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Net Cast

Net Cast

Author: Mark L. Hatfield

Subscribed: 5Played: 388


An in-depth approach to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Net Cast was designed based on principles that Jesus shared with His disciples when they were fishing, by casting nets (See Luke 5:1-11). He told them that they would be fishers of men and they followed Him.

Net Cast has fishing for souls as its primary objective. We hope to help bring you closer to Christ through the studies of the word of God offered here.

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Thank you and God bless you richly in Christ Jesus.
98 Episodes
John the Baptist stands for truth by reprimanding Herod that he cannot take his brother's wife. There seems to be little respect given to God's will regarding the marriage covenant. We need to repent of adultery and fornication and obey God's revealed will. As a result of the boldness of John's preaching, he is imprisoned and eventually beheaded. They kill the messenger for the message. John baptized Jesus to fulfill all righteousness and Jesus is confirmed as the Son of God. From this moment, Jesus will enter His ministry and work for the heavenly Father. In season 7, titled "Doctor Luke & The Great Physician", I have a unique offer relating to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide your study. If you would like to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I appreciate any help you can provide.If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share Net Cast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen.Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member, and join Net Cast for free, giving you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site.Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our focus returns to John the Baptist as he prepares the people for the coming of the Messiah. He is near the Jordan River preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. John had the ministry of making the way ready for the Savior of the world. In season 7, titled "Doctor Luke & The Great Physician", I have a unique offer relating to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide your study. If you would like to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I appreciate any help you can provide.If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share Net Cast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen.Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member, and join Net Cast for free, giving you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site.Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets.Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus reached the age where He must travel with His parents to Jerusalem to celebrate the feasts appointed by the Law of God. While in the city, He will not only astound the religious teachers but open the eyes of His parents about who He is as the Son of God, along with a revelation of His mission on earth. In season 7, titled "Doctor Luke & The Great Physician", I have a unique offer relating to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide your study. If you would like to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I appreciate any help you can provide.If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share Net Cast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen.Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member, and join Net Cast for free, giving you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site.Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets.Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Joseph and Mary travel to Jerusalem to present Jesus and to make offerings for her purification, according to the Law. They have an encounter with Simeon and Anna the prophetess that leaves them amazed at what they learn about Jesus. He would be the cause of the rise and fall of many people. Some would obey Him and have eternal life, while others would mock and reject His salvation, and they would be lost forever. The truth is that Jesus was going to be the final sacrifice for the purification from sin as the Lamb of God who takes away the world's sins. Jew or Gentile washed in His blood would be pure and free from sin and able to enter heaven and the promises of God.
Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem for a mandatory census. Mary gives birth to her firstborn and God's only begotten Son, Jesus. Since there was no room at the inn, He had a lowly birth and was laid in a manger. Angels praised God and delivered good news to shepherds that our Savior was born. This would bring blessings to all people made right with God through trusting faith in the Lord. In season 7, titled "Doctor Luke & The Great Physician", I have a unique offer relating to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide your study. If you would like to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I appreciate any help you can provide. If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share Net Cast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member, and join Net Cast for free, giving you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
As God promised Zacharias and Elizabeth, that they would give birth to John, the word of God was fulfilled. The forerunner to Christ was born and would enter a ministry making straight the pathway for the Lord, Jesus. This would open the door for all mankind to have salvation from sin and the plan of redemption would be accomplished. In season 7, titled "Doctor Luke & The Great Physician", I have a unique offer relating to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I really appreciate any help you can provide. If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share Net Cast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member, and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Before the birth of John or Jesus, there is a meeting between their mothers Mary and Elizabeth while they are both pregnant with promised children from God. Their births would bring about the unfolding of the plan of salvation. John would be born as the forerunner to Christ to prepare the way for His coming. Jesus would fulfill the Messianic hope and usher in the kingdom of God allowing all who believe and obey Him to be saved from their sins and redeemed. Let us all rejoice and again I say rejoice. In season 7, titled "Doctor Luke & The Great Physician", I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I really appreciate any help you can provide. If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share Net Cast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member, and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The angel Gabriel continues to announce good news as a messenger of God. This time he is sent to Mary to announce the birth of the Son of God Most High. This Son will be called Jesus and He will be the Savior of the world. In season 7, titled "Doctor Luke & The Great Physician", I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I really appreciate any help you can provide. If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share Net Cast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member, and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The angel reveals to Zechariah and Elizabeth that they will give birth to the forerunner of the Messiah, Jesus. His name will be John and He will turn the hearts of the disobedient to the spirit of the righteous. In season 7, titled "Doctor Luke & The Great Physician", I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I really appreciate any help you can provide. If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share Net Cast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member, and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Luke informs his reader Theophilus that he has organized an account of the life of Jesus in an orderly fashion so that the record reflects the exact truth regarding the history of the Lord and Savior. Being a Gentile author and writing to a Gentile audience, it is the easiest gospel to read and understand worldwide. Luke proclaims a gospel that is for all. In season 7, titled Doctor Luke & The Great Physician, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Luke. If you partner with Net Cast during our seventh season, I want to send you the complete outline for each episode to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. I really appreciate any help you can provide. If you cannot support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Please take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, X aka Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
David will present to us one of the finest pieces of poetic song ever handed to a choir director. We can watch the declaration of the glory of God from the macrocosm to the microcosm (creation, God's word, and God's people). In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord. NOTE: It was briefly mentioned in this episode, but we are taking a break from the Psalms of Life series as we enter 2024. We will begin a study of the gospel of Luke in January 2024, Lord willing. I hope you will look forward to this series. We may return to Psalms of Life at a later date.
If you have ever felt overwhelmed by what you are facing, take a moment to hear what David shares about his battles with Saul and other enemies and see how God delivers him out of every trial and blesses him beyond measure. David's response is thanksgiving and praise. In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Have you ever wondered why the world hates the godly and surrounds them to persecute their lives? Have you ever been envious because it seemed that God was allowing the wicked to prosper and the righteous to suffer? David is going to show us how to petition God for protection but also asked that God would keep us in His watchful care until the day when we are in His glorious presence for all eternity. In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets.Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
David provides a "writing" that gives us insight into how God is the preserver of our lives. Listen as we share 5 ways that God offers preservation to us in the midst of a world full of sin and wickedness. The greatest preservation of all is what God has in store for those who serve Him when they are raised to life eternal and receive everlasting rewards including joy, security, and being in the presence of the Lord at His right hand. In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets.Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
David is going to lead us on a journey to get to God’s holy hill and tell us how to live so that we can dwell with God. There are specific qualities that God has outlined in this psalm that will show us how to be found righteous in His sight. Join in as we explore this passage from God's word. In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets.Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The foolish man denies the existence of God and persecutes the people of God. David reminds us that salvation is coming to the people of God and fools who rejected Him and His will will be punished for all eternity. In this episode, we will address a verse-by-verse study of Psalm 14 to better understand God, His people, and the fools of this world. In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets.Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Is it okay to question God about our suffering in this life when it appears that God is not responding to our prayers? David is going to demonstrate in song lyrics how we can certainly speak openly with God in faith that He will hear and lead us out of our troubles. The result of this deliverance and salvation is our recognition that God deals bountifully with us and we turn to praising and adoring Him in worship. In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets.Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
David provides the way that the LORD can help us when the wicked speak and act out against those striving for righteousness. Listen to learn the ways in which we must trust the LORD.  If you want to support the podcast and secure a Net Cast logo mug, you can get one at Bonfire by clicking this link: In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.
We will uncover three things the righteous can do to live godly in this present age while living in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. David gives hope and faith to the righteous as we seek to overcome the darkness with the light of truth. The goal is to lead people out of darkness into the light with us. If you want to support the podcast and secure a Net Cast logo mug, you can get one at Bonfire by clicking this link: In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord. 
Today we discuss the wrath of God against evildoers and the salvation that belongs to His people. While there are times that we feel like God is aloof and not helping us through calamities, we find that God is waiting to have vengeance against the wicked until the day of judgment. On that day those who have served Him faithfully will reap their reward and gain full relief from the trials of this life. The terrorists of the earth will suffer for their wrongdoing against the righteous at the hand of God. If you want to support the podcast and secure a Net Cast logo mug, you can get one at Bonfire by clicking this link: In season 6, titled Psalms of Life, I have a unique offer that relates to this series in the book of Psalms. If you partner with Net Cast during our sixth season, I want to send you the complete outline for the study, but I will also be including the supplemental PowerPoint slideshows to guide you in your study. If you want to become a partner or donate, you can send PayPal donations using or visit to learn more about how you can get on board with this podcast. I have also added this podcast to where you can send a small gift of any amount to help support the show. Thank you in advance! If you are not able to support this ministry's effort financially at this time, would you please consider doing one of the following? First, please subscribe and continue to be a dedicated listener. Next, please share NetCast with your friends and family and encourage them to subscribe. Finally, consider leaving a review for the podcast so that your positive feedback can encourage others to listen. Take a few moments after we sign off to visit our website at Here you will find transcripts of the podcast on the blog, you can sign up for the free newsletter, become a member and join Net Cast for free, which will give you access to hidden portions of the podcast host site. Don’t forget to check out our social media sites on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Be sure to like and follow the podcast as we use these sites to keep you current on what is happening at Net Cast. Every new episode is announced on these media outlets. Until next time, God bless you richly in Jesus Christ our Lord.