?   Could it get any worse?   Tripod the one legged roommate fell asleep over and over on one of two recliners in the room.  That would piss Jean off for some reason and she would jab him with his cane and he would wake up yelling “BEEEJAAAYYY!”  My feelings to this were revulsion.  The man was disgusting.  If we let him sleep, he would snore….OR, stop breathing all together and during those times we would kind of freeze up and stare at him.  I’m not sure if we were hoping he’d live or die.     He lived.   I really wanted to get BJ alone, but that wasn’t possible.  That was my only thought.  The other two assholes made me fucking miserable and I just need to get over that.   Making that trip during the busiest part of my year was draining, but I had no other opportunity.  I sat on the recordings for a very long time and that was not my fault.  I was going through some health issues….there was COVID and I ended up getting COVID.  Between diabetes and COVID, my memory was shot.  I literally had to listen to the content five times to get some sort of timeline on paper to work with.  I did the best I could.   I want to thank you for listening.  I wish I had the time in my life to lay down content that was flawless.  I have that power, but not the amount of time required.  I also know how to get listeners in numbers and that would keep me amped enough to make more episodes.  I don’t have the time.  I am a working man and these efforts have been on the side.  It was enjoyable and I met a lot of people.   I have been a focused fan of the paranormal world my whole life.  I literally live it.  It’s in me.  It’s what I am.  There is so much about me left to tell, but it's hard for me to get it out on tape or paper.  It’s painful.  It’s too much.     Every episode was my way of saying thank you for indulging my interests.  Thank you for being there.   I just can’t thank you enough.  You are the reason I did this.   Thank you for My Alien Life.   Cameron Logan 11/28/2022 04:17 AM MST ......On September 16, 2019, I received via email a 4 page PDF file from a man named BJ Evans who claims to have worked at Area 51 and S4. The file was his book synopsis and 4 photos... The book covers his work at Groom Lake etc., and the photos are supposedly taken inside Area 51. BJ has listened to most of my podcasts, and in the email he referenced two shows that had Area 51 content. People send me pics, scans and other info every day. The unusual aspect of this email is that Mr. Evans wanted me to publish his book. I don’t publish books. I don’t want to publish books. I stated in fact to him, that I don’t do books and he should hurry and get this published on his own or find a publisher. I produced his story. The process was physically and emotionally exhausting. _____________________ BJ Evans was on his way to a military retirement when he started working at Area 51. The next 3 years changed him. The man who’s name was synonymous with upward mobility, hated his job and did everything in his power to get out. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, BJ Evans was assigned another Top Secret assignment that found him fighting for his life.. BJ was an Army Veteran who spent 8 years serving in 4 different countries around the world. In 1987 he earned a Top Secret clearance and thought that would be his ticket to retirement and a dream home in Florida. What came next was a nightmarish two year assignment and a fear the government wouldn’t let him leave his job. Then one day in December of 1990 he was stripped of his credentials, and put on a bus to Las Vegas. It was over. "........In Japan a bunch of us soldiers were playing baseball against a couple of local teams. There was a rumor our first basemen was going back to the states because he had a sweet duty assignment. I finally asked him what his plans were and he said he said he was going to do a security detail in San Diego...We went thru basic together and had identical careers at that point and I told him I loved San Diego.. A week later I got orders and two weeks after that we flew to Fort Bliss and spent a month in security training…. After that we flew to Las Vegas and they threw about 20 of us on a bus. We thought we were going to Nellis.. We never went to Nellis.." -BJ Evans-   “May you find peace in the world and may the universe let you slow down and rest.”   Cameron   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...      


Alien Implants - What They Mean To Those Who Carry And Endure - This Is My Alien Life…

Joining me tonight, Kenny Hopkins.  Kenny and I have one thing in common for sure and tonight, we attempt to discover more common ground.  Kenny has multiple implants and wrapping your mind around a life with that kind of hardware is difficult.   I have been looking into alien implants and their unusual effects on those of us who are the implanted.   A week ago I woke up with a periodic stabbing pain in the palm of my hand.  When I press that spot during pain, the pain goes away and in its place I feel a stabbing pain directly in the center of my sternum.   When the pain in my palm is absent, I press the same spot and feel a jabbing pain in my right temple…. Odd…but in 2016 I was researching implants and spoke to a gentleman in Bismarck NDak named Les Gilbert who owns a farm implements dealership.  We were buds on Twitter since 2013.  He told me of a similar situation where a spot on the sole of his right foot would throb and he felt a pain in his chest. I messaged him at 06:00 this morning and he said moments ago, “they got you last night….they run that wire from point to point and you become a walking antennae.  You’ll never get rid of this one… There are 3 points of triangulation and they can keep tabs on you.  It’s their new tech that replaces the older, ancient implants.  You’re part of the threads of this inverse.” Ok….so I got that going for me. The pain starts exactly where the X crosses my right hand shown in the photo.  The lower right X.  There are 2.  I’m a double X….”Threads of the universe.”  That concept came to me once while walking by myself out on the prairie when I was 10.  Just popped into my head with all the other complex standard operating procedures of the universe.  Everything is connected.  True….   If a butterfly flaps it’s wings…. Interesting. Alien implants - That and more, tonight, on My Alien Life, The Podcast!   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...      


Blue Light From Above - What Does It Mean When Your Nightmares Come True? - This Is My Alien Life!

Here is the improved version of this episode.  Issues have been fixed. So sorry this episode had technical issues.. If you listened to my last episode; The Purpose Of Dreams Out In My Alien Childhood Playground, I want to reinforce that show with this one.  Last week I talked about dreams I had as a child and a young man.  If you’re thinking, who cares about dreams; I am as well.  But perhaps sometimes we consider dreams and they are not dreams..  What else could they be other than reality? But FYI, I can’t say I wasn’t out there watching the activity of trucks and men dressed as some kind of alien construction workers; or shadowy alien figures being loaded onto weird futuristic buses. To me it felt real and I stand by the fact that evidence exists, and that is the formations out there on the prairie.   This week I’d like to provide additional evidence.  Something similar in the parallel world, of  My Alien Life.   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...      


Blue Light From Above - What Does It Mean When Your Nightmares Come True? - This Is My Alien Life!

If you listened to my last episode; The Purpose Of Dreams Out In My Alien Childhood Playground, I want to reinforce that show with this one.  Last week I talked about dreams I had as a child and a young man.  If you’re thinking, who cares about dreams; I am as well.  But perhaps sometimes we consider dreams and they are not dreams..  What else could they be other than reality? But FYI, I can’t say I wasn’t out there watching the activity of trucks and men dressed as some kind of alien construction workers; or shadowy alien figures being loaded onto weird futuristic buses. To me it felt real and I stand by the fact that evidence exists, and that is the formations out there on the prairie.   This week I’d like to provide additional evidence.  Something similar in the parallel world, of  My Alien Life.   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...      


The Purpose Of Dreams Out In My Alien Childhood Playground - Tonight It’s Only Me - This is My Alien Life!

Tonight, it’s just me.  I return to the place where it all started.  My mind wanders to the country just behind my childhood home.  Vivid dreams of futuristic beings from the past come haunting.  My summer place has been taken over by visions of creatures being exhumed and taken away by unexplained faceless entities. Join me as I struggle to put my mind in words and explain just one of the incredible experiences that have shaped My Alien Life….. MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    This episode contains stolen music and music produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...  


UFOs & Everything Else Is Up In The Air - A Discussion - This Is My Alien LIFE!!

I get together with friends and attempt to get my chops back.  Hello all, just trying to bump the brain fog from my head and get some things off my chest.. This is a discussion, rant, whatever you want to call it.  I've missed you all.  God bless you...   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    The music you've heard tonight is produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...  


Mela Shea - Galactic Source Code Beings -Psychedelics - Akashic Record and MORE...This is My Alien LIFE!!

Méla Shea is a 36 year old comedian with Cerebral Palsy who wrote a memoir called Vagrant Gimp and has a podcast with the same name. She channels energy for her day job and she thinks she is a Galactic Source Code Being.  Tonight we talk about psychedelics, aliens and everything in between.  That and more, coming right up, on My Alien Life!! FInd Mela Shea at the links below:   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    The music you've heard tonight is produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...  


Vincent Field - Spiritual Revelations and Out-of-Body Experiences in Higher Dimensions - This is My Alien Life!!

Vincent Field is in the studio and tonight we explore the journeys of an out-of-body explorer over a span of two decades as he navigates through higher dimensions, encounters and interacts with nonphysical entities, and gains life-changing insights into the nature of the self and reality.  That and more….Is coming right up, on My Alien Life…. Click here to check out the book, Spiritual Revelations and Out-of-Body Experiences in Higher Dimensions: A Complete Guide to Exploring Nonphysical Reality Find Vince Field at the following links Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok:   MY ALIEN LIFE is a podcast for those who have a story to tell and I really wish I could get to all of your stories. I promise to do my best.. I want to take a minute and talk about Patreon. What is Patreon? Think of it as an online tip jar. Patreon is a website that gives everyone in the world an opportunity to become a patron and support the artists they believe in. The great thing about Patreon is, you get to decide how much you feel comfortable contributing to each podcast. As you know, some weeks I get a burst of energy and I want to produce lots of new content… It’s expensive to make a podcast. There’s electronic gear, web domain fees, web hosting fees, tee-shirts, postage stamps, tin foil hats, alien assault spray and much much more.....And remember, things break. No matter what you decide, please always listen to the podcast. That’s what I really want. We're a team, and your support is what keeps me going… Thank you for being amazing, and keep listening to My Alien Life the Podcast!! Patreon Page - PLEASE - FOLLOW, LIKE, FAVORITE, SUBSCRIBE wherever you listen to podcasts. If this is important to you, you are important to me and it is so easy to CLICK This is your show! The website Find me on Facebook My Alien Life Facebook Group Follow me on Instagram @the_cameron_b_logan My alien life is written and produced for broadcast at Studio 254 in the Northern Rocky Mountains..    The music you've heard tonight is produced and created by ELEON. ELEON is changing the face of New Age with what can only be describes as "Epic Chill" on Heart Dance Record's first Electronic release. You can find all ELEON’s work online at HEART DANCE records, Facebook...  


Marshall Crenshaw - My Rock and Roll Hero - Inside the Guest Studio!!

A Place For My Stuff - Yes I have/had another podcast.  A couple of podcasts actually.  With the rising price of everything, I opted not to pay to have Inside the Guest Studio available forever.   I have this convenient landing spot called My Alien Life Podcast which WILL remain forever - thus, this is part of my life, as will be the episodes of Inside the Guest Studio.  A podcast that is graced by some unique and very talented people that live slightly off the grid. Enjoy Cameron In 1982 I walked into a music store in Kalispell Montana and heard his hit Someday Some Way...  I was hooked.  From that day forward, the cassette I purchased before going to Bible camp, was in every car I ever owned until 2015.  I mailed the cassette to my friend who had gotten out of drug treatment.  We listened to that cassette so many times in my car during high school.  The cassette arrived in his mailbox, SMASHED...   I was crushed. It was my indeed pleasure to interview, Marshall Crenshaw.  My hero.   Marshall Howard Crenshaw (born November 11, 1953) is an American musician, singer, songwriter, and guitarist best known for hit songs such as "Someday, Someway," a US Top 40 hit in 1982, "Cynical Girl," and "Whenever You're on My Mind." He is also the co-author of one of the biggest radio hits of the ‘90s, the Gin Blossoms, "Til I Hear It From You." His music has roots in classic soul music and Buddy Holly, to whom Crenshaw was often compared in the early days of his career, and whom he portrayed in the 1987 film La Bamba. Born in Michigan, Crenshaw performed in the musical Beatlemania before releasing his self-titled album in 1982. Crenshaw could not replicate the commercial success of Marshall Crenshaw and follow-up Field Day (1983) with later albums. Crenshaw has also contributed songs to other artists, writing singles for Kirsty MacColl and the Gin Blossoms. A quote from Trouser Press summed up Marshall Crenshaw's early career: "Although he was seen as a latter-day Buddy Holly at the outset, he soon proved too talented and original to be anyone but himself."[   Marshall Crenshaw on Marshall Crenshaw — “One of the fundamental things about the project was that I set out to not make an album,” Marshall Crenshaw notes. “So I did this project, and now at the end of it, there’s this album, for the album fans!….” The celebrated singer-songwriter-guitarist-producer is discussing #392: The EP Collection, his new CD on the Red River Entertainment label. The 14-track set collects a dozen standout tracks drawn from the innovative series of six 10” vinyl EPs that Crenshaw released between 2013 and 2015, plus a pair of never-before-heard rarities chosen especially for this collection. The EP series was the product of Crenshaw’s decision to break away from the standard album/tour cycle by recording and releasing a steady stream of new music over an extended period. The endeavor proved wildly popular with his fans, and brought in lots of “I really did love the EP project, and I’m kind of sad that it’s over,” Crenshaw comments. “I was looking for a different way of working that would keep me motivated; it was cool, because it had a sense of urgency; there was always something that had just come out and always something that was on the way. It was an inspiring way to work.” #392: The EP Collection’s twelve studio recordings encompass six new Crenshaw originals and six cover songs. The former group includes the bittersweet and beautiful “Grab the Next Train,” the surging and howling “Move Now,” and the hypnotic and atmospheric “Driving and Dreaming”, while the cover numbers include a reverent remake of the Burt Bacharach/Hal David/Carpenters chestnut “Close to You,” James McMurtry’s “Right Here Now,” longtime Crenshaw favorite Bobby Fuller’s classic “Never to Be Forgotten” and vintage numbers by the Easybeats, the Move and the Lovin’ Spoonful. Rounding out #392: The EP Collection are two previously unreleased tracks: a powerful live version of the Everly Brothers classic “Man with Money,” recorded with Crenshaw’s frequent touring partners the Bottle Rockets, during the week after Phil Everly’s passing, and the infectious “Front Page News,” a ’90s recording of a previously-unheard original that Crenshaw wrote with noted country tunesmith Leroy Preston (“I can’t remember when I did it, or why, but I like it!”, says Crenshaw). “I was fortunate to have lots of brilliant people helping me on these tracks, and they really lifted the proceedings,” Crenshaw reports. “I’m proud about the range of super-excellent musicians who came on board for these sessions.” #392: The EP Collection includes contributions from avant-jazz trumpet icon Stephen Bernstein, noted jazz vibraphonist Bryan Carrott, versatile Nashville bassist Byron House, Daniel Littleton of the band Ida, renowned composer/keyboardists Rob Morsberger and Jamie Saft, along with longstanding Crenshaw cohorts like guitarists Glen Burtnick and Andy York, bassist Graham Maby, Brian Wilson/Beach Boys sideman Jeffrey Foskett, and acclaimed indie troubadour Dan Bern, who co-wrote four songs with Crenshaw. Meanwhile, on several tracks, Crenshaw worked on his own in his home studio, overdubbing all or most of the instruments and vocal harmonies himself. Crenshaw states, “I’ve been into the Narcissist, solitary-genius thing for a long time. For instance, “‘Cynical Girl,’ on my first album, is just me, and ‘Someday Someway’ is my brother on drums and me on everything else. So working alone sometimes is standard procedure for Over the course of a recording career that’s spanned three decades, 13 albums and hundreds of songs, the Michigan-bred artist’s musical output has maintained a consistently high level of artistry, craftsmanship and passion, endearing him to a broad and loyal fan After getting an early break playing John Lennon in a touring company of the Broadway musical Beatlemania, Crenshaw began his recording career with the now-legendary indie single “Something’s Gonna Happen.” His growing notoriety in his adopted hometown of New York City helped to win Crenshaw a deal with Warner Bros. Records, which released his self-titled 1982 debut album. That collection established Crenshaw as one of the era’s preeminent rock ’ n’ rollers, and that was confirmed by such subsequent albums as Field Day, Downtown, Mary Jean & 9 Others, Good Evening, Life’s Too Short, Miracle of Science, #447, What’s in the Bag? and Jaggedland. Along the way, Crenshaw’s compositions have been covered by a broad array of performers, including Bette Midler, Kelly Willis, Robert Gordon, Ronnie Spector, Marti Jones and the Gin Blossoms, with whom Crenshaw co-wrote the Top 10 single “Til I Hear It From You.” He’s also provided music for several film soundtracks, appeared in the films La Bamba (in which he portrayed Buddy Holly) and Peggy Sue Got Married, and was nominated for Grammy and a Golden Globe awards for writing the title track for the film comedy Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. Since 2011, Crenshaw has hosted his own radio show, The Bottomless Pit, on New York’s WFUV. He’s currently working on Martin Scorsese and Mick Jagger’s much-anticipated HBO series Vinyl, doing “some session work, a little bit of songwriting..” His eclectic resume aside, songwriting and record-making remain at the center of Marshall Crenshaw’s creative life, and #392: The EP Collection confirms that his musical flame continues to burn as brightly as ever. “I still love recorded music and believe in it as an art form, whether it’s a single or album, or vinyl or CD,” Crenshaw asserts, adding, “I think I’ll probably stick with it.”


Wylie Gustafson - The Cowboy is in THE Guest Sudio!!

A Place For My Stuff - Yes I have/had another podcast.  A couple of podcasts actually.  With the rising price of everything, I opted not to pay to have Inside the Guest Studio available forever.   I have this convenient landing spot called My Alien Life Podcast which WILL remain forever - thus, this is part of my life, as will be the episodes of Inside the Guest Studio.  A podcast that is graced by some unique and very talented people that live slightly off the grid. Enjoy Cameron   Wylie Gustafson is a native Montana singer/songwriter with 22 albums and 3 decades of performing, writing, and recording...He’s a real American cowboy that does it all.  He is the “YAHOOOOOO” dot com cowboy.     Tonight we talk about music, ranching, rodeo and yodeling.. In that order….That and more, coming right up… TONIGHT Inside the Guest Studio…


Trevor Snarr From Napoleon Dynamite is in THE STUDIO!!

A Place For My Stuff - Yes I have/had another podcast.  A couple of podcasts actually.  With the rising price of everything, I opted not to pay to have Inside the Guest Studio available forever.   I have this convenient landing spot called My Alien Life Podcast which WILL remain forever - thus, this is part of my life, as will be the episodes of Inside the Guest Studio.  A podcast that is graced by some unique and very talented people that live slightly off the grid. Enjoy Cameron   Trevor Snarr was born on April 29, 1978 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. He is an actor and producer, and played Don on Napoleon Dynamite (2004)...Trevor was a member of the United States Air Force Reserves as a chaplain assistant for 7 years, with the 419th Fighter Wing at Hill AFB, Utah. While filming "Napoleon Dynamite" Trevor Snarr claimed his hotel room was haunted and ended up sleeping a couple nights in Efren Rameriz's (Pedro) room on the floor.


The TInklers - Music’s Outsiders and Shimmy Disc Legends!!!

The Tinklers are a band from Baltimore who have been together since 1979. The group consists of Charles Brohawn and Chris Mason, both of whom sing, play guitar, and percussion instruments of varying degrees of quality (including cigar boxes, spoons, and other types of junk). Both members are also actively engaged in creating art in other mediums including visual art and books. Their music can be characterized as outsider music due to its lack of traditional musical skills and abilities including proficiency at their instruments and the ability to sing in tune. Their performance method and practice eschews conventional standards of skills thought necessary for making music and can be historically placed with other acts such as Jad Fair and Half Japanese, Daniel Johnston, and many more obscure musicians. While the band's roots are in the mid-70s Baltimore art scene, they did not release a proper record until 1990 when the band caught the attention of legendary producer Kramer. They were promptly signed to Kramer's record label Shimmy Disc and released their first LP, Casserole. The band would release two more LPs on Shimmy Disc - Saplings and Crash - all of which contain similar material. While The Tinklers have not disbanded, since 1993 the band has released only one full-length album, Slowpoke, and made a few other compilation appearances. Live performances are infrequent. Outside of The Tinklers, Brohawn also released a CD with Asa Osborne of Lungfish under the name Tear Jerks on Secret Eye Records.   A Place For My Stuff - Yes I have/had another podcast.  A couple of podcasts actually.  With the rising price of everything, I opted not to pay to have Inside the Guest Studio available forever.     I have this convenient landing spot called My Alien Life Podcast which WILL remain forever - thus, this is part of my life, as will be the episodes of Inside the Guest Studio.  A podcast that is graced by some unique and very talented people that live slightly off the grid.   Enjoy   Cameron


Robert R. Shafer From THE Office - Robert IS Bob Vance!! This is My Alien Life - The Other Episodes!!

Robert Shafer from THE Office. Hey Robert dated Susan Dey, Laurie Partridge of the Partridge Family.   AND Robert Ray Shafer Jr. was born in Charleston, West Virginia, in April, 1958. His father was a heavy equipment operator and his mother a housewife. As a child he also lived in Bowie, Maryland, and graduated from high school in Romeo, Michigan, in 1976. After attending Broward College in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Shafer moved to Los Angeles in 1980. He studied acting with Peggy Feury at The Loft Studios and works in feature films, television, commercials, voice overs and the theater. He is single and has a 10 handicap.A Place For My Stuff - Yes I have/had another podcast.  A couple of podcasts actually.  With the rising price of everything, I opted not to pay to have Inside the Guest Studio available forever.     I have this convenient landing spot called My Alien Life Podcast which WILL remain forever - thus, this is part of my life, as will be the episodes of Inside the Guest Studio.  A podcast that is graced by some unique and very talented people that live slightly off the grid.   Enjoy   Cameron


Adam Chester is in the Studio - Adam is Elton John, Sometimes. Elton John’s Rehearsal Stand-In!

Adam Chester is in the Studio. Adam sits in for Sir Elton John at the piano and vocals with Elton's band for their rehearsals.   A Place For My Stuff - Yes I have/had another podcast.  A couple of podcasts actually.  With the rising price of everything, I opted not to pay to have Inside the Guest Studio available forever.     I have this convenient landing spot called My Alien Life Podcast which WILL remain forever - thus, this is part of my life, as will be the episodes of Inside the Guest Studio.  A podcast that is graced by some unique and very talented people that live slightly off the grid.   Enjoy   Cameron


Larry Hankin - From Seinfeld to Breaking Bad -A Working Man’s Actor of the Ages....

A Place For My Stuff - Yes I have/had another podcast.  A couple of podcasts actually.  With the rising price of everything, I opted not to pay to have Inside the Guest Studio available forever.   I have this convenient landing spot called My Alien Life Podcast which WILL remain forever - thus, this is part of my life, as will be the episodes of Inside the Guest Studio.  A podcast that is graced by some unique and very talented people that live slightly off the grid. Enjoy Cameron   Larry Hankin has been on everything!!  He is known for his roles in TV shows Breaking Bad, Matlock, Friends (as Mr. Heckles) and Seinfeld (as Tom Pepper), as well as for his major role in Escape from Alcatraz (1979) with Clint Eastwood.  He also acted in How Sweet It Is! (1968) with Debbie Reynolds and James Garner and the Adam Sandler movie Billy Madison (1995). He had cameo appearances in three John Hughes films, Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987); She's Having a Baby (1988); and Home Alone (1990). He had brief appearances in Pretty Woman as the landlord (1990), as well as minor roles in Loose Shoes (1980), The Sure Thing (1985), and Running Scared (1986). Hankin also appeared in Married... with Children, as well as one of the Halloween specials of Home Improvement. Hankin also appeared in three episodes of Star Trek: Voyager as Gaunt Gary and one episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Hankin and Curtis Armstrong played the hippie entrepreneurs who purchased "Buy the Book" (the bookstore where the titular character works at) on Ellen. On Seinfeld, Hankin portrayed Tom Pepper, the actor cast as Kramer on the pilot-within-a-TV-show Jerry. He portrayed a homeless man in season 5 of Malcolm in the Middle. He then appeared again with Bryan Cranston in seasons three and five of Breaking Bad as junkyard owner Old Joe. He reprised his old role from Breaking Bad in the Netflix sequel film El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie.


Swinging Cock

this podcast went from super awesome to super lame it was cool stories now it's just authors trying to sell books

08-24 Reply

Chris Barnes

can you imagine Bob lazar life if he's told the truth all the persecution he's taken sad really

06-18 Reply

Chad Becker

Fravor said they dropped in from 80,000 ft to 30,000 ft, then to 50 ft above the water in .78 of 1 second. that's obviously not made by mankind. they've been seen flying at 13,000 mph which is about mach 16-17.

06-06 Reply

Occult Owl

I wish it would happen to my I've wanted to meet them my whole life

06-03 Reply

Occult Owl

On my third episode and super excited to hear all your stories I'm sorry you hate these experiences though

06-03 Reply

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