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Now and Then

Author: Arirang Radio

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Leave your preconceptions that history is difficult and boring at the door! It's a fun time to look at Korea via the lens of history.
Korea's past, the big events, and everyday life.
We'll hear the behind-the-scenes stories of Korean history that even native Koreans might not be familiar with.
(Guest: David Andrew Tizzard)
89 Episodes
Today's Topic: Korean Society and Drama (한국 사회와 드라마)
The Life of Kim Gu

The Life of Kim Gu


Today's Topic: The Life of Kim Gu (김구의 생애)
How is Culture Made?

How is Culture Made?


Today's Topic: How is Culture Made? Eoljukah and the low birthrate in Korea (문화는 어떻게 만들어지는가?  [얼.죽.아]와 저출산)
Buddhism in Korea

Buddhism in Korea


Today's Topic: Buddhism in Korea (한국의 불교)
Today's Topic: History of Korean Americans (한국계 미국인의 역사)
Today's Topic: A change in teacher's authority and meaning (달라진 스승의 권위와 의미)
Today's Topic: History of Korean Fathers (한국 아버지의 변천사)
Today's Topic: Black Girl From Pyongyang, Monica Macias (평양에서 자란 흑인 소녀, 모니카 마시아스)
Today's Topic: Minhwa (Korean folk art) (민화)
Today's Topic: History of Nobi: Slavery in Korea (노비의 역사: 한국의 노예제도)
History of Busan

History of Busan


Today's Topic: History of Busan (부산의 역사)
Today's Topic: Korea's First Female Vocalist Yun Sim-deok (한국 최초 여성 성악가 윤심덕)
Today's Topic: Video Artist 'Nam June Paik' (비디오 아티스트 '백남준')
Today's Topic: History of SM Entertainment (SM 엔터테인먼트의 역사)
Today's Topic: King Gongmin of Goryeo and Queen Noguk (고려 공민왕과 노국 대장공주)
Today's Topic: Korea's First Generation Fashion Designer, André Kim (한국의 1세대 패션 디자이너 '앙드레 김')
Leave your preconceptions that history is difficult and boring at the door! It's a fun time to look at Korea via the lens of history. Today's Topic: Korean Philosophy of the Joseon Dynasty : Material vs Principle (조선시대 철학 이(理), 기(氣) 사상)
Royal Palaces in Korea

Royal Palaces in Korea


Leave your preconceptions that history is difficult and boring at the door! It's a fun time to look at Korea via the lens of history. Today's Topic: Royal Palaces in Korea (한국의 궁궐)
Leave your preconceptions that history is difficult and boring at the door! It's a fun time to look at Korea via the lens of history. Today's Topic: 'World Radio Day celebration' History of Korean Radio ('세계 라디오의 날 기념' 한국 라디오의 역사)
Leave your preconceptions that history is difficult and boring at the door! It's a fun time to look at Korea via the lens of history. Today's Topic: Korean culture changing from "Han" to "Heung" ('한(恨)'에서 '흥(興)'으로 바뀌고 있는 한국 문화)