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Negotiate Real Change

Author: Kwame Christian M.A. Esq.

Subscribed: 71Played: 361


Negotiate Real Change highlights leaders who are creating positive change in their organizations. The more we talked to leaders in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space, the more we started to recognize the patterns of successful change-makers within organizations.There’s a difference between passion and persuasion. When it comes to creating positive change, simply being a passionate professional armed with data, statistics, and research is rarely enough to create real change.This show will share the secrets behind what it really takes for you to be a successful advocate, ally, and changemaker in your organization.

63 Episodes
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, we have the privilege of hearing from Mark Davis, an accomplished expert in negotiation and cultural navigation. He emphasizes the vital role of long-term agreements and consistent effort in achieving sustainable outcomes over time. Join us as we explore these important concepts in an engaging conversation.You'll learn:The value of long-term deals: Discover why esta...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, David McRaney from You Are Not So Smart Podcast, discusses how minds change by exploring the factors that influence our beliefs. He talks about how to avoid unproductive arguments and change minds through listening. Buy the book "How Minds Change"
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Melina Palmer, The Brainy Business podcast host, Author, Consultant, and Keynote speaker reverse interviews Kwame Christian on the Compassionate Curiosity Framework.The Brainy Business Melina on LinkedIn Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: Ult...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Ruth Ettenberg Freeman LCSW, Founder and President of Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, and Kathleen Harkins Weissenberger, CEO of the same, discusses how we can develop better parenting skills by being vulnerable and authentic.Peace At Home is a toolbox of interactive live training workshops to help parents navigate unexpected things. Hot topics include such ...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and executive coach who has literally “written the book” on workplace confidence and persuasive communication. Her latest book, Unmute Yourself – Speak Up to Stand Out®, is a game-changer and a call to action for professionals who are ready to get their seat at the table – then build a bigger table.In this live version of Negotiate An...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Erin Upchurch MSSA, LISW-S (she/her/hers), Executive Director at Kaleidoscope Youth Center, discusses actionable tools, techniques, strategies, and mindsets to better support the LGBTQ+ community.Kaleidoscope Youth Center Unity Circle Kwame Christian on LinkedIn:
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Michael Van Keulen, Chief Procurement Officer at Coupa Software, discusses diversity in procurement.Coupa Software Michael on LinkedIn Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: Ultimate Negotiation Guide:
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Doug Ulman, CEO of Pelotonia, discusses how to have difficult conversations around building a community that shares your values.You'll learn how to:1. Build a community2. Give up to gain3. Have shared valuesWe discuss:1. How a community drives change2. The difference a community can make3. Overcoming the roadblocks in community buildingFollow Doug Ulman on LinkedIn&...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Nadege Minois PhD., Host of the Culture and Inclusion podcast, author, and Vision coach discusses how not to be judgmental about our cultural diversity because this is what truly makes us unique. You'll learn:When it is effective communication.How culture impacts our thoughts and behaviors.Where the challenges lie.We discuss:How these differences can be overcom...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company:'s new book, How to Have Difficult Conversations About Race, offers practical tools for necessary conversations about race in the workplace and beyond. This guide provides tips on overcoming internal barriers and navigating around others' barriers to productive discussion. With insights on being strategic about the outcome you want, using "Compassionate Curiosity" to connect an...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company this episode, Jonathan Lacey, FBI Special Agent now Consultant, discusses how to negotiate and have difficult conversations about DEI & Security.3 Takeaways:1. How to hone complex and challenging conversations.2. How DEI promotes brand recognition.3. Communication as a means of connection.We discuss:1. Inclusion includes you, no matter your race, ethnicity, or color.2. How to ...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: your colleagues in distinctly different age groups? Are you sometimes baffled or frustrated by their decisions and behaviors? You are not alone.Since the workplace is made up of multiple generations, you are likely to experience generational friction first­hand. But let’s be clear: these are not problems to fix. Rather, they are dif­ferences to understand, appreciate, and—ultima...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Farah Harris, MA, LCPC, author of Color of Emotional Intelligence (2023), discusses how we can use emotional intelligence to create a psychologically safe workplace. We discuss the use of emotional intelligence as:A means for conflict resolution.A mode of self-care.A tool for conflict resolution.Follow Farah Harris on LinkedIn
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Rich teaches us how to advocate for equity in the workplace.Rich's Podcast: Paychecks & Balances's Guide: with Rich on social media: @iamrichjonesFollow Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: Ultimate Negotiation Guide: ht...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Maileen Hamto, MBA, MS, Doctoral Candidate, a Leader in DEI, Washington Technology Industry Association's Executive Consultant, discusses the 3 key factors that promote DEI in the workplace.Follow Maileen Hamto on LinkedIn LinkedIn page
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: Ultimate Negotiation Guide: here to buy your copy of How To Have Difficult Conversations About Race!:
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: matter what industry you work in, it's important to be able to have difficult conversations with clients, co-workers, and suppliers. In this episode, we discuss the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in sales and negotiation. We'll talk about how to create a more inclusive environment in your workplace, and how to be more aware of your own biases.Listen to Damion Wrig...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: this episode, Jessi Hempel, Sr. Editor at Large on LinkedIn and editorial director on the podcast "Hello Monday", discusses how to have difficult conversations about coming out as an LGBQT+ community member.We talk about:Self-reflectionIdentity shiftThe Biggest SurpriseAbout Jessi HempelRethinking work, life, and meaning for the contemporary ageJessi Hempel is the host of th...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company:, President, and CEO of Delaware County Foundation is a professional negotiator and he's going to teach you how to get what you want without sacrificing relationships or damaging your reputation. You'll learn how to have difficult conversations with ease and grace.Follow Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: Ultimate Negotiation Guide: http...
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: you looking to get a better salary or raise? Leah Murphy, Founder of Career Gems for the Journey, shares her best tips for getting the most out of your next salary negotiation?. Learn how to focus on total compensation, let the market dictate your value, and let silence work for you!Follow Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: Ultimate Negot...