New Beginnings UMC Sermons

Sunday sermons from New Beginnings UMC in Deshler OH

Psalms of Thanksgiving - God’s Love Delivers Us

God’s mercy is cause for thanksgiving; when we cry out to him, he can restore us, even when our troubles are the result of our own sin. When we are exhausted from the hard circumstances of life, we must depend on God and not our own strength.


Be Still: Finding Silence in Journaling

In an always-connected world, we needn’t sugarcoat it: disconnecting and finding solitude is hard. But it is also necessary. Through the additional spiritual practices of journaling, sharing meals, and observing communion, we can experience rest and life with God.


Be Still: Finding Silence in the Sabbath

God calls us to come to him and find refreshment by creating times of sabbath within our lives and families. As disciples of Jesus, we need to develop the practice of sabbath by disconnecting from our work, phones, and busyness to enter intentional times of rest with God, family, and friends.


Be Still: Finding Silence in Prayer

In the midst of the challenges of ministry and a demanding schedule, Jesus would withdraw to solitary places to pray. We can follow Jesus’s example by practices such as entering into the quiet place to meet with God, observing fixed hours of prayer, and prayer walking.


Be Still: Finding Silence in the Solitude

Jesus modeled a life of regularly withdrawing into places of silence and solitude for prayer and refreshment. As disciples of Jesus, we need to follow Jesus by entering into times of solitude and silence, intentionally setting aside time to withdraw from our busy, distracting world.


Gospel of John - Resurrection

Jesus’ resurrection is the firstfruits of our resurrection—if we trust in Him.


Gospel of John - Intimacy

Jesus shows His divinity through His intimate relationship with the Father. Because of Jesus’s finished work, we can have an intimate relationship with God through Him.


Gospel of John - Foreknowledge

We can trust Jesus with our future because He sees what lies ahead.


Gospel of John - Miracles

We should keep discovering God’s character and heart through an ever-increasing knowledge of Him—no matter where we are in our faith journey.


Gospel of John - Salvation

No matter how “good” we think we are, we’re still in need of a loving Savior.


Gospel of John - Divinity of Jesus

Jesus isn’t just a good teacher we should listen to every occasionally; He is God and He deserves our entire devotion.


Fresh Faith: Book of Malachi - Faithfulness

God loves his covenant with his people, and believers are called to reflect this in the world. We must remain faithful to our covenants and to God as a testimony to the truth about our great God.


Fresh Faith: Book of Malachi - Adoration

God desires for his people to express their adoration and devotion to him in the appropriate and fitting ways that he has prescribed. We must approach God with appropriate reverence and adoration; this befits him and provides great comfort and joy for us.


Fresh Faith: Book of Malachi - Fierce Love

God loves his people with a fierce and jealous love that requires them to respond with fidelity and trust. We must recognize the love, mercy, and goodness of God toward his people, and respond appropriately to his love.


Pieces: Book of Job: Friendship

Sometimes, during moments of difficulty, it feels like no one understands us. As a community, we need to strive to provide godly support to those who suffer.


Pieces - Book of Job: God's Sovereignty

Suffering doesn’t always make sense to us, but sometimes suffering can serve a purpose. The world we live in is broken and full of hurt and pain. Evil desires for us to give into that pain, brokenness and yet we have a choice to make. We may follow into that brokenness allowing that to overcome us, or we may choose to remain steadfast in our faith. 


Pieces - Book of Job: Suffering

This six-week series serves as a snapshot of the book of Job, providing comfort and encouragement to those experiencing a difficult circumstance. Have you ever felt broken? Have you ever wondered why? Job’s story is often our story. Yet, even in the midst of pain and suffering, we can trust in the power of our creator. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and good people don’t understand why.


Binge Reading the Bible: The Gospels

The Gospels are meant to showcase the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and the reason for his coming.


Binge Reading the Bible: The Prophets

In the Prophets, God relays his message through inspired men in order to grab the attention of his people and call them to repentance. 


Binge Reading the Bible - Historical Books

God shows his faithfulness to his word given to Israel by blessing and judging them based on their loyalty to or rebellion from him. We can use the Historical Books of the Old Testament to understand God’s faithfulness, his loving discipline, and how our obedience to him can draw others to faith. 


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