News Story of the Week

Each week I'll look at a different story in the news - and add to the story with comments from me and Ernest O'Neill.

News Story of the Week – More Stress and Anxiety Worldwide – and a Truth that can Free Us From Them

An article titled, “US Leads in the Worldwide Anxiety Epidemic” was posted online in April this year. In it Dr. Alison Escalante quotes a Gallup survey based on ten’s of thousands of interviews worldwide. Anxiety and stress levels are up at record levels, especially in the US. These and anger levels are high across the population and are especially felt strongly by young people. Dr. Escalante suggests techniques how these problems can be dealt with. Instead of techniques Ernest O’Neill in this talk tells about a truth – rather than a technique - as the sure way of being free of the problems of anxiety, stress, and anger.Support the show (


News Story of the Week - Let Go of a Grudge

In this episode, a recent online article talks about how we love holding a grudge. But they are harmful to our health - and they don't hurt those we hold the grudge against!So it's good not to hold a grudge - but we should forgive. Ernest O'Neill gives different reasons why we should not hold grudges but forgive.Support the show (


News Story of the Week: Loneliness - An Answer

In this edition of News Story of the Week we look at the worldwide epidemic of loneliness.We look at a recent story that describes the situation well like a Woody Allen movie does -- but doesn't give a solution. The audio part of the podcast by Ernest O'Neill offers a lasting answer.Support the show (


News Story of the Week - Suicide on the Rise in the US

An earlier study this year showed that the suicide rate was decreasing world-wide, but was going up in the US. Here is what seems to be truth to speak to someone who is contemplating suicide:Support the show (


News Story of the Week - Feeling Inferior

Looking at YouTube - there are many videos and video channels coming up when you search on "Feeling Inferior." Some have 500,000 + views! Many of us are looking how to not feel inferior. Ernest O'Neill comments on this.Support the show (


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