Next Gen Now with Rudina Seseri

Next Gen Now with Rudina Seseri is your inside track to technology, innovation and the startup world. Rudina bridges listeners with the braintrust of the business world, speaking with early adopters and industry-leading innovators. Each week she gives you a backstage pass to the people designing, building and marketing the companies, products and services of the future.

The New Paradigm of Pervasive Connectivity

Discussing The New Paradigm of Pervasive Connectivity and how it impacts our lives and society as Rudina Seseri welcomes Dr. Brad Berens with Big Digital Idea Consulting and USC Annenberg Center for the Digital Future. A trusted ear and adviser to senior executives and entrepreneurs, Brad Berens has enjoyed a wide-ranging career with powerful storytelling as an organizing theme. From his long tenure as the Global Chief Content Officer at dmg events, research and strategy work with the USC Annenberg Center for the Digital Future, editorial and marketing work at iMedia and EarthLink, mentoring of startups (including at the Portland Incubator Experiment and the Nike+ Accelerator), and going back to his time as a Hollywood story analyst and award-winning teacher of Shakespeare and writing at U.C. Berkeley, Brad moves gracefully from the digital world to the “real” world and back again.


Owlet Smart Baby Monitoring with Jordan Monroe

We learn about Owlet Smart Baby Monitoring as Rudina Seseeri speaks with Owlet Founder and CMO Jordan Monroe. The Owlet Baby Monitor is designed to alert you if your baby stops breathing and it’s the only monitor to use hospital technology—pulse oximetry (you probably know it as the little red light they clip on your finger at the […]


The Internet of Things with Jamyn Edis

Discussing the Internet of Things and how it becoming so pervasive in our lives as Rudina Seseri speaks with Jamyn Edis, the CEO and Founder of Dash Labs. Jamyn Edis is the founder and CEO of Dash, a connected car platform. Jamyn is also a mentor and investor in Techstars, the world’s premier technology accelerator, as well as […]


Tech Trends for 2016 With Amy Webb

Talking Tech Trends for 2016 as Rudina Seseri speaks with author, futurist and Founder of Webbmedia Group Amy Webb. She explains how she “used a six-part methodology beginning with seeking out those on the fringes doing unusual experimentation or research. Next I look for patterns using my CIPHER model, where I identify previously unseen contradictions, inflections, […]


Cloud Technologies and the Growing Cloud Business

As CTO for Cloud at Pivotal, Colin Humphreys is responsible for the company’s big picture strategy and roadmap for our cloud platform offerings. Colin joins Pivotal from its acquisition of CloudCredo, where Colin was co-founder and CEO. Colin led the installation of the first SLA-driven production Cloud Foundry deployment, delivers tooling to the Cloud Foundry community, and is a regular conference speaker on PaaS-related topics. He also organizes the London PaaS User Group, and is passionate about “Infrastructure as Code”, “Continuous Delivery”, “Devops”, and “Agile Testing”. Colin has spent the last 15 years sitting on the fence between development and operations, delivering solutions for eBay, Volkswagen, Paypal, Cineworld, and others.


Co-founder and CDO

Today on Next Gen Now Rudina Seseri is joined by Johanna Hartzheim from Qleeks to discuss how music and technology are intersecting in response to consumer preferences.Qleeks are shortcuts to playlists, artists and podcasts. They combine the intimate experience of a record with the convenience of online streaming. They have customizable artwork and make playing online music a simple ritual with the touch and visceral appeal of wood. The company is backed by Bolt, a VC for hardware startups. We're a team of 3 co-founders, myself who leads product development, Ismail is the CEO and Pierre-Rudolf the CTO.They are currently shipping a pilot of 500 units worldwide and have a backlog of 2000 direct orders. Qleeks also have pending POs from Urban Outfitters and Amazon. And are signing deals with indie labels for exclusive content on the Qleek store.


Music Technology: Intersecting Consumer Preferences

Music and Technology: Intersecting Consumer Preferences as Rudina Seseri is joined by Johanna Hartzheim from Qleek. Qleeks are shortcuts to playlists, artists and podcasts. They combine the intimate experience of a record with the convenience of online streaming. They have customizable artwork and make playing online music a simple ritual with the touch and visceral appeal of wood.The company is backed by Bolt, a VC for hardware startups. We’re a team of 3 co-founders, myself who leads product development, Ismail is the CEO and Pierre-Rudolf the CTO.They are currently shipping a pilot of 500 units worldwide and have a backlog of 2000 direct orders. Qleeks also have pending POs from Urban Outfitters and Amazon. And are signing deals with indie labels for exclusive content on the Qleek store.


Effectively Drawing Media Attention With A Startup

Today on Next Gen Now Rudina Seseri is joined by Scott Kirsner, Writer at Boston Globe.  Scott Kirsner-writes the weekly "Innovation Economy" column and blog for the Boston Globe and  They discuss how a startup can effectively draw media attention, as well as some examples of the critical factors to success.


Neil Gupta and Virtual Reality

Today on Next Gen Now Rudina Seseri is joined by Neil Gupta, Deputy Program Manager on Draper Laboratory’s Venture Engagement Team.  They discuss virtual reality and how it is different from augmented reality, as well as how large the market opportunity is and several other points.


Changes For CMO's in the Technology Space

Today on Next Gen Now Rudina Seseri is joined by Anita Brearton and Sheryl Schultz, co-Founders of CabinetM.  They talk about the CMO world, and the overall marketing function in the technology space changing dramatically over the years.


Shaping Awareness and GrowthTrajectory

Discussing The Role of PR in Shaping Awareness and the Growth Trajectory of a New Startup Company as Rudina Seseri speaks with Mike Farber, partner and founder of LaunchSquad


New Wave in Intelligent Devices

Join Rudina Seseri as she chats with Steve Chambers, CEO of Jibo about innovation  in the field of consumer robotics.  Steve describes the new wave of innovation in intelligent devices, and lead us forward into how we emerge with the space of social and consumer robotics.


Drizzly and the World of On Demand Mobile Apps

Join Rudina Seseri as she opens the door into Drizzly. Drizzly is the app that is changing the way wine and spirits get into the hand of consumers. With the first on-demand wine and spirit delivery app. Rudina delves into the mind of Nicolas Rellas the creator of Drizzly, and finds the seed that turned Drizzly into a reality. While also touching base with the structure of Uber with the comparing and contrasting of Uber to Drizzly.


Social Media and Social Tools in The 2016 Presidential Election

Jim Anderson, CEO of SocialFlow talks to Rudina Seseri about the role of social media and social tools in the upcoming 2016 Presidential elections.


Impact of Emerging Digital, Mobile and Social Media on Publishers and Content Platforms

In this inaugural episode, host Rudina Seseri discusses the impact the emergence of digital, mobile and social media have had on publishers and content platforms with her guest Galen Moore, Editor in Chief at Streetwise Media.


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