Never A Lie Podcast

40 Episodes
TJ talks about how genuine engagement will open you up to a better understanding of yourself which will, in turn, improve your relationships.
TJ and Vanessa discuss man's perversion of religion, incels, building chemistry and ask the question "Can be born racist?"
TJ discusses the importance of men being emotionally vulnerable first in their relationships.
TJ and Vanessa discuss the fallout from last week's insurrection, non-white white supremacists and much much more. Check it!
TJ and Vanessa discuss Wednesday's white supremacist terror attack on the Capitol building and it's ramifications in the greater scheme of systematic oppression.
TJ and Vanessa discuss the numerous ways in which we are simultaneously subjugated by and benefit from patriarchy. Bless Up.
TJ and Vanessa discuss trust, boundaries and getting the haters outta ya circle. Bless
TJ fields questions from 5th graders about systematic oppression, police brutality and his personal feelings on the Black Lives Matter movement. Resist.
TJ and Vanessa discuss the aftermath of the election and it's connection to their personal lives. Swag.
Amidst the backdrop of the ongoing vote count, TJ and Vanessa give their takes on the current social and political climate in addition to sharing how they are coping in their own personal spaces. Let's Go!
On this episode we're joined by Vanessa Reiser and Maine Payne as we talk about our fitness philosophies, favorite workouts, distance running, training for events, the mind-body connection and much much more. Get inspired!
In this episode, Vanessa Reiser is back. We talk about how Covid has affected our home lives, the vice-presidential debates, the evil that is Trump supporters and knowing your value. Let's go!
Psychotherapist and life coach Vanessa Reiser joins us to discuss her work with narcissistic personality disorder, the presidential debate and much much more. Let's get it!
TJ gets a surprise call and impromptu guest OD. They discuss the parents' responsibility in child molestation cases (MJ and R. Kelly specifically,) Antonio Brown and the NBA. OD also gets lost on the way to the cafeteria. Boom!
#SummerIsComing! Get your mind and body right for the end of cuffing season with this latest episode of Never A Lie. With the new #FitnessTipOfTheWeek and some pointers on how to revamp your living, you will get your shit TIGHT for the new season!
Today TJ talks about an interesting social media exchange, the Superbowl and his pending Knicks fan status. #SummerIsComing
Wanna know how to navigate your relationship no matter what level it's at? Well then this is the episode for you! From being single all the way to marriage and kids, TJ has everything you need to know in order make the best of your situation.
Let's gooooooooooo!!!
In this episode, TJ talks about the lifestyle changes he plans to implement with the coming of the new year, Cintoya Brown's clemency, Polyana Viana beats up a would-be robber and the depths of R. Kelly's awful existence. This one is not for the faint of heart.
On this solo episode, TJ talks about how white people can be better allies to people of color, how men can be better allies to women and how we all can be kinder human beings to each other.
Happy Holidays!
Friend of the show Dave DM joins TJ to talk about Jay-Z's greatness, defending the splash off, dating your kid's mom, having integrity in dating and much more.
Let's go!
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