My French Lover

My name ? How I look ? It doesn't matter. YOU are important. My audios messages are dedicated to you. Only you, ma chérie. In this podcast, you may learn French lifestyle or... you may eventually enjoy great moments, with my voice. I'll be your best kept secret. No one will know what's between me and you. But I'll be there anytime you need. yours.

episode 1 : let me seduce you

You love France ? you love Paris ? get a French lover ! You have my voice. Bring your fantasies. Every week, a new message. From me to you. like that : I know I'm calling late tonight; I've been dragging on purpose to be fair.. I.. hoped I could leave a message on your voicemail. I can't help thinking about you for days. From the morning to the evening, whatever I do, almost in every moment of my life you're in my mind. I miss you. I needed to tell you this without leaving you the possibility to answer. I have so much to tell, I don't want to be interrupted. I need you to listen to me, to understand me, to feel what I feel, so you have to close your eyes, hear my voice, and imagine me next to you. I'm close to you. I am with you. my instagram :


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