New England Motorsports (HPDE, Time Trails, Autocross and Track-Days)

Just 3 Chill guys who love motorsports shedding light to HPDE, track-days, time trials, Autocross in the New England Region. Authors: Timothy Tran, Phillip Jue, Michael Lopez

Episode 4. Lotus Talk with Yousuf

Evening track talk with no outline for this podcast. We get to hear Yousuf this time!Lotus talk, tire talk, 2021 season talk.


Episode 3. Canaan Motorsports Park

Just 3 Chill guys who love motorsports shedding light to HPDE, track-days, time trials, Autocross in the New England Region.Episode 3: Canaan Motorsports Park (part of the New England track review)


Episode 2. Formula 1, previous/past cars, random

Episode 2: This series we step away from the New England theme for a bit and talk about Formula 1, previous car ownerships and other random motor talks.


Episode 1. Thompson Speedway Road Course

Just 3 Chill guys who love motorsports shedding light to HPDE, track-days, time trials, Autocross in the New England Region. Episode 1: Thompson Speedway


Tim Tran

New England motorsports talk

07-10 Reply

Randy Ippolito

Thanks guys, some good info!

07-08 Reply

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