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New Mindset, Who Dis?

New Mindset, Who Dis?

Author: Case Kenny

Subscribed: 6,069Played: 305,958


Hi, I’m Case Kenny (@case.kenny on Instagram) and this is my twice weekly podcast where I offer practical thoughts on self improvement, mindfulness and how to live your best life.

It’s a different kind of podcast. I'm just a dude living his life sharing some perspective. No gurus, no fluff and no preaching of generic life advice… just my thoughts on self-help, wellness, and mindsets with practical and personal insights on how to live a passionate, purposeful and happy life.

Join me Mondays and Thursdays. Let's go!
712 Episodes
In this episode, I'm joined by entrepreneur, author, and intentional living expert Sahil Bloom to talk about why scoreboard we use to measure our success, our wealth, and our life worth is WRONG. We talk about the 5 types of wealth and how recognizing them can help you re-design your life.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about making friends as an adult. I talk about "fitting in" vs. "connecting" and a three-stop method for connecting with people who share your "weirdness."My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about the power of being direct and straightforward with yourself... and others. I talk about getting out of your own way and refusing to live in the gray areas of life.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I chat with Peter Crone, a thought leader in human potential and performance who helps people redesigns their subconscious mind. We talk about the stories we tell ourselves, the way they shape our reality, and his quote "Life will present you with people and circumstances to reveal where you’re not free.”My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about what it means to enter your "renaissance era." I talk about expanding your definition of love to be "the energy of life that ties you to something bigger than yourself" and how life-changing this definition can be.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about worrying. I talk about a mindful way to "simplify" your worry, embrace the idea of "dukkha," and feel lighter.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about "points of no return" - the line in the sand you should draw before going into a relationship. I talk about how to establish them AND how to love freely and eagerly knowing you have your own back.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about the art of "detachment." I talk about a mindset that says, "let go of the mirror and open the window."My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about red flag behaviors that indicate someone is not truly invested in you (friends, partners, business, etc.) I talk about actions over words and how to spot patterns with them.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about why our expectations for others are setting us up to be disappointed. I talk about who deserves our high expectations and who doesn't, and how to break the cycle of always feeling disappointed.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I sit down with #1 New York Times Best-Selling author Gabby Bernstein. We talk about Internal Family Systems (IFS), a transformative approach that helps you rediscover your Self—your authentic, compassionate, and grounded core—empowering you to lead your life with clarity and purpose.Join Gabby on her Change Your Life Tour in New York, L.A., San Francisco or Boston book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about why peace of mind comes from being unrushed in life. I talk about letting go of expectations and timing to find your peace of mind and never look back.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about letting go and the art of becoming self-assured. I talk about why we let other people's insults amplify our own insecurities and how to let go of their opinion.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about emotional safety in a relationship. I talk about why it's not what we think it is, and questions to ask yourself to determine if your relationship is grounded in safety.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about happiness as a goal vs. happiness as a result of living life fully. I talk about pressure to be happy and how to escape our circular search to find it.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about positive vs. negative mental filters and how they create the reality of your relationship. Are getting flowers genuine vs. are they asking for forgiveness? Is a compliment real or manipulation?My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about how to free yourself from fear of embarrassment. I talk about how to live freely and without any fear of being "cringe."My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about the root cause of people pleasing. I talk about "fawn response" and how to push back against fear of conflict.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about the antidote to fear of rejection. I talk about our relationship with uncertainty and how a simple mindset can help us embrace its magic.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about why it's only a matter of time until the tables turn in your favor. I talk about giving yourself credit for 5 things you're doing that are pointing you in the right direction in life.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
Comments (41)

Maryam Ghojavand

brilliant! well said.

Apr 25th

mahsima hajiloo

Thank you for creating this podcast.

Jan 6th

Diana W

Author: Joseph Campbell “If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take."

Jul 13th

Elisabeth Ritter

that was really not fair for Ghostbusters :) just saying

Feb 15th



Feb 11th


Thank you man🌱❤👍

Feb 11th
Reply (1)


very insightful!

Jan 24th


love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu ❤❤❤🪴

Dec 3rd


thank you man!

Oct 8th


I’ve been listening and deleting podcast after podcast because the hosts spend my valuable time patting themselves on the back with much hot air and lots of “f-words.” This one is honest-to-gosh helpful and knowledgeable. This fellow treats us with dignity and respect. 5 stars!

Sep 22nd

Manifesting Angels (Bones)

this was very timely for me and really helped switch my thinking. thank you.

Sep 6th


BEST podcast!

Aug 22nd

Little potato

Last night I was thinking what the heck is with me?! Why I feel so much? Why is it irritating for me to be fit in? and today I listened yo this episode. Thanks, I was about to give up on me...

Aug 4th

Jessie Carrigan

fantastic podcast. Case provides some great, genuine advice with good intentions

Jul 29th

Mary Kropiwiec

Spot on and exactly what I needed to hear at exactly the right time! Thank you!

Jul 2nd

Tamika Honeyeyez Jones

Such an on time message.

Apr 13th

Saria Nixon

I ghosted people before for directly opposite reasons from what you mentioned. I didn't have the nerve to tell him that I, at first, wanted to be friends and now I want a relationship.

Mar 4th


content starts after 45 seconds. Long intro music is not necessary.

Dec 1st

Saria Nixon

oh man! Rejection and regret!!!

Nov 30th


All episodes are great but personally this one was one of my most favorites

Nov 20th