The show which dissects the thought-provoking curiosities, of our bizarre reality. Discussing topics ranging from quantum physics to the mystic arts, and many things in between. Our hope is to provide you with more questions and opportunities for personal paradigm shifts, in addition to any entertainment value. The more that scientific discovery expands beyond the ordinary, the closer it appears that we will begin to bridge the chasm between scientific fact and superstitious faith. The next frontier is beyond the fabric of the space-time continuum, and we are once again children imagining dragons in the darkness (metaphorically speaking). Roy Boy’Tell is a Chemical Engineer by trade but has always been interested in figuring out why things are the way they are. He’s excited to present these topics for you to contemplate, and to open up entirely new ways for you to conceptualize reality. Subscribe, and prepare to take an intellectual journey into the next frontier.

An Odyssey of Existential Distress: On Death

001: A look at the death, and what it means. Prompted by the recent loss of my brother and father within 2 weeks of each other, I've been thinking of death a lot. Not only of the death of those who I recently lost, but also my own death. In this episode, I talk about my recent losses, some words on death by Mark Twain, religious rituals to deal with death and recent trends on eco friendly burials. I hope you liked this first episode and we have many more fascinating topics that we...


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