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Now I’ve Heard Everything

Author: TheSoul Publishing

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"Now I've Heard everything" is the place where you can find the most powerful, emotional, and inspiring stories about life in its best manifestations.

43 Episodes
Actors work for about 12 to 20 hours a day, on average. Being a famous singer equals long roads, packed concerts, and hardly any privacy. But, despite their extremely busy schedule and difficulties, there are some celebrities who are determined to use their platform to make a positive impact on the world. Now I've heard everything has featured 8 of these personalities who are not just famous for their skills. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Almost every job has its own secrets and nuances that very few people know. The people of different professions shared secrets from their jobs on Reddit and on Twitter and some of their stories may seriously change the way you see the world. We at Now I've heard everything, of course, don’t have any secrets like these, but as it turns out, not all other professions are as transparent as they seem to be. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Admit it, most of us imagine a couple as a younger woman with an older man. A relationship where the man is younger wasn’t widely accepted in the past. Today people are more open-minded and things like age difference don’t play a big role anymore. It might seem surprising, but a lot of men are actually attracted to older women for different reasons. Now I've heard everything decided to shed some light on this mystery and help you understand what men find so alluring in older women. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Imagine having not one but eleven babies asking for your attention at once. That is the life of Christina Ozturk, a 23-year-old woman, and she couldn’t be any happier. In fact, she is so in love with children, she is planning to have an even larger family. Now I've heard everything interviewed the young mother to share a glimpse of her life with our audience. In the end, you’ll find a sweet video of all the kids. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
People love fast food mostly because it’s tasty, fast, and relatively cheap. McDonald’s alone feeds 68 million people around the world every day. Now I've heard everything is no exception — we also go to different fast-food joints which is why we know some of the secrets featured in this article. And at the end of the list, you’ll find a bonus about hedgehogs and ice cream. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We all know that our blood system is really complicated, that’s why it’s important to take care of your heart and know your blood type. Unfortunately, many people don’t know about all the opportunities of our body. Now I've heard everything has collected interesting scientific facts about our blood that you probably don’t know. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s really hard to confuse the distinctive paintings of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo with other artists. Many of them are autobiographical because as she said herself said, “I draw myself because I spend a lot of time alone and I am the topic I know better than anything else.” However, it’s not only the paintings of Frida that attract a lot of attention but also her extremely interesting life that was full of pain, love, terrible desperation, and very weak hope. The Now I've heard everything team has learned a lot about Frida Kahlo’s path as an artist and as a person. She was an extremely strong woman and we want you to know more about her. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There are a lot of psychological tricks and neuro-linguistic programming tips and there are millions of books and articles written about them. Many of these tricks really help professionals manipulate people and avoid being tricked by others. But are there tips that non-professionals can use on a daily basis? We at Now I've heard everything really wanted to know the answer to this question, so we searched Reddit where people of completely different professions share simple psychological tricks that really work. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scientists and big brands like to conduct social experiments to figure out true human nature. Sometimes, their participants break the rules, their actions go against logic, and even psychologists cannot understand what is going on at all. Now I've heard everything selected a few very cool social experiments that led to unexpected results and gave a lot of food for thought (and perhaps even changed the world for the better). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Why are aircraft windows round? Why do airplanes have curved wing tips? Why do passengers always board planes from the left side? Everything connected with aircrafts is well-planned and thought out. Perhaps it’s the main reason why a plane is the safest way to travel. Now I've heard everything will answer the 8 most popular questions about airplanes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A lack of compatibility and communication are 2 of the most common reasons people get divorced. People who wish to enter into a lifelong marriage should definitely lay their expectations and history out on the table before saying “I do.” That way, they can at least be prepared for when they face any obstacles as spouses. Now I've heard everything is breaking down the things that people looking to get married might want to talk about before getting hitched. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It is very likely that you have never heard the name Natascha Kampusch and have never seen her face. But in Austria, a lot of people know about her story. The girl who was kidnapped at the age of 10, was kept prisoner for 3,096 days. She not only managed to escape from the kidnapper, but also tried to learn as many lessons from her experience as possible by sharing her story and helping victims of similar crimes. We at Now I've heard everything breathlessly read the autobiography of this girl and we were sincerely fascinated by her courage. And now we want you to know her story too. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
According to Paul Harris, a Harvard University psychologist, children ask around 40 thousand questions between 2 and 5 years old. Then we get older and don’t ask ourselves why the sky is blue and milk is white anymore. Now I've heard everything can explain why usual things look the way they look. We’ve also found out the origin of some stable expressions and phenomena. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What is located on the top of the pyramids of Egypt? How is “volcano bread” made in Iceland? In which conditions can the rarest phenomenon in the world be seen? The process of looking for answers boosts people’s energy, makes them dream, and makes them feel like pioneers. That’s why we like to learn new things about ourselves and the world surrounding us so much. Now I've heard everything is going to tell you several historical, cultural, and wildlife facts that National Geographic has shared with us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The chances that fate will bring you “the one” are 1 in 562. And even if you’re lucky enough to meet this person, it’s unknown how long your love will last. But don’t immediately think that it won’t last long. Love can stay alive for 20, 30, or even more years. And you might have doubts, but we are ready to provide you with actual proof that these words are true by showing the love between Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti — a love that lasted half a century. Now I've heard everything admires this story of the great actress and her only lover. The story of true love, the strength of the human spirit, and how they, together, overcame life’s difficulties. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you have an older sister, you can hide behind her when you get into trouble, make her do your chores, and even borrow her clothes (without telling her, obviously), but there’s more you need to thank her for. According to psychologists, having a sister improves your mental stability and overall development. Children who grow up with sisters around them are happier and become better-adjusted adults. Now I've heard everything believes that having an older sister is truly a blessing which helps you in many ways and in every part of your life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Walt Disney’s life story and the way he achieved his dreams prove that there are no shortcuts to success. It’s hard to believe, but the man who is known for his artistic vision and creativity was fired from his first job as a newspaper artist because “he lacked creativity.” But Walt Disney didn’t let that discourage him from chasing his goals, and his story proves we can all make our dreams come true if we work hard to pursue them. We at Now I've heard everything admire people who don’t allow circumstances to stand in the way of achieving their dreams. And we believe the story of Walt Disney’s journey to success can encourage anyone to never give up. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
According to recent surveys, 44% of married couples believe that fighting more than once a week helps them to keep healthy and productive relationships for a long time. In fact, couples who argue often, but always in a peaceful manner, are more likely to stay together because, despite all the small misunderstandings, they know that their love is true and sincere. We at Now I've heard everything learned why fighting from time to time can be good for your relationships. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There is a legend that Charles-de-Gaulle contemplated invading Monaco, but changed his mind because he knew he wouldn’t be more popular than Grace Kelly. The amazing life of this successful actress, and later, princess, was like a fairytale and still moves people all around the world. We at Now I've heard everything decided to remember the story of this beautiful woman and we were surprised to find out that her life was very different from what magazine photos make it look like. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
If you've ever wondered why you sometimes feel closer to a friend who is slightly meaner to you, yet for some reason they make you feel extremely comfortable, then trust your gut. Friends that can be brutally honest, mean, and cause negative feelings are the ones who actually care about you the most, according to science, and you should keep them around. Here at Now I've heard everything, we’ve found research that explains how our “meanest” friends love us the most. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit