Nonpartisan Red Pill Men’s Group

We talk about women, dating, relationships, sexuality, and politics from a nonpartisan perspective.

Do Women Have Game?

Do women have game? We read the section on "Girl Game" in Rollo Tomassi's book, the Rational male. Then we begin our discussion of "game."


Lead With Your Masculinity!

Lead with your masculinity, not your wallet. You want a woman to have a genuine burning desire for you, not your money. So don't try to impress them with what you have. Impress them with who you can do. 


Do Women Still Need Men to Support Them Financially?

Do women still need men to support them financially? Most women are independent financially. Yet most attractive women continue to demand that men be capable of financially supporting them. Equality has wrought unexpected changes. Men are sexless and alone. Many are turning away from marriage and long-term commitments. Women are demanding six-figure incomes, home ownership, and disposable income. At the same time, women seem uninterested in intimacy and more interested in other things. Women and men are looking for different things. Why is this and what must change to bring love and romance back into relationships. 


Your Ass is Not the Prize!

Who is the prize in dating relationships, Men or women? 


Is Monogamy a Goal or a Byproduct?

Is Monogamy our goal or is it the product of dating nonexclusively?  “The feminine imperative pounds into men’s collective consciousness over the course of a lifetime that monogamy will cure loneliness, make them responsible, provide them with a constant supply of sex, and a host of other things that assure them it’s “the right thing to do” and that it’s in their best interest.” Rollo Tomassi, The Rational Male This month we will discuss the section on monogamy as a goal rather than a byproduct of dating nonexclusively. Join our discussion of the role of monogamy in the modern world. Women are welcome to attend. Please register at We are reviewing the Plate Theory sections of Chapter 2 of Rollo Tomassi's book, "The Rational Male." We will cover the following topics: abundance and scarcity, Non-Exclusivity, Transitioning, Goal-State Monogamy, and Lady's Game. This month we will be covering the section on Goal-State Monogamy. Rich Procida, a relationship pioneer and early pro-feminist activist, author of "Social Issues in Global Perspective: Pornography," attorney, and survivor of sexual abuse who minored in the Study of Women and Men in Society at the University of Southern California, will lead the discussion. To join us, register at


Dating, Relationships, and Systemic Injustice

I appear on the Love and Dating Gurus with Dr. Dan podcast. 


Female Promiscuity and Male Sexlessness

Men are dying. They are killing themselves with drugs and alcohol and committing suicide at far higher rates than women. They are often the perpetrators of violence. Mass shooters are mostly young men. They are turning to authoritarianism and make up a large portion of far-right extremists and MAGA activists. What's wrong with men? New studies show that implicit bias is strongest against men. Men are more the subjects of implicit bias than people of color or the poor. Men have become the public enemy number one in our culture. They are viewed as dogs and trash, among many other things. The saying, "Women need a man like a fish needs a bicycle" has become popular among Women who no longer need financial support from men. Studies show that women are happier being single and no longer want to love and take care of a man. All of this has a profound effect on men. Pining for the past when they had more authority, Men are turning to drugs, alcohol, suicide, and authoritarianism. June 11, 2023, at 2 pm, Richard Procida, an early pro-feminist activist, the author of "Social Issues in Global Perspective: Pornography," and the leader of the Truth and Democracy Coalition will lead a discussion about "What's Wrong with Men and What to do about it." A survivor of severe sexual abuse, he will tell his story, address the problems facing men today, and talk about what needs to happen to move men back from the brink and back to sanity.


Are Women More About Looks than Men?

Are women more about appearance and looks than men? It is said that men are all about looks, but men are actually much more forgiving about appearance than women are. Women may consider factors other than appearance, but when they consider appearance, they are much more unforgiving about looks than men are. Women are rejecting 80% of men on dating apps while men are pursuing all types of women. 


Should Women Ask Men Out?

Cathy asks how we think a man would react to a woman asking him out. 


How to Date Non-Exclusively

Here we cover the section on non-exclusivity in Rollo Tomassi's book "The Rational Male." In this part of the discussion, we talk about how to date non-exclusively and why men should date non-exclusively.


No! The Sexiest Word a Man Can Say

What is the most sexy word a man can say to a woman? We talk about this and other issues in dating and relationships. 


Ethical non-Monogamy? Women Don't Respect Commitment

Relations between women and men are undergoing great change. Women are redefining relationships and the words we use to describe them. What is "ethical non-monogamy, and how is it different from dating which is often non-exclusive? A lawyer, professor, and scientist discuss dating and relationships. 


Dating Non-Exclusively

An introduction to plate theory, which is to date multiple people honestly but not exclusively. Is it right, wrong, or just weird?   


Unrestrained Hypergamy

In this episode, we discuss the consequences of hypergamy, women's and men's sexual nature, and the possibility for change. 


What's Wrong with Men? My Sexual Abuse Story

I tell the story of my history of sexual abuse. Then we consider the problems men are facing when dealing with women's behavior.


Conflicts in Dating

I discuss some basic conflicts between women and men in dating. 


The Alpha Male and Female Desire

We discuss the good and bad Alpha traits that women are attracted to.         


What is an Alpha Male?

In this episode, we talk about what it means to be an Alpha Male #RedPill #Sexuality #Relationships #Dating  


Don't Go Full MGTOW!

Why I don't want to go full MGTOW (Men Go Their Own Way). 


Lessons From Valentines Day

One female and one male explore their difficulties with dating with Rich Procida. 


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