Nobody Is Doing It Right

<p>Welcome to Nobody Is Doing It Right, a podcast for those who are uncertain. This is where I share my thoughts, insights, and empathy about being someone who doesn’t really know what she’s doing. We are often told that we need to have it all figured out at a certain point and throughout my journey, I’ve learned that nobody really does…and that’s okay! Join me as I talk about these struggles and feelings surrounding mental health, personal development, relationships, and being an artist. Let’s try and figure things out one step at a time!</p>

The Potential You See in Others Is the Potential You Wish Others Would See in You

In this episode, I talk about the concept of potential and how it might actually be signifying something about your relationship with yourself.If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →   Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Avoidance Is a Sign That There's Something About Yourself You Don't Want to See

In this episode, I talk about what it might mean if you notice a lot of avoidance in your relationships or life circumstances.If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →   Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


When You Expect to Hear "No", You'll Stop Asking For What You Want

In this episode, I discuss the importance of asking for what you want. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →   Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


This Is Exactly What You Wanted

In this episode, I share an important message for anyone on the brink of self-sabotage. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →   Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


You Exist Outside of Your Own Head

In this episode, I talk about how you are more than what happens inside your head and that you need to integrate the physical world into the experience of your life. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →   Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Making It Easy for People to Have Access to You Isn’t an Act of Kindness

In this episode, I talk specifically to people-pleasers who think that not having boundaries is the only way to show and receive love. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →   Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


If You Don't Decide on Something, Something Will Be Decided for You

In this episode, I talk about how whether you choose or not, something will be chosen. You can’t control everything, but if it’s in your control then you owe it to yourself to decide mindfully. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →   Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Rest Is a Requirement

In this episode, I talk about the necessity of rest and how I’ve learned to stop seeing burnout and fatigue as shameful.If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →   Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


For Those Who Feel Behind In Life

In this episode, I explore the concept of being behind in life and offer a few reframing techniques to change how you perceive your timing. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Failure Only Exists If You Believe It Does

In this episode, I talk about how believing something to be a success or failure is dictated by how you choose to perceive it, not by a universal rule. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


We Show People How We Believe We Deserve to be Treated

In this episode, I talk about the importance of treating yourself the way you want to be treated by others. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Do You Just Want Them to Disprove the Negative Beliefs You Have About Yourself?

In this episode, I talk about how sometimes it might not be that we actually want that person for who they are, but for how we hope they can change the way we think about ourselves.If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


How Self-Sabotage Is Tied to the Fear of Abandonment

In this episode, I explore self-sabotage and how it relates to the fear of abandonment. I also offer some tips on how to distinguish between what’s actually not right for you and what’s just self-sabotage holding you back from what you want because you don’t believe you are worthy of it. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Risk Losing Them

In this episode, I talk about why you should risk being authentically you to see if someone is meant to be in your life. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Show Yourself Examples of What You Want to Achieve

In this episode, I talk about why it’s important to surround yourself with evidence that your desires are possible. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


The Struggling Artist Trope Is Ruining Your Creativity (and Life)

In this episode, I rant about how if you believe that your art (or life) is only worthwhile when it’s a struggle, then you’ll convince yourself that you’re never good enough as you are.If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


You Have to Accept Before You Can Redirect

In this episode, I talk about how you can only change your direction once you accept your current circumstances, despite how uncomfortable that feels to do. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Constantly Doubting Yourself Is an Act of Disrespect

In this episode, I talk about how not trusting or believing your decisions, feelings, or experiences will slowly chip away at your self-worth. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Aim for Bad

In this episode, talk about why aiming for bad will help you lower the stakes of your goal to take one step closer to achieving it. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


Don't Make Your Identity Sacred

In this episode, I talk about the importance of challenging the idea you have of yourself in order to experience tangible change throughout your personal growth journey. If you like my thoughts and insights follow me on my socials below for more! To be clear, I am not a therapist! I am just very interested in and passionate about self-awareness and personal growth :)Book a 1:1 session ☕️💻🌿 →  Read my articles or support my content on Substack 👩🏻‍💻 → Find me at:Website:    Instagram: @kat.eleftheriouTiktok: @kat.eleftheriou


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