Next Level BizTech

This podcast is designed to provide that next level of education for today's Technology Advisors, telecom agents, VARS, and MSPs. Learn how to swing outside of your weight class and grow your wallet share with today's business technology solutions.

Ep.119 Managed Services Unleashed in 2024 Pt.2/3 with Jon Lloyd of CBTS

Jump in today as we go deep into why we are seeing so much success in managed cloud, network & security with Jon Lloyd, Practice Principal of CBTS. Jon unearths some killer deals and strategies around how their team can take deals from start to finish by selling new gear, managing and taking over existing, or full-blown migration with Application and Development along the way. Don't miss drop after drop of Jon's notes from all the success!


Ep.118 Managed Services Unleashed in 2024 Pt.1/3 With Chad Muckenfuss

Catch this must-see episode as we interview one of our own, Chad Muckenfuss, from the Telarus Sales Engineering team. We kick off the title track of Managed Services Unleashed: Transforming the Business Landscape for 2024! Chad introduces you to his background, methodology, and how he learns. All this is to help you in your discussions with customers regardless of tech stack. Chad touches on cloud, security, and more, along with some key wins that solve major business problems. Listen long enough and you might hear how Chad is the only engineer you know with a farm!!


Ep.117 Inside the IoT Revolution Meet the Innovators Shaping Tomorrow's World! Pt. 3/3 with Thomas Hamilton and Phan Nueman

Don't miss the IoT Revolution as we meet the Innovators shaping tomorrow's world with Thomas Hamilton and Phan Neuman of Smart City Tech Bridge. Thomas and Phan drop nugget after nugget as we talk about how they've taken so many IoT needs back to business conversations and are always uncovering additional product needs and solving more problems than expected. They share some killer strategies about uniquely positioning yourself by understanding what the different verticals need. You might even hear about how there is a black market for hospital beds and how they've solved that problem for customers experiencing theft!


Ep.116 Inside the IoT Revolution Meet the Innovators Shaping Tomorrow's World! -Vince Bradley Pt 2/3

Don't miss today's episode with Vince Bradley, CEO of Abundant IoT, as we meet more champions of the IoT Revolution and the innovators of tomorrow. Vince has such a unique niche in the channel as we discuss everything from Mobility, IoT, sensors, EV Charging Infrastructure, and even ESG(Environment, Social, Governance). Did you know we can help your customers with energy both gas and electric? Did you know there are credits to unlock? Did you know you can help a business be more valuable with a higher ESG Score? Well, don't miss this episode if you want to learn more as Vince unpacks it all!


Ep.115 Inside the IoT Revolution: Meet the Innovators Shaping Tomorrow's World! - Graeme Scott Pt.1/3

Jump in today as we kick off our session titled - Inside the IoT Revolution: Meet the Innovators Shaping tomorrow with Graeme Scott, VP of Mobility & Advanced Networking of Telarus. Not only might you hear about Graeme's past as a Cruise Ship Director, and he was sales-focused even then, but you'll also hear tons of nuggets about Mobility and Advanced Networking. Graeme and I talk strategy, misconceptions, and top sales tops we're see that open conversations and close opportunities. Don't miss it!


Ep.114 Mastering AI Sales Strategies for Tech Advisors in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape with Jason Lowe

Join us for this special episode about Mastering AI Sales, where we dive deep into AI and what's coming in the near future as we understand the incubating AI companies that are in the mix already in Silicon Valley. We explore a great AI Tsunami tweet out there by Chrys Bader. It's 157+, to be exact! Listen in as Jason Lowe and I break down these product areas, understand existing products in the channel, how the customers can improve current technology, and, more importantly, how we talk to customers about them and meet them wherever they are on their AI journey.


Ep.113 Cloud Powerhouse Unveiled How Managed Services Elevate Azure and AWS! Pt. 3/3 With Nick Hawley

Don't miss this episode as we wrap up the popular hyperscaler track titled: Cloud Powerhouses Unveiled: Elevating AWS & Azure with Managed Services! Our amazing partner jumping in today is Nick Hawley from Portfolio Communications. Nick has a historied past from Molecular Biology to now being this amazing customer advocate at Portfolio and is so incredibly passionate about technology in what his customers need. Nick tackles key topics such as how to expand in accounts, what he's seen with customers, and how he's been able to help them no matter what the environment. Listen long enough and you might even hear about how he helped a customer at their worst when the FBI had been asking questions. You'll have to listen in to catch those details!


Ep.112 Cloud Powerhouse Unveiled How Managed Services Elevate Azure and AWS! Pt 2/3 With Donavan Brady

Today we’re joined by industry expert Donavan Brady of the Rapidscale/Logicworks family. Donavan is the Director of Solutions Architecture an heavily entrenched in the hyperscalers. He has a unique glimpse into many complex AWS & Azure environments. Not only does he get to see first-hand, where customers are struggling, he has a plethora of services to help manage all the complex products customers struggle to manage on their own. If your customer has significant spending on AWS or Azure, don’t miss this episode as we talk cloud, AI, AI, and more AI!


Ep. 111 Cloud Powerhouse Unveiled How Managed Services Elevate Azure and AWS! Pt 1/3 with Mike Kowalski

Jump in today with Telarus's Data Center and Cloud Architect, Mike Kowalski. Mike and I discuss AWS and Azure and how managed services elevate those opportunities and environments for partners. We discuss AWS, its $100 billion run-rate, and why that's such a great opportunity for partners with migrations, management connectivity, and more. Mike opens up some secrets of the program that might make that conversation a little lighter on your customer's wallet.


Ep. 110 AI Overload The Mind Blowing Ways Artificial Intelligence Elevates CX! Pt. 3/3 With Audra Lindell

Listen to this episode with our incredible partner, Audra Lindell, from Lucidia IT. You'll hear from Audra about how she went from being a mechanic and her time in the service to being the CX Practice lead at Lucidia. You'll hear the depth of how she goes into battle and helps customers scope out projects, leverages all different types of AI and CX technology, and ultimately provides dramatic improvements from what the customers had before.


Ep.109 AI Overload: The Mind-Blowing Ways Artificial Intelligence Elevates CX! With Dan O'Connell of Dialpad

Listen in today as we talk to industry-leading expert, Chief AI & Strategy Officer of Dialpad, Dan O'Connell. We first learn as Dan started at Google when it was sub-300 employees and how that journey has progressed into an acquisition that propelled him into this role at Dialpad, where he's managing not only Strategy and AI but must distill down what the products are that market needs. There's so much on AI and CX that you don't want to miss all the ideas Dan drops for partners!


Ep. 108 AI Overload The Mind-Blowing Ways Artificial Intelligence Elevates CX! with Sam Nelson

Today with us is Sam Nelson, VP of the CX practice, coming to you from the Telarus Studio as we roll into 2024. Sam brings in some exciting things already happening with AI and CX deep down the productization path. We talk about how to layer in expertise and products around a modernized contact center and a legacy contact center. The great thing is that it doesn't matter which they are in, there are options to wedge in and help with both. Don't miss as AI is what the customers are asking about and tasked to figure out!


Ep.107- The Art of Digital War Strategies from a Security Technology Leader. With Guest Armando Diana with Fortinet

Join us today as we talk to a provider who is an absolute pillar in the security space with Fortinet. Join us as we talk to Armando, Director of Product Marketing at Fortinet. Armando goes over product strategies where we hear what all the end customers are asking for, what the CIOs need to hear, and some exclusive content on how to market to a few specific customer titles!


Ep.106 Shocking Security Sales Blunders. Help Your Customers Quickly! Pt 3/3 with Jeff Sharon

Tune in today as we bring in Security expert & incredible Telarus partner, Jeff Sharon of Cenergi. Jeff has been a big proponent of Advanced Solutions for years, so he’s seen many successful conversations and a few security blunders along the way. With Jeff, we will take a few perspectives. We hear him share what he’s seen unsuccessful competitors do in the market, along with vendors' mistakes. Jeff offers great insight, things to avoid, and key strategies to focus on for a successful security sale!


Ep. 105 Shocking Security Sales Blunders: Help Your Customers Quickly! with Jake Weaver of Lumen

Come along as we talk to the new best friend you didn't know you needed with Jake Weaver, Advanced Solutions Consultant from Lumen. As we talk Security Sales Blunders, Jake walks us through the vast security product portfolio of Lumen. We cover everything from Virtual CISO & SOC to Managed Detection and response, Incident Response, and everything in between. And the great thing is....You have access to all these offerings right now in the Lumen portfolio! Don't miss and Jake covers quite the wide array of offerings!


Ep. 104 Shocking Security Sales Blunders Help Your Customers Quickly! With Jason Stein Pt. 1/3

Today in the studio, we're joined by Jason Stein, Telarus VP of Security. Jason talks about blunders in the sales process we've seen in deals, from vendors, and even from customers. We take this new look with multiple perspectives with some great lessons learned to gleam. You might also here some interesting information about the Russian Spies!


Ep. 103 Unlocking Cloud Potential Strategies for 2024 and Beyond Pt. 3/3 with Daniel Beckworth

Today, we wrap up our first series of 2024 as we venture into Unlocking Cloud Potential with strategies that will work this year and beyond! On with us for this episode, we have Daniel Beckworth of WhiteOak Solutions. Daniel originally joined us in Season 1 for SASE and SDWAN, but now we talk infrastructure and transformation. Daniel gives some great advice along with some customer trends he sees in the market. We even talk about the Open AI framework, 2024 Cloud Sales approaches, how to confidently employ your customers where you can help them, and more!


Ep 102 Unlocking Cloud Potential Strategies for 2024 and Beyond! with Mac McClenathan of 11:11 Systems

Jump in as we talk about secrets to unlock cloud sales in 2024 with Mac McClenathan of 1111 Systems. Did you know Mac was a musician and started his journey down to Nashville? Buckle up as you hear the story, along with the massive cloud practice 1111 has to serve as a key Zerto and Veeam partner. Mac shares insights for a successful cloud strategy and how they've had big success growing that naturally into security as well!


Ep. 101 Unlocking Cloud Potential Strategies for 2024 and Beyond with Koby Phillips

Jump in as we get things rolling in 2024 with Season 3 and Koby Phillips. Koby joins us to talk about strategies for 2024 and beyond as it relates to Cloud. Koby shares important lessons from a previous mentor, along with some key examples where he's seen projects be successful and some of the things that keep projects from going to completion. All great tips for partners to listen in to!


Ep. 86 Revisited- CX and Your Journey into the Omnichannel World with Guest Meagan Thai

New episodes launch next Wednesday, Jan 24, 2024. Today, we are revisiting the legendary CX Solution Architect Meagan Thai of Telarus. We discuss how Omni-channel is still so critical to understand, what some of the latest trends partners need to be aware of, and huge tips for more success when talking to customers to put yourself in their shoes!


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