My Father's House

My Father's House is a Spirit-Filled, Family Church in Fort Wayne, IN. This podcast provides teaching, instruction, encouragement, and correction for life based on the Word of God.

Today I Choose Peace

When everything seems crazy or feels crazy, prayer to a faithful God is a powerful game changer, bringing peace that transcends human understanding.


Oneness and Unity are Vital to Successful Relationships

The choices and decisions that we make in our own personal lives regarding relationships will affect our success and well-being. The all important key will be to ". . . live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." (I Cor. 7:35)


Dry Bones Come Alive!

The Lord took the prophet Ezekiel in the Spirit to a valley of dry bones and told him to prophesy to the bones to live! Just like Ezekiel, we as Christians have the same power and authority to speak life over our dead and hopeless situation. Understanding that we carry the same power that rose Jesus from the dead inside of us, is the catalyst to exercise that power and authority so we can live and walk a victorious life in Jesus.


When It’s Not Going Well

“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.” 1 Peter 4:7 ESV That’s a good thing to remember especially when things are not going well.


Faith’s Audacious Authority

As the present age becomes more and more dangerous, the call to be strong and courageous must resonate in the lives of believers. When others are fearful and dismayed, we must stand up with audacious authority in faith.


Church Arise

The USA is facing a spiritual and moral crisis, chaos all around is threatening to rip apart the conservative Christian values on which our nation was founded. As we pray, stand firm, honor, engage & vote, together we can affect major changes in our nation, for the glory of God.


The Winning Team

This Resurrection Day we celebrate that Jesus paid our debt, set us free from sickness, and all bondage, and lives in us with life-giving Resurrection power. We can rejoice because we are indeed on the winning team!


The Blind Will See

God's love for His children can bring us into a deeper relationship with Him and set us free from sin and sickness.


The Kingdom Good News

When Jesus instructed His disciples concerning the end times, He told them that every ethnic group would hear the good news of the Kingdom before the end would come. This good news was not merely a teaching. It was actually in demonstration throughout the ministry of Jesus.


Healed by Love

God loves you so much that He not only sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for your sins, He also took all of your illness, sickness, and weakness in His body. His love motivated Him to carry away all of that so you could live free, healed, and whole.


Getting to the “How Much More?”

Many times our response to hardships in life is emitted from our human nature. The weakness of our humanity, and ignorance of spiritual truth, often prevent us from receiving life-changing blessing from God.


Spiritual GIGO

Prioritizing your life to fill up on the Word of God will put you in the right frame of reference to succeed. Putting precise, accurate data into your spirit being is essential to generate correct results that can be used to make the right decisions.


He Hears, He Remembers, & He Knows

The Bible describes our God as a covenant-keeping God. Many Christians miss out on God's blessings for their lives and become disillusioned thinking that God doesn't hear them, especially if situations are not working out in their favor.


His Perfect Partner

The Lord choses you for a perfect partnership with Him. The finished work of Jesus on the cross was God’s part that allows us to stand in victory over evil.


The Balance of Grace & Faith

To function in faith and see breakthrough in our lives, it is imperative as believers that we understand the “perfect partnership” that the Lord desires with us. Comprehending what is God’s part and what is our part, and walking in the balance of grace and faith helps to position us for victory.


Follow the Word

The Word of God is a tremendously powerful tool in the lives of the followers of Jesus. It’s time for us as the Church to not just talk, but to open our hearts to daily live out this Word!


In His Light

Prayer is the greatest untapped resource on the face of the Earth. As God keeps pouring out of his unfailing love, tremendous blessings are released to those who are loyal to him.


Growing Forward

The book of Acts shows us the glorious history of the first Church of Jesus Christ. We can glean important aspects for our vision of where we are headed now, from how the Church began.


His Name Makes A Difference

Today there is a high level of deception in the world, so we need to be saturated and grounded in the belief and trust of God. God’s love needs to be evident through us by us being willing to speak, take action, and not to be on the sidelines for Jesus.


Back to the Basics

Throughout the Bible, men and women of God humbled themselves before Him in prayer and fasting. For them, the spiritual discipline of fasting was one of the basics. Although it seems like this discipline is often neglected in discussions surrounding our faith, fasting holds the potential of bringing us to a place of deepening our connection to God.


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