My Sister's TBR

Book talk in the library

2.10. Love, Loss, and a Little Bit of Murder

May Book Wrap Up!May has been a whirlwind, hasn't it? Between work, life, and squeezing in as much reading as possible, it's a wonder we even had time to blink! But we wouldn't have it any other way. So grab your favorite beverage and settle in as we recap our literary adventures this month.Stacey's Reads:May was all about romance and a dash of dark fantasy for me.* The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgerton #2) by Julia Quinn: Anthony Bridgerton, anyone? This enemies-to-lovers story had me grinning like a fool.* Flawless by Elsie Silver: A small-town romance with a side of steaminess? Yes, please!* The Accidental Dating Experiment by Lauren Blakely: Fake dating turned real? Sign me up! This one was a fun and flirty escape.* Ranger by Rebecca Sharp: A bit of a departure with this one, diving into the world of romantic suspense. Twists and turns galore!* Made in Malice by Albany Walker: Dark RH romance with a strong female lead? Count me in.* Do Not Go Gentle (Harry Potter Fanfiction) by Senlinyu: A darker take on the wizarding world, but beautifully written and utterly captivating.Rebecca's Reads:This month, I dove headfirst into suspense.* The Perfect Son by Frieda McFadden: A chilling thriller that kept me guessing until the very end.* The Coworker by Frieda McFadden: Another hit from McFadden! This office thriller was packed with secrets and betrayals.Our Shared Read: Dear JohnFor our Featured Read, we both read Nicholas Sparks' tearjerker, Dear John. After finishing, we delved into a deep discussion about the book and the movie adaptation, comparing and contrasting the two. Let's just say the movie took some interesting liberties with the story... (If you've read it, you know what we mean!)Looking Ahead to June...June promises to be just as busy, but we're determined to carve out even more reading time. Stay tuned for our next Featured Read pick and for more reviews and recommendations!What have you been reading this month? Any favorites you'd recommend? Drop a comment below – we'd love to hear from you! Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


2.09. We Solemnly Swear We're Up to Bookish Good

May Madness: Book Slumps, Screen Adaptations, & Our TBR ExplosionsHey bookworms! Welcome back to the My Sister's TBR. This month is a whirlwind of bookish excitement, from book-to-screen announcements to a teetering TBR pile that's threatening to topple over. So grab your favorite drink, settle in, and let's dive into the May madness!Stacey's Reading Rollercoaster 🎢I'll be honest, folks, I'm in a bit of a reading slump. My attention span is shorter than a TikTok video, and I'm jumping from book to book like a caffeine-fueled squirrel. Currently, I'm bouncing between "Ranger" by Dr. Rebecca Sharp (hot AF!), "Godkiller" by Hannah Kaner (fantasy vibes), "An Offer from a Gentleman" by Julia Quinn (Bridgerton anyone?), and of course, our featured read, "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks (pass the tissues). It's a chaotic mix, but hey, sometimes you just gotta embrace the literary chaos!Rebecca's Reading Rampage 🚀Unlike my scatterbrained sister, I'm having a fantastic reading month. I'm still riding the Freida McFadden wave (can't get enough of her twisty thrillers!), currently devouring "The Coworker" by McFadden, "Home is Where the Bodies Are" by Jeneva Rose (UnREAL), and "Devourer of Men" by Nikki St. Crowe (Our girl seriously surprised us with this one!). But honestly, if you haven't discovered McFadden yet, what are you waiting for?From Page to Screen 🎥May is a HUGE month for book-to-screen adaptations news, and we're geeking out! We discuss the upcoming "Fourth Wing" series (dragons!), Elle Kennedy's "Girl Abroad" (Bridgerton vibes!), and a few other juicy projects in the works. Trust us, you won't want to miss our full episode for the details and our opinions.May's TBR Temptations 🔥Our TBR piles are officially out of control. We're most excited for "I Hope This Finds You Well" by Natalie Sue, "My Darling Dreadful Thing" by Johanna Van Veen, "Lies and Weddings" by Kevin Kwan, "This Summer Will Be Different" by Carley Fortune, "Everything We Never Said" by Sloan Harlow, "When Among Crows" by Veronica Roth, "The Paradise Problem" by Christina Lauren, and "All My Love" by Morgan Elizabeth.My Sister's TBR is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.But seriously, we need your help! What are YOU reading this month? Have you stumbled upon any hidden gems we need to add to our overflowing TBR? Let us know in the comments! Or connect with us on Instagram @MySistersTBRDon't forget to tune in to our latest episode for a deeper dive into all the bookish goodness we've mentioned. And as always, happy reading! Stacey & RebeccaMy Sister’s TBR Co-HostsP.S. If you find us buried under a mountain of books, send help (and snacks). Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


2.08. From Dukes to Daddies

From Dukes to Daddies: A Steamy April Wrap-Up with My Sister's TBRWelcome back, bookworms, to another episode recap from My Sister's TBR! This month, we ventured beyond our comfort zones and dove headfirst into some sci-fi and (our usual) seriously steamy reads. Buckle up because we're about to spill all the tea on the age gaps, aliens, and swoon-worthy moments that filled our April TBRs.Stacey Takes a Sci-Fi Detour:First up, we have resident romantasy lover Stacey surprisingly diving into the world of sci-fi. "All Systems Red" by Martha Wells, a novella about a grumpy murderbot with a heart of gold, piqued her interest. Let's just say, robots with existential angst aren't what we expected from Stacey, but it sounds like a fun and unexpected read!Balancing Spice with Sweetness:Next, Stacey took a sharp turn into the world of graphic novels with "Crave" by Marie Llovet. This one promises a blend of dark academia and forbidden desire – not exactly light bedtime reading! Balancing the heat, Stacey also dove into some swoon-worthy romances, "Not Another Love Song" by Julie Soto , "The Things We Leave Unfinished" by Rebecca Yarros, and “The Stand-in” by Lily Chu”. She also tackled the horror book club book “The Final Girl Support Group” by Grady Hendrix Sounds like a month full of emotional rollercoasters for Stacey!Rebecca Sticks to the Familiar:Meanwhile, your girl Rebecca stayed firmly rooted in the world of romance. "Girl Abroad" by Elle Kennedy, a classic enemies-to-lovers trope, delivered the witty banter and steamy encounters she craves. Then, there was "Older" by Jennifer Hartmann, which tackled the age-gap romance trope. We'll delve deeper into this one in a bit, but let's just say it delivered on the emotional connection and earned its positive reviews. And lets not forget the taboo “Your Dad Will Do” by Katee Robert! This one had us seriously questioning our morals.The Duke Takes Center Stage:Now, the moment you've all been waiting for – our Featured Read of the Month, "The Duke and I" by Julia Quinn! This Bridgerton phenomenon had us swooning, giggling, and maybe even a little frustrated (looking at you, Daphne!). We dissect the comparisons to the Netflix show, what worked for us, and what fell a little flat.Spoiler Alert: We loved the banter between Daphne and Simon (seriously, some top-notch dialogue!), and the slow-burn romance had us cheering for their happily ever after. However, some plot points felt a bit rushed, and certain aspects haven't aged as gracefully as we'd hoped. Overall, it's a fun read that perfectly captures the essence of a Regency romance, but don't expect a flawless masterpiece.Looking Ahead: Dear John by Nicholas Sparks:Prepare the tissues, folks! Our next Featured Read will be the ever-popular "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks. We're ready to dissect the emotional rollercoaster, epic love story, and inevitable heartbreak Nicholas Sparks is famous for. So, grab your copy, settle in with a box of tissues, and get ready for a deep dive into this classic tearjerker.Join the Conversation!As always, we want to hear from you! What books did you devour in April? Did you love or loathe "The Duke and I"? And are you excited to get swept away by "Dear John"? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to follow us for more bookish adventures! Find us on Instagram, @mysisterstbr Happy Reading!Rebecca & StaceyMy Sister's TBRP.S. Don't forget to check out the episode for more in-depth discussions about each book, spicy spoiler moments (be warned!), and our hilarious (and sometimes questionable) opinions! Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


My Sister's Bookish Q&A - Interview with Nicolle May

Welcome back to another episode of My Sister’s TBR but with a twist! My Sister's Bookish Q&A is a segment of My Sister's TBR, where we interview anyone and everyone in the bookish community. We're here to bridge the gap between reader and writer. Last month we had the pleasure of interviewing the author of our featured read, Nicolle May. We are so excited to share with you the insight Nicholle shared with us on her writing and even her upcoming sequel that she's working on. Grab your mug, and let’s get into it!Become a Bookish Sister, hit that subscribe button and be notified when a new episode drops! Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


2.06. March Mysteries, ARC Antics, and Masked Revelations

Welcome back to another episode of My Sister’s TBR! Join us, your (self-proclaimed) favorite podcast-sister-duo, as we wrap up our monthly reads, dive into our featured read, and generally just hype each other up over silly things. Arguably the most important job as a sister lol.Rebecca has kept her mystery thriller streak going STRONG this month with a “McFadden Month Madness”. She talks about what she liked and didn’t like with Freida McFadden’s most popular books. What gave her some big ol’ icks and what had her jaw on the floor. Does she talk about one of your favorite McFadden books?What started out as a slow month for Stacey, ended up being one of her most successful! Once that ball was rolling, she couldn’t stop. ARC after ARC, dipping her toes into some pearl-clutching regency romances, she’s bursting at the seams to talk about the absolute GEMS she’s found and can’t wait for their release days. She’s still on a historical romance kick though, so make sure you bombard her with all the best reads!Become a Bookish Sister, hit that subscribe button and be notified when a new episode drops!Books covered with this episode:* The Last Letter by Rebecca Yarros* Never Lie by Freida McFadden* Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young* The Locked Door by Freida McFadden* A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson* The Inmate by Freida McFadden* Bronte Lovers by Angela Pearce* The Teacher by Freida McFadden* All’s Fair in Love and War by Virginia Heath* The Lady He Lost by Faye Delacour* What Lies Within Masks & Shadows by Nicolle MayWe hope you enjoy this episode! As usual, let us know if there is anything you would like to suggest or recommend, we are all ears! Connect with us on Instagram, @mysisterstbr. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


2.05. Crime Scenes and Love Scenes

Welcome back to another episode of My Sister’s TBR! Join us, your (self-proclaimed) favorite podcast-sister-duo, as we gush over our anticipated releases of March, fill each other in on our current reads, and generally just hype each other up over silly things. Arguably the most important job as a sister lol.Rebecca is eyeballs deep in her Thriller Mystery era, so our romantasy featured read has sort of taken a back burner. Will she find the will to dip her toes back into the romance waters again before the month is up? Only time will tell….Stacey is keeping things simple this month with focusing on the featured read and doing a lot of behind the scenes work on the podcast! It’s a race against time for both sisters to complete the necessary readings for podcast and book club. Tune into Episode 6 at the end of the month to see if it was a success or failure! Become a Bookish Sister, hit that subscribe button and be notified when a new episode drops!Books covered with this episode:- How to Solve your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin- The Bride of Death by F.M. Aden- Song of the Huntress by Lucy Holland- Baby X by Kira Peikoff- Happily Never After by Lynn Painter- Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle- Avalon Tower by C.N. Crawford and Alex Rivers- Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering- Teacher by Frieda McFadden- Second First Impress by Sally Thorne- What Lies Within Masks and Shadows by Nicolle May (Featured Read)We hope you enjoy this episode! As usual, let us know if there is anything you would like to suggest or recommend, we are all ears! Connect with us on Instagram, @mysisterstbr. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


2.04. Breaking the Ice Around Our Hearts

Welcome back to another episode of My Sister’s TBR! Join us, your (self-proclaimed) favorite podcast-sister-duo, as we unwrap our reads for February, deep dive into our featured read Icebreaker by Hannah Grace, and generally just hype each other up over silly things. Arguably the most important job as a sister lol.Rebecca talks about her disinterest in Romance for the time being, and her focus on thriller mystery books, like her current Freida McFadden obsession! While Stacey swoons over her new favorite book couple, and books that have great mental/physical disability representation. Become a Bookish Sister, hit that subscribe button and be notified when a new episode drops!Books covered with this episode:- The Housemaid by Freida McFadden- In the Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros- Ward D by Freida McFadden- Never Lie by Freida McFadden- The Exception to the Rule by Christina Lauren- Icebreaker by Hannah Grace (Featured Read)We hope you enjoy this episode! As usual, let us know if there is anything you would like to suggest or recommend, we are all ears! Connect with us on Instagram, @mysisterstbr. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


2.03. We Only Want Romance if It's Ink on Paper

Welcome back to another episode of My Sister’s TBR, with Rebecca and Stacey. This episode we are discussing book news, our highly anticipated releases and what we are currently sinking our teeth into. February seems to be the month of slumps. Is it okay if we blame Sarah J. Maas? I feel like we’re all in a Maas-Hangover. Although most of you are coping with finishing the newest Crescent City release, we’re still plugging away at the ACoTaR universe. We talk about our current slump-status during this episode.We’re covering some pretty juicy news on SenLinYu during this episode. Be sure to tune in to hear our thoughts on Sen’s news regarding Alchemised! Books in this episode:- Manacled by SenLinYu- It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover- The Teacher by Freida McFadden- Fan Girl Down by Tessa Bailey- Girl Abroad by Ella Kennedy- Euro by Kate Stewart- The Women by Kristin Hannah- If Only I Had Told Her by Laura Nowlin- Bride by Ali Hazelwood- A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen- What Lies Within Shadows and Masks by Nicolle May- Never Lie by Freida McFadden- A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas- Icebreaker by Hannah Grace- Point of Retreat by Colleen HooverThanks for joining us on another episode. If you have any recs or suggestions, please leave a comment or contact us on Instagram, @mysisterstbr My Sister's TBR is a listener-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


2.02. When Stars Align ... or Don't

Welcome back to another book-filled episode of My Sister's TBR.This episode, Rebecca and Stacey wrap up the books they read this month, the good and the bad. And deep-dive into January's Featured Read.Books discussed:Featured Read: Fall of Ruin and Wrath by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Awakening #1)A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. MaasUnfortunately Yours by Tessa BaileyUnhinged by Vera ValentineConversations with Friends by Sally RooneyThe Cursed by Harper L. WoodsTotally Pucked by Lauren BlakelyIf the Fates Allow by Rainbow RowellIf you enjoy our podcast, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and follow us on Instagram, @MySistersTBRMy Sister's TBR is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Intro & Outro curtesy of Uppbeat code: ERLSVEVVNH4IUCLL code: IFLMCBEIWGBSC2GP Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


2.01. New Year, Same Me - Still Judging Books by Their Covers

Welcome back to season 2 of our podcast, My Sister's TBR!In this episode, we discuss our current reads, January's anticipated new releases, and some book news!Books discussed:All's Fair in Love and War by Virginia HeathThe Cursed by Harper L. Woods (Coven of Bones #2)Conversations with Friends by Sally RooneyFeatured Read: Fall of Ruin and Wrath by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Awakening #1)So Let Them Burn by Kamilah ColeA Fragile Enchantment by Allison SaftThe Heiress by Rachel HawkinsLove, Naturally by Sophie SullivanLove at First Flight by Jo WatsonIf you enjoy our podcast, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and follow us on Instagram, @MySistersTBRIntro & Outro curtesy of Uppbeat code: ERLSVEVVNH4IUCLL code: IFLMCBEIWGBSC2GP Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


24. The One Where We Wrap It Up

In this episode, Stacey and Rebecca discuss their favourite books of each month of 2023. Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


Welcome to My Sister's TBR!

Welcome to My Sister's TBR Podcast. We're so happy you've decided to check us out! Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


23. Talk the Talk, Save the Plot.

In this episode, Stacey and Rebecca talk about the books they had read in December and discuss the featured read "Wreck the Halls" by Tessa Bailey Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


22. We Like Our Holiday Reads Like Hallmark .. Just Add the Spice

Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


21. Manacles Or Not, I'm Yours Draco!

Join us as we discuss the Harry Potter fanfiction, Manacled by SenLinYu. This episode contains a LOAD of spoilers for Manacled, so please keep that in mind. Follow us on Instagram and give us all of your thoughts! @Mysisterstbr Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


20. Paper Cranes, Revelations and Cursed Morals

Join us as we discuss our anticipated releases of November and what we're currently reading!Books covered in this episode:Iron Flame by Rebecca YarrosDo Your Worst by Rosie DananCheck & Mate by Ali HazelwoodBetting on You by Lynn PainterThe Porcelain Maker by Sarah FreethyBookshops & Bonedust by Travis BaldreeManacled by Sen Lin YuA Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J MaasBreath mints and Battle scars by Onyx and ElmBlood Bonds by J. BreeFollow us on Instagram (@mysisterstbr) to stay up to date on the books we're reading and featuring on our podcast! Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


19. Questionably Dark, But At Least He Calls Her "Love"

Join us as we discuss our October reads and dive into our featured read, The Coven by Harper L. Woods. Books covered in this episode:3:47 - Morbidly Yours by Ivy Fairbanks8:52 - Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver13:37 - Nevermore Bookstore by Kerrigan Byrne and Cynthia St. Aubin19:14 - Too Late by Colleen Hoover27:54 - The Scepter by J. Bree30:47 - The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston35:49 - Unhinged by Vera Valentine40:13 - The Coven by Harper L. WoodsFollow us on Instagram (@mysisterstbr) to stay up to date on the books we're reading and featuring on our podcast! Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


18. Doors & Desires: When Romance Leans in

In this episode we discuss our most anticipated novels releasing in October and the books we're currently reading!Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on featured reads, @mysisterstbr Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


17. Good Girls with Some Red Flags

In this episode we discuss all of our September reads and the featured read Things We Left Behind by Lucy Score!Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on featured reads, @mysisterstbr Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


16. Fairy Tales and Gargoyle Tails

On this episode, Stacey and Rebecca discuss highly anticipated novels released in September and what is currently being read!Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on featured reads, @mysisterstbr Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Get full access to My Sister's TBR at


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