You did worked out and now you are sore. Here are a few strategies I use to prevent and minimize muscle soreness.
Muscles, we all got 'em. Do you know what they are, what they do, and why we need them? Hope to give you a mini lesson on muscles.
Do you know how important exercise. is to bone health? Regular physical activity is essential in building and maintaining healthy bones. In fact, Inactivity causes loss of bone!Let's connect:
What is the skeletal system? The skeletal system is your body's central framework. Now, what does that mean...Visit:
What is Metabolic Syndrome? Do I have it? Why should I care?
12 Systems of the Body! We are chatting about the Cardiovascular System. A brief reminder of how it works and what it does for us. We are built in His image. And, His image is amazing!
Just a note of Thanks for the Blessings I have been given. Have you been thankful lately?Connect with me:
Daily choices feed our present self AND our future self. Choose with the end goal in mind and make both Present and Furure self healthy.Connect with Melissa:
We know WHY we are here: to get healthy, stay healthy. But, do we know What you need to accomplish to get to the WHY? Everyone's journey to health is different (and special), however, there are a few things we all have in common. We gotta Accomplish specific tasks in order to reach our goal.
Our skin is our first line of defense. So, how you care for it matters. Learn to take good care of your skin, so your skin can keep taking good care of you. Connect with me:
Why diets fail us and why we fail at them. It's not about short-term results. It's about lifestyle improvements, growth, and grace.Connect with me:
We were designed with 12 systems in our bodies. In order to move, breathe, live, and function we need all 12 to work in harmony. So, let's take a brief look at each of those systems this year. January isthe Integumentary System! Connect with me:
Identifying your WHY is critical for creating lasting change.So, what's your WHY?Connect with me:
Stay in control over the next few weeks...and remain in control!Find me at
Who runs your mind, owns your thoughts, rules your decisions? What stops you from accepting your freedom? Who owns your Real Estate?
What is your Rose, your Thorn, and your Bud? How do we grow if we do not identify those things that bring us joy, growth, and challenges? Connect with me here:
Never know what to buy that Health Guru in the group? Well, I have a few ideas. with me
Everyone needs a bit of motivation, a bit of inspiration, and a ton of ideas to get them started. Let's talk about a few of my favorites.
Feel like you are surrounded by excuses and reasons to sit back and wait to be healthy? Why are you waiting? Time is a gift we are given. Shouldn't it be used wisely?
See the season as an opportunity to honor God with your body. Learn more about me:
Janet Marie Scotti Thomas
Love learning from you.
Georgiana Devaux
great time with you Melissa today thank you
Georgiana Devaux
another great time with you Melissa
Georgiana Devaux
great I really love this time lessening to you .
Georgiana Devaux
really loved this