North Sound Weather Minute

Western Washington's North Sound Meteorologist Ted Buehner offers Puget Sound region weather information beyond the forecast and addresses listener questions in each Weather Minute Podcast.

Why Are Weather Reports At Airports?

Comedian George Carlin made a joke about this topic, yet there are solid reasons why weather measurements are primarily made at airports. Listen to learn why that is the case.


This Season's Hurricane Outlook - Is It Important To You?

The hurricane season outlook was just released. The North Sound does not get hurricanes, but you may have relatives and friends, or plan to visit hurricane prone areas this summer and fall. Listen to learn what the outlook offered, why, and what is needed to better prepare.


Does It Always Rain on Memorial Day Weekend?

This Podcast answers that question and the answer may surprise you!


The Day Mt St Helens Erupted - I Was On Duty

May 18th is the anniversary of the eruption of Mt St Helens. I was on duty that morning. This Podcast recalls my experience and the actions taken, including a unique phone/radio call from a pilot at the mountain when it blew. You've got to hear this!


Warm Weather and Cold Water - A Drowning Mix

This Podcast addresses the issue of emerging warmer weather and cold area waterways that can lead to cold water shock related drownings. Steps to take leading into National Safe Boating Week can help save lives while still enjoying the water are shared.


Warming Up For Mother's Day Weekend

This Podcast describes why the weather will turn sunny, dry and much warmer heading into Mother's Day Weekend. In addition given the time of year, what precautions to take when outdoors.


Listener Question - Can Tornadoes Occur Here?

Several listeners asked if tornadoes can occur in the North Sound. This Podcast answers that question and includes what to do if a thunderstorm with a tornado approaches.


Is It a UFO or a Cloud?

What is that thing over Mt. Rainier? Is it a UFO or a cloud? Learn what is really happening here plus its history by listening to this Podcast.


Latest Weather Outlook Through This Summer

A new seasonal outlook was just released. What does it have in store for the North Sound through this summer? This Podcast answers that question.


Peak Season for the Puget Sound Convergence Zone

You've heard the term. What is the Puget Sound Convergence Zone? And now it is prime time for this weather phenomenon. Learn all about the convergence zone by listening here.


Spring is Peak Rainbow Season

This time of year is the peak of the rainbow season. Learn how rainbows are created and how you can share your rainbow photos by listening to this Podcast.


Monday is the Partial Solar Eclipse for the North Sound

This Podcast describes what a partial solar eclipse is, when it will occur, will the weather cooperate to see it, and what special eye wear is needed.


End of Frost Season is When?

This Podcast addresses the question many North Sound gardeners are asking - when is the threat of frost gone and I can plant seasonals in my yard? Listen here for the answers.


No April Fools! Time to Remove Studded Tires

In Washington State, March 31st is the deadline to remove studded tires off vehicles. Learn why that is the case and what fine is possible if caught with studded tires starting April 1st.


The Latest Spring and Summer Weather Outlook

This Podcast addresses the latest seasonal weather outlook for the North Sound for the rest of this spring and through summer. It also addresses the chance for another Heat Dome like we had in late June 2021.


America's Deadliest Landslide - 10 Years Later

The Oso/SR 530 landslide occurred 10 years ago. This Podcast honors those who lost their lives, and reviews what happened on that tragic day. A new memorial will also be dedicated, commemorating those who died 10 years ago.


The Spring Equinox - What Lies Ahead?

The Spring Equinox is upon us. What weather is anticipated for the rest of March as well as spring and summer, and what may be the impacts? This Podcast addresses those questions.


Early Spring-like Weather This Weekend - Are You Ready?

The spring equinox is still days away, but this weekend's weather is going to feel spring-like. If you are an allergy sufferer, or have had no sun exposure since last fall, are you ready? Listen to learn the details about how warm it will get and how to prepare.


How Is The Mountain Snowpack Doing?

This Podcast addresses how the mountain snowpack is doing and can it catch up to average by the usual peak of the season - April 1st, plus the key impacts if the snowpack fails to reach average.


Spring Ahead and Change Your Weather Radio and Smoke Detector Batteries This Weekend

Daylight Time returns this weekend. This Podcast addresses the health impacts and serves as a reminder to change batteries in weather radios and smoke detectors to help save lives.


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