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Now, That's What I Call Green.

Author: Brianne West

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Join Brianne West, environmentalist and social entrepreneur, as she wanders through the world of 'sustainability'. "Now, That's What I Call Green" busts myths, shares the science, and talks about the amazing world we live in (with lots of cute animals). Does rewilding help? But what can I do? Are electric cars better? Is it too late to do something about climate change? Why don't sharks have bones? For those curious about the environment and eager to make a difference, tune in for a non-judgmental, evidence-based approach that is all about progress over perfection.
23 Episodes
Big news! Now, That’s What I Call Green is going to become a weekly podcast! I have put the business podcast on hiatus and we will be going weekly podcasts here, but there is a twist. We’ll be alternating between different styles of episode. On one week you’ll have deep dives and interviews, but on the other we’re going to be something new, and that’s what we’re doing today. It’s time for This or That, where I analyse different options and reveal the most environmentally friendly option and for our first episode we are going to start off with some big topics, and you’ll have a chance to win free ncrediballs by listening. In this episode I share:  -         An update on the direction of the podcast and a few changes -         What this new bi weekly style of episode is going to be -         Comparing baths and showers and which is worse -         How much power it takes to heat bath water -         Dishwasher vs hand washing  and which is worse -         Things you can do to  lessen your impact if you use a dishwasher -         What the worst option for all straws is -         The best option for reusable straws -         The problem with reusable straws -         How you can win free incrediballs from listening to this episode  Key Quotes  "The dishwasher wins. Hooray! No more hand washing. Or does it?"  “I have a passionate hatred for baths. They’re like human soups.”  “You fill the sink, you wash the dishes, then you let them drip dry…or am I washing dishes wrong?”  You can get involved with the podcast online: Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
This is going to be a very deep episode. We’re talking human rights violations, genocide and human trafficking and it all comes down to the devices you use and the batteries that power them. While Electric Vehicles are definitively better than fossil fuel vehicles, they are not perfect and it’s important to understand why. I’m not doing this episode to induce guilt or horror, but before we can make impactful change, we often need to first understand exactly what is going on.  In this episode I share:  -     Why EVS are definitively better than fossil fuel vehicles -       Why EVS are not perfect -       The downside that comes from getting the metals we need to make EV batteries -       The horrific human cost of mining Cobalt -       Why the horrifying history of the congo laid the groundwork for the present day humans rights abuses -       The appalling crimes happening in the congo because of the mines resources -       How western companies have been funding conflicts in the congo -       One of the biggest companies involved in causing these problems -       Some of the companies that are doing better when it comes to congo mining -       How battery technology development may help -       How to recycle your tech -       Why I see positive change on the horizon  Key Quotes  “You do not want to be responsible for someone else’s horrific struggles, but also what are we going to do about it?” “We talk a lot about fast fashion, we don’t talk about our obsession with tech. And it’s actually a very similar premise and arguably just as destructive.”  “We all need a phone, we often need a laptop, so don’t feel guilty that you need these things. But you can do better with what you buy and how long you keep it.”  More Information  Some places you can learn more and donate to help the situation in the congo: More information about Fair Phone:  You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
Today it is all about World Oceans Day (8th June). They are the life blood of our planet, but they are under incredibly serious threat. For this episode I’m going to be blunt and maybe a little bit depressing, at least to start with. Our oceans face multiple threats and there is already catastrophic damage being done to them. Don’t worry, in this episode I’ll also offer some hope and some options on how to help, but to start I’m really going to reveal how dire things are. In this episode I share: -         Why less than 10% of coral reefs are going to survive global warming -         Why coral reefs are so important for our continued survival -         The horrifying mass bleaching event we are experiencing right now -    What ocean acidification is and why it is life threatening for a lot of ocean life -         Why plastics in the oceans are actually getting worse -         What dead zones are and why it's horrifying -         The 30 by 30 campaign and why it's important -         The disappointing amount of oceans that Aotearoa is protecting -         The ways we can make change to help our oceans  Key Quotes  “At the end of the day if the ocean fails, we do too, end of story.”  “Climate change is not something that is going to happen, it is happening now.”  “You may like them, but our oceans cannot cope with people liking fish.”  “They cannot do studies on how microplastics are affecting humans, because they cannot find a control population. Which means they cannot find any human that has not been affected by microplastics.”  “We're doing a bloody poor job of looking after our oceans.”   You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago and to celebrate we did things a little differently. Kate, one of the team from Business, but Better joined me and peppered me with millions of questions. It's a behind the scenes peek at my life, business thoughts and sustainability advice. Kate wouldn't let me leave until she had asked all the questions she wanted. In this episode we share: - What the process of rewilding my yard was like at the start - What is holding kiwis back from developing their lawn into something environmentally supportive - My tips on how to be sustainable - The times that she cried over Ethique - The 3 questions people always ask Kate about Brianne - The kind of businesses who should contact Insprie - Why not all mentors work well for all mentees - How we make social enterprise business the mainstream - My guilty pleasures that I wouldn’t normally share Key Quotes “At the end of the day being sustainable is about doing everything you can with stuff you already own.” “Not every mentor works for everybody” “I don’t like the term social enterprise, because I think that that should just be all business.” You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Or follow the podcasts on our socials: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
It’s world Bee Day, and to delve further into the topic, I have been very lucky to get Ruud Kleinpaste (or you may know him as ‘the bug man) onto the podcast. He is a bug enthusiast, tv presenter and is always happy to share his face with a wētā so who better to join my on the annual day of the Bees!? In this episode Ruud shares:  -       What his actual background and education is -       How to get people to not be scared of insects anymore -       How and why he keeps wētā in his home -       What his career highlight is -       Why the insect apocalypse is bad for us all -       How we can get adults to care about insects and the environment -       Why we are having an insect apocalypse -       Why ‘sustainable’ is the wrong word to be using -       How Aotearoa compares to the rest of the world in how it treats the environment -       What the inaturalist app is and why you should use it -       What biomimicry is and how it can help us in the human world -       Things we can all do to make our homes more insect friendly -       How we can learn  to work together from nature -       Why he is not scared of most spiders -       Why he believes bees are not in trouble Key Quotes  “Have you ever seen a 90 degree bend in nature?” “If you've got kids doing this, they will teach 3 generations for the price of one.” “I do full frontal nerdity.” You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
If you’re like me, you might have constantly conflicting feelings about travel On one hand I can’t help but feel a little bit guilty about all the associated impacts. But of course on the other hand there are the benefits of that travel for both the traveler and they places they go to. This usually results in a very confused conscience. So to help clear things up a little, maybe, today I am going to be talking about how to travel sustainably, or as I prefer to call it, travel fairly. To help me unpack all of this I am joined by Jessica Lockhart from Lonely Planet. Jessica is one of their authors and her specific focus is on how to make travel fairer and kinder to ensure it gives back to those it should. She is an award winning journalist, has contributed to loads of books on travel and has a specific interest in science and conservation. In this episode Jessica shares: - What she would describe sustainable travel as - What the Tiaki promise is - Her thoughts on carbon offsetting and travel - Why we shouldn’t stop travelling - What community based tourism is and why it is important - Examples of community tourism you can partake in - Ways we can make sure we are actually helping out communities when we visit - What people should not do when travelling Key Quotes “Not everyone wants to go on holiday and partake in cultural tour after cultural tour…but it is doing that research and making sure that as much of the money that you’re spending is staying in the local community.” “I will say about carbon offsetting, there are good projects and there are bad projects, you need to do your research.” More about Jess and Lonely Planet If you want to look up the article Jessica wrote about sustainable/ethical travel you can find it here: For more on Jess you can find her online here: The lonely planet site for their sustainable handbook is here: You can get involved with the podcast online: Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
Caring about the environment can be quite isolating. The news is rarely cheerful about the state of the planet (despite plenty of good things going on) and that is leading to skyrocketing rates of eco-anxiety even in children as young as five. There is a general sense of apathy is settling in amongst people who are beginning to feel it is too late. It certainly isn't. And I did an episode about that a few weeks ago, so I won't rehash that story. But I want to tackle the isolating part. Because you are not alone. Millions of people around the world are working every day to protect and rehabilitate our planet. Just listen. I put the call our on social media last week for people to send me in messages with what they do to make the world a better place. Some of you sent in voice messages, some of you sent in written ones, and I am going to share them here, so you don't feel so alone.
Happy Earth Day everyone! It can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people and this year I have decided to make it about sharks. Obviously. I am obviously somewhat obsessed with sharks, but people are so scared of them, sometimes to the point of wanting to cull them all. But sharks are essential for our planet and I am going to explain why and how you can help them in this episode. To help I am joined by my guest co-host Kate, one of the team from Business, but Better, who is also a sustainable events planner. In this episode we share: - Why removing sharks would be bad for everyone and everything - The ways that sharks help biodiversity and the ecosystem - The scary number of sharks we kill every year - Some fun shark trivia facts - My experience diving with sharks - How we can protect sharks better - How to check if seafood is sustainably sourced - My sharky request to film makers Key Quotes “If sharks vanished from the oceans we'd all fucking die, end of story.” “I know a few people who think we should get rid of sharks altogether. Not only is that a tragedy it would be a death sentence for our oceans.” You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
When it comes to being sustainable there is often a lot of bullshit we have to wade through in order to find the right way to live AND help the environment. There is honestly a shitload of myths around sustainability and in this episode we are going to be shining a light on the top 10 so that you’ll know what to choose and what to avoid. Some of these were suggested by you on Instagram, so thanks for the assist! In this episode I share: - Why we falsely believe sustainability is more expensive - Something we can all do to live sustainably and affordably - Why recycling isn’t the solution to the plastic pollution crisis - How big polluters are behind the recycling myth - What we should do instead of focusing on recycling - Why the myth that eco friendly products do not perform is wrong - The shocking truth about green cleaning products effectiveness vs non green ones - The myth about whether or not EV's are better - The big difference in energy wasted by petrol cars vs electric cars - The direct health benefits of EV's - Why it is a myth to believe that some single use products are sustainable - Is it too late to make a difference? - The proof that we can make a difference when we unite - The various other ways we can be sustainable that isn’t about the environment - Why Tech will not solve our environmental problems - The tech inventions that people are pining their hopes on that are not actually helpful - Why natural is not sustainable - Examples of how natural products can be destructive for the environment Key Quotes “Sometimes synthetic is just better. Actually in fact that's almost always.” “As we know natural doesn’t mean safe. Because arsenic and radium are perfectly natural and you do not want to smear either of them on your skin.” “When we talk about sustainability its not talking about leaving people behind. It’s about creating a world that is better for us.” “Living sustainably isn’t more expensive in total. But the upfront costs can be and those are out of reach of many of us.” You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
It’s Easter time and we are all rushing to the stores to buy pointless, over packaged Easter eggs. While we love the taste of chocolate it’s a sad fact that ever sale further supports forced labour and environmental destruction. I have spoken about this before and received a cease and desist letter from a chocolate company, even though everything I said was all factually correct. This podcast focuses on sustainability and for this episode we are looking at an aspect of sustainability we don’t always discuss. People. We’ll be discussing why a lot of chocolate companies suck and who you should buy from instead. In this episode I share: - The surprising place that 70% of the worlds cocoa beans come from - How much profit the growers and farmers of cocoa take home compared to the companies that on sell it - The average yearly income of fair trade farmers and how it has increased - How 80% of deforestation has occurred because of cocoa in some regions - How fair trade is involved in fixing the social issues from chocolate purchases - The flaws in the fair trade process - What Direct trade is and it can also help - The pros and cons of direct trade - The social and environmental implications of palm oil - How a customer response to Cadbury has caused the company to make changes in the past - Why switching from using palm oil is not the option to fix things - What you can do as a consumer this easter - Tricks to look out for when it comes to certification - Why you should skip easter eggs entirely - The unbelievable amount easter eggs have increased by in price - My recommendations for ethical chocolate for easter this year - Who I don’t recommend you buy from this easter Key Quotes “Chocolate, it's creamy it's sweet it melts in your mouth. But for every delicious bite you take, chocolate drives a bitter twisted tale of forced labour and environmental destruction.” “It's impossible to buy and do the right things all of the time.” “Sustainability is about progress not perfection. And it’s not about feeling guilty, because you can't be perfect, we are in a cost of living crisis.” More Information Chocolate I recommend: Tony's Chocolonely Mind Your Temper Bennetto Solomons Gold Chocolate Trade Aid Honest Chocolat She Universe You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
We are back! Thank you for your patience while we sorted out a bit of our workload, but your reward is that this week we are doing one of my favourite episodes. It has taken a lot of research and a lot of reading that made me really quite f*cking angry about the way we do things. Today we are talking about what is actually good for the environment, Plastic glass or aluminium and one of them is the absolute worst and it’s not what you think. And the answer to what we can do may also not be what you think. I also used a tool called Life Cycle Analysis to put this episode together and you’ll find links to it further down in the show notes. In this episode I share: Which form of bottle is actually the worse What the best option is if you only consider disposal The three reasons we cannot recycle our way out of the crisis The reason none of the current options are a good choice Why I started Incrediballs Key Quotes “Reduce reuse and then recycle. Reduce is the key, reuse is more important and recycling is the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff." “None of them are the good choice. There is the better choice and the worst choice but none of them are good because they are all inherently single use.” “We cannot recycle our way out of this crisis.” More Information Sources: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
There’s something I’ve been seeing a lot of on social media lately. Ecoapathy. Ecoanxiety. There is a growing number of people who are not only angry and apathetic but also saying “what is the point, it’s too late now to prevent climate catastrophe’.This is a mindset that is actually dangerous to the environmental cause, especially since it is actually not too late to fix things and in fact, we kind of already are. So for this episode, while I will be honest about the dire state of things, I’m going to give you a little hope and reveal some of the extraordinary work and changes happening around the world that you might not even know about. And show you what you can be doing to help too. In this episode I share:- The apathy and despair I see around preventing climate change- The increasing effects of climate change that we are seeing- Where the narrative that it's too late is actually coming from- Why fossil fuel companies promote the 'it’s too late' narrative- The impressive amount of carbon reduction Germany has seen from embracing renewable energy sources- The incredible amount of electricity Costa Rica has from renewables- The exciting news about Chinas emissions- The amount of electricity Australia is getting from solar rather than coal- The community groups around the world who are really making change on climate change- The biggest sign that we can beat climate changeKey Quotes “Unfortunately we have to see things get worse before we act, and we are seeing it getting worse now.”“Sure our governments might disappoint us and fossil fuel executives are probably nothing short of evil but there are people out there doing the most amazing things that you don’t hear about.”“It's entirely possible 2023 was peak carbon emissions.” You can get involved with the podcast online: Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
This week we’re going to talk about lawns. They look great, right? They're soft to walk on, I guess they're nice enough to look at. They're great for backyard cricket if you are one of those people. But they're actually pretty shit for the environment. For a long time I’ve been a big advocate for just digging up all lawns, but if you don’t quite understand why I feel this way, this is the episode for you.   In this episode I share: -       The centuries long history of lawns and how they became super popular -       Why lawns should be dug up -       The detrimental effect of local synthetic pesticides and fertilisers on local ecosystems -       Some halfway options to help if you want to keep your lawn -       Complete alternatives to lawns -       How to make insect islands -       A low effort way of removing your lawn -       Some lawn myths that are busted -       How some weeds can actually help your lawn  Key Quotes  “Landscape irrigation accounts for 1/3 of all residential water use in the Us”  “You know what's better than lawns? Pretty much anything”  “Insect islands provide littlie oases in a desert for them to visit.”  You can get involved with the podcastonline Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
I have had enough of trolls and the idea of the perfect environmentalist. I’m sure many of you have seen or experienced random people on the internet tearing down anyone’s attempts at being eco friendly by pointing out other areas where they have failed to do so. There is no such thing as a perfect environmentalist and anyone who claims there is, is either deluded, or using the concept to create negativity and undermine environmental causes. So for this episode we are taking a good hard look at why people eco shame individuals and just how systemic of a problem it actually is.  In this episode I share:  -        The negative tiktok comment that prompted this topic -        What exactly is eco guilt? -        Why eco shaming is not helpful -        The damage eco shaming can do -        An example of a collaborative way of helping others be more sustainable instead of shaming -        The concept of aggregate marginal gains -        How big polluters use PR strategies to encourage eco shaming for their benefit -        The different ways polluters distract from the need for systemic change -        How and why polluters exploit the idea of the perfect environmentalist -        An example of a big car polluter who ran a marketing campaign that put responsibility on their customers -        Why eco shaming is not the same as calling out big polluter businesses -        Our new monthly challenge segment -        Some examples of the small environmental habits you can start enacting  Key Quotes  “Eco shaming individuals leads to negativity. Calling out green washing is a critical step to ensuring businesses do better.”  “The key is to do what you can where you can. It’s all about progress, not perfection.”  “Big polluters often employ PR strategies to shift the focus away from their massive environmental impacts and onto your individual actions.”  More information  I mentioned a Yale University survey about the percentage of Americans who believe in global warming. You can find it here: You can get involved with the podcast online Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: Instagram: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
Today we're going to focus on resolutions. I know, nobody keeps resolutions, so let's call them goals. This episode is all about sustainability goals for our personal lives, because yes, we need systemic change to change the world, but we can also do our bit with individual action. Now this is going to cover a whole range of topics and if you can pick up and try even one of them this year you could be reaping the benefits by the end of the year.  In this episode I share:  Exactly where I got the information from and why we can trust it Why food waste contributes to 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions The multiple ways you can reduce your personal food waste Why shifting to a diet that is lower in meat is the second most impactful thing you can do An easy way to gradually reduce your meat consumption Why shifting to more sustainable modes of transport is very impactful Why we need to support sustainable brands more How much damage is being done by the lack of diversity in our natural world The things you can do to help our natural world in your backyard Key Quotes   “If food waste were a country it would be the 3rd largest emitter of greenhouse gases.”   “Compost juice is like plant crack.”   “Consumer choices change business. Consumer choices have a massive impact on the environment.”   “If we all collectively, en masse, stopped supporting that suppurating pustule on the buttocks of humanity that is SHEIN, they would collapse.”   ‘The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions. That is bigger than most countries.”   More information  I collected a lot of this episode’s information from Project Drawdown. If you want to find out more you can check them out here: You can get involved with the podcast online  Find our full podcast plus our sister podcast via the website here: You can follow me on socials on the below accounts. Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin: For our latest big project, find out more about Incrediballs here:
This time, we're tackling the rubbish (literally) world of fast beauty. You know, the kind that's all over your TikTok and Instagram feeds with the weirdest trends and obsession with buying the next greatest foundation. Fast beauty may look pretty on the surface, but there is a massive catch; the real cost of keeping up with these ever-changing trends, to people and planet. I'm having a chat about the not-so-pretty side of fast beauty – from the piles of plastic packaging to the pressure on our planet. I've got some stats that might just make you rethink that next 'must-have' beauty buy. But don't worry I do get it, and there are ways to buy beauty products you love, without so much impact. It's all about finding that sweet spot between staying trendy and being a true kaitiaki. Find me online: Brianne: ⁠⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ ⁠YouTube⁠ Incrediballs: ⁠⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): ⁠⁠ ⁠TikTok⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠ Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Business'.
This Christmas, your presence, is present enough... (pass me a bucket). But this sentiment is so true, even if you find the sentence a little vomit inducing. This episode is all about dodging the holiday excess and nailing the art of gifting with a conscience. Chatting how to keep things magical without the environmental baggage. Think less clutter, more memories; less wrapping, more... laughing? We're doing Secret Santa to make life easier, and I'm even going to tell you why your grandma's knitted socks might just be the sweetest thing you'll ever receive. Let's make this holiday season one where our gifts don't cost the earth—literally. Find me online: Brianne: Instagram TikTok YouTube Incrediballs: Instagram TikTok Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): TikTok Instagram Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Business'.
In this episode of "Now, That's What I Call Green," discover the intricate world of sustainable eating. Discover the environmental impacts of popular options like oat milk (which is the best plant milk...?) and the innovative realm of lab-grown meat. I chat the issue of food waste, revealing alarming statistics and practical solutions - because it's one of the easiest things we can do to lessen our impact. Also, ever eaten an insect? Gain insights into the challenges and successes of adopting an eco-conscious diet. Whether you're a seasoned green enthusiast or just beginning your sustainable journey, this episode provides a mix of knowledge, revelations, and motivation. Remember, when aiming for a greener tomorrow, it's all about progress, not perfection. Find us online: Brianne: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Incrediballs: ⁠⁠ Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Business'.
It's a special episode of "Now, That's What I Call Green," because my first guest is one of the superstars of the sustainability world in Aotearoa - Kate Hall (you'll probably know her as Ethically Kate). Join me as we explore Kate's personal journey toward sustainable living, the motivations that fuel her dedication, and the beacon of hope she finds in the midst of environmental crises. We chat how to navigate ethical dilemmas (ethics are subjective after all), and discuss the strange attitude that some people have about perfection being a requirement before they take action (and the judgement that comes with trying to be more sustainable). Whether you’re a seasoned eco-warrior or taking your first steps into sustainability, this episode is a genuine pleasure to listen to, which just might give you a different perspective on hope and people's actions in the face of doom and gloom. Find us online: Kate: Brianne: Incrediballs: Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Business'.
Ever given a side-eye to your backyard and considered its hidden eco-potential? In today's episode, I, Brianne West, dig into the unsung narratives of local ecosystems. We're diving into the silent retreat of our six-legged friends and what it means for our environment. From the sprawling concept of rewilding to quirky yet effective ways to boost life in your own patch of green, we'll unpack the big impact of small choices. Tune in, and arm yourself with the know-how to transform your outdoor space into a buzzing, thriving slice of nature's paradise. Who knew your backyard held such power? Find us online: Incrediballs: incrediballs.com Business, but Better (the FREE education hub for founders & entrepreneurs): www.businessbutbetter.co Our sister podcast is called 'Now, That's What I Call Business'.