Nevermind with Reem

Reem's been overthinking a lot lately... or well, her whole life, and now she's got a place to brain-dump it to the world. From girl-talk, advice, stories from her life, fashion, opinions about things that matter and don't; to ugh nevermind.

#11: why am i in mumbai?

so Reem has been a bit MIA and she’s somehow landed up in mumbai for 2 months. why is she here? is she leaving canada? what’s going on inside her head?


#10: i need to talk about taylor swift’s tortured poets

2024 music is for the girls because it looks like every major pop princess is dropping music. let’s talk taylor swift’s ttpd , coachella influencer olympics and more.


#9 : school really made you cooler

reem is almost done moving so she’s thinking of how her life is truly in her hands and she needs to figure it out on her own. She’s reflecting at the time where she didn’t have to worry about it as much and how we just were lucky to have basic education and access to hobbies and more when we were young.


#8: i’m moving?

reem’s making a big decision and a change in her life. if you knew her in person, you’d already know this isn’t a new thought but just a relief she’s finally doing something about it. here’s why she’s doing it.


#7: i hosted a closet sale! (video journal #1)

reem wanted to have a chill day and spill about one of her favourite weeks in Vancouver doing some of her favourite things with her favourite people. enjoy this video journaly/vlog which is the first of many. a fun way for Reem to look back and also share her life <3


#6: living with your siblings (ft. my sister)

It’s the end of an era. Reem and her sister Rai have been living together in a hotel for 3 years and our suite life has come to an end. We end up discussing what it was living growing up and living together (not by choice lol) when we were kids and now what it’s like living together as adults and why it was the BEST decision ever.


#5: boyfriend air

today we are discussing boyfriend air which is basically the brain fog girls get when they become so comfortable around their partners and relax. While this is 100% something reem is guilty of, she also realized some of the downsides of it.


#4: fast fashion ruins everything (my fashion hot takes)

this is not a positive episode and it might make you mad. everyone is talking about 2024 fashion predictions but today we are discussing fashion trends that are going to be out or ...reem just doesn't like.


#3: disassociating with older versions of yourself

ever feel like you have changed so much that you don't even recognize old versions of yourself anymore? reem went back to india after 3 years of being apart from her family and home. since then she has been experiencing life differently and introspecting a lot.


#2: AITA for copying my friend's style? (Fashion Edition Reddit Stories)

this is already going to be one of reem's favourite episodes to do every month. we are discussing "am I the asshole?" but fashion stories from copying people's style, giving unsolicited fashion advice on the first date, and telling your girlfriend what to wear. it's going to be interesting


#1: toxic relationship with my skin and makeup

go big or go home. reem's talking about personally her most intimidating topic; her biggest insecurity, her skin. stories of how most of us develop our insecurities and how she dealt with it.


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