NASA's The Incredible Two-Inch Universe Activity (Audio & ASL)

NASA's The Incredible Two-Inch Universe Activity (Audio & ASL)

A NASA-Smithsonian Universe Forum Publication :: This activity will help you explore the universe by shrinking cosmic scale in just 4 steps. Print out the instructions and cut-out templates (printer-friendly PDFs at Follow along with the activity by listening to the narration or viewing the American Sign Language in the video podcast files.


This activity will help you explore the universe by shrinking cosmic scale in just 4 steps. Print out the instructions and cut-out templates. Follow along with the activity by listening to the narration or viewing the American Sign Language in the video podcast files.


What You'll Need

Wrap your mind around the vast distances in the universe. What you'll need: a measuring tape, 6 round images from the printable 2-inch universe PDF, a grain of salt and a wide open mind.


Step 1: The Realm of the Earth and Moon

If you shrink the earth to about 2 inches or 5 centimeters (cm) in diameter here's how other objects would compare in size and distance.


Step 2: The Realm of Our Sun the Only Star in Our Solar System

Switch scales by shrinking the minivan-sized Sun down to a 2-inch diameter.


Step 3: The Realm of Our Solar System and Nearby Stars

Shrink the entire Solar System down to 2 inches in diameter.


Step 4: The Realm of Galaxies

Switch scales one last time, and shrink the entire continent-sized galaxy down to 2 inches.


Going Further

You can use this 4-STEP SCALE MODEL to imagine some of the distances involved in NASA's explorations of the universe.


Reflection Questions

How likely do you think it is that there is life elsewhere in our galaxy? Intelligent life? What challenges are there in trying to communicate with any potential life around other stars? In other galaxies? Some people say they feel insignificant after understanding the scale of the universe; others say it makes them feel that life on Earth is special; still others feel amazement at the power of the human mind. What's your view?


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