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Mysterious Universe

Mysterious Universe

Author: 8th Kind

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Always interesting and often hilarious, join hosts Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy as they investigate the latest in futurology, weird science, consciousness research, alternative history, cryptozoology, UFOs, and new-age absurdity.

131 Episodes
We’ve heard some unusual Bigfoot stories over the years, but sometimes there are cases that stand out as exceptionally strange. In this episode, we discuss the encounters of a man who saw a Bigfoot while out in the wilderness with his family. While such an experience is fairly standard as far as such reports go, everything changed when he admitted that something supernatural had occurred that day. This admission triggers a series of encounters that rival even the most obscure psychic Sasquatch stories, with reports of healings, telepathy, and interdimensional Bigfoot invading forces. Then, for our Plus+ members, we explore reports of strange fire outbreaks and discuss the unusual flames that engulfed a small Sicilian town in the early 2000s. Was it supernatural, or could speculation about a directed energy weapon be the cause? Links Bigfoot: A Fifty-Year Journey Come Full Circle Oregon Caves National Monument Portland KOIN 6 TV News Report (2000) Edges of Science Extreme Expeditions Portals and Monsters The Oregon Vortex Camp Xanue Is Under Constant Surveillance Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Mysterious Fires and Lights: Weird and Amazing Events That Science Cannot Explain The Oz Factor and Reality Blinks. What or Who is the Oz Behind the Curtain? Did UFOs start fires? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The immense beauty of Sedona is matched only by its strangeness. For decades, people have reported encountering unexplained phenomena and supernatural creatures in the area. Much of this activity appears to be concentrated around the now-infamous Bradshaw Ranch and one of its former residents, Linda Bradshaw. Although many years have passed, the work of researcher Tom Dongo has continued to inspire others to explore the region's mysteries. We discuss the efforts of a new researcher who is investigating the ongoing enigma of a possible dimensional gateway said to exist in Sedona. In our Plus+ extension, we also explore reports of modern Buddhist encounters featuring superhuman abilities and extraordinary, deeply mysterious feats. Links Window into the Unknown: Encounters and Explorations of Anomalous Phenomena in the Red Rock-Secret Mountain Wilderness The Paranormal Borderline Tom Dongo UFO Paranormal Activity Investigator Merging Dimensions The Alien Tide Alien Contact: Former Arizona Tour Guide Tells All Todd Michael - Alien Contact Strategies - California Mufon Radio The Devil in Dreamland: Catholic Faith, UFOs, the Occult and the End of the Supernatural The Sasquatch People and their Interdimensional Connection Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Paranormal States: Psychic Abilities in Buddhist Convert Communities Altered States: Buddhism and Psychedelic Spirituality in America Buddhism, Meditation, and Free Will (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The recently published Luis Elizondo book 'Imminent' highlights the seemingly higher occurrence of individuals with Cherokee DNA being involved with UFO phenomena. Why is this? Is there a genetic reason for this? Could this group of people be sought out by the intelligence? Are they more sensitive to these phenomena? We explore such questions in this episode as we follow the strange tale of an ancient journey that could completely change everything we know about the modern world and the movement of ancient peoples. For our Plus+ members, we investigate the haunted Himalayas, uncover strange encounters with phasing non-physical beings, and discuss the best ways to rid oneself of nocturnal entities. Links Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs Cherokee DNA Melungeons Melungeon Heritage Association The Melungeons: The Resurrection of a Proud People Old World Roots of the Cherokee Shahat Donald N. Yates Barry Fell and His Big Idea: Wherein a Harvard Zoology Professor Tells the Tale Of All the Folks Who Got Here Before Columbus Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. The Mysterious Ghosts of the Himalayas India: Living with ghosts in the Himalayas The Highest Strangeness I've Seen a Ghost! Shadows: A Northern Investigation of the Unknown Shropshire Folklore: A Sheaf Of Gleanings Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you explore the world of spirit phenomena and ghostly experiences, you quickly realize that there are many different forms one can encounter. While it is difficult to categorize them, some exceptional researchers have certainly made the effort. We examine the realm of ghostly experiences and consider some of the more obscure categories of wraiths, such as mimics and guardian angels. We take a lighter approach to the possibility of benevolent entities and hear reports of elf-like creatures, survival instinct induced out-of-body experiences, and uncanny synchronicities. For our Plus+ members, we venture into the high strangeness of cryptozoological encounters, discussing electric beings, pervert warning big cats, and house-sized blob encounters. Links Our Shared World of the Supernatural Shadow World: True Encounters with Beings from the Darkside Ingo Swann Human Super Sensitivities Art Bell Classics: Ghosts Brad Steiger October 29 1997 Presence: The Strange Science and True Stories of the Unseen Other Real Nightmares The Third Man Factor: Surviving the Impossible The Angel Effect: The Powerful Force That Ensures We Are Never Alone Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. The Highest Strangeness The Centre for Fortean Zoology Mandy Jobseeker Episode Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Would you tolerate an irritating supernatural entity that constantly chatters if it helped advance your career? Some might say "yes," but their feelings could change upon discovering that this entity works for a far more disturbing force. In this episode, we explore the story of a man who was abandoned by everyone except a strange unseen presence. Initially, the entity assisted him in his work life, but after pushing him to the brink of a reservoir and his sanity, he faced a choice to overcome this demonic nightmare. For our Plus+ members, we investigate the intriguing concept of teleportation phenomena associated with the Gulf Stream and weather patterns, and examine reports of spontaneous teleportations in highly unusual circumstances, such as during weapons testing at sea. Links The Devil in Dreamland: Catholic Faith, UFOs, the Occult and the End of the Supernatural Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans Halphas (Malthus) Telly Savalas' Ghost Story Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join. click HERE. The Bizarre Story of Susan X Ski Tracks To Nowhere: Chronicles Of Teleportation Ralph Harrison 1938 teleportation and the laws of meteorology Spontaneous Teleportation Demi Lovato Claims Having a UFO and ET Close Encounter in Joshua Tree National Park Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The nature of the UFO phenomenon, even after all these decades, remains elusive to humanity. Uncovering the truth about these beings requires a fresh perspective on multidimensional consciousness. In this episode, we explore the work of a researcher whose own terrifying experiences challenge conventional theories and offer new insights into the enigmatic world of UFOs and aliens. We hear about black-clad, physics-bending invaders, bizarre cryptids, and elusive implants displaying their own intelligence. For our Plus+ members, we dive into the story of the world’s most prolific art thief and learn how his low-tech yet almost supernatural, unconventional methods led to the acquisition of over $2 billion worth of art. Links UFO breakthrough as two of UK's most famous cases finally 'solved' The Rendlesham Forest “UFO” Event Nick Pope UFO The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Calvine UFO Photographs Philip Kinsella Website Terrestrial Trespassers : The Greys, Abductions & Areas of High Strangeness SKY CRASH - THROUGHOUT TIME: UFOs, The Reptilian Man & Strange Mysteries Surrounding Rendlesham Plus+ Extension The extension is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession Inside a Heist with the World's Greatest Art Thief Stendhal syndrome: The travel syndrome that causes panic Rubenshuis Isabella Stewart Gardner heist Château de Gruyères Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Alien abductions often exhibit a recurring pattern, but occasionally, some cases are so extraordinary that they stand apart dramatically. One such case involves Kim Carlsberg. Her diary entries recount an unusual and sudden connection with extraterrestrial beings that began following a close encounter in Malibu, California. These entities attempted to alert her to impending earthly disasters and emphasized the importance of sharing the message of cosmic saviors. However, beneath this alien veneer lies a more sinister agenda that persists in the world of abductions.  For our Plus+ Members, we head to the Hudson Valley to explore the theory that a wave of UFO sightings might be connected to ancient Druidic rituals and magnetically aligned stone chambers in the region. Links 6.01 – MU Podcast The Art Of Close Encounters Beyond My Wildest Dreams: Diary of a UFO Abductee Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo Abductions Sightings Kim Carlsberg Man meets Mantis Stuart Davis Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Was one witness haunted by the terrifying Mothman specter? On The Edge Of Reality: Dream Weavers - The Mastering Of Time And Space Making Contact with the Phenomenon at Mound Sites A Chilling Occurrence, Witchcraft, and an Arkansas Indian Mound Newgrange Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Encounters with entities from the "other side" have occurred for as long as humanity has existed. However, as technology has advanced over the years, so have the methods these entities use to communicate with us. We discuss the unusual topic of telephone calls from the dead and explore how such encounters have evolved, from strange Morse code and telegraph messages to peculiar TV transmissions. Are these really the spirits of deceased loved ones, or could unscrupulous entities be masquerading for their own purposes? For our Plus+ members, we explore the presence of occult groups in assassination attempts, question the feasibility of creating a Manchurian candidate, and ponder some wild theories about ritual mind control. Links Can the dead communicate with cell phones? A $44,500 BIAL Foundation research study aims to investigate the claims Phone Calls from the Dead: The results of a two-year investigation into an incredible phenomenon Calling Earth (Afterlife communication via modern electronics) ITCJournal UFOs and Extreme Weirdness: The Crazy Phone Call Phenomenon Terror on the Telephone Friedrich Jürgenson Glimpses of Another World: Impressions and Reflections of an EVP Operator Konstantin Raudive - The Voices of the Dead Miracles in the Storm Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Pope Head Post The Failed Assassin, The Dictator, and The Magus The Magistrate and the Behemoth Covert Operations of the NSA The Occult Theosophy of the United Nations The Bosco in Brazil 20.19 – MU Podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In 2004, a group of Indian scientists encountered something extraordinarily strange in the remote Himalayan mountains. Seen from a distance, the drone-like, floating "things" caused quite a commotion, though discussion of the incident has since been suppressed on the internet. However, in 2015, a YouTuber unaware of the earlier event journeyed to the area and encountered a spectacularly described strange flying humanoid. We explore his encounter and examine the history of such reports, questioning the possibility of an ancient race of gnome-like humanoids inhabiting the Earth.  For our Plus+ members, we investigate the unusual encounters that truckers have reported involving the paranormal. Our journey takes us to the Isle of Skye and the haunted airbase of Montrose, where we uncover historical wartime encounters with unknown entities and explore mysterious crafts and the dangerous beams of light they emit. Links The Mysterious Humanoid Encounter in the Himalayas: Can We Get to the Bottom of This? Yuga Shift: The End of the Kali Yuga & The Impending Planetary Transformation UFO photo puts Indian scientists in fix UFO sighting in Himachal Lahaul-Spiti district remains a mystery Was it a spy drone from across the border? Was it a weather balloon? Was it a UFO? Ronnie & Barty My balloon like UFO encounter at Chandra Taal, Indian Himalayas 2015 TED PHILLIPS - The Physical Evidence for Unidentified Flying Objects Did Paracelsus, famed doctor and alchemist of 16th century Europe, describe subterranean-dwelling NHIs Brazil 1969: The Abduction Case of Jose Antonio Da Silva Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Truckers' Strange Encounters with the Unexplained The Haunted Hebrides - the Ghost Car of Skye Isle of Skye The Montrose Ghost Ghosts of RAF Montrose Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the Worlds A Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence The time dozens of Korean service members claimed a UFO made them sick Fantastic Flying Folk! Tech chaos could go on for DAYS after IT crash grounds flights and shuts supermarkets Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When mentioning the "Hitchhiker Effect," most would probably associate it with Skinwalker Ranch. However, this strange phenomenon is associated with a much wider variety of paranormal phenomena and goes back much further than you might expect. On this episode, we explore the lesser-known elements of the Hitchhiker Effect and consider how it may play a role in the energetic induction of high strangeness in the minds of unwitting experiencers. We also examine the scientific data supporting the electromagnetic aspects of encounters with the unknown and hear stories of orb attacks, crystal interlopers, disembodied reptilians, and much more. Buckle up, because this episode is one wild ride! For our Plus+ Members, we continue the madness as we hear the story of a renowned Hollywood Publicist who claims a Gargoyle creature saved his life as a child and then went on to experience extraordinary facets of the unexplained. Links Animals From the Shadow Realm Ghost Cats Night of the Living Dead Human-Animals Strange Encounters with Bizarre Black Humanoid Entities Monsters, Mysterious Beasts and the “Lovers Lane” Link Haunted by an Amorphous Blob Weird Encounters with Mysterious Black Blob Entities Dr Jim Segala, Scientist and Physicist talks with Paul Sinclair Paul Sinclair Truth Proof Mupas Anomalous Phenomenon Study Phase 1 Results MUPAS Anomalous Phenomenon Study Sorry Rocks Pele’s Curse George Knapp and Colm Kelleher The Pentagon’s Secret UFO Program, the Hitchhiker Effect, and Models of Contagion Paranormal Hitchhikers and the Skinwalker Ranch with Robert Bigelow Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. My Paranormal Life: Supernatural Stories from A Hollywood Insider After They Came Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Atlantis Puzzle, a new documentary from Director Jack Kelley, is boldly claiming that the mystery of Atlantis has finally been solved. Years in the making, it showcases Greek researcher George Sarantitis and his profound realization: the Atlantis story suffered from key mistranslations that rendered it fantasy. Correctly understood, modern awareness of ancient climate and geography indicates that certain aspects of the myth have real grounding in fact. Join us as we speak with Kelley about his intriguing new documentary, which presents compelling evidence for the existence of this legendary civilization. And for our Plus+ members, we explore a novel perspective on the "contagion" theory, investigating how Men in Black and unseen entities might be part of a broader intelligence attempting to influence humanity. The Atlantis Puzzle The Atlantis Puzzle The Atlantis Puzzle Google Play YouTube The Atlantis Puzzle Amazon The Atlantis Puzzle Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Folklore of the "Men in Black" Psychological Disturbances In Encounters Manifestations 0f Indians Appear to Long Island Family The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies Bitten by Demonic Entities: The Bizarre Case of Clarita Villanueva A Look Through Secret Doors Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
AI is currently a hot topic; everyone wants in, and with its promises of revolutionizing the world, its integration into our society cannot come soon enough. However, is it all as promising as it seems? While the dangers of AI have been highlighted by numerous leading figures worldwide, the potential for it to overshadow humanity is greater than anyone expects. We explore the work of an OpenAI insider who predicts that "superintelligent" AI will arrive sooner than anticipated, and we may not be able to control it. Suggestions have been made to create other AIs to control the super AI, but could this be futile? We examine these startling revelations and consider their connection to occult warnings foretold decades ago. For our Plus+ members, we investigate encounters with "tree beings" and reports of faceless shadow entities appearing in people's backyards, camping grounds, and even in music videos shot in the Australian bushland. Links AI super intelligence by 2027 Situational Awareness: The Decade Ahead Leopold Aschenbrenner Superalignment AI frenzy makes Nvidia the world's most valuable company Mark Zuckerberg indicates Meta is spending billions of dollars on Nvidia AI chips AWS acquires Talen’s nuclear data center campus in Pennsylvania Elon Musk unveils a groundbreaking development in the realm of AI Microsoft, OpenAI plan $100 billion data-center Chinese National Residing in California Arrested for Theft of Artificial Intelligence-Related Trade Secrets from Google Anduril OpenAI adds Trump-appointed former NSA director to its board Sora The Rudolf Steiner Archive Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Creepy Accounts of Mysterious Phantoms in the Forest Brisbane Tree Entity Face in the Tree Bigfoot Photo Wildland Shadow Being Mount Misery Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Have you ever encountered something odd, unexplained, or even terrifying while driving on a lonely road at night? If not, you might be in the minority, as reports of encounters with wraiths on fog-covered asphalt are more common than you may realize. Indeed, such reports may elicit a cliché feeling; however, they often come from highly reputable members of the community. In this show, we explore the unexplained creatures and spectral entities that haunt not just roads, but a variety of travel methods. We hear of glowing, smoking skeletons, disappearing train workers, haunted control towers, and much so more. Unfortunatley due to Ben being away this is a Plus+ only audio episode. If you would like to join Plus+ click HERE. Links Cat Creatures and Other Strange Beings Hell on Wheels: Bizarre Encounters with Mysterious Phantom Drivers A Strange and Sinister Story From London’s Underground Haunted Vehicles Ghosts On The Underground Ghost Train Haunted Britain Haunted Ohio Mysterious America Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Could creativity actually be a form of time travel? We explore this intriguing idea on this episode as we journey through reports of artists and writers who often seem to predict the future. We learn how a man seemingly knew of his impending death on 9/11 and expressed it in strange works of art, before hearing how a famed filmmaker depicted a survivor who fell from a plane long before the events occurred. Then for Plus+ members we consider how blood is often connected with supernatural phenomena. From occult rituals and alien encounters to cattle mutilations and interdimensional predators, the lust for blood is disturbingly common. We discuss reports of supernatural bloodlust and consider how dark, non-human influences could be draining our life force in the form of blood to sustain their terrible plans on Earth. Links From Nowhere: Artists, Writers, and the Precognitive Imagination Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious Aguirre, the Wrath of God Wings of Hope Noguchi To Be Viewed From Mars, 1947 Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover Up From the Chupacabra to a Secret Society Alien Nutrition: The Absorption Hypothesis Human Mutilations & Missing Children Missing 411 and Other Mysterious Disappearances Ted Rice Missing 411 Karla Turner Elisa Lam Video Body found in Australian outback believed to be missing German tourist German tourists lost for more than a week after Google Maps mishap David Cayton - Animal Mutilation Report The Mystery Of The Count Of St. Germain UFO: Are We in Danger ?: The Black Book of Ufology Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Somehow, any unusual light in the sky, strange aircraft, or unidentified object has become synonymous with extraterrestrials. Of course, such a generalization, while it may be apt in some reports, fails to assist in answering the continuing mystery of UFOs. For this episode, we explore some alternative theories around the nature of UFOs. Are they really associated with aliens, or is something more unusual occurring? We consider military cover-ups and hear how an advanced but highly radioactive space drive system, reverse-engineered from the future, could explain some of the most terrifying reports of encounters with unidentified flying craft. Then, for our Plus+ members, we follow the journey of a man who hones his incredible synesthetic skills to become one with the Raven and fly into a greater level of consciousness. Links The Reagan Diaries The Occult Connection UFO Contacts in Italy Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation Triangular UFOs of the United Kingdom UFO Documents The Haunebu Disc The Man-made vs ET Issue Michael Schratt The Terrifying Cash-Landrum Close UFO Encounter Incident in 1980 Coprecipitation of Mercury from Natural Iodine-Containing Seawater for Accurate Isotope Measurement Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology How a man turned into a raven Alliance for Wild Ethics Pademelon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Around the world, mysterious ancient monoliths with perfectly carved terraces, massive steps, and underground grottos puzzle archaeologists, who attribute them to early cultures. Researcher Camille M. Sauvé explores how sacred sites around the world share architectural traits, revealing an ancient global culture and advanced, stone moulding technology. We discuss how Sauvé considers the science behind these monoliths, their placement on earth power spots, and their significant piezoelectric properties, suggesting Peru may hold secrets to our forgotten prehistory. For our Plus+ members, we explore the phenomenon of "angel hair," which is often dismissed as spider webs but could be something supernatural. This mysterious substance, sometimes radioactive and glowing, resembles ectoplasm and star jelly. We consider the possibility that dangerous atmospheric beasts could be responsible for these strange, disappearing materials, pointing to something more unsettling. Links Sorcerers of Stone: Architects of the Three Ages Alfredo Gamarra The Cosmogony of the Three Worlds Ancient Mysteries Explained The Cosmogony of the Three Worlds The Paradox of Large Dinosaurs and Flying Pterosaurs Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth 27.24 - MU Podcast - Escape of the Mind Imps Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty The Natron Theory Marcell Fóti Plasticine Stones of Sacsayhuaman Barabar, The Archaeological Site Of The Future Lemuria Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Weird Stories of UFOs and the Angel Hair Phenomenon UFO "Angel's Hair" - Have We Forgotten Important Evidence? Angels' Hair UFO-related "angel hair" in Japanese super hero TV show Huge spider web blankets bushland in Australia UFO Angel Hair in Evora Portugal in 1959 J. BRIAN BOLDMAN - Angel Hair : Evidence for UFO Technology UFO Emits Weird White Material Onto Small French Town A Catalogue And Analysis Of Australian ‘Angel Hair’ Cases Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
For centuries, people have spontaneously disappeared in the most mysterious of circumstances. From Missing 411 reports to folklore legends of strange locations, there seems to be a common theme among them. We discuss some of these reports, from the reasonable to the outright outlandish, and consider how strange weather, solar activity, and sacred myths could explain just where these people are going. Then, for our Plus+ members, we explore the parallels between the changes in the cycles of time, historic records of Hyperborea, the shift of the 'Spiritual Pole,' and the coming of the mole-men. Links Stargates Cross Roads of ‘Power’- Stonehenge Lake Michigan Stonehenge Reincarnation of Om Sety and the Secrets at Abydos Bill Hamilton Project Aquarius and the Dan Burisch Story The Penteli Cave Enigma Time Travel Monsters Among Us Hospital Left Baffled After Patient ‘Teleports’ Into Ceiling Teleportation in China More Strange Cases of Spontaneous Human Teleportation Bizarre Cases of Bigfoot and Portals to Other Dimensions Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Pope Head Substack Between Xanadu and Shambhala (Part I) Between Xanadu and Shambhala (Part II) ARKTOS: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism & Nazi Survival Beasts, Men, and God The Land of the Gods Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Bibhu Dev Misra joins us to discus his research into the ancient belief that civilization is progressively declining from a Golden Age to the current age of discord, known as the Kali Yuga. He predicts the end of the Kali Yuga in March 2025, which could trigger a global collapse by 2040 through wars, environmental disasters, and comet impacts, fulfilling ancient prophecies of Earth's renewal. He also elaborates on the scientific validation of the Yuga Cycle's alignment with Earth's precession cycle and its implications for understanding the cyclical nature of civilizations, the fluctuation of human consciousness, and the prophesied return of a savior at the cycle's conclusion. Then for our Plus+ members, we share stories from the incredible life of Dixie Yeterian, who became so proficient as a psychic detective that a hit was put on her. We discuss her encounters with angry spirits, backside psychometry, and more. Links Yuga Shift: The End Of The Kali Yuga & The Impending Planetary Transformation The End Of The Kali Yuga In 2025: Unraveling The Mysteries Of The Yuga Cycle Ancient Inquiries Bibhu's Website Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Casebook Of A Psychic Detective Strange But True - Psychic Detective Dixie Yeterian Website Dixie Yeterian - 18 Apr 1986 - Daily Sitka Sentinel Newspaper Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The topic of past life memories and reincarnation is often considered a taboo subject. However, inquiring minds like Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker are well-known in their field due to the incredible case reports they have collated over their decorated careers. That said, it's not well-known that it was actually a 200-year-old report from Japan that spurred Stevenson to explore this fascinating phenomenon. On this episode, we hear this report and other incredible cases of reincarnation from Japan. Some children's memories are so vivid that rich details provide considerable evidence for life continuing beyond our understanding. Then, in our Plus+ extension, we discuss the 'beetle levitation platform' and hear how an unwitting bug scientist's encounters with an angry beehive led him to discover antigravity technology and create a flying platform that could potentially be associated with UFO tech. Links Katsugoro and Other Reincarnation Cases in Japan Before: Children's Memories of Previous Lives Dr. Jim Tucker Gunkan māchi Noh performance TOMOE Southall rail crash Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Members. To join, click HERE. Wendy Connors Faded Discs A collection of radio broadcasts about the UFO phenomenon. Viktor Grebennikov Viktor Grebennikov - Anti-Gravity & Levitation How Viktor Grebennikov Built an Anti Gravity Levitating Machine Viktor Grebennikov Anti Gravity Levitation Boyd Bushman On Antigravity Grebennikov's Flying Platform - Bio-Gravitics “My World” By Viktor Grebennikov The Bizarre Flying Humanoids of Mexico Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Crop circles is a subject of heated debate among both paranormal enthusiasts and scientists. However, there might be deeper, more profound explanations lurking within our collective human experiences that could shed light on this mystery. Some individuals who admit to creating these hoaxes report experiencing strange occurrences, suggesting that a mysterious force influences them to make these designs. We dive into these accounts to explore the possibility that a paranormal intelligence could be linked to various phenomena associated with crop circles, including mysterious creatures, orbs of light, time distortions, and more. For our Plus+ members, we explore the writings of a Japanese equivalent to John Keel, featuring encounters with serpentine women, airborne mountain men, and the bizarre technologies of a lost civilization. Links Not Quite A Crop Circle, But… Crop Circles and Official Secrets Strange Activity in a Crop Circle Making Sense of My Crop Circle Experience Mysterious Dome of Light Appears Over Field with Crop Circle Taunting, slightly child-like consciousness East field 07/07/07 Creatures in the Crop Circles Mothman and Crop Circles: A Connection? Crop Circles: “Missing Time” Experiences Within Dog walker met UFO 'alien' with Scandinavian accent The Crop Circle Man: The Incredible Tales of a Crop Circle Maker Peacocks and the Paranormal Realm Crop Circle Documentary - Balls of Light Crop Circles - The Quest for Truth UFOS and Crop Circles The golden "joker's" mask Snow Circles Plus+ Extension The extension of the show is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+ Memebrs. To join, click HERE. The Catalpa Bow: A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan Collected Writings of Carmen Blacker When Tengu Talk: Hirata Atsutane's Ethnography of the Other World Supernatural Abductions in Japanese Folklore Hiking the Kumano Kodō Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (375)

brendan ripper

best podcast ever

Sep 10th

brendan ripper

best podcast ever

Sep 4th

brendan ripper

best podcast ever

Sep 2nd

brendan ripper

Best podcast ever I have listened to every episode 3 times over so far

Jul 5th


lol dont take your comment back.. take your country back ❤️

May 13th

cynthia kurkowski

Agent Orange is passed on genetically. The soldiers died of cancer, and their offspring often develop cancer and chronic diseases. There's a large movement of agent orange victims in the US.

Feb 6th

Roku Kenshin

I think this was the worst episode these guys have ever had. dumb af episode subject.

Feb 3rd


am 17 and a half min in and am dying from laughter, am going to start using "tricknology" every time I troll ppl lmaooooo

Feb 3rd

cynthia kurkowski

I grew up near the San Antonio donkey lady! We would scare each other by trying to see her. Of course, the home was way down a long, dark, overgrown lane. Since I've grown up, I've learned there are other places with a donkey lady/man. Urban legend?

Jan 22nd
Reply (1)

Sean Fulbright


Jan 15th

Sean Fulbright


Jan 11th

Sean Fulbright


Jan 10th


there's she goes again with his racist Indian accent, AGAIN!

Dec 8th

Sue Miller

Great job really enjoyed the show! Thank you

Nov 4th


hob knobs

Jul 1st

Rodrigo Samport

Shitty episode

May 13th

Brad Burkley

There's a lot of silly stuff on MU. I stay subscribed because of banger episodes like this one. The "Chaff" seems to be there to keep the good stuff from being considered seriously. I'm not accusing MU of intentionally doing this, but shows like Ancient Aliens may have that motivation.

May 12th

Rock78 Rock78

47:50 station wagon? New York?

Jan 27th

zimby zimbabwe

space is gay

Dec 4th

Swinging Cock

One of the best podcasts on the planet.

Nov 29th