No Fluff Wellness (For Teachers)

Are you tired of listening to podcasts that only supply useful information during the last few minutes? No Fluff Wellness will provide bite sized but life changing mental and physical health information that you can utilize immediately. This podcast was built for teachers but provides information that anyone can employ.

Are You A Winner?

In today's episode we will discuss what makes a winner versus a loser and how you have been putting yourself in the wrong category.If you are interested in the 14 Day Eye-Catching Reflection Challenge, use the link below. 


Your Sense Of Sight Is Keeping You Blind

In this episode, we are going to talk about how your vision is actually setting you back with your goals. Then we are going to discuss the solution. 


The Magic Of Affirmations

If you aren't taking advantage of this magic, then you are missing out. Let me explain why.


No More Pats on the Back or Hand Claps

Let's discuss why we should no longer be looking for congratulations from family and friends.


Bad Days

Bad days. We all have them. In this episode of the Elevate series we are going to discuss what to do during the days when you do not feel like doing what is needed to be done, and why it is so important. 



Average is not a destination. Let's talk about elevating to a level where you are supposed to be. 


The Secret Way To Learn More

Many people believe that they do not have the time to read. We are going to discuss the importance of reading and ways to increase your reading speed without negating your understanding. 


Hurry Up And Relax

We take for granted how important relaxation is in our lives.  In this episode we discuss the benefits of daily relaxation and how to get it done.


The Right Time For Improvement Is The Wrong Time

We tend to believe that there is a "right" time to begin goals. In this episode we talk about how when it appears to be the worst time is actually the best time.


The 5 Biggest Regrets of the Dying

Not the happiest of topics today, but I do believe that we can learn a lot from those that have lived before us. Find out what the 5 biggest regrets of the dying are so that we can work to not have them for ourselves. 


What Supplements Should You Take?

This is a topic that is discussed frequently because there are so many options out there in this multi-million-dollar industry.  I will talk about which supplements I am currently using, and which supplements you should be taking. 


Your Self-Confidence Sucks And I Will Prove It, Then Improve It.

Most of us under value self-confidence and do not realize that our self-confidence is not at the level it should be. Today's episode will supply a test to reveal where your self-confidence is and how to elevate it. 


The Power 100

This episode discusses how simple action every day can transform your entire life. We will discuss what The Power 100 is and how you can use it today to get the results that you are looking for,


You are going to force dependency

Today's episode is not for the faint of heart. We are going to use no fluff as we discuss the result of taking care of everyone else more than taking care of yourself. 


The One Thing You Are Missing In Your Fitness Journey- and it's not will power

In today's episode we delve into the one thing you need to start or continue your fitness journey. Many people believe that their lack of will power prevents them from achieving their fitness goals. In reality, will power will increase automatically with a focus on one thing in particular.  We will discuss what that one thing is and 5 ways to increase it. 


This Is The Only Way You Will Fail

In today's episode we will discuss the only single way that you will not succeed with your health and fitness goals. One way, and one way only. I will also reveal some exciting news at the end of the episode. 


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