Next Level Leaders with Dr. Joseph Walker, III

Next Level Leaders, hosted by Dr. Joseph Walker III, lead pastor Mt. Zion Nashville, provides useful and insightful resources to help leaders RISE (Reimagine, Invest, Succeed, and Elevate). Each episode addresses the intersect between Christianity and the marketplace through conversations with successful leaders. Listeners will be mentored, inspired, and challenged to succeed at the next level. Tune in and start moving from vision to reality!

How To Lead Until They Get It

Have you ever been frustrated trying to move a vision forward among people who just didn't get it? We all have. This episode will give you practical strategies on how to get everyone excited about the vision God has given you. You will learn how to get them to see it so you and your team can realize it.


Preventing Your Flaws From Becoming Your Failures

All leaders have flaws, but there are things you can do to assure that you are not hinder by them. You can put certain things in place to assure productivity and preserve the integrity of your vision. This episode will show you how.


May 14, 2024 - Eliminating Entitlement

Entitlement is more common among organization and their teams than you might think. People make assumptions that are incorrect and often attempt to assert unrealistic expectations upon leadership. As a next level leader, it is important that you confront entitlement and create a culture in your organization where hard work is rewarded rather than just reward those who assume they deserve it.


Trusting After You've Been Hurt

Leadership comes with many stripes. Leaders are often in the bullseye of pain. When hurt, it is important that you continue to function at a high level How do you accomplish this? How do you trust and again and who should you trust? This podcast will answer those questions.


Managing The Moods And Morale Of Your Team

One of the most important lessons leaders can learn is that our team takes our lead. How we assist people through challenging seasons is a witness to our ability to lead. This episode will give you some practical tips on how to manage the moods and morale of your team.


Lessons In Closed Doors

Closed doors can be discouraging, especially when you've given it your best effort. Dr. Walker reveals that all closed doors are not bad. When you understand the possibilities that exist when doors are closed, it will help you regroup and position yourself for greater opportunities in the future. This episode will encourage, empower and enlighten you as a leader.


Don't Let It Change You

Success can change any of us without us being aware it is happening. Humility and consistent character are values that assure your continued success as a leader. Dr. Walker explains how pride hinders our efforts and gives you suggestions on how to remain consistently you when things around you change.


How To Deal With Constant Complainers

Nobody likes complaining people around. It can be deflating when you are constantly critique by people who always find fault in your best efforts. This episode will help you navigate through the negativity and continue to produce at a high level. You will also gain tips on how to engage complainers and invite them to participate in the facilitation of your vision.


How To Overcome Complacency

One of the enemies to success is complacency. In this episode Dr. Walker explains how to remain progressive in the fulfillment of your vision. You will receive practical tips on how to identify the signs of complacency and overcome them. If you are feeling a little sluggish and weary in the journey, this one is for you.


Tips For Personal Development

Every leader should desire to get better everyday. in this episode, Dr. Walker shares some of his personal tips on what keeps him growing and thriving in every area of his life. This will change your life and help you reassess your habits.


Defeating Next Level Temptation

Every level of leadership presents new challenges. The most common is temptation. This episode helps you identify the temptation and overcome them. You will get a very clear game plan on how to defeat the intent of the enemy and excel in your career without becoming a casualty to temptation. 


Staying Right When People Go Left

You can't always control people and their decisions to disconnect from you. What you can control is how you respond to it. This episode address the sensitive topic of broken relationships and the offense that either caused it or is manifesting as a result of it. You will learn how to remain consistent in your character and gain practical tips on how to move forward with your vision. 


Next Level Leaders - 215th Episode - March 5, 2024 - How To Bring The Best Out Of Others

Great leaders make others excel. When you are entrusted with a team, each person should feel the impact of your influence and example. This episode will give you guidance on how to influence others to become their best selves. 


February 27, 2023 - How To Handle Seasons Of Slumps

Every leader experiences slumps. This episode helps you confront the source of the slump and plow your way out of it so you can produce at an optimal level. Experiencing a slump doesn't make you a bad leader, however staying in  one jeopardizes your ability to lead effectively. This episode will change your life. 


How To Manage Expectations

Leadership is tough work. It often collides with the expectations of the people we serve. Managing expectations is about making sure you develop boundaries within your organization. This episode will help you have the necessary conversations with others so that they can reset and reimagine expectations.


Maximizing Social Media

The world of social media is vast and fast. When used responsibly, it can be one of the most effective tools for you as a leader in expanding your brand and creating awareness. This episode gives you some helpful hints on how to develop, build and create engagement on your platforms. 


How To Start Over

Every leader must develop the capacity to bounce back after a setback. This episode is about regrouping and starting fresh. You will receive practical principles on how to start over effectively and exceed previous expectations. 


The Call Comes With Clarity

This episode is designed to help you sort out the direction of your assignment. Whatever God calls us to comes with clarity. We should never accept random opportunities. Everything we connect to has a cause and a clear destination.


Next Level Non-Negotiables

This episode will give you seven critical areas that should never be compromised. Leaders must possess wisdom as they navigate opportunities. You will gain clarity on why your values matter. This is about not always winning the game but living to play again.


How To Stay Locked In On Your Vision

Focus is the key to victory. Avoiding distractions is the key to your success as a leader. This episode will help you avoid the pitfalls that keep so many people from achieving. When you stay locked in great things happen and they will begin now.


Shirley Scott

Thank you for the valuable nuggets shared in this podcast. 👏🏽🫶🏾

01-24 Reply

Shirley Scott


07-25 Reply

Shirley Scott

As always, THANKS for the nuggets and moments to learn.

04-04 Reply

Shirley Scott

Great podcast! Thank you for the tips and reminders of how to overcome intimidation.

03-28 Reply

Youlanda Allen

Bishop, I am truly learning to be still in this season. There was a time that I didn't turn anyone down that called upon me, but I began to realized that everyone was resting and I was getting burnt out. I could barely think straight or make sound decisions. I have more clarity and I am now able to hear God speaking to me again.

02-09 Reply
















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