Mythgard's Exploring The Lord of the Rings

Mythgard's Exploring The Lord of the Rings
Author: Mythgard Institute
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© 2025 Signum University
Join The Tolkien Professor, Dr. Corey Olsen, on a sentence-by-sentence journey through the text of Tolkien's epic fairy story, and explore Middle-earth through the magical game-world of Lord of the Rings Online.
329 Episodes
Tonight we discuss (at least!) our first slide of the new chapter, examining the Chamber of Mazarbul.
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Thank you for your support for our Annual Fundraising Campaign. If you missed the campaign event broadcasts, you can watch the recordings here.
Thank you for your support for our project.
Rings & Realms:The Lord of the Rings-The War of the Rohirrim
It's time to start a new chapter, and one we've been excitedly waiting for: The Bridge of Khazad-dum. Let's start by learning about runes!
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Thank you for your support for our Annual Fundraising Campaign. If you missed the campaign event broadcasts, you can watch the recordings here.
Thank you for your support for our project.
Rings & Realms:The Lord of the Rings-The War of the Rohirrim
Join Corey as he joins the Company is seeing what there is to be seen in the early light of the new day in Moria.
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Thank you for your support for our Annual Fundraising Campaign. If you missed the campaign event broadcasts, you can watch the recordings here.
Thank you for your support for our project.
Rings & Realms:The Lord of the Rings-The War of the Rohirrim
Tonight, let's check in with Boromir and see what his current assessment of Gandalf's leadership is.
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Thank you for your support for our Annual Fundraising Campaign. If you missed the campaign event broadcasts, you can watch the recordings here.
Thank you for your support for our project.
Rings & Realms:The Lord of the Rings-The War of the Rohirrim
Corey returns just in time for the introduction of central character in the LOTR!
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Thank you for your support for our Annual Fundraising Campaign. If you missed the campaign event broadcasts, you can watch the recordings here.
Thank you for your support for our project.
Rings & Realms:The Lord of the Rings-The War of the Rohirrim
We discuss Gimli and Frodo's very different reactions to Gandalf's download of mithril lore.
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Thank you for your support for our Annual Fundraising Campaign. If you missed the campaign event broadcasts, you can watch the recordings here.
Thank you for your support for our project.
Rings & Realms:The Lord of the Rings-The War of the Rohirrim
Tonight Corey looks at what Gandalf emphasizes about Moria-silver.
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Annual Fundraising Campaign started.
Signum Studios just launched another Kickstarter for a new project:
Rings & Realms:The Lord of the Rings-The War of the Rohirrim
What does Tolkien tell us about mithril? Tonight we discuss the passage that contains about 80-90% of what we know.
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Annual Fundraising Campaign started.
Corey returns to the world of prose to discuss Sam's response to Gimli's song and the overall shift towards practical application.
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Annual Fundraising Campaign started.
The poetic experiment continues as we examine the last monochrome stanzas of Gimli's poem.
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Tonight we return to Gimli's poem one more time, finding the third poetic dimension in the middle stanzas.
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Tonight we continue with our initial pass through Gimli's Khazad-dum poem!
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Corey discusses the ending of Gimli’s song and then presents his observations on what makes this poem not at all boring.
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We are back and ready for some poetry. Are you prepared for one of our three biggest glimpses into dwarfdom in all of the LOTR?
Thank you for all your help in funding Rings and Realms Season Two.
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Tonight, we hear from Gimli at last, and get a glimpse of his experience. And we prepare for the poem!
Please help us reach our goal to fund Rings and Realms Season Two.
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Tonight we come to the end of the second Moria March in comparative comfort, underneath the unseen sky.
Please help us reach our goal to fund Rings and Realms Season Two.
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It is time for the Second March of the Company through Moria. Things are trending up in the deadly dark.
Please help us reach our goal to fund Rings and Realms Season Two.
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Tonight we examine Gandalf and his benevolent nicotine addiction.
Please help us reach our goal to fund Rings and Realms Season Two.
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Tonight, Pippin will throw a stone down a well. Admit it: you would do it too.
Please help us reach our goal to fund Rings and Realms Season Two.
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Tonight we return to Pippin by the unnerving hole in the floor, and we join him in listening to echoes.
Please help us reach our goal to fund Rings and Realms Season Two.
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Tonight we remember Bill the Pony and discover the Hole in the Floor, disappearing into darkness.
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Tonight we continue our journey through the dark, listening to noises and thinking about the sunlit lands.
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Tonight we look at Frodo's description of the darkness around them, and the obstacles and noises that fill it.
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Tonight we will learn about Gandalf's accomplishments as a guide, and we will discuss the most mysterious simile in the entire Lord of the Rings.
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Tonight we set off and begin the actual traveling through Moria. Let's listen and see what we hear!
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The journey through the long dark of Moria finally begins -- after a stiff drink!
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Gandalf proceeds, through word and deed, to answer the question that Boromir mutters to himself.
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As of last week, our discussion has officially entered Moria. But before we set out, we look back at the tentacular Thing in the water one more time.
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It's episode 300 of Exploring the Lord of the Rings! Let's celebrate by actually entering Moria.
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Tonight we return to the Watcher in the Water, whatever it is, and see Sam saving the day, as usual.
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Tonight we return to Gandalf's laughter-filled interlude in between the Watcher's approach and his attack.
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Tonight we gaze out across the foul pool, as ominous ripples form and move towards the bank.
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What do we learn from Gandalf's attempt to open the door?
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Tonight we finish watching Gandalf take the wrong approach, and we will see the growing evidence of Boromir's frustration.
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Tempers flare at the Doors of Durin. Tonight, we look carefully at Boromir's contribution.
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Tonight, Gandalf initiates the Lost Password Recovery Process for the Doors of Durin.
Tonight we return to the doors of Moria and consider their security protocols.
Let's do some metainterpretation of Moria gate!
Tonight we look at the description of the moon letters on the gate.
Tonight we'll watch Gandalf find the doors that are shut, and see yet another nod to The Hobbit.
It is time for Master Gamgee to put his foot down.
It's the seventh anniversary of ExLOTR! Let's celebrate the friendship of dwarves and elves.
Special guest: Thomas P. Hillman
You ever get that feeling that you get when you are about to be attacked by a tentacular monstrosity? Let's enjoy that together this evening.
Tonight the doom of Bill the Pony is spoken, his departure drawing ever nigh.
Let's savor another deliciously alliterative descriptive passage: the Walls of Moria!
It's time for Signum University Annual Fundraising campaign. • Signum University's Fall Fundraising ...
We are doing weekly drawings for giveaways to celebrate the campaign. You can sign up for the drawing through Google forms. For this week’s Exploring the Lord of the Rings drawing, here is the link:
2023 Fundraising Campaign Webathon, at 1pm, Saturday, December 9
Join us for the culmination of our 2023 Fundraising Campaign!
/ signumuniversity
/ signumu
We will celebrate Signum and its programs, checking in on what’s going on around the university. We will have some fun together, celebrating our weekly broadcasts. And most importantly, we will announce and launch our newest program: Signum’s big new publishing endeavor!
Schedule for the day:
1pm What’s up at Signum
4pm Announcement: Official Launch of Signum’s new Publishing System.
6pm Broadcast fun and gaming
The Company approaches the Doors of Moria, and continues to find ominous signs.
It's time for Signum University Annual Fundraising campaign. • Signum University's Fall Fundraising ...
We are doing weekly drawings for giveaways to celebrate the campaign. You can sign up for the drawing through Google forms. For this week’s Exploring the Lord of the Rings drawing, here is the link:
2023 Fundraising Campaign Webathon, at 1pm, Saturday, December 9
Join us for the culmination of our 2023 Fundraising Campaign!
/ signumuniversity
/ signumu
We will celebrate Signum and its programs, checking in on what’s going on around the university. We will have some fun together, celebrating our weekly broadcasts. And most importantly, we will announce and launch our newest program: Signum’s big new publishing endeavor!
Schedule for the day:
1pm What’s up at Signum
4pm Announcement: Official Launch of Signum’s new Publishing System.
6pm Broadcast fun and gaming
Tonight we discuss the unexpectedly missing river. #SpiritualStreams
It's time for Signum University Annual Fundraising campaign. • Signum University's Fall Fundraising ...
We are doing weekly drawings for giveaways to celebrate the campaign. You can sign up for the drawing through Google forms. For this week’s Exploring the Lord of the Rings drawing, here is the link:
Exploring The Lord of the Rings with The Tolkien Professor
Tonight we watch as Gandalf shows foresighted leadership and Boromir starts to grumble.
Signum University Annual Fundraising campaign has just started.
• Signum University's Fall Fundraising:
We are doing weekly drawings for giveaways to celebrate the campaign. You can sign up for the drawing through Google forms. For this week’s Exploring the Lord of the Rings drawing, here is the link:
On the morning after the battle with the wolves, the full strangeness of the situation is revealed.
Gandalf explained what the fire should do. This evening, we see the fire's response.
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