No Sex Please - I'm religious

A fun but serious look at religious attitudes to SEX over the centuries and the discrimination that many groups have suffered. These have included people of ALL sexualities, faith and no faith at all. Proceeds from the Podcast help us support LGBTIQ refugees in Africa and other places.

Fiona Patten - Former MP: A very Reasonable Person; Author of Sex, Drugs and the Electoral Role

My interview with the lovely Fiona Patten, former Member of the Victorian Legislative Council in Melbourne, Australia. Author of Sex, Drugs and the Electoral Role. Fiona talks about her achievements in parliament and we discuss the importance of healthy attitudes to sex for people with disabilities, including the abuse Fiona received for helping a disabled woman find sexual fulfilment. ( Parliament, her achievements were many including the *  Medically Supervised Injecting Centre in North Richmond,* Safe Access Zones from protesters around fertility clinics. * Voluntary Assisted Dying laws – initiated inquiry that led to reform* Sex work decriminalised* A Spent Convictions Scheme for criminal records in Victoria* Uber and ridesharing legalised* Pandemic Legislation for Victoria* Leaving foster and out of home care age extended from 18 to 21 years.Please support the podcast so that we can continue our work for LGBTIQ refugees in Africa helping them build small businesses to provide for themselves. Without our support they simply cannot the show


Scared of Sex - Medieval Monks and Others

Interview with Michael BarbezatOh dear! Those religious medievals were quite obsessed with SEX. In this conversation, David Ayliffe interviews Michael Barbezat, a research fellow in the Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry at the Australian Catholic University. They discuss the intersection of religion and sexuality, particularly in relation to sex shame and conservative religious beliefs. They explore topics such as biblical interpretation, the views of theologian (Saint) Augustine on sex and pleasure, the repression of pleasure in religious contexts, and the changing views on sexuality throughout history. They also touch on the importance of open communication about sexuality and the need to support LGBTQ+ individuals in oppressive societies.See "Sex - Medieval Men's Flow Chart (sorry)"TakeawaysThe medieval view of sexuality was primarily focused on procreative sex, with non-procreative sex seen as sinful.The repression of pleasure in religious contexts has had a lasting impact on societal views of sex and sexuality.The interpretation of biblical texts has evolved over time, and different theologians have had varying views on sexual ethics.The intersection of religion and sexuality continues to be a complex and evolving topic, with diverse perspectives and interpretations.Open communication about sexuality is crucial for creating a more inclusive and accepting society.Chapters:00:00 Introduction and Background02:16 Michael's Interest in Religion and Sexuality03:56 The Catholic Tradition and Sexuality05:28 Michael's Specialty in Medieval Studies06:24 Religion's Role in Persecuting LGBTQ+ Individuals07:54 Biblical Literacy and Interpretation08:52 Multiple Senses of the Bible10:37 The Revised Standard Version Bible and Translation of Homosexuality12:06 The Challenge of Changing Religious Beliefs13:17 The Unchanging Teachings of the Church14:30 Augustine's Views on Sex and Pleasure15:10 The Repression of Pleasure16:04 The Connection Between Pleasure and Love17:06 Sex as a Symbol of Human Disorder18:25 Sex Shame and its Impact on Everyone19:21 The Harmful Effects of Purity Codes19:49 The Flow Chart of Medieval Sexual Ethics20:54 The Division Between Procreative and Non-Procreative Sex22:23 The Medieval View of Homosexual Sex23:05 The Role of Pleasure in Reproduction24:04 The Diverse Views on Pleasure in Medieval Theology25:07 The Repression of Pleasure and its Consequences26:17 The Challenge of Integrating Medicine and Theology27:12 The Uncontrolled Potentials of Pleasure28:09 The Need to Balance Pleasure and Goodness29:06 The Changing Views on Marriage and Relationships30:24 The Labor Unit Function of Families31:18 Homosocial Environments and Institutions32:54 The Repression of Sexuality and its Psychological Impact33:58 The Impact of Silence and Repression36:27 The Importance of Open Communication about Sexuality38:06 The Urgency of Supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals in Oppressive Societies39:28 Conclusion and Call to ActionSupport the show


Maria, What it is to be a true ally

Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli has gained national and international recognition as a writer, researcher, lecturer and consultant in the issues of cultural diversity, gender diversity, sexual diversity, family diversity, HIV/AIDS, and social diversity in health and education, with a specific focus on adolescence and young people.She understands the horror that can come when a group within society is marginalised and hated just because of who they are. The fight for respect and freedom for LGBTIQ people in East Africa shows how hatred turns to violence and murder and reduces humanity to its most base levelPlease support the podcast so we can save more lives. the show


Wanke for President - The Candidate who wants to ban Mrs Doubtfire.

Republic candidate 2024 Presidential Primaries, Wilbur Wankenschtrop, Founder of the Purity in Culture Movement - announced he plans to introduce legislation to ban Mrs Doubtfire and all films that feature cross dressing of any kind if elected President of the United States of America.  The The following is a transcript of an interview between Wanke, as his friends call him, and Lisa  from American Public Broadcasting.Oh, and it is a bit of fun really but why wouldn't the ultra conservative fearful Trumpists see Mrs Doubtfire as a threat?Please support us as fight the battle against the hate preachers and legislators who want can't just 'Live and let Live' or even 'Love and let Love' but want to kill LGBTIQ people simply for who they are.... the show


Melbourne is Handsome - Refugee Story

Robert Kasozi arrived in Melbourne on 29th March 2023. He has been a refugee escaping homophobic and cultural hatred of his LGBTIQ community for over 6 years.  Every day in Kenya was a day wondering who would be attacked, imprisoned, raped or murdered of his friends. If it wasn't violent attacks it was simply starvation. These people cannot survive without the generous support of others who pay for safe house rents, food and medical care. Robert is keen to start studying for a new career. He is hardworking. Has worked in building and construction but now is looking at becoming a forklift driver. At 37 he thinks he is ageing and certainly the stresses that he has faced in his life have left their mark.Please support people like Robert as we advocate for change in East Africa. Uganda's new strengthened homophobic laws against the LGBTIQ community will see more refugees escaping murder, bashings, imprisonment and uninvestigated violent crimes.Please support Humanity in Need - Rainbow Refugees from $10 a or or to David Landis-Morse for providing a venue for small welcome lunch for Robert and another refugee friend at The Sycamore Tree Cafe, Heidelberg Uniting Church.Support the show


America Hiring a Hitman 101

If you are a good conservative Christian in America there are probably lots of people you’d like God to kill, but if he doesn’t, what do you do? Hire a hitman? That tale wags shortly.Well, I ain’t a conservative Christian but I can tell you I wish more Christians today were as compassionate and loving as many of my atheist friends. This week, a 21 year old Congolese refugee died in Nairobi. We struggle to raise funds to keep refugees alive and didn’t know about this boy. He had kidney disease and efforts from his friends to raise money for his medical treatment failed. He had lost family, his homeland and everything. Now, his life. Who cares? He was a gay refugee and the hate preachers have a lot to celebrate. Please help us help people like this young man with the first name Christian. Ironic eh. to the hitman piece.Ok America, it’s time to hire a hitman in the same way you elect a President. Forgive me, I’m just an Aussie being sarcastic about your culture. Don’t worry, I can be sarcastic about lots of other cultures too, especially my own.So you need a hired killer for a job. It seems to me the following questions should apply, some of which would also apply to a Presidential Candidate.1st Question; Is he/she Christian?2nd Question: What Church do they go to regularly?3rd Question: Are they on the Ministry team?4th Question: Do they value good moral principles?5th Question: Do they condemn homosexuality?6th Question: Do they own a gun and can they fire it?7th Question: How many people have they killed?8th Question: What are the gory details?SUPPORT human beings who happen to be LGBTIQ Refugees through this podcast through: or our appeal, the whole article on: the show


Purity (Un)cultured: My Hardware Store Sex Talk, aged 29

Purity Culture was just another religious aberration in regards to sex introduced to protect, (read, ‘control’), Christian teenagers. Not only was sex before marriage a sin it was a quick and easy pathway to unforgivable slutdom for women. In a good old misogynist salute to patriarchy it was a bit more forgivable but a forever shaming sin for boys. So, best practice, don’t ask, don’t tell.Clare Heath McIvor had her own battle with purity culture but she is an amazing woman. Her story told on 60 minutes late last year. With her husband she left her father’s church which they claimed was not a good place for her or the gay husband her father encouraged her to marry. Please subscribe and if you can give just one dollar, please help us through to support LGBTIQ refugees who have suffered a living hell in Africa where it’s about to get worse.The story was recently featured in Melbourne’s Age and the Sydney Morning Herald newspapers. It also featured on Channel 9’s “60 Minutes Program” in November 2022. Read more on my Medium blog: McIvor writes on her blog www.kitkennedy.comClare’s blogging website is Her podcast website is https://www.unchurchablepodcast.comThe Age and SMH story: 60 Minutes expose: the show


Silentium: When the worst cruelty is silence!

Closest I've come to swearing on my podcast. This a disturbing piece with claims of abuse of two young gay boys through hazing (initiation) at St John's College, Sydney University in 1985. I first came across this in 2018 when I found, the page the artist put together to tell the story and celebrate the Archbishop's Mitre (funny hat) he laboriously created to tell the story. A real "up you" to the religious hypocrits who know power but not love.I have two stories on Medium that relate to this: the show


Saying NO to Ultra-Right, White Supremacist, World Conquering Religion

The New Evangelicals podcast founder Tim Whitaker talks to Cath and David about his work and passion, and confesses rising from the death of his fundamentalism. As for purity culture with such high and unreasonale demands upon young church goers, he says that led him to vomit after experiencing his first kiss!  Not a welcome response for the kiss recipient we're sure!Yet another reason why "No Sex Please - I'm religious!" exists.What a privilege to have Tim join us. With over 500,000 downloads to his podcast, created in the first year of Covid lockdowns, and a large community of people committed to principles that separate them from those who are power driven, money hungry and haters of sex, particularly LGBTIQ, the future for this movement looks exciting.Support the show


Growing up with Dave Allen and the teenage fundamentalists!

Guess who forgot to check his microphone. Checked everyone else, but me!Interview with  @IWATF (WTF I hear you say?) "I was a teenage fundamentalist" is an award winning podcast. (We give them our top "Fiery Restitution award).Hosts Troy Waller and Brian McDowell former Mega Church leaders in Pentup-costalot churches.Visit their site co-host Cath and I were delighted to connect with these guys and the great work they are doing.It's time religious conservatism and fundamentalism learned the message of love is for everyone.Strange how humanists seem to have it better than many Christians.Please help us support LGBTIQ refugees hated well by so many despising preachers on coming soon for a giggle.Support the show


Talking Sexy with Deacon Ross

Please subscribe and if you like the podcast support us on begin with mention of some articles worth reading about the bad behaviour of people who say they believe in God, but who wants to know a God like they believe!!! Kenya's President William Ruto and fear of LGBTIQ people: blogger Jonathan Poletti's (93,000 followers on Medium) article on mega pastor TV evangelist"A child rape scandal at John MacArthur’s church has Evangelicals brawling": podcast doesn't claim to be Christian but some of our interviews will be with practicing Christians who embody the message of love and inclusion that great people of faith, and no faith at all, have embraced throughout history.This interview is with Ross Murray,  a gay man married to his husband, and a Deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Ross is the founding director of The Naming Project, a faith-based youth ministry and summer camp for LGBTQ youth and their allies. He has worked with youth and families in a variety of settings, and presented LGBTQ youth ministry throughout America.In his day job, Ross is Vice President of Education & Training at the GLAAD Media Institute, providing activist, spokesperson, and media engagement training and education for the LGBTQ community members, corporations, the media industry and advocacy organizations desiring to accelerate acceptance for the LGBTQ community. Ross has secured national media interest in stories that bring examples of LGBTQ equality across diverse communities in America, with a speciality in the relationship between religion and LGBTQ people.He is a producer for the “Yass, Jesus!” podcast, a faith and sexuality-affirming podcast that believes you don’t have to pick between gay and God. In 2014, he was named one of Mashable’s “10 LGBT-Rights Activists to Follow on Twitter.”His book, Made, Known, Loved: Developing LGBTQ-Inclusive Youth Ministry is available from Fortress Press. Ross has also contributed to two books focused on LGBTQ Christian youth: Queerfully and Wonderfully Made and Welcoming and Affirming. He is a member of the 2021 OUT100 and was named one of Mashable’s “10 LGBT-Rights Activists to Follow on Twitter.”Support the show


Sex Shame Alive and Well in Africa

Sex Shame is alive and well in Africa. In Uganda, as in no doubt many countries mother's can't give their daughters the "sex talk" - they are too ashamed. So it is the task of the aunts. Boys don't receive "the talk" at all. Not from men in the family, not from school, and not from their religious leaders. They learn from older boys."IF IT'S NOT DISCUSSED - IT'S DISGUSTING!"So when girls become pregnant outside of marriage it's shameful.When boys father children outside of marriage it's shameful.Same-sex attraction is particularly shameful and can result in vicious beatings, being thrown out of your home or worse - filicide, when a father kills his own son.Onics is a good man.  I have known him for a couple of years, and through Humanity-in-Need we have been supporting his safe house in Nairobi. Thankfully he is now, we hope 'safe', in America. The painful story of his life journey to now as an LGBTIQ refugee, is told in my interview on various streaming platforms.  It is called "This Christmas - The Truth about Life for Queer Refugees in Kenya and Uganda."Look for the 'No Sex Please - I'm religious' podcast or find it through my website Visit help this vital work continue through Patreon or Paypal.  Any gift large or small will be the show


This Christmas - The Truth about Life for Queer Refugees in Kenya and Uganda.

Christmas should celebrate love amongst families and friends. But it's not always a happy time, especially for Queer refugees in Africa and around the globe. Good parents normally love their children no matter what.  What happens when this fails?One of the worst episodes in my friend Onics Bukenya Yusuf's life occurred when he was discovered with his boyfriend at school in Uganda. His late father's biggest regret was that he didn't bring his machete to the school to finish him off.  How can love die so quickly?I have known Onics for around 2 years and he is not the only person with whom we have worked in supporting Queer refugees in East Africa. Life for these people is horrendous, facing violent oppression and death for who they love. Thankfully, Onics is now safely in the U.S.A. but he is still working with the safe house he started in Nairobi to support refugees who are not entitled to work and who sometimes can only live on the streets reverting to sex work to survive.In this interview, he tells his story. I have not heard it before and I have to tell you I found it heartbreaking as my questions took him back to dark periods of his life that he would rather forget. The enemy is culture - often fed by religion - requiring families to stop loving their child because he/she/they don't fit the acceptable mould that is what the community expects.  Where in this is love?I ask how can I not love my children. How can I not love my grandchildren?I understand a little because I spent years in a fundamentalist cult where there was a strong belief in good and evil. Similar thinking to that which made Onics life miserable. Such thinking now makes me sick. Where is love?Please listen and please consider supporting our work. The Patreon link is embedded in each podcast. Please, please also share the podcast with your friends. Humanity matters. Justice matters. Love is everything, but indifferent silence kills.Support the show


Doctors without knowledge discuss Church Shame and Sex

Our small panel today, Humanity in Need board members Brian Coogan, Dr Cath Connelly and me, David Ayliffe. Being grateful for the interview with Dr Tina Schermer Sellers and her experience growing up in a progressive Swedish household where sex shame did not exist, we contrast that with other experiences and the impact on the LGBTIQ communities in Africa where it is not only a sin, but a crime to be anything other than missionary positioned heterosexuals.Support the show


Sexologist Debunks Sex Shame

My first published interview for the podcast is with Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers, a licensed sex and gender feminist psychotherapist, best-selling author, researcher, emeriti professor, and media personality whose expertise spans sex therapy, spiritual intimacy, parenting, and social justice. Her revolutionary perspectives have been expressed on platforms such as Spirituality & Health, Refinery 29, Vocal, Medium and Bust Magazines, along with many podcast, radio, news, and TV interviews. Known for exposing the impact of sexual shame on our ability to securely attach to our partners, and instruct our children to attach to theirs, Dr. Sellers’ book Sex, God, & the Conservative Church – Erasing Shame from Sexual Intimacy has had a global impact. Her latest book, Shameless Parenting – Everything You Need to Raise Shame-free, Confident, Kids and Heal Your Shame Too! was a New Release Bestseller in five categories. She speaks throughout the world on how to heal, and how to raise shame-free relationally confident children. Tina can be followed on Instagram @DrTinaShameless. the show


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