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Newsy Pooloozi - The News Pod for Kids
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Newsy Pooloozi - The News Pod for Kids

Author: Leela Sivasankar Prickitt, Lyndee Prickitt

Subscribed: 78Played: 1,753


Newsy Pooloozi is a weekly, world news podcast for smart kids and curious adults, covering science, animals, space, tech, culture, entertainment, sports… and even politics! The family friendly podcast is presented by a British-Indian-American mother-and-daughter duo, covering the world in a fun and engaging way. Newsy Pooloozi also has kid correspondents from all over the world — Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. The New York Times calls us a "news variety show." We're also on the NYT's Top 30 Podcast For Kids list (under our former name, Newsy Jacuzzi)! We are a proud Kids Listen member too. @newsypooloozi
186 Episodes
In world news this episode, it’s World Environment Day – and that means – bring on the good dirt and soil. Plus, results are in from the world’s largest election ever held, yes, we’re talking about India. And, think you know your continents? Well, is Zealandia on your list? It should be as scientists map a newly discovered continent – hear our special report from “down under.” Also, feeling hungry? How about a handful of snails? They love them so much in Spain that thousands gather for a snail festival. And, finally, hear why some New Yorkers are getting scary with their laughs!
On kid news this week...An orangutang in Indonesia is found doing something fascinating with a leaf after he get a wound on his face we're talking break-through self-medication! Remember our story on whale-talk? Well, we have an update on efforts to decipher the code. Plus, an update on the man who got a pig kidney transplant. Also, way down under they're blasting rockets to the sky-find out where and why. And heard the one about the Great Dutch racoon escape? Well, you will if you stay tuned till the end!      
In wacky world news for kids this week… We have a double dose of board game news – from the release of a new, noncombative Scrabble edition to a new Indian teenage superstar on the chess scene. We give you the lowdown on both, plus some backstory about the games. Also, learn how scientists are going to use AI to translate whale-speak. Staying with nature – two freakishly huge fossils are found that might creep you out. And a stowaway cat uses one of her nine lives and gives new meaning to a prrrrrrfect parcel – to find out what happened, you gotta listen to the podcast!
In honor of Earth Day we have four environment and nature stories… Talk about grasping at straws – wait till you hear about the new cages being used to protect and rebuild Florida’s dying coral reef! Speaking of the environment, you won’t believe what a big group of Swiss grannies did to get their eco-warrior credentials. Taylor Swift releases her 11 album – hear what records she broke doing so. Hear a special report about a different kind of “swifty” from Indonesia gives new meaning to “spit and sawdust” when it comes to making their nests. And in Turkey a dog-squad are on the prowl in a major airport to help relieve stressed out travelers. All that and more this week!
In world news for kids this week... Fake diamonds are on the rise, but it’s not all as dodgy or criminal as it sounds... Also, a US man and a genetically modified pig kidney make history in a ground breaking transplant, a Scottish grandmother turns into a game rand wins a fan - following despite, or because of her grumpiness and in France the beloved breakfast bun- the croissant -is "crossbread" in more ways than one!   
In kid news this week… Researchers uncover amazing ancient and medieval tools... from the 1700-year-old egg (that still has its slimy yolk intact!) and a map that proves how well people got along. Plus, the results are in on how effective a four-day-week is, plus Ariana Grande and her grand gran break records, Major League Baseball is wrapping up its spring training before the official start of the season – we have a special report from Arizona – and two UK soccer teams give new meaning to the phrase, “pull your socks up!” Have a listen to hear all that and more in your regular dose of wacky world news!
This week in kid news from around the world – new, wild looking aquatic species are discovered off the coast of Chile, scientist also discover the world’s tiniest loud fish from Myanmar – and when we say loud, we’re not joking! Plus, NASA observes a new planet covered in hot water, Daylight Saving (or is it Savings?!) explained and the shroom-sprouting frog India. Yes, you read that correctly. But to find out what that actually means, have a listen to this episode now!
In kid news this week – mobile phones are banned in UK schools in line with European cell phone bans, India’s massive solar and wind park in the salt plains of Gujarat, the world’s biggest cruise ship takes week-long jaunts and Spain’s tiniest escape room creeps us out! All that and more on your wackiest wrap of world news.
Gong xi fa cai, everyone! Say what? Happy Chinese New Year, of course. Hear our Year of the Dragon special with reports from China, Taiwan AND South Korea this year from our team of kid correspondents – find out how their families celebrate the biggest event of their year and the story of the first “monster” that inspired the celebrations! Plus, find out what’s causing the “blood rain” in the United Kingdom and what dust from the Sahara Desert dust has to do with it. And hear how a town in Italy is using DNA for a “poop patrol” to locate and fine lazy pet owners.
In world news for kids (and adults!) this week… India sees the grand opening of the new Ram Temple in Ayodhya, but not everyone is happy – we dive deep to explain why. Also, a major discovery is found hidden beneath the Amazon rainforest – not just remains of the Upano people, but – thanks to laser technology – it’s discovered they were a vast and sophisticated civilization. And did you have any idea how dirty fast-food fumes can be, never mind posh cooking in big, fancy kitchens too? Well, some clever scientists in Sweden have an innovative solution – the Lepido device – for upcycling food fumes. And in Britain a zoo tries – again – to stop foul-mouthed parrots from creating a naughty pandemonium!
Happy Lohri and Pongal, everyone! No idea what those are? Never fear – this is your round-up of South Asia’s winter sun harvest festivals. Plus, scientist find miracle volcanic clay caused ice ages and in strict Singapore cats finally get credibility and can be pets in public housing after all. All that and more this week on the best news pod for kids, Newsy Pooloozi!Also – did you hear our call-out last week? We’re expanding our team and accepting applications for MORE kid correspondents from anywhere all over the world – as long as you speak clear (and enthusiastic!) English and are curious about the world! Send us a voice note stating your name, where you’re from and where you live now (if they’re different) along with the answers to these three questions: What do you like doing in your spare time, what is your favorite class in school and which Newsy Pooloozi story has stuck with you the longest? Send the voice note to  and we’ll be in touch. We’re also looking for any older kids or adults who’d like to join our content writing team and/or our social media team. Drop us a line if so! 
Hello and happy new year, everyone! Firstly, we want to say THANK YOU for being such dedicated, steadfast listeners to our wacky world news podcast! It’s a lot of work but a labor of love we’re not ready to give up. However… we ARE going to make some changes to our output in 2024, so have a listen to our special announcement to find out the details. More importantly, we are also opening applications for new kid correspondents and writers to join the Newsy Pooloozi team so we can keep this international curiosity club going! Listen for more details and write to us at if you're interested.
As we get ready to dive into a new year, we wanted to look back at the past 12 months – the highs and lows – of news and current events. Yes, we’re talking about the Best of our Big New Stories – from the heavy stories of war and natural disasters to many stories of progress and hope. And, well, ChaptGPT which sits somewhere in the middle of it all, doesn’t it? Enjoy the reflection – we’ll be back with regular world news (the big, the wacky and all that in between) soon!
As a little holiday gift, we bring you... laughter, of course. Yes, have a listen to the wackiest world news stories from the last 12 months in this Best of Oddball round-up episode. It's guaranteed to make you smile more than once!
It's that time of year for our Best Of's - listen back to our best nature and animal stories of 2023! From the resurrection of the wholly mammoth to giraffes that do math, squirrels that sniff out more than nuts, goats that help fight fires and why chimpanzees gesture - this is the best wrap of wacky world animal stories you'll hear anywhere. Plus have you heard the beautiful - if not a little weird - sounds of the ocean? Or the giant seaweed blob that was headed for Florida? And if none of that appeals - two words: cat vaccine. But this revolutionary innovation is for your cat to take, not you! 
In kid news this week… Good news on the environment and innovation front - natural resources are being used to capture nasty carbon dioxide - from using limestone to suck it up in California to Italy’s cyanobacteria that likes to snack on it. Also, the latest dinosaur news in both Brazil and Mongolia, the history and wonder of Germany’s Christmas markets (Weihnachtsmarkt!) and China’s sleepy students lean into that doozy post-launch feeling with the help of new desk-beds!
In world news this week… Wild “super pigs” are on the rampage in North America, bears are on attack in rural Japan, blue whales return home to the Indian Ocean and a green mamba venomous snake is on the loose in the Netherlands - all that and more this week!
This week in world news for kids… Creepie crawlies – love them or loath them – we need them! But they’re on the threat of extinction, which is why a new study is being launched in the US. Over in Indonesia, though, it’s good news – their echidna mammal has come back from the brink of extinction. India scores another Guinness Book of World Records entry for its many-many Diwali diyas. And up in a northern Swedish city there’s a campaign to be neighborly – by just saying… oh, well, listen to find out!
 We give you a special rerun this week of our Autumn Festivals Capsule -- from Asia's Hungry Ghost Festival, Diwali, Guru Nanak to the West's Halloween, Day of the Dead, Bonfire Night, Thanksgiving and more!
In kids news this week… We’ve all heard of electric cars, but what about electric ROADS? Well, this is happening in Sweden where they’re charging on the move! In entertainment news, find out what new chart – typically dominated by middle-aged men – popstar Taylor Swift enters. And most of us have heard the expression (phenomenon!) of being “Rickrolled,” well in our second offering of Slange Explained we give you the entire wacky backstory. And did you know a small town in Pennsylvania had its very own mummy? Well, not anymore. Find out why on this week’s episode of Newsy Pooloozi! 